Treasury Management & Corporate Finance | Become an official Register Treasurer

23-06-2022 | treasuryXLVU Amsterdam | LinkedIn |

Improve your professional practice by taking a broad, conceptual and professional view on Treasury

The postgraduate programme in Treasury Management & Corporate Finance at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is running now for 25 years. In close contact with the treasury community, the VU keeps the curriculum up-to-date and relevant for professionals. Professional relevance is guaranteed by about 10 core lecturers and 20 guest lecturers from our partners KPMG, Orchard Finance Consultants, PWC, Zanders and by other finance professionals.

About the programme

The programme takes a broad view over Treasury Management and Corporate Finance from the of a non-financial corporate. Most graduates have an MSc and at least 3 years of experience in Treasury. Participants with a bachelor degree and sufficient treasury experience are successful in this programme as well

The programme offers participants an 18-month learning environment that stimulates professional development in 2 ways:

(1) Evolve as an academic professional. The goal is to facilitate the development as an all-round treasury professional. This is done by both building a sufficient knowledge base and training skills to apply general knowledge in specific cases. In addition, participants will be challenged to become experts in their own specific field of interest.

(2) Engage in career development and networking within the Treasury community. Increase your insights and expand your network in your treasury network. The programme may inspire participants to take next steps in their careers.

Along these two main lines of benefits, we are planning to give more information and explanation in two follow-up online sessions/recordings which will be posted on this platform in the coming weeks.

Why should I start with the programme?

The most important takeaway from this post is the fact that the TM&CF programme is NOT a long course acquiring just knowledge. It is much much more than that. Apart from just knowledge the programme puts a lot of attention on creative application of knowledge to your specific business situation. It trains you how to become a professional expert to some areas in the field of Treasury you have chosen. The programme helps you to connect with other members of the treasury community and to build your own professional network by connecting with fellow participants.

The programme provides you a substantial boost in your career, as the qualification is acknowledged in the labour market, and/or game-changer in your professional life as a Treasurer. It is a must-follow for all passionate about treasury. Successful completion of the programme results in the title of Register Treasurer, which is highly valued within the treasury community.

Also read: Why becoming a Register Treasurer is so much more than completing a course! (By Pieter de Kiewit)

Online Information Session | Register Today

On the 5th of July, an online information session on the programme will be given in which we also discuss the potential benefits of this program for Treasury professionals. You can sign up here.

Best regards,

Herbert Rijken
Programme director

Visit the website for more information.

For more info contact @[email protected]

LinkedIn page of the programme

What is the expected conclusion of crypto volatility for Corporate Treasury?

08-06-2022 | treasuryXL | LinkedIn |

A couple of weeks ago we launched a poll on our LinkedIn page about the impact of crypto volatility on corporate treasury. The poll received 72 votes in total, which is a great number! Thanks to everyone who joined the poll.

We thank François de Witte, Pieter de Kiewit and Carlo de Meijer for sharing their views with us.

What is the expected conclusion of crypto volatility for Corporate Treasury?

The votes which were given by Treasurers

View of treasuryXL experts


Francois De Witte

“There is a clear need for more regulation”


It is quite clear that cryptos present a high-risk profile. The volatility is high, and it is not easy to hedge these risks. In addition, payment transactions in cryptos take more time and energy than existing payments systems like the instant payments.

Currently, cryptos are held within the blockchain and are based upon a consensus. As a corporate, you do not have a control over these assets. In addition, you do not have the stringent KYC and AML checks which you have in the classic payment systems. The KYC and AML controls occur only on the moment that an individual or a company buys cryptocurrencies with its bank account or card, or when the proceeds of the sales of cryptocurrencies are paid to their bank account.

For this reason, there is a clear need for more regulation. Although the 5th AML Directive covers certain crypto assets under the term “virtual currencies”, it does not provide a harmonized approach. This problem will be addressed by the proposal of the EU Commission for the Regulation of Markets in Crypto Assets (abbreviated as MiCAR), which aims to create an EU framework for crypto assets falling outside the scope of other existing EU financial regulation and is expected to enter into force by end 2024. Let’s hope that this will bring more clarity in this complex topic.

Pieter de Kiewit

“Let’s see what will happen”


Rejecting crypto currencies or even blockchain before fully understanding the concept is like holding on tohorse and wagon when seeing the first cars. And current inflation following the QE strategy of the ECB shows that stability is not guaranteed in the traditional system. At the same time, treasurers are there to manage risk and the current crypto landscape seems very risky. So let’s see what will happen.

Carlo de Meijer

“Without well thought-out regulation, the inherent volatility of cryptocurrencies will continue to make stablecoins vulnerable to various risks”


Regulation of stablecoins has long been on the agenda of regulators worldwide. To date, however, the crypto sector in general and the stablecoin segment in particular remain largely unregulated.

Stablecoins continue to come under scrutiny from regulators, given the rapid growth of the $130 billion market and its potential to impact the broader financial system. As stablecoins are deemed increasingly important to the system by regulators, with the potential to disrupt payment and settlement transactions.

The recent collapse of stablecoin TerraUSD (UST) and the resulting fall of Bitcoin below the $28.000 level have provided an additional argument for speeding up the regulatory process and coming up with adequate regulatory measures.


With a growing number of traditional financial institutions, investors and also companies entering the Crypto and DeFi market, regulation becomes urgent to prevent such collapses in the future. Buyers need to understand the risks of these algorithmically stablecoins in particular. Therefore, standards are needed.

Without well thought-out regulation, the inherent volatility of cryptocurrencies in general but also of some types of stablecoins, will continue to make these stablecoins vulnerable to various risks, and make using these instruments for treasury purposes a difficult activity. The lack of transparency about what assets are being used and whether they have enough dollars to support all the digital coins in circulation also amplifies this consequence.

Subscribe and receive your 41 pages ‘easy-to-read’ eBook, What is Treasury?

16-05-2022 | treasuryXL | LinkedIn |


Treasury, Corporate Finance, Cash Management, Risk Management, Working Capital Management and Blockchain. What are the purposes of these treasury functions?

treasuryXL created this eBook based on the most relevant best practices that Treasury experts provided over the last years. We bundled the most important information for you and created easy to read and understand articles about the main subjects within the World of Treasury.

We took a deeper dive into each of the above-mentioned treasury functions and highlight:

  • The purpose of each named Treasury function (What is?)
  • What specialists do
  • Examples of Activities
  • Summary of Frequently Asked Questions and answers
  • Conclusion

How to receive the eBook ‘What is Treasury’ for Free?

We simply giveaway two presents for you! By signing up for our newsletter you will automatically receive the following in your inbox:

  1. On Fridays, our Coffee Break weekly newsletter will land in your inbox. In this weekly newsletter, we will highlight the whole week full of the latest treasury news within our community.
  2. The 41 pages eBook, What is Treasury?


Subscribe, Join, Download and Relax.

Welcome to our community and have fun reading!



Director, Community & Partners at treasuryXL





Opleiding Wegwijs in het Betalingsverkeer (Dutch)

29-04-2022 | treasuryXL | Enigma Consulting | LinkedIn |


Op 17 mei begint de 3-daagse Euroforum training Wegwijs in het Betalingsverkeer. Enigma Consulting (docenten Roderick KroonThim Donkervoort) verzorgt deze training samen met gastdocenten Emanuel van PraagGaston AussemsDaan van KlinkenMax Geerling PhD en Frans C. van Beers.

Word wegwijs in de betalingswereld!

Het betalingsverkeer is continu in beweging. Nieuwe wet- en regelgeving, nieuwe technologieën en nieuwe spelers hebben impact op het betalingsverkeer en je rol als gesprekspartner over betalingsverkeer. Door deze constante veranderingen is het cruciaal om de ontwikkelingen te volgen en in het juiste perspectief te zetten. Deze opleiding bied je praktische handvatten zodat je begrijpt wat er gebeurt en beter in staat bent in te spelen op nieuwe ontwikkelingen

Download de brochure

De opleiding geeft je volledig inzicht in:

  • Het huidige betaallandschap met de verschillende betaalinstrumenten en achterliggende modellen
  • De nieuwe en huidige spelers, zoals Fintech en Bigtech organisaties, en de impact die zij hebben op de betaalketen
  • Wet- en regelgeving, waaronder: Betaalvergunningen, Payment Service Directive 2 (PSD2), E-Money Directive en General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Technologische innovaties, zoals tokenisatie, de impact van data en artificial Intelligence
  • Instant Payments als het nieuwe normaal en de aanzienlijke impact op alle spelers in de waardeketen van betalingen

Bekijk het programma

Nieuwe begrippen worden op praktische wijze behandeld zodat je deze direct in de praktijk kunt toepassen. Na deze opleiding ben je volledig op de hoogte van alle ins en outs die komen kijken bij betalingsvraagstukken. Zowel het bancaire- als het merchant perspectief wordt behandeld waardoor je de gehele betaalketen beter zult gaan begrijpen.

Tijdens de opleiding Wegwijs in het betalingsverkeer leer je:

Deze opleiding is ideaal voor personen die starten in het betalingsverkeer of voor personen die in één keer kennis willen maken met alle facetten van het betalingsverkeer.

Te denken valt aan:

  • (Assistant) Product Manager, Product owner
  • Business Development Managers
  • Account manager, Sales, Relatie manager, Ecommerce specialist
  • Corporate Financial professionals: treasurers, accountants, cash managers
  • Fintech professionals – building startups
  • (Assistant) Product Developers

Reacties van oud-deelnemers

  • Een goede opleiding om een algemeen beeld te krijgen van wat er allemaal in het betalingsverkeer komt kijken.
  • Mooie samenvatting van de wereld van betalen
  • Goed overzicht van de ontwikkelingen en de uitdagingen in het betalingsverkeer
  • Boeiend, verhelderend en inspirerend!
  • Verrassend en verfrissend waarbij alle aspecten in het actuele Betalingsverkeer aan bod komen.

Invitation Extra Open Evening: Fundamentals of Treasury Management | April 21 | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

14-04-2022 | treasuryXLVU Amsterdam | LinkedIn |

Are you up for the next step in your career? Would you like to further develop your knowledge, skills and professional view on this fast-changing world?

We invite you to join our Online Open Evening on Thursday, 21 April 2022. Get inspired by our programme manager Robert Dekker and ask your questions during a live stream Zoom session.

Fundamentals of Treasury Management 20.00 – 21.00 hrs.


Sign up for the Online Open Evening

This is what graduates say about the course

Ahmed Fathi Ahmed – EMEA Sales Advisory Cash Management – BNP Paribas: ‘The certification Fundamentals of Treasury Management is an excellent way to build a solid background in a Treasury Management field. Indeed, it allows me to develop a very finest and an efficient toolbox with regards to International Cash Management, Supply chain and Trade Finance. That has helped me to better serve the large corporations that I manage in my company. Furthermore, I was thrilled to meet talented treasurers and professors which expanded my corporate network.’

Next course starting May 2022 More information & registration.


We are looking forward to welcoming you!


Best regards,


Herbert Rijken
Programme director

Your free eBook, What is Treasury?

13-04-2022 | treasuryXL | LinkedIn |


Receive your eBook What is Treasury? after subscribing to the free treasuryXL weekly newsletter.

The world of Treasury is a complex topic. Many people will think about pirates and big see ships that sank deep into the bottom of the ocean including their ‘treasure’. A mystery treasure map will lead the finder to a treasure worth a lot of money. In some way Treasury and Treasure have similarities, it is about money and other valuables.

Are you having a hard time how to explain what treasury is to family, friends and colleagues? Or are you interested to learn more about the World of Treasury?


treasuryXL created a 41 pages eBook for the corporate treasurers and the world of finance addict.

This eBook is designed to answer layman questions about the function of Treasury. treasuryXL bundled the most important information for you and created an easy to read and understand articles about the main subjects within the World of Treasury:

This ebook will answer your questions about Treasury topics.

treasuryXL explains the purpose of each Treasury function; what specialists do, examples of activities, FAQs, and a summary.

This ebook is based on the most relevant best practices that Treasury experts provided over the last years. On the website of treasuryXL you can explore additional information on the latest in Corporate Treasury.





Director, Community & Partners at treasuryXL





Career Calibration and the Treasurer Test

31-03-2022 | Pieter de Kiewit | Treasurer Test | LinkedIn |

On a regular basis, we write about your career planning in treasury, our opinions, and observations. Two articles on the website of Treasurer Search that are strongly related to this and very well viewed are:

Also, you might have noticed that we are big fans of the Treasurer Test, which helps treasurers in visualizing their skills and personality.

Read more

Invitation Open Evening: Fundamentals of Treasury Management | April 6 | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

30-03-2022 | treasuryXLVU Amsterdam | LinkedIn |

Are you up for the next step in your career? Would you like to further develop your knowledge, skills and professional view on this fast-changing world?

The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam invites you to join the Online Open Evening on Wednesday, 6 April 2022.

Get inspired by our program manager Robert Dekker and ask your questions during a live stream Zoom session.

Fundamentals of Treasury Management 19.00 – 20.00 hrs.

Sign up for the Online Open Evening

This is what graduates say about the course

Ahmed Fathi Ahmed – EMEA Sales Advisory Cash Management – BNP Paribas: ‘The certification Fundamentals of Treasury Management is an excellent way to build a solid background in a Treasury Management field. Indeed, it allows me to develop a very finest and an efficient toolbox with regards to International Cash Management, Supply chain and Trade Finance. That has helped me to better serve the large corporate that I manage in my company. Furthermore, I was thrilled to meet talented treasurers and professors which expanded my corporate network.’

Next course starting May 2022 More information & registration.


We are looking forward to welcoming you!


Best regards,


Herbert Rijken
Programme director

Example Question #1 | Treasurer Test

09-03-2022 | treasuryXL | Treasurer Test | LinkedIn |

How is your Treasury knowledge? Today we investigate your Treasury Expertise and ask you an example question that you might face when taking the Treasurer Test

Read more

International Treasury Management and Corporate Finance

17-01-2022 | François de Witte | treasuryXL |

We would like to draw attention to the following event, which includes our Expert François de Witte. Register below to learn more about International Treasury Management and Corporate Finance.



In order to be accepted to this certified path it will be asked to complete this application form .

This training will be planned and will start when a sufficient number of participants has been reached. You will then be informed at least 2 months before the course starts.

However, you can still fill in your application and we will contact you.

If you do not wish to be certified but are interested in the topics, almost every course can be purchased independently by clicking on the title in the content below. This certified path is a blended training which contains both physical and virtual classroom, e-mentoring, teamwork, etc.



The treasurer is the custodian of the company’s daily liquidity. He manages, anticipates and secures cash flows by ensuring that financial needs are covered. This cursus will give the ability to assist directly and practically the treasurer of large corporates or to take over the treasury responsibilities in a SME. The various modules will allow acquiring an in-depth knowledge of the various areas of the “Corporate Treasurer” profession.




At the end of this programme, the participant will able to:

  • assist directly and practically the treasurer of large corporates
  • take over treasury responsibilities in a SME.

The various modules will allow to acquire an in-depth knowledge of the different areas of the “Corporate Treasurer” profession.




Module 0: Introduction to Treasury Management

Speaker: Benjamin Defays / Treasury Manager

  • Corporate Treasurer’s responsibilities
  • Cash management (bank account opening, closing, KYC, Cash pooling, Payments and bank connectivity)
  • Liquidity management (importance of working capital management,
  • Risk management (foreign exchange, fraud, credit risk)
  • Trade finance (general context, intro to bank guarantees and letters of credit)
Module 1: Financial Maths in Excel (Focus on treasury & corporate finance)

Speaker: Hugues Pirotte / Professor of Finance at Solvay Brussels School

  • Focus on treasury & corporate finance
  • Time Value of Money
  • Vocabulary
  • Compounding intervals
  • Discount and annuity factors
Module 2: Payments, Cash Management and Banking Relations

Speaker François De Witte / Consultant

  • Payments (Process, Tools)
  • Liquidity Management
  • Cash-Flow Forecasting
  • In-House Banking
  • Banking Relationship
Module 3: Trade Finance in context of uncertainty

Speaker: Benjamin Defays / Treasury Manager

  • General contact, cultural aspects
  • Why trade finance in treasury
  • Bank Guarantees, Burgschafts, Surety Bonds, Letters of Credit, Cash against Documents
  • Alterative security instruments
  • Disruptive technologies
Module 4: Introduction to Counterparty Credit Risk Management and Cash Collection

Speaker: Benjamin Defays / Treasury Manager

  • Concepts & Practices/Types of Credit Risks
  • Understanding Financial Statements and Ratios
  • Credit Scoring/Ratings – S&P, Bloomberg models
  • Collecting overdue receivables – setting priorities
  • Strategies dealing with overdue invoices
  • Debt collection services development
Module 5: Practical Aspects of International Finance Regulation

Speaker: Lievin Tshikali  

  • International sanctions and their impact on transactions & overall business activities
  • Anticorruption (FCPA, UK Bribery Act)
  • EU competition law compliance
  • Drafting a contract (main considerations)
Module 6: Risk Management applied to treasury

Speaker: François Masquelier / Group Treasurer

  • FX, Interests
  • Counterparties
  • Others (Reputation, etc…)
  • Objectives of Hedge Accounting
  • Required documentation and formalisation of Hedge Accounting relationships
  • Different types of hedges (Fair Value, Cash Flow, Net Investment)
  • Booking adjustments of different hedge types
  • Typical examples of different hedge types
Module 7: Technologies applied to treasury

Speaker: François Masquelier/ Group Treasurer

  • New Technologies
    • Blockchain, Crypto-currencies, Smart Contracts
  • Treasury Console (Bloomberg, Thomson Reuters)
  • TMS, Financial Technology
Module 8: Cyberfraud: what you need to know to manage this ever increasing risk

Speaker: Thierry Hamon / Cash management & security expert

  • Getting an overview of the different cyberattacks techniques currently used
  • Understand the possible consequences of cyberfraud and what needs to be protected
  • Learn 50 ways to protect

Some homework might be proposed for some modules, there will be continuous control in the form of intermediary exams (under the form of QCM) and a final exam will be sanctioned by an attestation delivered by ATEL (The Luxembourg Association of Corporate Treasurers).

There might also be one or two “extra-activity”, such as a visit in a bank trading room or/and a special guest speaker addressing the cursus participants on a specific subject (still to be defined, optional events).


Target Audience


Anyone willing to acquire an in-depth knowledge in corporate treasury and wishing to exercise this knowledge in practice.




  • Basic background in finance or accounting
  • For the Advanced Excel workshop, a preliminary (good) knowledge in Excel is required.

Course Material


The course material can be downloaded free of charge via your portal the day before the start of the course (download the Client Portal User’s Guide here).




At the end of the programme, the participants will receive a “Certificate of Attendance” delivered by the House of Training, and an attestation of “Exam Success Pass” delivered by ATEL.

In order to get certified, an 80% rate of attendance and a 60% average score on the examinations are required.

The participants will also receive a one-year free membership to ATEL ( giving a number of advantages.


Register Here



Francois de Witte


François de Witte