7 Experts on Activating Liquidity – a Guide to Leveraging Technology to Generate New Growth

| 11-6-2020 | treasuryXL | Kyriba |

Managing liquidity has never been easy, but new technologies are making it easier. With ease comes speed, accuracy and efficiency, enabling treasury to more effectively see, move and protect cash and generate increased business value. However, activating liquidity while navigating volatile markets can be difficult. So how does treasury leverage technology to activate liquidity and generate new growth, and what does it gain by doing so?

‘7 Experts on Activating Liquidity’ is a Mighty Guide, sponsored by leading global cloud treasury and finance solution provider Kyriba.  In this guide the question of how to leverage technology to optimise treasury and finance, extend visibility and controls, and maximise enterprise value is explored by asking seven treasury management experts from different industries the following questions:

  1. How does expanding the scope of treasury to be inclusive of cash, risk, payments and working capital increase enterprise value?
  2. How do you most effectively manage FX risk exposure, and why is it important to do that?
  3. What are the advantages of centralizing and standardizing global payment processes through a single system?
  4. What are the advantages of centralizing the management of free cash flow and liquidity in your organization?
  5. What level of integration is necessary to get a true, real-time view of cash and liquidity, and how would that real-time data enhance decision making and performance?

Their insights are collected in the five chapters of this eBook. In reading them, David Rogelberg, Editor, was struck by how different the challenges are for each of the expert’s business, and how they all benefit from greater visibility into cash, payments, risk and working capital.

CFOs have a tough balancing act – trying to pursue strategic growth initiatives while minding the right level of risk. And recent global events have exacerbated this challenge. The answer to solving this problem lies in Active Liquidity – an approach to treasury and finance that elevates the impact of liquidity to generate new market value, even in volatile markets.

Kyriba is excited to sponsor this eBook, in which seven treasury leaders lend their expertise to the concept of Active Liquidity and the key pieces that it encompasses – optimizing cash, payments and risk to generate business value.  Activating Liquidity puts organizations on a path to new value creation, enabling them to:

  • Expand the abilities of treasury and finance, using liquidity as a lever to build value
  • Extend visibility and controls to see, move, protect and grow cash
  • Transform data into intelligence and drive action to maximize enterprise value

This Mighty Guide aims to provide a holistic view and credible advice by exploring, comparing and contrasting a variety of viewpoints from top experts.  The insights given by these treasury executives will give a deep understanding of the benefits of Active Liquidity and how insight into global cash, liquidity and exposure can help execute treasury strategies more easily and efficiently.

Request and download free e-book:

Kyriba is a proud sponsor of this Mighty Guide.  Kyriba empowers CFOs and their teams to transform how they activate liquidity as a dynamic, real-time vehicle for growth and value creation, while also protecting against financial risk. Kyriba’s pioneering Active Liquidity Network connects internal applications for treasury, risk, payments and working capital, with vital external sources such as banks, ERPs, trading platforms, market data providers, and other financial institutions. Based on a secure, highly scalable SaaS platform that leverages artificial and business intelligence on an API-enabled architecture, Kyriba enables thousands of companies worldwide to maximize growth opportunities, protect against loss from fraud and financial risk, and reduce costs through advanced automation. Kyriba is headquartered in San Diego, with offices in The Netherlands, London, Paris, New York, Tokyo, Dubai and other major locations.

For more information, visit www.kyriba.com.


| 10-6-2020 | treasuryXL | OpusCapita |

In these unprecedented times, OpusCapita want to bring the treasury community together with a complimentary 3-day online event.

The Vital Lifeline for Senior Treasury and Finance Professionals in an Era of Crisis.

In these times of uncertainty, and with recession looming, gaining visibility and control of actual (vs forecasted) cash flow and working capital has never been more important. To this end, the OpusCapita “Cash Management and Business Resilience Week” will provide you with a vital lifeline and timely knowledge exchange platform for you to directly engage and learn from other senior treasury and finance professionals as you work to develop and implement your response strategies.

The “Cash Management and Business Resilience Week” will be streamed live over 3 days in easily digestible blocks to ensure maximised impact, flexibility and engagement but with minimum disruption to your busy schedules in these hectic and uncertain times. All content will also be recorded to enable on-demand viewing at your convenience.

Tailored content will be delivered by some of Europe’s leading names in treasury and finance in different formats from interviews, break-out sessions and panel discussions to enable conversation and takeaways.

Exclusive to senior–level corporate treasury and finance professionals, the virtual series is specifically designed with our community in mind. From live-streams featuring Europe’s leading names to an array of networking opportunities, our platform provides all the perks of a live event in the comfort of your own home, all completely for free.


When? June 23-25

For more information about the speakers, programme and free registration click here.

About OpusCapita

OpusCapita is the provider of the number one cash management software with over 800 customers across more than 100 countries. Our secure, cloud-based solution enables Treasury and Finance professionals to harmonize global processes and policies, centralize treasury and finance operations and reduce complexity. We simplify the management of all cash flows and liquidity and automate the processing of both payments and collections. All of this ensures full visibility to your cash while reducing the risk of fraud.

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16 terms investors should know

18-05-2020 | by Rowan Hermes | Symbid

Convertible bonds, dividends, business angels … As a new investor you enter a world with its own terminology. We believe it is important that everyone, regardless of their experience with investing, need to be informed as good as possible before investing in any of the projects on the Symbid platform. That is why we list the most important terms.

Blog is in Dutch language:



Een aandeel is een bewijs van deelname in een organisatie. Dit betekent dat je door een aandeel te kopen aandeelhouder en mede-eigenaar van een organisatie wordt. Hier zitten bepaalde rechten aan verbonden, bijvoorbeeld medezeggenschap in de organisatie. Aandelen zijn normaliter verhandelbaar.


De eigenaar van een of meerdere aandelen en deels eigenaar van een organisatie. Deze persoon heeft normaal gesproken recht op dividend.


Als tegenprestatie voor het kopen van een aandeel wordt dividend uitgekeerd aan de aandeelhouder. Dividend is een deel van de winst van de organisatie. Het gaat om het bedrag dat overblijft van de inkomsten van de organisatie na aftrek van alle verplichtingen en investeringen. Dividend kan als geld worden uitgekeerd, maar ook in de vorm van aandelen.



Een obligatielening wordt uitgegeven door een organisatie. Het is meestal een geldlening op lange termijn opgedeeld in delen met dezelfde waarde en rechten. De lening wordt afgesloten met meerdere investeerders. Deze investeerders krijgen elk een schuldbewijs, oftewel obligatie.


Een obligatie is het schuldbewijs van een organisatie aan een investeerder. In andere woorden is een obligatie het bewijs dat de investeerder geld heeft uitgeleend aan de organisatie.


De nominale waarde van een obligatielening is het totaalbedrag dat de organisatie met de lening wil ophalen. Dit bedrag wordt in gelijke stukken gedeeld, de obligaties.


De eigenaar van een of meerdere obligaties. Deze persoon heeft normaal gesproken recht op rente en de terugbetaling van de obligatiewaarde aan het einde van de looptijd.


Als tegenprestatie voor het uitlenen van geld wordt rente uitgekeerd aan de obligatiehouder. Op maandelijkse of jaarlijkse basis wordt een vast of variabel percentage uitgekeerd.


Een converteerbare obligatie is een speciale vorm van obligaties, deze kunnen omgezet worden naar aandelen van de organisatie. Vooraf is bepaald hoeveel aandelen een obligatie waard is.


Wanneer de organisatie de lening niet terug kan betalen, komen houders van achtergestelde obligaties achteraan op de lijst van schuldeisers te staan. Het risico dat de lening niet wordt terugbetaald is groter, waardoor het rentepercentage meestal hoger is.



Investeren is risicovol. De kans bestaat dat je (een deel van) je ingelegde geld verliest, omdat de organisatie niet in staat is de lening (volledig) terug te betalen. Echter, zonder risico zal een investering geen geld opbrengen.


Investeringen brengen niet alleen risico’s, maar soms ook zekerheden met zich mee. Zekerheden zijn onderpanden of waarborgen in de vorm van geld, goederen, voorraden of rechten. Wanneer de lening onverhoopt niet terugbetaald kan worden, kan de het onderpand opgeëist worden.



Groeifinanciering wordt ook wel groeigeld genoemd. Het is financiering die ingezet wordt voor de verdere expansie van een organisatie. De organisatie wordt door het geld naar een volgende fase getild.


Met een business angel wordt een informele verstrekker van durfkapitaal bedoeld. Business Angels zijn meestal welvarende particulieren die zelf ooit ondernemer geweest zijn. Zij investeren actief kapitaal in veelbelovende organisaties. In ruil hiervoor ontvangen zij vaak aandelen, een achtergestelde lening of een combinatie van beide.

Naast kapitaal brengen business angels ook ervaring, kennis en contacten mee, wat goede voordelen zijn. Een nadeel kan zijn dat een deel van de winst gedeeld moet worden met de business angel.


Durfkapitaal (ook wel venture capital) is een brede term voor iedereen die geen professionele investeerder, bank, specialist of deskundige is en geld uitleent aan een organisatie. Het risico is hoger dan gemiddeld, omdat het geld meestal wordt uitgeleend aan startups of bestaande organisaties die een nieuw product op de markt willen brengen. De kans op terugbetaling is kleiner dan bij bestaande bedrijven met bewezen producten.


Het publiek, het bedrijfsleven en de overheid moeten vertrouwen kunnen hebben in de financiële markten en dat financiële instellingen op een duidelijke en eerlijke manier handelen. Daarom houdt de Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM) toezicht op de financiële markten.

Financiële partijen die een rol vervullen richting een niet-professionele investeerder moeten over een AFM-vergunning beschikken. Voor het verstrekken van de AFM-vergunning wordt getoetst of de betreffende partij beschikt over de juiste procedures en of de beleidsbepalers integer, geschikt en vakbekwaam zijn.


Automation key to cash forecasting in a crisis

| 12-05-2020 | treasuryXL | OpusCapita |

As businesses face drastic cash flow issues caused by the pandemic, digitalising cash management can be key in minimising risk.

Digitalisation could be vital to cash management amid financial crisis

As businesses face drastic cash flow issues caused by the pandemic, digitalising cash management can be key in minimising risk.

“Digitalisation can mean that you have more data in your systems electronically and that, of course, helps when you need a full picture of everything. With artificial intelligence you can find patterns that are invisible to the human eye but could be quite groundbreaking. The data has been around in the ERP systems and treasury management systems electronically for quite a while,” says Karl-Henrik Sundberg, presales executive lead at OpusCapita.

“Many corporates are putting data in Excel sheets and sending Excel sheets between themselves. When you’re doing spreadsheets, there can be errors in formulas, and it’s a manual work. OpusCapita compiles everything system-wise – data file integrations or APIs, so it’s no manual work involved at all.”

In times of financial crisis, reverting to a single cash management system can be highly beneficial for businesses seeking to get insights into their currency positions in real time, so they can react to internal and systemic pressures.

“When you are operating in a global environment and the business is complex, you have very different legal entities in your group, and you have many currencies and quite a lot of bank relations and bank accounts scattered around the globe. As this is not easy, having a software tool can enable you to consolidate everything into one place.

“We offer a multi bank, so you can log into OpusCapita, and see all your balances across the globe in one view. Particularly now in these times, the CFO, or the head of treasury really needs to know, ‘what do we have on our bank accounts in Italy? Or what is the status of our cash right now in North America,” explains Sundberg.

Remaining prepared

To bridge the gap of uncertainty, Sundberg advises businesses to focus on cash visibility and forecasting through the process of automation – easing the role of treasurers controlling finances amid a crisis.

“Get the cash visibility up and running. In today’s fast paced environment, you can’t really come out to your subsidiaries around the globe and ask for a weekly cash report on a spreadsheet – that’s why we automate this as much as possible. When I was heading cash management operations & treasury back office for a global corporate, getting the visibility on cash positions was vital for succeeding in our work.

“The second thing after that is cash forecasting. With an efficient tool, you can also get a picture of all your future cash flows. You should be looking for to import, for example, accounts receivables; accounts payables; purchase orders; and sales orders. The same goes for cash visibility – if you’re a global company and you have operations all around the world, most likely you have this data in various systems. Through automation, you can combine this into one place and offer a consolidated view of future cash, cash positions and cash flows,” he says.

Access to real time data on cash flow can enhance treasurers’ confidence in pursuing business decisions, particularly as automation allows them to forecast the impact of crises.

“As a business leader, treasurer, or CFO, having that information can make you be more confident. You can use this investment to generate business growth or have the power to act on – meaning it also impacting business decisions.

“In rough times, with automated cash positions and cash flows, you can immediately see if things start going in the wrong direction as you log in into the system. It’s a kind of alert system when embarking in the wrong route. Without the system, it might take weeks before you discover it and then it might even be too late. Of course, we are not spotting the Coronavirus in the system but we are spotting the effects of the Coronavirus reflected in the cash flow,” Sundberg explains.

As part of its cash management solutions, OpusCapita offers a basic version of its cloud-based module for cash forecasting to facilitate access to treasurers’ cash positions for free until the end of 2020. This basic version can be easily extended into a full-blown cash forecasting & analytics solution, or a payment hub incorporating a multi-bank solution for outgoing payments and a matching tool to automate the incoming money with accounts receivables.


Read more information about Liquidity basic here.


About OpusCapita

OpusCapita enables organizations to buy and pay quickly and securely, with a real-time view of their business. OpusCapita customers use their source-to-pay and cash management solutions to connect, transact and grow. OpusCapita processes over 100 million electronic transactions annually on its Business Network.

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DELOITTE & KYRIBA WEBINAR | Today’s Payments Landscape: Reducing Costs & Fraud, Increasing Productivity

| 11-05-2020 | treasuryXL | Kyriba |

Register today!

When? Thursday, May 14, 2020

Start: 3.00 pm – 3.45 pm CET

Duration: 45 minutes

From CFOs to controllers to treasurers, financial leaders are constantly looking for ways to improve their payment processes as inefficient workflows can inhibit supply chains, cash flow, and profitability, not to mention increase fraud risk.

Deloitte and Kyriba have joined to discuss the current payments landscape in the Netherlands, and how technologies and centralised and standardised payment processes can dramatically increase productivity, lower costs and enhance fraud prevention.

In this 45-minute webinar, we will discuss:

  • Deloitte Treasury Advisory Services.
  • Key drivers for Payment Projects & Challenges for Treasurers.
  • The payment landscape today.
  • Challenging the Status Quo.
  • Panel Q & A

Submit on the registration page and safe your place.


About Kyriba

Kyriba empowers CFOs and their teams to transform how they activate liquidity as a dynamic, real-time vehicle for growth and value creation, while also protecting against financial risk. Kyriba’s pioneering Active Liquidity Network connects internal applications for treasury, risk, payments and working capital, with vital external sources such as banks, ERPs, trading platforms, and market data providers. Based on a secure, highly scalable SaaS platform that leverages artificial and business intelligence, Kyriba enables thousands of companies worldwide to maximize growth opportunities, protect against loss from fraud and financial risk, and reduce costs through advanced automation. Kyriba is headquartered in San Diego, with offices in New York, Paris, London, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Dubai, Singapore, Shanghai and other major locations. For more information, visit www.kyriba.com.

Corona Bridging Loans (COL) for start-ups and scale-ups

04-05-2020 | by Rowan Hermes | Symbid

Since Wednesday, April 29, startups, scale-ups and innovative SMEs can apply for a special bridging loan, the Corona Bridging Loan (COL). In this blog we briefly explain what the COL is and what criteria a company must meet in order to claim the COL.

Blog is in Dutch language:

Op verzoek van het kabinet zullen de Regionale Ontwikkelingsmaatschappijen (ROM’s) de COL-regeling uitvoeren. De regeling is opgezet omdat veel startups niet in aanmerking komen voor de Noodmaatregel Overbrugging Werkgelegenheid (NOW), bij banken nauwelijks terecht kunnen en weinig voordeel hebben van de verschillende fiscale maatregelen van het kabinet.

De specifieke doelgroep voor de COL zijn startups, scale-ups en innovatieve mkb’ers die overwegend met extern eigen vermogen gefinancierd zijn. De COL is ook beschikbaar voor ondernemers die de afgelopen jaren groei gefinancierd hebben met intern eigen vermogen, maar zij mogen geen bancaire financieringsrelatie hebben (met uitzondering van een beperkte bancaire rekening-courantverhouding).

De verstrekte leningen zijn een noodinstrument, bedoelt om een tijdelijke overbrugging naar ‘break-even’ of een vervolgronde te verzorgen. Het geld mag niet gebruikt worden om andere leningen af te lossen. De bedragen zullen variëren tussen de € 50.000,- en 2 miljoen euro. Bij bedragen groter dan Є 250.000,- wordt er een cofinanciering van 25 % verwacht van aandeelhouders of andere investeerders. Het rentetarief is uniform 3 %. Aangezien er vaak snelheid gepaard is bij overbruggingskrediet streven de ROM’s ernaar om aanvragen onder de € 500.000,- binnen vier tot negen werkdagen af te handelen. Het streven voor grotere aanvragen is drie werkweken.

De criteria

Je komt met je bedrijf naar alle waarschijnlijkheid in aanmerking voor de COL als je voldoet aan de volgende voorwaarden:

  • Je bedrijf is niet actief in retail, horeca, kleine zakelijke dienstverlening en je bent geen zelfstandig ondernemer.

  • Je kunt een twaalfmaands-liquiditeitsoverzicht voorleggen waaruit de financieringsbehoefte als gevolg van de coronacrisis blijkt en aangeven hoe je de overbruggingslening voor de komende negen maanden aanwendt.

  • Je bedrijf viel op peildatum 31/12/2019 niet in de categorie ‘bedrijven in moeilijkheden’.

  • De lening wordt ingezet voor investeringskosten of werkkapitaal en de financiering voldoet aan de vereisten van het Fresh Money-beginsel.

  • De jaarrekeningen van 2018 en 2019 moeten beschikbaar zijn, net als het budget voor 2020 voor zover mogelijk.

  • Je kunt onderbouwen hoe je geprognosticeerde omzet terugvalt door de coronacrisis. De ROM’s kunnen hier een due diligence onderzoek naar doen.

  • Je moet aangeven welke maatregelen getroffen zijn om kosten te reduceren, waarbij ook het gebruik van andere overheidsmaatregelen meegenomen moeten worden.

  • Er moet redelijke comfort verschaft worden dat na het eerste jaar aflossing plaats kan vinden en de lening binnen drie jaar afgelost kan worden.

Kijk voor meer informatie, een uitgebreide Q&A en specifieke aanleverspecificaties op de website van ROM Nederland.


How to start money flow by using creative sources of financing

| 24-04-2020 | Stichting MKB Financiering | treasuryXL

Our Expert Ronald Kleverlaan, Chairman Stichting MKB Financiering, recommends the must read blog from Fons Huijgens with answers to the opposed question by presenting various examples.

The corona crisis is disrupting society. Social quarantine, education at the kitchen table, public transport cut in half, museums closed, restaurants and cafes closed, events postponed, sports suspended, music and club life suspended. Ordinary people are numb, dazed, in a sense disoriented. And in the meantime, people in the health and care sector and all related supplies and services are under high voltage and perform impressive. That said, there is not only concern for people’s health, but also for the health and survival of companies. The crisis has immediately degenerated into a life-threatening liquidity crisis for companies. Where do you get money NOW if the combination of bank financing, government measures and non-bank financing offers insufficient relief? Brainstorm with your colleagues and dare to take unorthodox measures.

Blog continues in Dutch language.

Hoe creëer je NU extra liquide middelen?


Bied afnemers een spaarsysteem aan in combinatie met korting. Bied op deze wijze de klant de mogelijkheid een (grote) aankoop op termijn te doen. Geef bijvoorbeeld op het totaalbedrag een korting van 10% plus op de maandelijkse vooruitbetaling een rente van 5% op jaarbasis. De klant krijgt gedurende de spaarperiode 5% rente (vergelijk dat eens met de huidige spaarrente) plus een korting op de aankoop.


Vergelijkbaar met spaarkopen, maar dan gemakkelijker overdraagbaar. Je verkoopt waardebonnen van bijvoorbeeld € 100 bestedingswaarde voor een prijs van € 90. Men kan deze bonnen nú kopen en pas inleveren vanaf bijvoorbeeld 1 juni.


Kijk met welke zakenpartners in de keten tijdelijk afwijkende afspraken zijn te maken. Bespreek een tijdelijke (3 maanden) huurverlaging van 30% die bijvoorbeeld wordt terugbetaald door op termijn gedurende 6 maanden 15% extra huur te betalen. Beoordeel op deze manier alle leveranciers van producten en diensten en selecteer diegene waarvan je verwacht dat tijdelijke afspraken kansrijk zijn.


De term FFF staat voor ‘Family, Friends and Fans’. De zogeheten inner circle van de ondernemer. Het betreft mensen die jou goed kennen. Ze kennen jou vooral als mens, die een onderneming heeft. Durf een beroep op hen te doen. Soms hoor je “met vrienden doe je geen zaken, met vrienden ga je naar de kroeg”… Alles is anders in Coronatijd. Die kroeg is dicht en die vrienden krijgen 0% rente op hun spaarrekening. Durf te vragen. Maak wel goede, zakelijke afspraken. Je zult ontdekken: het word je gegund.


Verkoop je een zich herhalende dienst of product en val je onder de lockdown? Bijvoorbeeld kapper, restaurant, bar, etc. Door de lockdown is de geldstroom abrubt tot stilstand gekomen. Misschien kun je reeds nu aan klantenbinding werken voor over een paar maanden. Biedt nu abonnementen aan met iets extra’s, die men na de lockdown kan verzilveren.



treasuryXL announces partnership with Kyriba to strengthen dissemination of the latest trends about treasury

| 22-4-2020 | treasuryXL | Kyriba |

VENLO, The Netherlands, April 22, 2020 – treasuryXL, the community platform for everyone who is active in the world of treasury, and Kyriba in the Netherlands, the global leader in cloud treasury and finance solutions today announced the signature of a premium partnership.

The partnership aims at offering a continuous flow of treasury content, making treasury knowledge available. This partnership includes:

  • collaboration on messaging, content production, and visibility
  • mutual distribution on select items of interest
  • collaboration on larger themes: event promotion, speaking and experts contribution, publications

Treasury management is currently experiencing a revolution under the effect of digital transformation. With this partnership, treasuryXL and Kyriba are striving to make sure that treasurers are always up to date with the latest news and events in their field.

According to Kendra Keydeniers, treasuryXLWe are happy to welcome Kyriba in our community. Kyriba is recognised by leading analyst firms, treasury and finance trades for its innovation and its leadership in cloud finance solutions. Kyriba will have a prominent role in the Treasury Topic environment with coverage in Cash Management, Risk Management, Treasury Software, Payments & Banking, Fraud & Cyber security and Working Capital Management which is a considerable contribution to our ecosystem.”

With an increasing focus on digital transformation, financial leaders must be empowered with insights into all the latest treasury trends. They need rapid access to on-the-pulse information around the latest industry news, plus new services and products to support their initiatives for innovation and competitiveness. With this partnership, treasuryXL, Kyriba has access to a well -established communications forum and a wide treasury ecosystem.says Luuk Linssen at Kyriba.

About treasuryXL

treasuryXL started in 2016 as a community platform for everyone who is active in the world of treasury. Their extensive and highly qualified network consists out of experienced and aspiring treasurers. treasuryXL keeps their network updated with daily news, events and the latest treasury vacancies.

treasuryXL brings the treasury function to a higher level, both for the inner circle: corporate treasurers, bankers & consultants, as well as others that might benefit: CFO’s, business owners, other people from the CFO Team and educators.

treasuryXL offers:

  • professionals the chance to publish their expertise, opinions, success stories, distribute these and stimulate dialogue.
  • a labour market platform by creating an overview of vacancies, events and treasury education.
  • a variety of consultancy services in collaboration with qualified treasurers.
  • a broad network of highly valued partners and experts.

About Kyriba

Kyriba empowers CFOs and their teams to transform how they activate liquidity as a dynamic, real-time vehicle for growth and value creation, while also protecting against financial risk. Kyriba’s pioneering Active Liquidity Network connects internal applications for treasury, risk, payments and working capital, with vital external sources such as banks, ERPs, trading platforms, and market data providers. Based on a secure, highly scalable SaaS platform that leverages artificial and business intelligence, Kyriba enables thousands of companies worldwide to maximize growth opportunities, protect against loss from fraud and financial risk, and reduce costs through advanced automation. Kyriba is headquartered in San Diego, with offices in New York, Paris, London, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Dubai, Singapore, Shanghai and other major locations. For more information, visit www.kyriba.com.

LIVE DEMO: Centralized Cash Visibility

| 10-4-2020 | treasuryXL | OpusCapita |

We are excited to announce that our Partner OpusCapita, is organizing a Live Demo: Centralized Cash Visibility, which highlights the use of management tools that enable you to easily manage your liquidity.

The Live Demo takes place on May 12th, at 13:00 CEST / 14:00 EEST and takes 30 minutes.

OpusCapita believes seeing is believing! In this live demo, they show you how their dashboards enable you to easily manage missing statements or get a quick overview of your cash positions in certain banks, business divisions, companies or bank accounts. With their flexible reporting tool, you can build reports with drag and drop-functionality to meet your reporting needs. With their hierarchy-settings design, you can create your own structures of bank accounts, cash-pools and mix of companies to enable a fully customized visualization of cash positions.

In this live demo, the following topics are covered:

  • Dashboards: How to set up Balance Tracker gadgets for monitoring the bank account statement imports
  • Liquidity Reports: How to build the most commonly used Cash Visibility reports using different dimensions (currency, cashpool, company, business division etc)
  • Hierarchies: How to create and manage bank account and company hierarchies for report purposes
  • How to collect your favorite Cash Visibility Reports in a Dashboard

Who should attend:

This webinar is for treasury professionals who are looking for new ways to take their liquidity management forward.


Presales Executive Lead at OpusCapita

Karl-Henrik has a background from CM in Transaction Banking followed by 6 years as head of Cash Management at a Corporate Treasury. As CM Presales in OpusCapita he is involved in sales, RFPs, product demos and product development of the next generation Cash Management modules.

Registration, date and time

  • To register, fill out this form.
  • Date: May 12th
  • Start: 13:00 CEST / 14:00 EEST
  • Duration: 30 minutes.

About OpusCapita

OpusCapita enables organizations to buy and pay quickly and securely, with a real-time view of their business. OpusCapita customers use their source-to-pay and cash management solutions to connect, transact and grow. OpusCapita processes over 100 million electronic transactions annually on its Business Network.

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OpusCapita makes Liquidity Management free for all customers

| 26-3-2020 | treasuryXL | OpusCapita |

OpusCapita makes Liquidity Management in a basic version free for their SaaS customers

OpusCapita, treasuryXL partner and leading cash management solution provider announces today that they have chosen to make their Liquidity Management product free for all customers until the end of the year in order to help treasury and cash management professionals to meet the increased demand on accurate cash forecasts due to the spread of the coronavirus.

“We are living in unprecedented times and we want to help our customers. The demands on treasurers are immense right now and I feel if we can help by making our product for free it’s the right thing to do”, states Jukka Sallinen, Head of Cash Management, OpusCapita.

Liquidity Management will be available in a basic version to allow customers to start using it right away without any implementation or set-up needs.

“We are also looking for ways to enable companies who are not our customers to use this functionality at a heavily discounted price”, states Jukka Sallinen, Head of Cash Management, OpusCapita. 

“I am happy that we can help our customers in these tough times and that we as a company can do our part”, states Patrik Sallner, CEO OpusCapita.

What does Liquidity Management Basic enable you to do?

With the basic package, you will be able to enable your subsidiaries across the globe to manually input (or upload from Excel) their current cash balances and future cash flows (for example AR, AP, taxes etc) in OpusCapita. Once you have this data centralized, the basic package enables you to setup Reports and Dashboards which will automatically consolidate and display all entered balances and cash flows.

In short, this includes:

  • Manually entering cashflows (Liquidity Unit Entry)
  • Manually entering cash positions (Liquidity Balance Entry)
  • Liquidity grid and graph, best-practice Reports such as:
    • Cash Visibility
      • Cash balances per bank account, per bank or per company
      • Actual inflows and outflows on bank accounts (if statements are imported in OpusCapita)
    • Cash Forecasting
      • Total forecast
      • Forecast per bank account, per company or per currency
      • Actual vs Forecast
    • Dashboards for visualizations cash positions and forecast

Three steps to get started

1. Get in touch with us so we can enable Liquidity Basic for you.

2. Add cash flows with pre-built templates or import them from Excel.

3. Build reports with our straight-forward drag’n’ drop functionality.


Read more information here.


About OpusCapita

OpusCapita enables organizations to buy and pay quickly and securely, with a real-time view of their business. OpusCapita customers use their source-to-pay and cash management solutions to connect, transact and grow. OpusCapita processes over 100 million electronic transactions annually on its Business Network.

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