Liquiditeitsbeheer en Cash Forecasting | Beheer en controle van de liquide middelen, kredietlijnen en -termijnen

| 05-05-2021 | François de Witte | treasuryXL |

Hebt u een goed overzicht van de liquiditeitspositie van de onderneming? Is er geen sprake van een versnipperde cash- en kredietbenutting die u een onvolledig beeld geeft? Bent u onlangs geconfronteerd met liquiditeitsproblemen als gevolg van onverwachte uitgaven? Tijd om in actie te komen!

De coronacrisis stelt de situatie heel scherp. Heel veel bedrijven lopen tegen liquiditeitsproblemen aan. En het zijn vaak niet de minste! Zelfs grote, succesvolle ondernemingen hebben in de praktijk vaak onvoldoende zicht op hun cashpositie.


Wilt u de liquiditeit van uw bedrijf verhogen? Dan loont het de moeite om uw huidig beleid eens goed onder de loep te nemen. Door een goede opvolging benut u de cash van het bedrijf optimaal en houdt u het beslag op de kredietlijnen zo beperkt mogelijk.

Met onze specialist staat u daar niet alleen voor! Als uw bedrijf groeit, groeit ook de complexiteit. Hoe gaat u de versnippering van uw kaspositie tegen? Hoe gaat u om met de complexiteit van multi-bancaire relaties en internationale handel? Dankzij deze opleiding vindt u de beste (gepersonaliseerde) aanpak voor uw bedrijf.

Voor wie is deze opleiding bestemd?

Deze module richt zich tot bedrijfsleiders, alsook alle financieel verantwoordelijken, treasurers, leden van het treasury team, controllers, financieel adviseurs, accountants, relatiegelastigden ondernemingen bij financiële instellingen.


Financieel basisinzicht en ervaring met financiële transacties is vereist. Voelt u zich hier nog onvoldoende mee vertrouwd dan kan u voorafgaand de opleidingsmodule “Cash- en werkkapitaalbeheer” volgen.

Bijkomende info

Het programma komt in aanmerking voor 9 uren permanente vorming bij ITAA.


  • Belang van cash & liquidity management
  • Hoe kan u de cashposities dagelijks beter opvolgen
  • Hoe maakt u optimaal gebruik van uw cash & liquiditeit in het bedrijf
  • Cash forecasting
    • Hoe een operationele cash forecast optuigen
    • Cash forecasting en het financieel planning proces
    • Link met cash management en working capital management
    • Best practices en tools om cash & liquidity management te optimaliseren: toepassing op uw eigen bedrijf
    • Praktijkervaring Cashforce
    • Case study in groepen
  • Cashconcentratie
    • Gangbare technieken voor de cash concentratie
    • Manuele cash pooling
    • Automatische cash balancing
    • Notionele cash pooling
    • Juridische en fiscale aspecten van cash concentratie
    • Praktische aspecten – beheer van de intercompany leningen


Datum Startuur Einduur
donderdag 20/05/2021 18:30 21:30
donderdag 27/05/2021 18:30 21:30
donderdag 03/06/2021 18:30 21:30
Meer informatie en inschrijven: Klik Hier


Francois de Witte


François de Witte







Webinar Series Treasury Management | “Bitcoin. Is this the New Reality in Corporate Treasury or is it a Hoax?”

| 12-04-2021 | VU Amsterdam |

This Webinar is offered to you by the postgraduate programme Treasury Management & Corporate Finance at the School of Business and Economics.

Webinar Treasury Management in short

Date:     Wednesday 28 April 2021
Time:     19.00 – 20.30 hrs.
Costs:    Free-of-charge

Bitcoins are in the news. Opinions vary a lot in between “the new global currency standard” and “difficult to understand in practice and governance”.  Corporate Treasurers need at least to have a start of an opinion. We see Tesla and other big corporates currently buying crypto currencies. What are opinions among corporate treasury professionals? Is investing surplus cash in crypto currencies the new reality in corporate treasury or is it a hoax?

Tristan Verhagen, a student in our TM&CF programme, will introduce the topic at this webinar. Tristan will share his provoking ideas about investing surplus cash in Bitcoin. Is this the New Reality in Treasury or a Hoax? Tristan wrote an academic paper on this subject and this has added value in terms of a new insight for the treasury professional and is very useful for experts as well as laymen to be updated on the issue.

Description Academic Paper

As the world grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important for (institutional) investors and (corporate) treasurers to understand the effects of central bank and government intervention. Especially in the context of Bitcoin and the unique attributes it possesses. The role of central banks and governments in stabilizing the economy and the realization of economic growth in the aftermath of crises is becoming ever more important. Currently central banks and governments are “all in” to cushion the effect(s) of the current crisis. The response is considered to be bigger and broader than it was for the great financial crisis. Interest rates are historically low and central bank balance sheets have expanded considerably. This led to a significant increase in the money supply, which sparked a debate among economists about the implications for inflation.

When central banks and governments worldwide enact in ‘quantitative easing’ and increase the money supply, the associated fiat currencies depreciate in value. In contrast, Bitcoin experiences a ‘quantitative tightening’ (or reduction) of new supply as halving events programmatically decrease the number of new Bitcoin entering circulation regardless the demand for the asset. This feature is native to the digital protocol and possibly makes it the ultimate ‘store of value’ asset. During times of economic uncertainty and in a world where ‘software is eating the world’ more and more (institutional) investors and (corporate) treasurers are becoming convinced of the potential of Bitcoin. The paper/discussion aims to investigate to what extent this is justified.


Tristan Verhagen MSc MSRE graduated in Strategic Management from Tilburg University. Real estate is the cornerstone of his career. He has worked for various real estate investors and is now Director Finance & Control at Eigen Haard. A few years ago, he fell through the Bitcoin rabbit hole and since then his views on money and monetary policy have changed significantly. He is open to the idea that Bitcoin’s unique properties will in the future lead to it becoming an important (macro) asset and therefore suitable for a large group of investors (e.g. insurance companies and pension funds).

Strong ideas are worth to have strong opposition, so we have two panel members to challenge the vision of the keynote speaker.

Wilko Bolt is a Senior Economist in the Economics and Research department at De Nederlandsche Bank in Amsterdam and Professor of Payment Systems at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. His current research focuses on the payment economics, digital currencies, two-sided markets theory and antitrust implications. He has published in journals such as American Economic Review, European Economic Review, Economic Theory, International Journal of Industrial Organization, International Journal of Central Banking and Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. Bolt was awarded the Hennipman Prize by the Dutch Royal Economic Association in 2007 for his research.

Joan Schutte joined ASML back in 2014 as VP & Corporate Treasurer and is responsible for Treasury, Corporate Finance and Insurances globally. From 2010 to 2014 Joan was Director Treasury for VimpelCom (Veon) in Amsterdam. Before that, he worked 12 years for US based Sara Lee Corporation in various Treasury roles in Curaçao, Singapore and Chicago and as Finance Director for the global procurement function in Utrecht. Joan started his career in Treasury in Belgium for CSM NV and Campbell Soup Company. Joan holds a MSc in Economics from the University of Amsterdam. He serves on the Board of the Dutch Association of Corporate Treasurers (DACT) and has served on the Board of the Association of Corporate Treasurers Singapore (ACTS).

The webinar is moderated by Pieter de Kiewit, he is treasury aficionado, recruitment consultant and owner of Treasurer Search. Together with his team, Pieter finds candidates for interim assignments and permanent positions in corporate treasury. Pieter holds an MSc. in Organizational Science (Technische Bedrijfskunde, Universiteit Twente) and has over 25 years experience in international recruitment. In many ways he contributes to the treasury community by connecting people and companies. He supports educators, for example as a member of the management board of the RT programme of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. On a regular basis he blogs, presents and moderates with the purpose to make treasury known by a bigger audience and facilitate experts to deepen their knowledge.

For whom?

We specifically invite our alumni of the PGO Treasury Management & Corporate Finance and those interested to join the programme and DACT members.  Of course, those professionally involved in the subject, TreasuryXL – followers, are also very welcome to join. A truly inclusive (corporate) treasury community!



Beheer van wisselrisico’s | Indekken of niet?

| 31-3-2021 | François de Witte | treasuryXL |

Internationaal zaken doen is onvermijdelijk verbonden met financiële risico’s. Hoe kunt u wisselkoersrisico’s op een verantwoorde wijze beheren?


Weet u hoe verantwoord moet omgaan met wisselkoersrisico’s? Het antwoord geenszins éénduidig … Maar wat zeker is, is dat goede beslissingen beginnen bij een concrete inschatting van dit risico.

Assessment van uw wisselkoersrisico’s

Het is belangrijk om uw risico’s te identificeren en te kwantificeren. Koopt of verkoopt u in vreemde munten? Welke klantenrisico’s hebt u? Hebt u investeringen of leningen in vreemde valutas? En wat met andere cash flow risico’s? U moet beslissen in welke mate deze risico’s kunnen worden vermeden en of ze aanvaardbaar zijn.


Dan blijft de belangrijke vraag natuurlijk welke acties u neemt nadat uw situatie in kaart is gebracht. Worden de risico’s getransfereerd naar derden? Worden de risico’s ingedekt door verzekeringen of andere wisselkoersinstrumenten. Om de juiste verantwoorde beslissingen te nemen, moet u beschikken over het inzicht in deze verzekerings- en indekkingstechnieken. Hoe organiseert u een performante controle, opvolging en rapportering van de risico’s?

Voor wie is deze opleiding bestemd?

Deze module richt zich tot bedrijfsleiders, alsook alle financieel verantwoordelijken, treasurers, leden van het treasury team, controllers, financieel adviseurs, accountants, relatiegelastigden ondernemingen bij financiële instellingen.


Financieel basisinzicht en ervaring met financiële transacties is vereist. Voelt u zich hier nog onvoldoende mee vertrouwd dan kan u voorafgaand de opleidingsmodule ‘Cash- en werkkapitaalbeheer’ volgen.

Bijkomende info

Dit programma komt in aanmerking voor 6 uur permanente vorming ITAA.


1. Financieel risico management: algemeen

  1. Definitie
  2. Identificatie, kwalificatie en kwantificatie van de risico’s
  3. Risico tijdslijn
  4. Verzekerings- en indekkingstechnieken: instrumenten
  5. Risico politiek: strategie en tactiek
  6. Risicomanagement: procedures, opvolging, controle en rapportering

2. Wisselkoersrisico’s

  1. De financiële markten – algemeen
  2. Type exposures: transactie, boekhoudkundig en economisch
  3. Natuurlijke indekkingen
  4. Interbancaire markt versus futures
  5. Instrumenten voor de indekking van de wisselrisico’s
  • FX: Spot (contante) indekking
  • Forward (termijn) indekking
  • Currency swaps
  • Valuta-futures
  • Valuta-opties
  1. Contractuele aspecten – ISDA documentatie
  2. Bancaire aspecten: risicoweging
  3. Regulering
  4. Boekhoudkundige aspecten
  5. Aanbevelingen
  6. Case study in groep


Datum Startuur Einduur
maandag 19/04/2021 09:00 12:00
maandag 26/04/2021 09:00 12:00
Data onder voorbehoud van eventuele wijzigingen

Meer informatie en inschrijven: Klik Hier


Francois de Witte


François de Witte







VU ‘Treasury Management & Corporate Finance’ Programme – Online Open Evening

| 22-02-2020 | VU Amsterdam |

Deepening treasury knowledge and increasing the treasurer population would benefit many organisations. We are fan of the post-graduate Executive Treasury Management & Corporate Finance Programme. VU Amsterdam is excited to invite you to the Executive Education Online Open Evening on Thursday 20 May 2021. Their Professors, lecturers, scientists and international colleagues of various Executive programmes will be online available to answer all your questions.

Date, time and registration

Date: 20 May, 2021

More Information will follow soon!

Register Now and safe your virtual seat!



‘International Cash Management’, offered by VU Amsterdam

| 17-02-2021 | VU Amsterdam |

The Vrije Universiteit offers mutliple helpful education sources to study more about the field of Treasury. Is the Register Treasurer programme too much for you (now) but you do want to invest in education. Consider doing the Module Cash Management.

Managing cash is one of the core responsibilities of a treasurer. It implies that a company at all times must have sufficient balances available to meet its obligations. The module International Cash Management is one of the six modules of the postgraduate Treasury Management & Corporate Finance programme.  This module can also be followed as a separate module.

For Whom? This module is meant for professionals who have working experience in the field of treasury/cash management.

Start date, Fee and Duration

Date: 15 April, 2021

Fee: € 5400,-(for DACT members € 4500,-)

Duration: 9 Weeks

For more Information & How to Register, Click Here 



3-daagse opleiding Cash- en werkkapitaalbeheer | Start midden maart 2021

| 16-2-2021 | François de Witte | treasuryXL |

Een transparant werkkapitaalbeheer met een goed inzicht in cash-, treasury- en creditmanagement


Productieprocessen, (internationale) logistieke processen en verkoopprocessen brengen grote geldstromen in beweging. Een bedrijf financieel gezond houden kan niet zonder een gedegen werkkapitaalbeheer. In deze basisopleiding bekijken we alle inkomende en uitgaande geldstromen (debiteuren, crediteuren, voorraden en cash). U leert hoe u deze geldstromen kunt beheren en optimaliseren. Een aanrader voor iedereen wie interesse heeft en de noodzaak inziet van een transparant treasury- en creditmanagement.

Voor wie is deze opleiding bestemd?

Deze module richt zich tot bedrijfsleiders, alsook alle financieel verantwoordelijken, leden van het treasury team, controllers, financieel adviseurs, accountants, accountmanagers en productmanagers bij financiële instellingen.


Financieel basisinzicht is vereist.

Bijkomende info

Het programma komt in aanmerking voor 9 uren permanente vorming bij ITAA.


Het programma is doorspekt met cases die samen met de deelnemers behandeld worden. Naast voorbeelden uit de praktijk die de theoretische onderbouw concretiseren, is er steeds aandacht voor de opmerkingen en vragen van de deelnemers. Om deze reden is het aantal deelnemers beperkt.


1) Basis Cash & Treasury

  • Factoren die de cash behoefte beïnvloeden (DSO, DPO, DIO, Bedrijfskapitaal)
  • Cash forecasting-technieken & logica (korte + lange termijn)
  • Bank connectiviteit
  • Betalingen
  • Hoe cash vrijmaken?
  • Cash management tools
  • Financieringstechnieken
  • Risk management (wisselkoersrisico)

2) Basis Creditmanagement

  • Effecten van credit management op het werkkapitaal
  • Bouwstenen van prospect naar klant
  • Basisprocessen, best practices en opvolging ter optimalisatie van uw werkkapitaal


Datum Startuur Einduur
woensdag 17/03/2021 09:00 12:00
woensdag 24/03/2021 09:00 12:00
woensdag 31/03/2021 09:00 12:00
Kies eventueel een andere locatie of tijdstip

Data onder voorbehoud van eventuele wijzigingen.

Meer informatie en inschrijven: Klik Hier


Francois de Witte


François de Witte







Corporate Liquidity Forum: The Resilient Digital Treasury

| 04-02-2021 | Cashforce

Next week, our Partner Cashforce is speaking at Citi’s 2021 Corporate #Liquidity Forum: The Resilient Digital #Treasury Global Conference together with their client Kiera Agnew, assistant treasurer at Kellogg Company. During this event, Treasury Trends & Priorities, Cash & Liquidity Management, and more interesting Treasury Topics will be discussed. Don’t miss it!

? February 10th, 10am – 12pm EST (4pm – 6pm CET)

Key Topics include:

  • Economic Outlook
  • 2021 Treasury Trends & Priorities
  • Global Outlook for Liquidity Management
  • New Business Models and the Evolution of Treasury
  • Cash Flow and Real-Time Liquidity Innovation


For More Information and How to Register click HERE ?




Getting Granular: A Tool to dig deeper and Improve Cash Forecasts

03-02-2021 | Cashforce | treasuryXL |

Covid-19 shook the foundations of Cash Flow forecasting and Working Capital Management for companies facing uncertainty about revenues, vendor payments, appropriate inventory levels and adequate cash reserves.

  • At a recent NeuGroup virtual interactive session, one participant impressed others by describing how a Fintech solution provided by Cashforce a year earlier allowed his company to dig into the weeds of business operations, examining line-item details of cash flows to prepare for and absorb shocks to liquidity.
  • That ability helped treasury provide real value to the company when the internal spotlight landed on the team during the pandemic.

Digging into details: Cashforce opened a window to a more accurate cash picture by revealing what was going on across the business and how various moving ‘levers’ were rapidly changing, the treasurer said.

  • The technology tracked the granular details of cash flows and highlighted respective drivers that helped identify areas of business behaving normally and those under greater stress from delays in customer receipts.
  • The resulting insights facilitate setting baseline expectations and seeing potential roadblocks so that treasury teams can have productive conversations with operations teams about changes, new products, etc. so that business intelligence is layered into forecasts appropriately.

The velocity and veracity of data. Covid-19 has called more attention to the need for banking APIs and the harmonization of data feeds into a single analytical source. Real-time mandates are now the norm: Everyone wants payment information in real time, with consolidated cash positions at the press of a button. This greater level of urgency has driven the need for cash flow forensics and analytics.

  • 82% of participants polled have accelerated plans to automate and digitize treasury operations since the pandemic (see chart above for details).
  • Cashforce stressed that all processes surrounding cash flow and working capital optimization must be revisited to accomplish real-time goals. Across companies, they are seeing an emergence of a cash culture away from the heavy focus solely on earnings.



This shift requires links to AI models so treasury practitioners can determine cash flow drivers not easily spotted by the human eye because they are in the weeds of massive amounts of data.

The data is there; why can’t we get to it? Simply put by one member: Most treasury management systems (TMSs) are not designed to house the magnitude of transaction-level data nor provide the analytic capabilities needed for transparent cash forecasting and best-in-breed working capital analytics.

  • For example, not all TMSs are able to take in various data streams or extrapolate trends to build cash flow patterns into a cash forecast. For companies with multiple ERPs, the complexity and volume of data becomes exponentially difficult to manage and impossible to analyze manually.
  • Algorithms designed to roll up your sleeves for you and dig into transaction-level detail to predict trends and flag anomalies provide a structure for cash optimization and a safeguard for deviations that threaten liquidity.
  • Measure KPIs to move the needle. Automated calculations and daily reporting on key indicators through Cashforce tools allow for expedited metrics that enable smart decision making and facilitate improving working capital through analytics.

Wedded bliss: Marrying short-term direct to long-term indirect cash forecasts! Treasury and FP&A forecast disconnects are common sources of reconciliation tension across companies.

  • Cashforce uses a “rules engine” that takes ERP data to transform the indirect P&L components into direct cash flow drivers and calculate timing parameters based on historical trends.
  • One member inquired about the possibility of forecasting by purchase order and was pleased to hear that once the purchase order details were transferred into the system, algorithms calculate cash amounts and timing for both “open ended or closed” purchase orders, taking the headache out of what is often a guessing game.




Digital Treasury: Can it Tackle the Cash Forecasting Challenge?

01-05-2021 | Cashforce | treasuryXL |

Several decades ago, Excel was invented to process/model inputs and generate outputs. Today, it is still by far the most used technology to generate a cash flow forecast. However, as we strive to achieve better forecasting accuracy rates, our desire for automation and the seamless processing of FX hedges, liquidity borrowings and deposits have underlined the need for more effective modelling and increasingly powerful data processing.

The good news is that we’re at the forefront of that digital treasury revolution, or so-called ‘Treasury 4.0’. This means:

  • Leaving the manual-driven Excel jungle behind us and adopting an automated, data-driven forecasting process
  • Automating decision-making based on logic (rules that are within corporate policies), which will drive our liquidity and FX hedge usage


Last year, multiple treasury surveys from sources including the Association for Financial Professionalsthe UK Association of Corporate TreasurersPwC and Citi, concluded that cash flow forecasting remains the primary challenge for treasurers today.

What are the headaches behind the process? Why is it so difficult for a corporate treasurer to generate an accurate cash flow forecast? And do we currently have the opportunity to solve this challenge?

The cash flow forecasting challenge consists of multiple underlying process complexities. The aim is to create an accurate cash flow forecast that helps us to make optimal FX and liquidity decisions.

What is accurate? You could write a book about cash forecast accuracy, since accuracy levels are totally different when comparing forecasts between different industries, time horizons, cash flow categories etc. When we forecast with a time horizon of five years, the accuracy levels are, of course, nowhere near as precise as when we forecast something just a few days in advance – and more reliable data is available. Depending on the goal, the treasurer will need a specific form of accuracy.

In addition, cash flow forecast data, together with the forecast assumptions/used models, need to come together in a well-coordinated process. Other challenges lie behind this process, including a disconnect between different data sources/systems such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) and treasury management systems.

Furthermore, there are myriad data-related issues to contend with including: concerns regarding data quality inside these multiple systems; the sheer volume of data to be processed; the need for granular and/or high-level data; and whether reliable external data can be found to be used to further improve the model.

Finally, aligning and coordinating forecasting assumptions between the different company departments is a time-consuming exercise. Imagine pulling all these assumptions from both HQ and local levels into an Excel model. No easy task.



Fig 1: The cash flow forecasting challenge


Solving the cash flow forecasting challenge is easier said than done. Nevertheless, today treasurers can leverage several available technologies that, if used together intelligently, can tackle the described challenges head-on.

First, when we think about the goals and the accuracy levels that treasurers want to achieve, we can use different models to calculate those, such as accuracy heatmaps. Second, when we consider the data (ERP and non-ERP) required to run these cash flow forecasts, we can rely on big data engines, advanced extract, transform and load (ETL) processes, and application programming interface- (API) and non-API-based connectors that create an easy data flow into forecasting models. We have ways to analyse data quality as never before and we can set up a reliable work flow process to obtain assumptions from the decentralised business units all the way up to HQ level. This generates a cash flow forecast while keeping the granular detail.

Third – and we are only scratching the surface here – several machine learning models and algorithms are now at our disposal. These can be used to build and optimise cash flow forecasting models, so we can indeed solve the forecasting challenge in a reliable way.

Finally, armed with the right tools, the salient question is: what can we actually do with the cash forecast? We call it Cash Flow Forecasting 3.0: automating the decisions that are based upon the cash forecast (investing excess liquidity, performing a particular hedge, etc.) or the so-called post-forecasting decision-making engine.

By combining technologies we can not only automate manual and repetitive tasks, but effectively integrate the systemic data with human expertise and algorithmic trends from historic data. Add to this the use of recommendation engines and intelligent insights, and the interplay of data inputs can generate enriched decision support. Apparent visualisations and scenario analyses can offer a clear view of actionable results that treasury and management can use in their decision process. Reliable technology that enables people to make high-caliber decisions; this, we believe, is the true power of digital.



About Cashforce        

Cashforce is a Cash Forecasting & Working Capital Analytics platform for corporates, focused on analytics, automation and integration. Cashforce connects the Treasury department with other finance / business departments by offering full transparency into its cash flow drivers, accurate & automated cash flow forecasting and treasury reporting. The platform is unique in its category because of the seamless integration with numerous ERPs & banking systems, the ability to drill down to transaction level details, and the intelligent AI-based simulation engine that enables multiple cash flow scenarios, forecasts & impact analysis.


Cashforce webinars on hot Treasury Topics | Anytime, Anyplace, and Anywhere

| 09-11-2020 | Cashforce

Cashforce is a smart cash flow management and cash flow forecasting platform for working capital intensive businesses. Cashforce is unique because it offers full transparency into what exactly drives the cash flow of complex. Over the past months, Cashforce has presented a few interesting Webinars on the following topics:

  • Working Capital Management
  • Treasury
  • Artificial Intelligence & Cash Forecasting
  • Supply Chain Management

Missed these Webinars? Don’t Worry.

Here is your opportunity to watch all these recordings:

✈️ Working Capital Management – Navigating Your Company Towards Brighter Skies 

? How Treasury Is Dealing with The New Normal 

☕️ Coffee & Algorithms: An AI-powered Cash Forecasting

? Building a Resilient Supply Chain 


Make sure to subscribe to their NextGen newsletter ? as well to stay informed on their new platform? and upcoming events: