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Generational diversity is transforming treasury teams, blending fresh perspectives with time-tested strategies. But with this diversity come gaps in communication, expectations, and work styles that can be both a challenge and an opportunity.
How do different generations tackle the treasury business? What drives these differences, and how can we bridge them to create stronger, more cohesive teams? Join us for an exciting live session on Generational Diversity in Treasury!
Better Decisions through real-time Reporting: Business Intelligence about Cash Flows & Cash Positions
|17-5-2017 | Joerg Wiemer | TIS | Sponsored content | How do strategic professionals decide on the best path to success for their company? The key is in transparency and real-time reporting. If it comes to the responsibility of the treasurer or financial professional this means deciding about company-wide cash flow and liquidity levels, bank, customer and supplier […]
Financial Systems 2017 – Event with a Treasury Twist
| 12-5-2017 | Pieter de Kiewit | treasuryXL | Sponsored content | In 2016 Treasurer Search, as a sponsor partner, was a guest at our booth during the annual event “Financial Systems” in Nieuwegein and they will be present again this year. The event will open its doors on May 18th, and you can read more […]
Short term loans for financing your company
|11-5-2017 | François de Witte | treasuryXL You might visit this site, being a treasury professional with years of experience in the field. However you could also be a student or a businessman wanting to know more details on the subject, or a reader in general, eager to learn something new. The ‘Treasury for non-treasurers’ series […]
MIFID II – a short excursion into the MIFID landscape
| 10-5-2017 | treasuryXL | MIFID II – you read about it frequently. And there are more abbreviations: you will also find MIFIR and MIFID I. As a banker you will know what we are talking about. As a treasurer or financial professional you are supposed to understand what MIFID II will bring you. We […]
The IT Savvy Treasurer
| 9-5-2017 | Patrick Kunz | We cannot switch on the news without hearing about technological advancements which, supposedly, make our lives easier, better or smarter. We all embrace these, get used to them and cannot do without them anymore. Sometimes we think back to the time before these advancements and cannot image how […]
National Blockchain Coalition: No Dutch Polder model!
| 8-5-2017 | Carlo de Meijer | Now also The Netherlands (I am a Dutchman!) has its broad-based collaborative blockchain initiative. At the end of last month (30 March 2017), there was the official kick-off of the National Blockchain Coalition (“Nationale Blockchain Coalitie” in official Dutch language) (NBC) at the premises of the Ministry of Economic […]
Autorisaties en bevoegdheden vastleggen – ook noodzakelijk voor het MKB
| 5-5-2017| Jan Doosje | Helmi van Bergen van Juridiqua heeft onlangs een interessant artikel gepubliceerd over autorisaties en procedures rondom autorisaties. Vorig jaar heb ik een artikel voor TreasuryXL geschreven betreffende autorisaties en procedures met betrekking tot cash en treasury management. Ik zie het artikel van Helmi van Bergen in het verlengde hiervan. […]
The end of the Euro as we know it – when the party ends?
| 4-5-2017 | Lionel Pavey | The papers are full of stories about the level of Government debt within the Eurozone (Italy has a debt to GDP ratio of more than 130%), probable new bailouts for Greece, lack of suitable bonds to purchase for Quantitive Easing, Brexit, the rise of populist rightwing politics etc. Well […]
1 juli stopt GMU – hoe houdt u uw bedrijfsprocessen op orde?
| 3-5-2017 | Mark van de Griendt | Sponsored content | GMU, het formaat wat al jaren door ING wordt gebruikt als formaat voor de bankafschriftinformatie, wordt vanaf 1 juli niet meer door ING aangeboden. Dit formaat wordt al tientallen jaren door ING geleverd en wordt ‘ingehaald’ door formaten die uitgebreidere (incasso) informatie kunnen geven. […]
Guide to Treasury Technlogy by ACT & AFP
| 1-5-2017| treasuryXL | ACT | AFP | ACT and AFP have published a Guide to Treasury Technology sponsored by Bloomberg, which might be interesting for you. Managing treasury tasks has become more complex due to globalization of markets and increasing uncertainty in business since the first AFP edition appeared in 2011. Since then treasurers faced multiple challenges to exercise […]