Tag Archive for: liquidity

Why is e-invoicing not the same as a PDF?

| 6-9-2017 | PowertoPay – Unified Post | Sponsored Content |

When they hear e-invoicing, companies often think that this is sending invoices by e-mail. However, e-invoicing is more than that. Not only sending the invoice is part of this, but also the electronic booking, payment and collection of the money belongs to this process. Electronic invoicing leads to a major save of costs. For the sender, but especially for the receiver. Since e-invoicing is digitalizing invoicing for the sender as well as the receiver, a PDF-invoice is not seen as electronic invoicing.

When receiving a PDF the receiver still has to, with or without the help of OCR software, manually put data into a systems or he has to correct it. In the case of e-invoicing, the receiver gets all the data electronically which can be automated with their accounting systems. Manual input is not necessary anymore and the control of the content of the invoice can be automated.


When a sender decides to do e-invoicing instead of just sending a PDF, there is a world of benefits for the entrepreneur. First of all, e-invoicing is like registered post but then faster. You always know for sure that the invoice is received and you’re always being informed about that. Since the payment period usually starts at the moment the invoice is registered, the e-invoice can shorten the payment period with a couple of days.  Without intervention of the post or post rooms or other internal departments, the e-invoice lands directly into the financial system of the receiver. Reminders can be sent automatically and payment options can be built into the invoice or reminder. E-invoices can be simply archived digitally which makes them easy to find and this way they’re always accessible within the organization. With e-invoicing you are ready for the future. It’s only a matter of time until receivers don’t want to receive invoices any other way. The (Dutch) government even made e-invoicing (so not PDF’) mandatory as from the 1st of January.

E-invoicing Method

Paper invoices and PDF invoices via e-mail are most of the time directly exchanged between two parties. Of course this is the case with e-invoices. In this so-called two-corner model, two parties make arrangements on the e-invoice format they use and about the technical connection. However, there are a lot of different formats in the electronic invoicing world and that variety has a function. A format (invoice standard), often reflects the specific needs of a sector or collaboration. Every sector has its own order and invoice process, that one format can even be undesirable.

Billing Service Provider

In the three-corner model, a Billing Service Provider (UnifiedPost) takes the burden away for both the sender and the recipient in the invoice process. The sender that uses its own sector standards, the billing service provider makes sure that the invoice gets to the receiver in their correct format. Preferably electronic, but e-mail or post are also optional. Another advantage for the sender is that there is only one technical link that should be realized with the billing service provider. The billing service provider is taking care of different links on the receiver-side. By translating different formats, the billing service provider is making sure that the receiver receives all his invoices electronically the same way and that the authenticity and the integrity of the invoice is determined the right way. Billing service providers have got a large network and make agreements with (large) accounting systems.

Simple with great advantages

By using an billing service provider, companies can easily exchange electronic invoices directly with many providers from different sectors and suppliers. This requires one link (one-time setup) between the accounting system and the platform of the service provider. Small companies can also use a webportal for sending and receiving e-invoices.

If you want to read more about the services of PowertoPay or about e-invoicing please click the following link:

Learn more about e-invoicing with these facts and figures. 


PowertoPay – Unified Post

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Building a cash flow forecast model

| 5-9-2017 | Lionel Pavey |


No company can sort out its funding and investment requirements without having a cash flow forecast. This gives valuable insight into potential bottlenecks where there is a shortage of liquidity that needs to be addressed in order that the company can continue its day-to-day operations whilst optimizing its cash position.

2 methods

There are 2 methods to be a model – indirect and direct.

Indirect uses the balance sheet and, as such, will contain non-cash items like depreciation and bad debts. Direct uses the projected receipts and payments shown at specific moments in time.The indirect method is handy for long term forecasting beyond 1 year as it shows the money required to finance capital intensive investments and projects.

The direct method is essential for short term analysis up to 1 year as it shows the money for operational activities and working capital. As a cash flow forecast is mainly used for the direct needs of a company, it is prudent to use the direct method.

What steps need to be taken to transform a budget into a cash flow forecast via direct method?

  1. Adjust the budget to remove all non-cash items
  2. Analyse historical data to obtain seasonally adjusted cash flows for operational activities
  3. Integrate the standard payment terms for creditors and debtors and adjust the cash date
  4. If there are no clear trends within the month, spread the amount evenly over the month
  5. Where pay dates are hard – wages, taxes etc. input these into those dates
  6. Calculate the operational cash flow
  7. Incorporate expected investments
  8. Incorporate existing financing obligations (principal and interest)
  9. Never forget the BTW (VAT)!
  10. Analyse the forecast for shortfalls or periods of excess liquidity

As this is an exercise that incorporates all departments within a company, it is essential that full support is given by management to the design and implementation of the process. No one person can collect and collate all the data – this requires continuous input by controllers and treasury staff.

How to design the forecast?

  1. Establish clearly defined criteria and processes
  2. Define the role and cooperation required by all parties, whilst highlighting the benefits
  3. Ensure commitment from all parties
  4. 1 data source only – data must be presented in 1 format on agreed dates
  5. Structure – all data is delivered on time to a central point, normally the treasury
  6. Keep it simple – do not over design the model
  7. Give constant feedback to all stakeholders so that they can see how their contributions matter
  8. Question the validity of the data – is it created by a bottom-up approach or has a simple top-down approach been taken without looking at the individual components that make up the forecast
  9. Stress test the data – build simple scenarios (best and worse) whilst making simple assumptions such as debtors extending payment times, fall in sales, increase in demand etc.
  10. Never sit back and think that your task is done. This is a living model that needs to be constantly monitored and adjusted where necessary
  11. Do not punish – many people are reluctant to provide forecasts out of fear that they will be wrong. Use the model to educate and focus stakeholders onto the reality of their cash positions as opposed to their bookkeeping positions. It is all about timing
  12. Remember – if you do not have it, you can not use it. There is nothing more harmful for a company than running out of cash, regardless of what the company accounts are telling you!

If you want to know more about this topic you are welcome to contact me.

Lionel Pavey


Lionel Pavey

Cash Management and Treasury Specialist




Saving on FX deals? Often neglected but potentially a “pot of gold”

| 21-8-2017 | Patrick Kunz |


Doing business internationally often means dealing with foreign currency (FX). This poses a risk as the exchange rate changes daily, basically every second. To mitigate this risk a company can hedge the position via FX deals (discussed in a previous article). But what are the costs of those deals to companies?


FX deals

FX is traded on exchanges where only authorized parties have access to. This can be brokers or banks, the so called market makers. They can take your fx position for a give rate and they try to find a counterparty for the deal who is willing to take the opposite trade. For this effort (and risk as they might not be able to directly match the position) they ask a provision. This is the bid-ask spread; the spread between rate for buying and rate for selling the currency. The fx (mid) rate is determined by supply and demand.

The spread depends on several things:

  • Market liquidity; how many people are buying and selling and with what volume
  • Market timing; is the market open for that currency
  • Restrictions: some currencies have restrictions

For a company to trade FX they need an account with a party that has access to fx market makers. This is often a bank. This bank will take another bite out of the spread for their profit (and maybe risk as they might take the position on their books). The spread the bank will charge depends on how many deals and how much volume you will be doing. Sometimes it is an obligation to trade with the bank from a financing arrangement. For the big currencies for big clients the spread can be as low as 2-3 pips (0,0002/0,0003).

Trading FX seems to be without costs as the bank charges no fees. However, those fees are put into the fx rate. When doing spot deals it is easy to calculate them, it’s the difference between the traded rate and the then actual market spot mid rate. When doing forward deals or trading illiquid currencies it is harder to determine the spread. Always try to get to know the spread you are paying. The spread is basically the costs of the fx deal (for forward deals there is an interest component).

It therefore makes sense to always compare your FX rates and get quotes from several banks. Trading with a broker sometimes can be cheaper as one party in the process is eliminated. Savings can be up to 5% per deal (for exotic currencies), for the bigger currencies an average saving of 1% is possible. If you do several million worth on FX deals a year this is a big money saver.

Pecunia Treasury & Finance b.v. has an online fx trading platform backed by one of the biggest worldwide fx broker.

Patrick Kunz

Treasury, Finance & Risk Consultant/ Owner Pecunia Treasury & Finance BV



Mobile finally makes treasury easier

| 20-7-2017 | Udo Rademakers |

On the 12th of May 2017, in GTnews an article has been placed regarding “Mobile finally makes treasury easier”. The article describes how Citibank is working to replace tokens with mobile phones and testing a multitude of options for finding a more convenient solution.

I am used to work with multiple tokens with a variety of passwords and different kind of banking applications/websites. For some of the banking sites, authorisation of payments via a smart phone was quite difficult and working from the desktop was required. A way of solving the „multiple token issue”, is using a third party provider which (re)connects all payments via (cloud based) multi-bank platforms, however this is not needed for each and every Treasury department.

If banks are working on an easy authorisation method via modern, smart and above all secure technology (like digital fingerprint ), I am confident that the payment control and executions for most Treasurers (and CFO`s) will improve. Especially for the ones who are frequently travelling. If the improved –token free- payment authorisation process could be integrated with the process of obtaining information, input & approval of transactions, viewing of balances including „smart alerts“, corporate banking via mobile technology will reach the next stage in the area of cash management as well.

However, even with the greatest solutions in place, an outage of mobile network or running out of battery remains a risk – now the holiday season started perhaps anyway good to be offline for a while.


Udo Rademakers
Independent Treasury Consultant & Interim Manager




Roadmap for unwinding derivatives

| 14-7-2017 | Roger Boxman |

Banks offer proposals to smaller companies and housing associations to unwind interest rate swaps. The benefit for the banks is that this will reduce their risk weighted assets. Whether this offer is attractive or not depends on several issues.

A short-list of advantages of unwinding to keep in mind is found below:

  • The advantage of skipping break clauses and uncertain margin call events and therefore a reduction of liquidity risk.
  • Creating a potential current tax loss on the unwinding fee which can be possibly offset in the near future.
  • Opportunity to restructure the funding structure and refinance against lower interest rates.
  • Optimise the redemption schedule and therefore to create lower interest rate risk in the loan portfolio.
  • Reduce costs of monitoring and supervision.
  • No hedge accounting issues with unexpected profit and loss accounting in combination with latent taxes.

Off course the decision to unwind or not depends highly on the amount of the fee and the specific expectations of the organisation. No situation will be the same, an exact blueprint simply does not exist. In a substantial number of situations, the ‘do nothing option’ will be the best.

Roger Boxman

Senior Advisor Internal Control

Een parttime CFO – parallellen met de Flex Treasurer

| 29-6-2017 | CFO netwerk | treasuryXL |

CFO netwerk biedt (parttime) CFO diensten aan ondernemingen, waarvan aard en omvang van de activiteiten de fulltime inzet van een CFO niet rechtvaardigen. Wat dat betreft herkennen wij parallellen met onze Flex Treasurer, die wij op treasuryXL aanbieden aan ondernemingen, die wel treasury exposure hebben, maar geen ruimte om een fulltime treasurer of cash manager in dienst te nemen. We waren in gesprek met Jeffrey Janssen van CFO netwerk en hebben de parallellen voor u uitgewerkt.

CFO op maat

Wat is de toegevoegde waarde van een CFO voor een onderneming?

Veel jonge en kleine bedrijven hebben vaak niet de financiële mogelijkheden om een ervaren CFO in dienst te nemen. In deze situatie is wellicht een parttime CFO een goede oplossing. Een ervaren professional met commitment die u voor een beperkt aantal uren inhuurt, maar toch de vinger aan de pols houdt en indien nodig 24/7 voor u beschikbaar is.

Maar waar u als ondernemer ook bent in de levenscyclus van uw bedrijf, het goed functioneren van uw financiële afdeling is van groot belang en zij hoort u tijdig te informeren over strategische, financiële vragen die van belang zijn voor het voortbestaan van uw bedrijf. Daarbij gaat het niet alleen over cijfers, maar ook over een sterke CFO, die u uitdaagt en als business partner optreedt bij de bepaling van de strategie en volgens een strakke CFO-agenda de groei van uw bedrijf ondersteunt.

Uw bedrijf groeit

U werkt hard en investeert. Het bedrijf groeit en alles gaat eigenlijk beter dan verwacht. Of toch niet? Er ontstaan groeistuipen en er worden veel ad-hoc beslissingen genomen om de voortrazende trein op het rechte spoor te houden. In deze fase kunnen grote fouten worden gemaakt die de continuïteit in gevaar brengen. De belangrijkste hiervan is dat het strategische plan niet wordt gevolgd en dat dit plan niet regelmatig wordt geëvalueerd en aangepast.  Aspecten die in deze fase van groot belang zijn:

  • Het hebben van juiste en tijdige stuurinformatie (ook wel KPI’s genoemd)
  • De kwaliteit van de organisatie (juiste mensen, juiste skills) De administratieve systemen en procedures. Zijn deze nog adequaat en kunnen ze de groei aan?
  • Is er voldoende cashflow aanwezig om de continuïteit te waarborgen?

Succesvol en nu verder…

Alle bedrijfsprocessen zijn goed ingericht – het gaat heel goed met uw bedrijf. De resultaten zijn uitstekend, maar blijft dat zo? Indien u niet bezig bent met nieuwe innovaties, oog hebt voor de veranderingen in de markt loopt u het risico dat uw groei gaat stagneren en te laat uw organisatie hierop aanpast. Ook dan moet U keuzes maken die ingrijpend zijn en een weerslag hebben op mensen en systemen. In deze fase is het cruciaal dat u de continuïteit van het bedrijf centraal stelt en het bedrijf robuust maakt voor de toekomst.  Ook hier is het de taak van de CFO om dit spanningsveld te bewaken en u tijdig te helpen in uw besluitvorming.

Ups and downs

Iedere onderneming komt ze vroeger of later tegen. Door te weinig innovatie streven uw concurrenten u voorbij. De resultaten lopen opeens terug. Uw bankiers komen vaker langs en aandeelhouders zijn niet tevreden en eisen veranderingen. U bent het grootste deel van uw tijd kwijt aan het managen van uw liquiditeit en het sussen van aandeelhouders en personeel. Zorg dat u in deze fase de juiste mensen binnenhaalt om het tij te keren, dan wel te zorgen dat keuzes worden gemaakt. Dit kan van levensbelang zijn om een faillissement te voorkomen.

Wat kan een CFO betekenen?

Een krachtige CFO is een sparringpartner die u als ondernemer in iedere bedrijfsfase ontzorgt en uw financiële continuïteit bewaakt. Hij of zij is onder meer verantwoordelijk voor de financiële systemen en processen, de stuurinformatie en de contacten met financiers en accountant. Maar bovenal moet hij als financiële business partner onderdeel zijn van uw team en mede sturing geven aan de strategische agenda van uw onderneming. Een onderneming kan niet functioneren zonder een goede CFO in het hart van uw organisatie.

Een Flex Treasurer als ondersteuning voor de CFO

We merken dagelijks dat treasury iets is waar CFO’s en Controllers er vaak te weinig tijd voor hebben en/of niet altijd de noodzakelijke kennis. HR managers en directeuren bemoeien zich er liever niet mee.

Ook hier hetzelfde beeld: de meeste organisaties zijn niet groot genoeg om een treasury-afdeling te huisvesten maar dat betekent niet dat deze organisaties geen kosten kunnen besparen of dat er geen mogelijkheden zijn voor bijvoorbeeld funding. Om de treasury van uw organisatie onder controle te hebben is het niet altijd nodig om er een complete afdeling van te maken.

Een ervaren hands-on treasurer kan een eerste check doen binnen de organisatie om te bepalen of het de moeite waard is om te investeren in treasury. Door optimalisatie van interne processen, het beter beheren van banken en bankkosten of het opnieuw organiseren van FX processen kan vaak een substantiële besparing worden gerealiseerd.

Cash & liquidity management ondersteuning

Heeft u een goed overzicht van uw liquiditeitspositie? Is er geen versnipperde cash- en kredietbenutting? Bent u onlangs geconfronteerd met liquiditeitsproblemen t.g.v. onverwachte uitgaven? Wordt u regelmatig geconfronteerd met manuele verwerking van betalingen? Bent u recent geconfronteerd met fraudegevallen? Is het aantrekken van de financiering een issue?

Een treasury expert kan u helpen in het vinden van de juiste antwoorden op deze vragen. Een Flex Treasurer kan ondersteuning bieden op tijdelijke basis, onder meer voor de volgende aspecten:

Begeleiding opvolging liquiditeitspositie groep en uittekenen processen in dit verband
Assessment van het cash forecasting proces en voorstellen tot optimalisatie
Optimalisatie betalingsprocessen (incluis fraudepreventie)
Advies selectie bankpartners
Nazicht van de bankvoorwaarden
Bepalen van de optimale financieringsstrategie
Automatisatievoorstellen en begeleiding van de implementatie

Optimalisatie werkkapitaalverkeer

Kampt uw bedrijf met een DSO (gemiddelde betalingstermijn klanten) die veel hoger is dan het sectorgemiddelde? Heeft u een duidelijk afgelijnd acceptatieproces en een politiek voor de betaaltermijnen? Is je facturatieproces optimaal? Heeft u een afgelijnde politiek voor de selectie en de betalingstermijnen aan uw leveranciers? Heeft u regelmatig incassoproblemen? Kampt u met wanbetalingen en afschrijvingen op uw klantenportefeuille? Ondervindt u regelmatig reconciliatieproblemen bij binnenkomende en uitgaande betalingen?

Dan kan een Flex Treasurer, die treasury & working capital management expert is, u  helpen bij het vinden van de juiste antwoorden op deze vragen en het optimaliseren van uw werkkapitaalbeheer.

FX en IR risico analyse

Heeft u een goed zicht op de risico’s die je bedrijf oploopt (o.m. valuta en renterisico) en op de impact hiervan op uw bedrijf? Heeft u een politiek in  verband met de risicoafdekking? Heeft u een zicht op de mogelijkheden om ze in te dekken? Koerswijzigingen in valuta en rente kunnen zeer vluchtig zijn en leiden tot onnodige extra kosten. Als u zich wilt concentreren op uw ‘core business’, zonder u zorgen te hoeven maken over bv. de EUR/USD wisselkoers of de Europese rente dan is het inhuren van een Flex Treasurer de ideale uitkomst. Hij kan de organisatie helpen eenvoudig en effectief de risico’s af te dekken, alsmede te onderhandelen over betere spreidingen en lagere kosten bij uw bank.

Aangeboden diensten

Met  de verschillende CFO diensten van CFO Netwerk krijgt u het beste van beide werelden: de expertise van een ervaren CFO en op maat gemaakte uitbestede CFO diensten — tegen een prijs die u zich kunt veroorloven. De CFO-diensten zijn schaalbaar in de tijd. Dit betekent dat het niveau van ondersteuning geleverd wordt, dat u nodig hebt en wanneer u het nodig hebt.

Op treasuryXL bieden wij een Treasury Quick Scan aan, die beoogt de treasury-pijnpunten in kaart te brengen en de aanbevelingen om deze te verhelpen, inclusief de business case. Op basis daarvan kunt u bekijken of er voor verdere ondersteuning een treasury-expert voor uw organisatie zinvol is.
Daarnaast biedt treasuryXL ook treasury coaches aan. Treasurers werken vaak alleen of in een klein team en hebben ondersteuning nodig van andere (meer senior) treasury professionals. Vaak is deze ondersteuning niet aanwezig binnen het eigen team. In ons netwerk zitten een aantal senior professionals die deze ondersteuning op regelmatige basis kunnen bieden. Zij kunnen op regelmatige basis of incidenteel ingepland worden.

Mogelijke samenwerking

Omdat er duidelijk parallellen zijn tussen de diensten van CFO netwerk en treasuryXL en de diensten elkaar goed aanvullen, onderzoeken wij op dit moment of wij wellicht kunnen samenwerken. Het doel is om organisaties, die een financiële professional – parttime CFO of Flex Treasurer  – nodig hebben, als klant nog beter van dienst te zijn.


Trade Finance – funding your imports and exports

|28-6-2017 | Vincenzo Masile | treasuryXL |


You might visit this site, being a treasury professional with years of experience in the field. However you could also be a student or a businessman wanting to know more details on the subject, or a reader in general, eager to learn something new. The ‘Treasury for non-treasurers’ series is for readers who want to understand what treasury is all about. Our expert Vincenzo Masile tells us more about trade finance products.


Trade finance instruments

International and domestic trade is highly complex and involves a web of intricate risks. Trade finance instruments are available to deliver fast, efficient, reliable and comprehensive solutions for every stage of a company’s trade value chain to support their foreign trade activities.
Trade finance products can be combined and shaped into a custom-built product that helps reduce company’s risks and will enable the business to flourish.

Innovative tailored short, medium and long-term trade finance solutions enable banks to meet their corporate and financial institutions client’s global import and export needs in a timely, efficient, risk adverse manner.
Trade finance products include letters of credit, documentary collections and bank guarantees. With a letter of credit (also known as a documentary credit), the buyer’s bank guarantees payment to the seller if certain criteria are met. Documentary collections, just as letters of credit, reduce the payment risks on international trade transactions, and with a bank guarantee company obligations to third parties are ensured. All these products offer security and protection against risks if an international trade transaction does not go as planned.

Funding and security

Importers and exporters can also use a letter of credit to obtain financing. An exporter, for instance, can obtain funding from his local bank to manufacture the goods as this bank is assured that payment will follow when the documents are presented under the credit.

In summary, it is not difficult to see the potential complexity of the arrangements on offer and the variety of ways in which they can be beneficial to a company. It is paramount, however, to work with a bank that fully understands the financial instruments available and their protocols and applicability in the overseas markets. Given this, trade finance and cash management are powerful tools for business growth and momentum.

Vincenzo Masile

Treasury Expert/Credit Risk Manager




Bank Account Management – A Treasurer’s Guide

| 22-6-2017 | Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH (TIS) | Sponsored content |

Bank Account Managment knows many issues and the Guide of TIS reviews them,  lists best practices and various suggestions to improve the process at your organization.

Risk and liquidity management are top of mind for treasurers in today’s business climate highlighting the importance of bank accounts. They are necessary to pay, receive and store money and also to protect resources and facilitate treasury management. Companies must have at least one bank account, some have hundreds and a few require thousands of bank accounts to conduct their business. Bank accounts are also the means by which companies are connected to other businesses, people and the banks where the accounts are held. This makes the business of bank account management not only an important task but in the current hyper-connected environment of cybercrime, terrorism, fraud and tax evasion a mission critical function. Failure to properly manage bank accounts has the potential to cause material disruption or business failure for the account holders.

If you want to read more about this subject please click on in this whitepaper.

Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH (TIS)

Since 2010, Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH (TIS) has been combining their treasury management experience and know-how with their cloud computing and virtualisation expertise. The TIS solution is the result of these efforts: comprehensive, highly scalable and extremely secure SaaS solution to process, analyse and document all treasury management processes.


How to get a fair deal on your derivatives trades

| 15-6-2017 | Simon Knappstein | treasuryXL


We discovered the article ‘Are you getting a fair deal on your derivatives trades” on treasurytoday. In the article derivatives are described as a good tool to mitigate risk and protect the company’s financials from moves in the market. However, derivatives come at a cost and often these costs are also hidden, which means that the  treasurer cannot be sure that he is getting a fair deal.


Price of the deal

Greater transparency is needed and  that was the reason why company NEXTrioptima developed its triCalculate solution. When treasurers execute a deal with a bank they typically cannot see how the price of the deal is calculated and what the bank is charging them for credit risk.The tool triCalculate tries to change this by taking the corporate’s derivatives trade file, a credit curve file and a credit support annex (CSA) file (where one exists) and running these through a series of highly complex mathematical simulations. The result: an accurate XVA calculation that enables corporates to quickly identify and price the impact of a counterparty default and the cost of funding a derivative portfolio. This is the first Software as a Service (SAAS) on the market. The tool does not only provide  companies with  greater transparency over their current derivative portfolio, but also offers the chance to plan new deals much better.

We asked our expert Simon Knappstein if this tool is really worth the while.

All the capital a derivative trade consumes, or is expected to consume, over its lifetime is  increasingly incorporated in the price of a trade. CVA, a valuation adjustment for counterparty credit risk was initially the major adjustment, soon to be followed by FVA (funding value adjustment) and many related adjustments that go under the umbrella name XVA. Properly calculating these adjustments for every trade on a portfolio basis is difficult and time consuming. So the new product offering TriCalculate by NEX TriOptima looks like a promising tool for corporate treasurers to help them gain insight in the pricing process of derivatives offered by their bank. By the way, being able to calculate a fair value on a potential trade does not guarantee you a fair deal, but it will certainly help.

Simon Knappstein - editor treasuryXL


Simon Knappstein

Owner of FX Prospect




More articles of this author:

FX global code of conduct

Negatieve interest rate policy: No lasting effect on FX


How to improve your working capital with Trade Finance instruments

| 22-5-2017 | Olivier Werlingshoff |

Trade finance instruments are developed especially for companies that deal with  export and/or import of goods to reduce risk but also to improve the working capital. Before going into the working capital part first let us refresh the theory.

If you are an importer of goods you would like to be sure the goods you will receive are the same as the goods you ordered. How can you be sure that the exporter sent you the right quality of goods and the right quantity, or that he sent them at all? One of the possibilities you have to reduce that risk is to pay after receiving the goods. If the quality and the quantity do not match with what you ordered, you simply do not accept the goods and do not pay the invoice.

At the same time the exporter of goods is worried that after sending you the goods, the invoice will remain  unpaid after the agreed payment period. What if the client does not accept the goods in the harbor? He would then have to arrange for new transport to return the goods or try to find new clients in a short period of time.

There is a lot of risk for both parties especially when they do not know each other very well or if they are located on different continents.

Letter of Credit

In this case a Letter of Credit could be a solution. With a Letter of Credit you make agreements with the exporter about the quality and the quantity of the goods that you buy, and how, when and where the goods will be shipped to.  Only if all terms and conditions of the Letter of Credit have been met the bank will pay the invoice. A lot of paper work will be part of the agreement for instance a Bills of Lading, a commercial invoice, a certificate of origin and an inspection certificate. As an additional security, the exporter can have the Letter of Credit confirmed by his bank.
In a nutshell this is the basic of how Letters of Credit (L/C) works.

Working Capital

Now you can ask the question how could this improve your working capital?

Firstly you will have more security that the payment will be made, therefore the risk of nonpayment will be reduced.

With trade finance you could also set up a line of credit based on your security and overall financial situation.

For the importer, he can finance the gap between paying the exporter and selling the goods to a buyer or use it for manufacturing purposes.

For the exporter, he can fund the gap between selling the goods and receiving payments from the buyer.

If there is not enough equity or there are no sufficient credit lines available, there is another option. Transaction Finance, hence the goods you will sell. [Export L/C] are used to fund [collateral] the buying of these same goods [Import L/C] This is called a Back to back L/C.

There could be a fly in the ointment, however! What happens when there is a mistake made in the paperwork? If this is a small mistake both parties would agree the transaction will go forward. But if during shipment the prices of the goods drop the importer will maybe not be very collaborative and will grab this opportunity to refuse the goods and not to pay the invoice!

Since the credit crisis the use of L/C’s went through the roof. If you need consultancy advise on this topic, drop us a line!

Olivier Werlingshoff - editor treasuryXL


Olivier Werlingshoff 

Group Treasury Director




More articles from this author:

How can payments improve your working capital?

Managing cash across borders

How to improve cash awareness without targets