Tag Archive for: treasurer

4 questions for the Cash and Currency Manager at Boskalis

| 13-04-2021 | by treasuryXL | Kendra Keydeniers

Without a doubt you have seen the giant container ship ‘Ever Given’ blocking the Suez canal from March 23 till March 29, 2021. One week later we were very close to an unprecedented oil spill by a rudderless cargo ship, nevertheless this story got a happy ending. Boskalis, the leading global dredging and offshore contractor and maritime services provider, saved the world twice in nine days.

Back in 2019 we interviewed the Cash & Currency Manager at Boskalis, Steven de Klein. We took this momentum to look back and see when his career in treasury started and why he decided to start with the Register Treasurer program.

Steven de Klein decided to take a deeper dive into the world of treasury and started the Register Treasurer (RT) program in 2014. He graduated as RT  in 2017. Before moving into treasury, he studied Business Economics in Nijmegen.

His first experience in treasury was a good one, “The field of treasury is much greater than most people expect” said Steven.

With its roots in the Netherlands, Boskalis has over 100 years’ experience in hydraulic engineering, coastal protection and land reclamation. The head office is located in Papendrecht and they have an extensive network of branches around the world. They operate in 90 countries and across six continents, with a versatile fleet of more than 900 vessels and floating equipment. Shares in the company have been listed on Euronext Amsterdam since 1971.

We asked Steven 4 questions about the RT program:

  1. What for you was the main reason to start a career in treasury?

    During my final year at the Radboud University in Nijmegen where I studied Business Economics, I started at a small advisory firm specialized in (corporate) financing. That was my first experience in treasury and it suited me well. Soon afterwards I joined a development & construction company that showed me that treasury was more than just financing and before you know it, you are a ‘treasurer’.

  2. Why did you start with the RT program?

    After working within the same company for a few years I noticed that my learning curve was leveling out. I started to investigate what treasury courses and programs where available and found that the RT program is without any doubt the best and most comprehensive treasury course available in The Netherlands.

  3. How did the education help you in your career?

    Not only did I gain a lot of new knowledge about treasury, but also about related topics such as macro-economics, fiscal law and (hedge) accounting. This helps to connect the dots a lot better when you’re back at your daily job. It also brought me a new network of people, good memories and I even think my current job at Royal Boskalis Westminster NV.

  4. Are you still in touch with your peers?

    Absolutely, during the 2-year program you built a strong relationship with your peers, since you do spend almost a full day per week with them. This is also one of the bigger benefits of the RT program in comparison to at-home studies.

We have more RT stories to share with you, here are the stories of Bouke, Michel, Jarno, Mathieu and Richard.

The post-graduate Executive Treasury Management & Corporate Finance programme combines two finance disciplines: Treasury Management and Corporate Finance. These disciplines largely overlap and are inextricably connected.

After a successful completion of all required modules, the title of Registered Treasurer (RT) is conferred by the Registered Treasurer foundation.

Kendra Keydeniers

Director, Community & Partners treasuryXL




Interim Treasurer Overheid – Part Time (m/v, only Dutch speakers)

04-09-2020 | Treasurer Search | treasuryXL

Onze Partner Treasurer Search zoekt een Interim Treasurer Overheid – Part Time (m/v) voor een prominente Gemeente in de Randstad. De hoofdtaken van de interim treasurer liggen ten eerste op het operationeel managen van de treasury functie met bijzondere aandacht voor financiering. Ten tweede zal de treasurer gevraagd en ongevraagd vanuit haar expertise een bijdrage leveren in het opstellen van beleid. Bijzondere aandachtsgebieden hierin zijn woningbouw en energietransitie.

Ideale Interim Treasurer Overheid

De ideale kandidaat voor deze functie heeft een relevant treasury track record, bij voorkeur in een gemeentelijke omgeving. Als persoon kan ze snel schakelen en communiceert gemakkelijk in verschillende omgevingen.

Onze Opdrachtgever

Onze opdrachtgever is een prominente gemeente in de randstad.

Kandidaat tarief en proces

Het all-in uurtarief voor de kandidaat ligt tussen €80 en €96. Het wervingsproces is strak ingericht door onze opdrachtgever. Voor kandidaten die passen en interesse hebben, hebben we een uitgebreide beschrijving van zowel het proces als de vacature. Het aantal werkuren per week is 20 tot 24.

Startdatum is 15 september, de opdracht duurt 4 maanden met een optie op verlening.


Randstad Zuid



Pieter de Kiewit

T: (0850) 866 798
M: (06) 1111 9783
E: [email protected]





Large platforms mainly invest in stones: social value decreases

31-08-2020 | Lex van Teeffelen | treasuryXL

Due to the corona crisis, loan volume shrank by 37% for corporate loans with crowdfunding platforms. Unique, because since the foundation of crowdfunding platforms there has only been growth. The first half of 2020 was so bad that a number of platforms made use of the NOW scheme. Yet there is also good news. A number of platforms are growing rapidly. Five platforms have also been admitted to the SME Corona Guarantee Scheme. What are the main developments? And where are the largest platforms?

(Blog in Dutch)

Het goede nieuws

Het gaat een aantal platforms voor de wind. NLInvesteert neemt de koppositie over als marktleider in het eerste halfjaar 2020. Onderscheidend door de sterke risicobeoordeling en de lage default. Maar ook SameninGeld voor particulier vastgoedfinanciering en LenderSpender voor consumentenleningen groeien door.

Eindelijk toegang tot overheidsgaranties

Na veel lobbywerk in Den Haag is de kogel door de kerk. Ook crowdfundingplatforms kunnen overbruggingskredieten met staatsgaranties aanbieden. Het gaat om BMKB-Corona regeling tot 1,5 miljoen euro met een aflosvrije periode tot 18 maanden en een maximale looptijd van 4 jaar. Een aantal platforms heeft concessies moeten doen. Naast de crowd dienen ook professionele/grote investeerders mee te doen. De website van het RVO is wat traag met alle partijen te vermelden, maar de volgende crowdfundingplatforms zijn geaccrediteerd: GeldvoorelkaarVoordeGroeiOneplanetCrowdCoöperatie NLInvesteert en October. Vreemd genoeg krijgen ook de flitskredietverstrekkers Swishfund en Yeaz toegang tot de staatsgarantie. Die trekken ondernemers qua kosten en rente het vel over de neus. En dat met staatsgarantie!


Het Europees opererende platform October van Franse origine, is de grootste aanvrager van de platforms in de eerste NOW-ronde met 151K. Maar ook marktleider 2019 Geldvoorelkaar voelde de pijn en ontving 136K. De derde grootste aanvrager was DuurzaamInvesteren (Crowdinvesting BV) met een toegekend bedrag van 83K. Deze partij heeft onder meer de Triodos Bank als aandeelhouder. Flitskredietverstrekker Swishfund spant echter de kroon met 313K.

Het is natuurlijk toegestaan, maar het staat niet chic. Deze platforms behoren bepaald niet tot de kleintjes. Dat kleinere non-profit platforms als VoordeKunst en Kentau de NOW aanvragen, is meer vanzelfsprekend.

DuurzaamInvesteren krijgt navolging

Bij DuurzaamInvesteren gaat het al een tijd niet goed. Niet alleen scoort dit platform hoog op het aantal ondeugdelijkheden, ook blijft het volume achter bij de concurrenten sinds begin 2019. Een doorn in het oog is dat DuurzaamInvesteren proposities van de eigen aandeelhouders YardEnergie en Greenchoice plaatst. Hoe kan het platform daarbij objectiviteit garanderen? Helaas volgt aandeelhouder Lambert Kassing van KapitaalopMaat dit slechte voorbeeld op met deze propositie. Ook KapitaalopMaat kent weinig transacties met daarbij ook een hoge (loss giving) default. De aandeelhouder is tevens actief voor de Stichting Zekerheden KapitaalopMaat. Wederom ongewenste verstrengeling van belangen. Belanghebbenden kunnen melding doen bij de AFM.

Vastgoedtransacties zonder heldere risicobeoordeling

Waar de platforms voorheen vooral werkkapitaal verschaften, groeit nu de objectfinanciering – meer specifiek de vastgoedfinanciering – snel. Bijgaand ziet u een indicatief overzicht van de Onroerend Goed (OG) proposities van de drie grootste platforms (2020 YTD) op 18 augustus 2020 om 00.00 uur.

Tweederde of meer van de verstrekte leningen (in volume) is nu vastgoedfinanciering. Hoewel Geldvoorelkaar de meeste proposities post (66%), wordt zij in volume voorbijgestreefd door Collin Crowdfund en NLInvesteert. Dat investeerders wat te kiezen hebben blijkt uit de ranges in Loan To Value (LTV) en de geboden rentes. Op het eerste gezicht lijkt NLInvesteert het betere risico/rendement aan te bieden. Let wel, het aantal waarnemingen is beperkt. De proposities binnen en tussen de platforms wijken sterk van elkaar af. In een enkel geval wordt niet eens onderpand gevestigd, soms een tweede hypotheek (= lastig uitwinbaar), veelal een eerste hypotheek met (te) hoge LTV.

Er ontbreken veel indicatoren om OG proposties op waarde te kunnen schatten: de beoordeling van de locatie, de courantheid en verhandelbaarheid van het pand, de staat van onderhoud (binnen- en buitenkant), de kosten van achterstallig onderhoud of bouwkundige gebreken. Taxatierapporten worden niet bijgevoegd.

Investeren in vastgoed met eerste hypotheek is niet risicoloos. In een crisis komen meer bedrijfspanden leeg te staan. Daarmee daalt de waarde. Geen huurder, betekent sowieso een zeer lage waarde. Excecutieverkoop levert een fractie van de getaxeerde waarde op. Wachten op de juiste koper meer, maar gaat gepaard met doorlopende kosten. Bij particuliere woningen is dat risico minder groot. Maar in ontvolkte en sterk vergrijzende regio’s zeker aanwezig. Meer dan 65% LTV bij courante bedrijfspanden en 80% LTV bij particulier vastgoed voor investeringsdoeleinden is onverstandig. Vooral Geldvoorelkaar en Collin Crowdfund overschrijden die grenzen regelmatig. Geen van de drie platforms hanteert overigens expliciete pricingscriteria voor vastgoedproposities. Andere beoordelingscriteria zijn nodig.

Investeren in de reële economie of meedeinen met speculanten?

Naarmate er meer gehandeld wordt in particulier onroerend goed, zullen de platfoms meebewegen. Daar waar nieuwe panden en projecten worden gerealiseerd via aan-, ombouw en nieuwbouw, zie ik toegevoegde waarde. Daar waar ondernemers hun kosten gelijk kunnen houden met verwerving van het bedrijfspand niet. Investeren in stenen is – zeker nu – slecht voor de liquiditeit van een onderneming. Cash is King in crisistijd.

Maar wat is de toevoegde waarde van opkoop van particuliere panden? Die worden gesplitst of voor drie tot vijf personen ingericht. Huurprijzen worden flink verhoogd, stedelijke omgevingen worden onbetaalbaar voor starters en mensen met lage en midden inkomens. In plaats van honderden euro’s, stijgen de huren naar duizenden euro’s. Niet alleen het snel groeiende platform SameninGeld specialiseert zich hierin. Ook de grote platforms doen mee.

Economen in 17e eeuw noemden grond- en huizenbezitters de steriele klasse, omdat zij niet herinvesteren in directe economie en productiviteit. Adam Smith – schrijver van The Wealth of Nations – noemt hen zelfs parasieten, omdat zij “love to reap, where they never sowed”. Ook Nobelprijs winnaar Joseph Stiglitz, waarschuwt voor de ontwrichtende werking van de toenemende ongelijkheid en de accumulatie van kapitaal en bezit. En u kent vast de econoom Thomas Pikkety, die pleit voor het zwaar belasten van bezittingen en het licht belasten van arbeid?

Kleur bekennen

Met het verstrekken van overbruggingskredieten BMKB-C kunnen platforms hun rol herpakken. Banken laten steken vallen en beperken zich graag tot financieringen van 1 miljoen euro en meer.

Ik ben benieuwd waar de grotere crowdfundplatforms nu voor staan. Blijft het bij het oppikken van de restjes die de banken achterlaten? Zoals het er nu naar uitziet, lijken de grootste platforms veel op elkaar. Tijd voor fusies? Er mag wel wat meer kleur in het landschap komen*. Waar zit de toegevoegde waarde? Wat is hun Why en aan welke maatschappelijke doelstellingen dragen deze grotere platforms meetbaar bij?


Lex van Teeffelen

Professor Entrepreneurial Finance and Firm Acquisition

Cash is The Whole Royal Family!

26-08-2020 | Olivier Werlingshoff | treasuryXL

Can the treasurer be the linking pin between different departments within organizations?
For cash related topics he or she has to be the linking pin to understand the cash flows within the company and to be in control. When you understand how all departments work and how the financial information is produced by controllers, you can help them and give advice on how to lower trapped cash.


To me the cash flow forecast is the basic of all treasury related items. When setting up the forecast (direct/indirect), it gives you the possibility to dive deep in the risk of FX and take actions to lower them or even better, to develop a guideline on how to handle FX risks in the future. The same can be done for IR risk, debtor risk and all other cash flow related risks. When making the cash flow forecast, you can literally make visual what the effect of a change in payment behavior of your customers or a change in FX rates will be.

The Treasurer’s task

The treasurer has to be in constant contact with all different departments to receive the most actual information. As treasurer, you also have to challenge the different departments on cash related topics. The reason for this is that most of the colleagues are not always cash focused. You have to set up an internal marketing plan to reach all necessary stakeholders (organize meetings, develop reports, mailings, organize events where colleagues can come with cash optimization related idea’s etc…).

Supply chain departments are focusing on delivering on time for production or sales. It is very interesting to focus on the ins and outs of world of supply chain. All goods can be categorized based on the time they will stay in the warehouse as well as the time needed to replace them and the cost of a reorder. When you combine all variables, an optimum can be reach. The information that supply chain and purchasing department can provide you is the order book. This can help you to extent the reliable period of the direct cash flow forecast.

By sitting close to the financial department or the shared service center you can have a better understanding of the payment behavior of clients but also the payment behavior of the company. Is there enough focus on the debtor collection process and is the sales department also aware of the payment behavior of their customers? Are the invoices send on time? Do they use direct debits or are balances on bank accounts swept daily to a master account?

Financial control is a department which is also related to the cash flow forecast. Most of the time they will make budgets of balance sheets and P&L and will make (monthly/ quarterly/yearly) estimations of the working capital parts such as inventory, accounts payables and receivables. By doing so they will be able to predict an indirect cash flow forecast. Are their presumptions for the working capital parts correct? Are they based on the budget sales, or based on the previous years? Most of the time the presumptions explain the difference between the direct and indirect forecast and difficult to track down.


Financing activities such as project financing, supply chain and trade finance can be set up based on a reliable forecast. By increasing the cash awareness in different departments, you will be able to release trapped cash, lower costs and have better control of all cash related items.

Olivier Werlingshoff

Olivier is an operational treasury manager who likes to connect and get in touch with different departments. By doing so he gets the treasury department and the awareness of cash in the picture, gets grip on the cash flow and releases trapped cash as well as lowers costs.
He is available for a permanent/interim position and you can reach him on

+ 31683629427

[email protected].

Does your business need support in Treasury or a Treasury QuickScan?

We have treasurers available, go to Rent a Treasurer for all information.

Yvonne Wijnberg shares her Register Treasurer experience

| 13-03-2020 | by treasuryXL | Yvonne Wijnberg


The Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam is proud to announce that they honored 13 new Register Treasurer (RT) graduates. The graduated RT’s of March 2020 were part of the 22nd class. One of the graduates is Yvonne Wijnberg. Yvonne is Treasury Manager at the fast-growing, international non-food discounter, Action. She shares her story with us about her RT experience from start till end.



The Treasury Management & Corporate Finance post graduate programme is 1.5 years of investing in yourself and your career. For sure if you have been out of school for as many years as I have, it is not easy to get back in the process of studying  for exams, but once you are back in the routine, it brings you so much more than you expected.

Switch to treasury

After a career in Corporate Accounting I decided that I needed a change, so 12 years ago I made the switch from Corporate Accounting to Treasury. It was not easy to start from scratch again after working for over 10 years already, but I have never regretted the change a single day.

My career has never been a speedy process and I have made a few sidesteps along the way, but in the end it got me to where I am today. In March 2020 I finished the post graduate programme for Treasury Management & Corporate Finance at VU university Amsterdam.



When I started in September 2018, I was worried I might be the oldest there, fortunately this was not the case. The group was a pleasant mixture of sexes, ages, experience and disciplines. Not only people who work in corporate Treasury joint the programme, but also consultants, bankers, controllers and tax professionals were part of the group. This is one of the reasons why the programme is so interesting. Getting to know my fellow students and interact with them was an enrichment to my development and network.  But also the lectures from professionals over a wide spread of topics is something that has added value to my daily operations.

The programme is diverse. Some courses focus on cases, while others are more theoretical. But the complete programme gives a solid basis of all subjects that can cross your path in Treasury. And as always, one course will appeal more to you than another. If you’re working in groups on assignments the learning point is not only the assignment itself, but also in broadening your view and making you more aware of other options then the once that seems most logical to you.

Part of the programme is also that you need to write 2 academic papers. For me this was the biggest challenge. But in the end this was a good way to broaden my knowledge on 2 subjects that will help me in my work.

Why the RT-programme

The reason for joining the programme was maybe a little different for me than for most. With more than enough practical experience I found myself lacking the theoretical basis which made me insecure at times. The programme has given me broader theoretical knowledge that helps me in my daily practice. This allows me to make decisions more easily and with more confidence.

During the programme at times it was hard, not only for yourself but also for your loved ones. And you always have the challenge of dividing your time between work, family and study. But in the end it is all worth it!



Yvonne Wijnberg

Treasury Manager at Action





Graduated as a RT and ready for a new treasury challenge?

Being a RT opens doors to new challenges more easily. Are you looking for an interim or a permanent position? Do you want to work in a small business or rather prefer a big corporation? If you want to make a switch in your career and you are open for a new adventure than I would highly recommend to contact our partner Treasurer Search. Treasurer Search is a successful treasury recruitment company, founded 10 years ago with consultants that have experience in treasury recruitment up to 20 years.

Do you have any questions about the RT programme? Are you a RT who want to share your career development via an interview? Or do you have any other related questions or remarks about the RT topic? You can contact me directly via:

Kendra Keydeniers
Community & Partner Manager at treasuryXL







My Currency Fundamentals for SMEs

| 24-12-2019 | by Pieter de Kiewit |

My Very Practical Currency Fundamentals for SMEs

In 2016 I informed you about my baby steps in dealing with foreign exchange exposure in a “baby steps article” on this platform. I was about to receive Euros from Switzerland and had to pay in GBP (British pounds) into the UK. Two things I learned about the fees of big banks if you transfer internationally into another currency:

  1. There is a transaction fee if you transfer money into another currency, in most cases a flat fee;
  2. The bank takes a percentage from the total amount to make GBP out of Euro.

My solution at the time was to open a GBP account to avoid both these costs. There is a monthly fee for this bank account and some simple math showed that was the way to go. Currently GBP is relatively strong and I do not expect any UK assignments shortly, so I have decided to close down the account. Time to dig in again. I have struggled with three major considerations.

Transferring GBP into Euro: struggling with the spread

If you go onto the internet to find out what the current exchange rate between two currencies is, you get a number like 1 GBP equals 1.20 Euro. So far so good. Banks and other financial services providers work with a so-called spread. They deserve a reward for their services so the price they pay for your GBP is lower than the price you pay them if  you buy a pound from them. The spread is the percentage over and under the number you will find on the internet.

I am not here to endorse any businesses but I can tell you that the percentages can differ substantially. One provider asked 0.7%, the second 0.3%. The second provider does not charge a transaction fee, the first one does. If the amounts are substantial and your margins are thin, this difference can be substantially!

The hassle

When I choose for the second provider, I have to open a new account, remember new passwords, hand in documentation and think about if I can trust them. In short: a hassle.

With my first provider I have relationship of decades. I decided to ask them if there would be a chance that they would lower their prices. As I am a small business owner, I do not have a contact person anymore. I sent three emails to three different mail addresses. The first was not answered, the second was answered with “I cannot help you” and upon mail number three I received a call. The service agent mentioned she could not help me but I should call a colleague at 3:30 pm and then I would be put in the waiting line. Call me old-fashioned but that is not how I want to work. So that is what I told her. I noticed she really wanted to help but at the end of the day I got the message that my transaction was not in the millions so I would not receive an answer and there was no price-lowering. Ok.

I am not a fan of bank bashing and think they do important work. And we do not want to pick up every recruitment assignment. It is not in our interest but also not in the interest of the potential client. I would have appreciated a better line of communication.

The Market

As you might have noticed, I do like my cost savings but let’s be practical. This year the conversion rate GBP – Euro has been at its’ lowest at 1.06 and at its’ highest at 1.20. So there is  a difference of 0.14. The difference in the conversion rate has been 0.4%. I now chose to invest time in how to do the conversion and with which provider. Market study, good timing and luck are much better ways to optimize your returns.

Final remarks

If you, as an entrepreneur, have to deal with foreign exchange rates it is good to know how the cost structures of banks are. Also it is good to know there are alternative service providers like XE, Ebury, NBWM and Global Reach Group. If your time is limited and the number of transactions low, dig in once and decide what works for you. If you have regular and/or substantial transactions, it makes sense to keep the topic on the agenda. In that case it might be useful to gather further information and consider risk mitigating strategies and learn more about hedging, derivatives, spots, forwards, et cetera. If you want to, I can open my network for you.

Good luck and I would like to read about your experiences,



Pieter de Kiewit
Owner Treasurer Search


Cash Management in the Age of Digital Transformation

| 15-11-2019 | TIS |

Treasury Leaders Summit – London 2019

The Treasury Leaders Summit provides senior treasury and finance professionals with access to in-depth research, analysis and the opportunity to discuss key issues impacting the profession with senior level peers.

Our partner TIS will also be part of this Summit. Visit TIS at their stand and discuss your business case.

TIS Co-Founder, Jörg Wiemer, will hold a session about “Cash Management in the Age of Digital Transformation”. This will take place on Tuesday, 19th November at 4.30 PM GMT.

Also, do not miss our session on Day 2 with our customer HUGO BOSS. Get valuable insights on how they found the perfect-fit solution for their corporate payments processes.

This session will take place at 12.30PM GMT.

Request a meeting by filling out the form here.

19th – 20th November 2019

Leonardo Royal Hotel London City, 8-10 Coopers Row, London, EC3N 2BQ


Top 10 Treasury Priorities in 2020

| 29-10-2019 | TIS |

It’s webinar time! Our partner TIS will organize their next webinar on November 20, 2019.

The evolution of the Treasury function continues to accelerate with process automation and AI touching all aspects of Treasury Operations, and expectations to deliver more value across the enterprise.

How do you leverage technology to mitigate time spent on non-value add activities?

How do treasury professionals build the right relationships to deliver forecasts that matter, manage cash and bank relationships, and manage financial risks while communicating with impact to deliver business analysis that impacts performance?

Join Giancarlo Laudini, SVP Global Sales & Marketing Operations, TIS and Ernie Humphrey, CEO, 360 Thought Leadership Consulting to discover our ten priorities for Treasury teams for 2020 to tackle in order to deliver strategic value while facilitating a culture of collaboration and data-driven decision making within and beyond Treasury


Register here!

Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Timing: 5.00 PM – 6.00 PM CET







The restyled Treasurer Test and new website

| 21-10-2019 | by Kendra Keydeniers |

The Treasurer Test has been tested successfully by four different peer groups with each different treasury knowledge and experience. Finishing this test period with the peer members was a huge milestone for everyone who has been working on the Treasurer Test. By achieving this milestone we could take the next important steps in the Treasurer Test process:

  • Analysing the Treasurer Test results in each peer group, compared with peer group members from the same and different peer groups
  • Analysing the questions in both the Treasury Technical Knowledge part and the Personality Profile part
  • Receiving feedback from peer group members, scientists and industry experts
  • Translating input into improvement of the Treasurer Test and the Result Report

The last months during the ‘summer period’ we have been working on these next steps which resulted in a restyled Treasurer Test. We are very proud to launch our new:

  • Candidate Result Report
  • Website
  • Logo
The Changes

Candidate Result Report
We made a huge improvement with the Treasurer Test Result Report. Besides the restyling in the layout of the report, we improved the results display in the Treasury Technical Knowledge part. We received feedback on how the displays with the semi circles were presented with statistical and analytical data. The candidates were sometimes confused in how they actually made the Treasurer Test. Was it good, ok or bad? We have cleared this up and the results display now presents a clear overview of the Treasury Technical Knowledge of the candidate with a stronger comparison component.

DOWNLOAD  the Treasurer Test dummy report.

Are you one of our highly valued peer members? You can now download your enhanced report in your Treasurer Test account. If you need any help, contact us via [email protected].

The Treasurer Test has been uncoupled from the treasuryXL.com website, treasurertest.com is officially launched. The reason behind this is that Treasurer Test is an exclusive assessment product brand that has been grown and has its own identity. Where treasuryXL is expanding with the Dutch market as a basis, the Treasurer Test has been designed to serve the global market from the start.

New colors, new style and of course a new logo. The new Treasurer Test logo is developed with the idea that it needed more class now The Treasurer Test has been improved.  A logo redesign was a matter of course.

We are very happy and proud on our redesign and now truly confirm what is indicated on our new homepage: “ Measure the technical knowledge in treasury and the personality of the candidate “.
Of course we will keep on developing and innovating and are open for feedback anytime.

TreasurerTest.com is live, for you, for your recruitment, your career advancement.

On behalf of Team Treasurer Test,

Kendra Keydeniers
Community & Partner Manager at treasuryXL

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7 New Register Treasurers

| 15-10-2019 | by treasuryXL | Kendra Keydeniers

Each year a new class starts with the two year RT program at the Vrije Universiteit (VU). That means that every year we can welcome new Register Treasurer (RT) graduates into the World of Treasury.
On October 3, 2019, the VU was proud to announce that they honored 7 new Register Treasurer graduates.

The post-graduate Executive Treasury Management & Corporate Finance programme at the VU has now been running for more than 20 years. The graduated RT’s of 2019 were part of the 21st class.

The RT programme and its benefits

The programme consists of 6 modules. Treasury (Financial) Risk Management and International Cash Management are traditional treasury disciplines. Corporate Finance is part of the Corporate Financial Management and Capital Markets and Funding module. The embedding of the treasury and corporate finance function in corporate organizations is discussed in the Treasury Organization module. An overview of relevant aspects in financial law and fiscal law is given in the Financial and Fiscal Law and Regulations module.

Each module is concluded with an exam. All modules are organized in such a way to allow for sufficient preparation time for assignments and exams.

5 key main benefits of the programme:

  1. Broad perspective on the corporate treasury and finance disciplines
  2. Master level and state of the art
  3. Interactive sessions
  4. Useful career development opportunities in a different setting
  5. Get connected to the treasury community
A career boost for the RT graduates

The main objective of the programme is to teach high-level courses that boost participants’ professional skills, knowledge and expertise in Treasury Management and Corporate Finance. Graduates of the RT programme recognize opportunities for exciting developments, are able to think out of the box and contribute to in-depth discussions with senior management and board members, which will lead to new career development opportunities and boosts job satisfaction.

Take a dive into RT career stories from graduates

The VU has been delivering RT graduates successfully for a few decades. That means that there are hundreds of graduates working, most of them in corporate treasury. How do their careers look like after they graduated? treasuryXL asked some of the RT graduates about their career development and their thoughts about the RT programme. Check it out:

Graduated as a RT and ready for a new treasury challenge?

Being a RT opens doors to new challenges more easily. Are you looking for an interim or a permanent position? Do you want to work in a small business or rather prefer a big corporation? If you want to make a switch in your career and you are open for a new adventure than I would highly recommend to contact our partner Treasurer Search. Treasurer Search is a successful treasury recruitment company, founded 10 years ago with consultants that have experience in treasury recruitment up to 20 years.

Do you have any questions about the RT programme? Are you a RT who want to share your career development via an interview? Or do you have any other related questions or remarks about the RT topic? You can contact me directly via:

Kendra Keydeniers
Community & Partner Manager at treasuryXL