Tag Archive for: treasury management

How to get a fair deal on your derivatives trades

| 15-6-2017 | Simon Knappstein | treasuryXL


We discovered the article ‘Are you getting a fair deal on your derivatives trades” on treasurytoday. In the article derivatives are described as a good tool to mitigate risk and protect the company’s financials from moves in the market. However, derivatives come at a cost and often these costs are also hidden, which means that the  treasurer cannot be sure that he is getting a fair deal.


Price of the deal

Greater transparency is needed and  that was the reason why company NEXTrioptima developed its triCalculate solution. When treasurers execute a deal with a bank they typically cannot see how the price of the deal is calculated and what the bank is charging them for credit risk.The tool triCalculate tries to change this by taking the corporate’s derivatives trade file, a credit curve file and a credit support annex (CSA) file (where one exists) and running these through a series of highly complex mathematical simulations. The result: an accurate XVA calculation that enables corporates to quickly identify and price the impact of a counterparty default and the cost of funding a derivative portfolio. This is the first Software as a Service (SAAS) on the market. The tool does not only provide  companies with  greater transparency over their current derivative portfolio, but also offers the chance to plan new deals much better.

We asked our expert Simon Knappstein if this tool is really worth the while.

All the capital a derivative trade consumes, or is expected to consume, over its lifetime is  increasingly incorporated in the price of a trade. CVA, a valuation adjustment for counterparty credit risk was initially the major adjustment, soon to be followed by FVA (funding value adjustment) and many related adjustments that go under the umbrella name XVA. Properly calculating these adjustments for every trade on a portfolio basis is difficult and time consuming. So the new product offering TriCalculate by NEX TriOptima looks like a promising tool for corporate treasurers to help them gain insight in the pricing process of derivatives offered by their bank. By the way, being able to calculate a fair value on a potential trade does not guarantee you a fair deal, but it will certainly help.

Simon Knappstein - editor treasuryXL


Simon Knappstein

Owner of FX Prospect




More articles of this author:

FX global code of conduct

Negatieve interest rate policy: No lasting effect on FX


PSD2 is coming soon: Some information about PSD2 summed up

| 14-6-2017 | Mark van de Griendt | PowertoPay |

PSD2 is approaching soon, just a few months left. But do you know what exactly PSD2 is? And more important, what does PSD2 mean for your businesses? PSD2 enables relations of banks, to use (selected) third-party providers to manage their financial data. In the near future, you maybe will use social media to directly pay your bills, while still having your money safely placed in your own bank account(s).


With the coming of PSD2, banks are obligated to provide these (selected) third-party providers access to their customers’ accounts through open API’s. This will enable third-parties to create financial services on top of the banks relation data or banks’ infrastructure.

Banks get a different role and since these third-party companies can now be their competition, banks are working together with these FinTech companies. PSD2 will fundamentally change the order to cash value chain, what business models are profitable, and customer expectations. Through the directive, the European Commission aims to improve innovation, reinforce consumer protection and improve the security of internet payments and account access within the EU and EEA.

For banks, PSD2 might possess substantial business challenges. IT costs will increase dramatically due to new security requirements and the opening of API’s. And, as FinTech’s take over the customer interaction, banks may find it increasingly difficult to differentiate themselves in the market for offering loans. The first business cases show us successful new products for renewed loan offerings based on actual data, PSD2 will boost product development, end-users will take advance of new market propositions.

What exactly will PSD2 bring?

  • The introduction and regulation of third-party payment service providers
  • 2 types of providers will be selected, those that offer:
    • Payment Initiation Services Providers – PISP
    • Account Information Service Providers – AISP
  • The unconditional right of refund for direct debits under the SEPA CORE scheme
  • A two-factor authentication check out system
  • Ban on additional costs for card payments
  • Better consumer protection against fraud, capping any potential payments if an unauthorized payment is made up to €50
  • Improved consumer protection for payments made outside of the EU or in non-EU currencies


SEPA for corporates

Mark van de Griendt – Cash Management Expert at PowertoPay

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What is the Blockchain and why you should care

| 7-6-2017 | Carlo de Meijer | treasuryXL |

You might visit this site, being a treasury professional with years of experience in the field. However you could also be a student or a businessman wanting to know more details on the subject, or a reader in general, eager to learn something new. The ‘Treasury for non-treasurers’ series is for readers who want to understand what treasury is all about. Our expert Carlo de Meijer is a blockchain specialist and tells us more about this new technology.


Blockchain is an immutable digital database or ‘distributed ledger’ that allows multiple parties to  transfer and store information (records) securely and reliably, shared via a peer-to-peer network of computers. There are public (or permissionless) blockchains where everybody is free to participate and private (or permissioned) distributed ledgers where only selected parties may enter the network.
The ledger is maintained collectively by all participants in the blockchain system based on a set of generally agreed and strictly applied rules.  It enables digital transactions to be validated quickly and to be securely maintained through cryptography, computational power and network users without the need  for a trusted third party.
In addition to transactions, blockchain has also the ability to run so-called smart contracts, to be coded and connected in such a way that the contract automatically executes an event if certain preconditions are met. Smart contracts could be used in real estate transactions to transfer title and release escrow when ownership is confirmed. Peer-to-peer insurance is potentially another use case.

Main characteristics

What are the main characteristics of a blockchain?
Blockchain has special qualities that makes it better than traditional databases: trusted, decentralised, shared, secure and automated.
·         Trusted: the distributed nature of the network requires computers servers to reach consensus, which allows for transactions to occur between unknown parties in a trusted way.
·         Decentralised: Blockchain allows to trade directly with any counterparty in a secure, fast and cost effective way, without making use of a central authority or third party intermediaries (middlemen) to approve transactions and set rules.
·         Shared: servers or nodes, maintain the entries (known as blocks) and every node sees the transaction data stored in the blocks when created. Each counterparty has its own copy of the same ledger. It allows anyone to obtain an accurate view.
·         Secure: the database is built to be immutable and irreversible, which means that there is inherent security. Posts to the ledger cannot be revised or tampered with. The information is tamper-proof and visible for all parties involved.
·         Automated: Software is used to generate and record information about the transaction (when it took place, and the chronological order of all transactions). This results in a chain of information, stored in a so-called block; hence the name blockchain.

Use cases

What are use cases for blockchain?
As the blockchain can be used to store and send anything of value, applications may be numerous. These do not limit to financial transactions such as payments, remittances, supply chain finance, securities settlement, stock trading etc. The potential may well be beyond the financial sector ranging from securing  intellectual property, health records, land registry and ownership records, marriage contracts, identity management, voting records, vehicle registries, tax collection etc.
What are the benefits of blockchain?


There are many benefits to be gained from using blockchain technology. Immutability, coupled with its immediacy, assured provenance  and transparency are core blockchain attributes. Removing the middlemen for transaction increases the speed and eliminates transaction fees for consumers and institutions alike. Other business benefits are also relatively easy to imagine, such as in facilitating identity authentication, privacy, access management, regulatory compliance.


Carlo de Meijer

Economist and researcher


“Systems om je bank buitenspel te zetten” – Verslag van mijn Financial Systems presentatie

| 23-5-2017 | Pieter de Kiewit |

Dit is een verslag en korte samenvatting van mijn presentatie die ik mocht houden op het Financial Systems evenement. Afgezien van een gênante vertraging door mijn gebrekkige Powerpoint skills was het een prettige sessie afgerond met een pittige discussie tussen experts in de zaal. Eerst een korte samenvatting:

Als Feyenoord fan ben ik dit jaar gelukkig en weet veel van voetbal, ook al speel ik het niet. Daarin ligt een parallel in mijn werk als treasury recruiter. Maandelijks krijg ik van circa 100 experts persoonlijk college en zie een veelvoud aan cv’s. Ik denk dat ik hierdoor inzicht heb in systemen die worden gebruikt om treasury processen te managen en ik zie de afgelopen decennia interessante ontwikkelingen die de laatste jaren in een versnelling zijn geraakt.

Zonder namen te noemen van leveranciers, ik doe geen software sales, heb ik een lijst gemaakt van diensten en producten die de gereedschapskist van de treasurer kunnen vergroten en afhankelijkheid van zijn bank verkleinen. Toen ik deze lijst opstelde, viel me op dat er tussen de vakgebieden cash & werkkapitaal management enerzijds en funding anderzijds interessante ontwikkelingen zijn zoals bankonafhankelijke betaalplatforms, crowdfunding en het bankkosten inzichtelijk maken. In het managen van risk zie je bijvoorbeeld trade finance in blockchain en partijen die FX transacties tegen ongebruikelijk lage marges bieden.

Banken daadwerkelijk buitenspel wordt lastig en is volgens mij ook niet het streven. Banken bashen vind ik een zeer onsympathieke hobby. Daarbij is de Fintech wereld ook nog niet volwassen met alle bijbehorende consequenties. Voor de drukbezette treasurer, voor de DGA en CFO die maar incidenteel te maken hebben met het vakgebied kunnen deze ontwikkelingen nogal onoverzichtelijk zijn. Helaas is er geen oplossing die snel inzicht verschaft. Wel denk ik dat er mooie kansen liggen voor degene die vooraan wil meelopen in ontwikkelingen.

De discussie die zich ontspon tussen financiële lijnmanagers en treasury experts ging, onder andere, over de vraag of bankkosten daadwerkelijk inzichtelijk zijn en wat de toekomstige rol van de banken zal zijn. De Powerpoint presentatie is onder dit artikel opgenomen. Ik verheug me op verdere events waar discussie rond dit thema kan worden verder gevoerd.

Pieter de Kiewit



Pieter de Kiewit
Owner Treasurer Search



Klik hier als je de presentatie van de sessie wilt bekijken.





Financial Systems 2017 – Event with a Treasury Twist

| 12-5-2017 | Pieter de Kiewit | treasuryXL | Sponsored content |

In 2016 Treasurer Search, as a sponsor partner, was a guest at our booth during the annual event “Financial Systems” in Nieuwegein and they will be present again this year. The event will open its doors on May 18th, and you can read more about this event on https://financial-systems.nl/. We asked our expert Pieter de Kiewit, owner of Treasurer Search to look back on last year’s event and tell us what to expect this year.

Looking back on last year

Last year, we as Treasurer Search (together with treasuryXL) were able to give part of the event a treasury twist by organizing a workshop that was well appreciated. Four interim managers presented their top tips about treasury software selection and implementation (see https://www.treasuryxl.com/news-articles/treasury-technologie-impact-het-kwadraat).

Looking forward to the 18th of May

Everything is prepared and ready to go.This is what we have planned this year.

We will be present again on the stand and information market of treasuryXL. Their stand will be the meeting point for the treasury community. We will again facilitate knowledge exchange and networking. We believe that, between all ERP, bookkeeping, credit management and other systems, there should be room for treasury management systems, cash forecasting software, payment and other software. A treasury pavilion, together with a Fintech component must be worth a visit.

Parallel session together with treasuryXL

As to our parallel session, we were contemplating various topics. Last year’s operational approach was well appreciated, so we will again present the practical aspects of newest technology. This year’s parallel session has the topic “Systems om je bank buitenspel te zetten” (Technology to put your bank at the side-line)
‘Until recently the banker was an indisputed advisor and bank fees were not open for discussion. But times change and technology contributes to this development. It creates possibilities to re-arrange funding, cash and risk management. Costs are safed, risks are limited and information becomes more comprehensible. As specialised recruiter and active member of the treasury community I will share my vision on contemporary, relevant technology with you in an interactive session. What will your next conversation with your bank be about?’

Free registration with code

Admission to the event is free. We do appreciate your visit. When registering via https://financial-systems.nl/aanmelden/, choose the option ‘gratis registreren met code’ and use the following registration code: TXL2017
This will help us analyzing the visitor population and adjust the program to your background.

I look forward to seeing you at Financial Systems, together with treasuryXL,


Pieter de Kiewit



Pieter de Kiewit
Owner Treasurer Search



The Euro from a treasury perspective

| 10-4-2017 | Hans de Vries |

In a perfect world, one currency is the ultimate dream for every Treasurer. The introduction of the Euro has been a major leap forward in that direction. However, current anti-euro sentiments boosted by populist movements all over Europe, seriously threaten to hamper this unique and visionary European accomplishment.  This article focusses on what impact the introduction of the Euro had for the corporate treasurers and what will happen if the Euro gets skipped.

Let’s start with the beginning. One must be aware that the introduction of the Euro is the world’s largest economic policy experiment so far with heavy repercussions on the autonomy of the countries involved with regard to their monetary regimes.  So naturally this expedition has met a lot of criticism ever since the beginning, the creation of the European Monetary System (EMS) on March 13,1979.

The Euro skeptics mostly feared that the wide-spread adoption of the Euro would deteriorate the economies of countries that accepted this currency and was in favor of the larger countries, like France and Germany, that now could easily manipulate the Euro’s puppet strings. Main belief was that the Euro would weaken instead of strengthen the European economy.

 As from the start, Euro stronger than expected

Although the Euro met quite some negative public attention, looking at more than 15 years of Euro, the track record has not been that bad at all. As the graph shows, after a relatively weak position against the USD at the beginning of this century, the Euro has held a strong position against the USD as from 2003 on, although weakening after 2014 in the aftermath of the banking and economic crisis that followed it. However, the predicted downfall of the Euro never took place. Remarkable phenomenon was that when the value of the dollar was higher, it was regarded in the media as a sign of weakness of the Euro against a “strong” Dollar and when the value of the Euro was stronger than the USD it was regarded by the analysts as a sign of weakness of the Dollar.

More important is that the introduction of the Euro as per January 1, 1999 has indeed brought the predicted transparency to the European market but also to the global market. This transparency has contributed to the substantial growth (5-40% according to Bun and Klaassens) of the internal trade flows within the EU countries due to the fact that the Euro has lowered the fixed and/or variable costs of exports. Prices can be compared across the whole Eurozone, allowing companies to choose the most price-competitive suppliers. The newly exported goods are of lower unit values than those previously exported because the Euro has made exporting them profitable, particularly for small exporters. Don’t forget that with 28 member states in 2014 Europe was the strongest economic player on global level taking care of 17,1% of the World GDP whereas the USA had a share of 15,9% and Russia 3,3%.
From a more monetary viewpoint the Euro brought price stability. Inflation in the Eurozone has been around 2-2.5% for most of the time since its creation.
A strong Euro mitigated the impact of the volatility of dollar-denominated commodity prices.This advantage was particularly visible before the beginning of the financial and economic crisis, when the oil price and the price of some other important food commodities reached unprecedented peaks. Due to the Strong Euro or weak USD, the consequences for the European market were relatively minor.

Euro leads to transparent treasury operations and substantial cost reductions

In today´s Euro environment, most Treasurers in Europe only have to deal with the USD, GBP and sometimes CHF and the Nordic Currencies. This makes live quite overseeable and has substantially enhanced their risk portfolio. The same applies for the Treasurers outside the Euro zone, who are now freed from the hassle of the past European currency palette.

Although a number of Euro critics pointed their finger at the Euro as direct cause for the Banking crisis a few years ago, it is almost impossible to imagine the consequences of the crisis in and outside Europe if every European country had been dealing with their own currencies. This would have resulted in a pandemonium of devaluations and revaluations with even more severe consequences for the values of all national and international operating companies and even more bank bankruptcies. Not to mention the impact this might have had on pension funds and other investment vehicles on short and longer terms.

From a corporate perspective, the benefits of the introduction of the Euro are therefore quite clear.

But also the consumers more and more are sharing the benefits of the common Euro market. Not only during travels abroad but also internet shopping becomes more and more international with new initiatives on the way to support payments like the Fast Payment project.

Looking at all these benefits, the current anti Euro sentiment in a number of European member states is from an economic point of view hard to understand and might pose a serious threat on the future European economic development.

Consequences of a Euro exit from a treasury and cash management perspective

Imagine getting back to the world without the Euro. This means an enormous rise of the operational costs considering:

  • The daily currency shifts that influence directly the position of the corporate’s accounts receivable/ and accounts payable and therefore the short time profit/loss situation. To minimize the impact substantial investment in systems and manpower will be needed;
  • The monetary developments as result of the internal economic/ political situation per country resulting in overnight currency devaluation/ revaluation and it’s inter currency reaction’s. (The recent takeover of Opel by Peugeot was merely a result of the strong decline of the GBP against the Euro which had severe consequences on the UK based Vauxhall subsidiary and shows the impact of the monetary developments on the corporate world.)
  • The banking costs involved in setting up swaps/ hedges/ Long term deposits etc.
  • The banking costs involved in buying and selling the various currencies;
  • The impact on money transfers which will be treated as international payments again with different clearing systems, correspondent banks, local payment instruments and formats etc. resulting in delayed payments and receipts and therefore threatening the growth of the economies.
  • The impact on international trade that will strongly diminish due to the lack of transparency of the international markets, the rise of costs and the loss of trust.
  • Re-opening of local accounts to support local business

Banking industry as sole winner

The only party that will benefit from this skip of the Euro development is the banking industry, because of the margin to be made on currency exchange, swaps and other derivates, and the backshift to a Non-Sepa/ international payments environment with substantial higher transaction costs. Looking at the public opinion on banks in general ever since the bank crisis, it’s hard to believe that the populist movements in Europe are in favour of this development.

Take the loss or start a counter movement?

This leaves us with the question, what benefits are there to gain by consumers and businesses alike by leaving Europe and the Euro? Looking at the economic development of the Euro countries today and all the benefits the Euro has brought the corporates and consumers,  there is no clue why we should not stick to the current status quo and enhance it in any possible way.

It is therefore high time to start advocating the true merits a United Europe has been gaining thanks to the pan European ideals: a unprecedented war free community already lasting for more than seventy years combined with an enormous economic and cultural development.

Hans de Vries

Treasury/ Cash Management Consultant

Treasurers to be the strategic super-heroes for their CFO

|3-4-2017 | GTNews | Lionel PaveyUdo Rademakers |

Treasurers to be the super-hero for their CFO? We found this article headline on GTNews.com so intriguing that we asked our experts Lionel Pavey and Udo Rademakers to comment on it. According to the article the role of the treasurer has to be re-evaluated due to the fact that deal-making (figures of mergers and acquisitions have increased) is high on the global agenda. Traditionally treasurers focussed on informing the C-Suite and the board and integrated systems and processes after decisions about a deal were made.  Treasurers started to address this issue, which led to a new role of the treasurer, in fact a much more strategic role. The treasurer was no longer a risk manager, but also a ‘business change enabler ‘.  GTNews states: ‘The treasurer who opens this door is truly aligning themselves to the needs of the chief financial officer (CFO).They’ll be a superhero.’

Expert Lionel Pavey added some valuable information on the 4 different stages of a M&A proces.


  1. Examine the different methods of payment – cash, debt, equity
  2. Discretely ascertain interest rate levels if using debt
  3. What are the effects of additional debt on the existing bank covenants and financial ratios
  4. Complete takeover or just buying a business unit or division?


  1. Examine the cashflow forecast of the target
  2. Examine any documentation on outstanding loans
  3. Existing pledges – Letter of Credit, Bank Guarantees, financial contracts, contingent liabilities
  4. Outstanding debtors, creditors, taxes etc.


  1. Detailing the bank accounts
  2. Either merging the bank accounts or creating new accounts at the time of closing
  3. Agreeing all bank balances and outstanding claims
  4. Receiving detailed cashflow forecast for the first 2-3 months after closing date
  5. Combining the new cashflows with the existing forecasts
  6. Arrange any agreed financing


  1. Close all existing facilities and services that will be no longer used
  2. Ensure the new data is present in the book keeping system
  3. All counterparties are informed of new bank accounts
  4. All authorized personnel have access to new banking systems

Expert Udo Rademakers states:
The posting at gtnews.com  points out where treasurers could add value in M&A activities. Unfortunately, in too many cases, treasurers had been brought into M&A transactions rather late: at a stage where the acquisition already had been concluded and where the treasurer only gets involved in “getting the deal done”.

As pointed out in the article, this is often a missed chance for the company and also for the treasurer of not adding more strategic value. Apart from that, the sooner the treasurer gets on board, the better the company can prepare for this kind of rather complicated transactions. It enabled the treasurer as well to act on a tactical level in order to support the M&A transaction in a cost efficient and well documented way.

What strategic value could the Treasurer bring?

  1. value the target company or the combined entity as a whole based on CF projection models
  2. evaluate the capital mix (cash, debt, equity)
  3. evaluate borrowing capacity/credit lines (low risk, best price)
  4. evaluate the country risk
  5. creating the funding flow overview and analyze this (timing of transactions)
  6. evaluate credit- and forex risk (natural hedging possibilities, consider to pay as much as possible from     “restricted countries” in order to decrease your restrained cash)

If the treasurer has been on board for the strategic part, he is well informed and able to manage the tactical part systematical as soon as the effectuation of the transaction takes place.

The treasurer needs to arrange (if applicable):

  1. temporary limit increase with banks
  2. forex transactions (increase of in- and external limits if needed)
  3. time critical payments to agencies, funding parties, seller, capital injections etc. : validate account information, prepare correct timing of the flow (cut off times, correct payment details and descriptions, etc.)
  4. documenting of all transaction in a systematic way and liaise with all in- and external parties involved.

Especially in high demanding environments where one transaction takes place after the other, mistakes will be made and processes might not be well documented. Obviously this could lead to higher risk and additional costs and lots of additional (correcting) work afterwards. Having a well prepared, skilled treasurer on board could avoid this.

Hence the comparison with a superhero…


Involve the treasurer from the first step
Draw up a detailed project plan for M&A and ensure that it is signed off by Board of Directors
Implement project plan for every M&A
Identify all costs linked to M&A
Highlight any cost savings and/or efficiencies

Lionel Pavey


Lionel Pavey

Cash Management and Treasury Specialist




Udo Rademakers

Independent Treasury Consultant & Interim Manager





Banker to corporate treasury transfer – A topic as relevant as ever

| 27-3-2017 | Pieter de Kiewit | treasuryXL

In July 2016 our expert Pieter de Kiewit wrote an article about bankers who want to make a transfer into corporate treasury. With all the news about major banks laying off huge numbers of staff and the recent news that ABN AMRO asks 30 top managers to leave the bank or accept demotion, we believe that this topic is still very relevant and worthwhile to be published. Pieter de Kiewit wrote his blog based upon his observations working as a treasury recruitment consultant having meetings with many of them.

The transfer has been made many times successfully, even more it appeared to be impossible.

You have to ask yourself: “why do I want this?”. If this is your lifelong dream your application strategy will be different from the situation where your employer asked you to leave. Be honest with yourself, you know the answer. I will describe the consequence of both scenarios.

If your dream is working in a corporate treasury, you have acted upon this. Your studies included the right topics, you visited the relevant events and in your communication with clients you showed a sincere interest what their tasks involve. You projected yourself in these tasks and are able to tell why you would be good at it, why you prefer them over your banking tasks. You already knew there will be a pay cut and that is no problem. Your story is sound and the hiring manager will notice. It will be authentic and most likely you will not apply from unemployment.

If you were made redundant and will try to convince the hiring manager you always wanted to be a corporate treasurer, you will fail. Why didn’t you try before? What did you do to prepare for this step? Can one notice you understand their job?

Just tell it like it is: you studied to be a banker, you loved the job and were great at it. Times have changed and regretfully you have to recalibrate. But there is a silver lining: you have a valuable skill set your potential employer might benefit from. But here is where it gets a bit harder: it is your job to find out what the (potential) problem of you future boss is and why you can solve it. He/she will not take the effort to find out. So ask questions, match them to your skill set and do not use banking lingo. Ask your friends if they think you have an old school banking attitude (“you might receive our funding”). If so, ditch it. You do not have to beg for the job but you might mention you look forward to working together and being successful.

Good luck out there!

Pieter de Kiewit



Pieter de Kiewit
Owner Treasurer Search


Flex Treasurer – Besparing na een treasury quick scan: Nog meer praktijkvoorbeelden

| 22-3-2017 | François de Witte | Patrick Kunz |

Als je ondernemer bent of als financiële professional werkt in een kleine of middelgrote organisatie die geen treasurer of cash manager in dienst heeft, vraag je je wellicht af of je alle treasury taken wel goed geregeld hebt. Iemand aannemen voor deze taken gaat misschien een stap te ver. Maar dat betekent niet dat je geen kosten zou willen besparen of dat er geen mogelijkheden zijn voor bijvoorbeeld funding. Wij hebben jullie al eerder kennis laten maken met onze Flex Treasurers en de Treasury Quick Scan die zij kunnen uitvoeren in een onderneming. In een eerder artikel hebben wij al praktijkvoorbeelden gepresenteerd. In dit artikel nog twee voorbeelden, waaruit blijkt dat een Treasury Quick Scan grote besparingen kan opleveren.

Onderneming C: Internationaal Handelshuis in voedselproducten

Omzet ca 1 miljard Euro

  • C is handelaar in voedselproducten in de B2B markt. Wereldleider in zijn segment en op alle continenten actief. Producten worden standaard in USD geprijsd. C heeft geen treasurer in dienst, de finance managers deden dit erbij.
  • Een treasury scan in 1 dag liet zien dat een besparingspotentieel op treasury processen mogelijk was van minstens EUR 200.000 per jaar (oplopende tot EUR 1.000.000 op jaarbasis)
  • Door optimalisatie van cash management processen en heronderhandeling van transactiekosten is binnen een maand EUR 300.000 jaarlijkse besparing gerealiseerd
  • Door optimalisatie van interne processen en toevoegen van extra banken en een online handelsplatform is op FX hedging een verdere besparing van EUR 100.000 gerealiseerd. Verder is het proces verbeterd waardoor er minder tijd wordt besteed aan de processen.
  • C heeft inmiddels een eigen treasurer, treasury afdeling en treasury management systeem. De flex treasurer is nog steeds betrokken bij projecten.

Onderneming D: vastgoedbedrijf

Omzet ca 125 miljoen Euro.

  • D had een treasurer in dienst welke met pensioen ging op korte termijn. Een flex treasurer is aangenomen om kritsch te kijken naar de treasury processen welke intern en extern gedaan werden
  • Alle terugkerende treasury activiteiten zijn naar intern gehaald. Dit zorgde voor een besparing van ca EUR 50.000 per jaar.
  • Een treasury rapportage werd opgezet zodat (senior) management en lijn management beter geïnformeerd zijn over treasury activiteiten
  • Cash Management en cash flow forecasting is geoptimaliseerd welke het renteresultaat verbeterde. Besparing ca. EUR 10.000 per jaar.
  • Corporate finance activiteiten werden verbeterd waardoor er zeer scherp in de mark geleend kon worden.
  • Treasury kon uiteindelijk afgebouwd worden van 36 uur naar 8 uur per week. Besparing ca EUR 60.000 per jaar.


Herken je een of meer situaties uit je eigen organisatie? Heb je een vraag? Onze experts zijn gaarne bereid om met jou in gesprek te gaan. Zij werken als Flex Treasurer en helpen jou graag verder. Overigens ook als je bijvoorbeeld na een treasury quick scan behoefte hebt, om tijdelijk een (flex) treasurer in dienst te nemen.


François de Witte 
Senior Consultant at FDW Consult