Tag Archive for: banking

Payment Processing in 2017: FX-MM’s survey and the results

| 4-8-2017 | treasuryXL | FX-MM |

For almost 25 years, FX-MM  publishes about the issues that bankers, corporate treasurers, fund managers, traders, brokers and technology vendors face in the international financial markets. With a focus on treasury, trading and technology, FX-MM serves all of these sectors effectively with their magazine on a monthly basis. Earlier this year they asked their community to take part in their payments processing survey, which they had conducted together with Accuity. 215 senior professionals involved in payments processing from the banking and corporate sector, ranging from the largest multinationals to SMEs, responded.
FX-MM now published a summary of the results online, which we summarize for you.

According to FX-MM’s editor Peter Graham the survey shows the ‘critical importance of payments data accuracy for banks and corporates as they seek to grow their businesses and increase their presence across the world.’

FX-MM made a difference between financial institutions and corporations in their survey. To be categorised in the corporate category, the respondent must work for a non-banking organisation that makes a substantial amount of payments through their daily operations. Typically this includes a range of payroll, supplier, and partner transactions and was referred to as ‘corporates’.

95 top-level corporate respondents from a wide range of industries took part in the survey, with the majority either being treasurers or chief financial officers.

The 120 respondents from the banking sector represented individuals working in all areas of payments processing, from corporate banking, payment operations, and electronic payments, to remittances, settlements and operations. Much like the corporate respondents, the banking respondents represented a wide range of organisations, .

Global reach

Geographically, respondents to the survey were mainly based in Europe and North America. 25% of bank respondents, and 20% of corporate respondents, however, were based outside these mature markets and featured representatives from all regions across the globe.

The majority of banks – 39% – are active in at least 15 regions, and at least 20% serve more than 50 geographic markets. Since only 21% of the banks only process payments domestically, these results highlight the need for accurate payments data across a range of regions. The survey highlights the frequency in which banks today are operating in emerging markets. Indeed, 61% of banks said they often or always route payments through Eastern Europe, 56% through Asia Pacific, 37% through Africa and 35% through Central and South America.

The need for global reach, and the increasing internationalisation of today’s business world, is also reflected in the corporate world. While just 9% of corporate respondents to the survey only send or receive payments domestically, 72% send or receive payments to up to 50 countries.The rest % send payments to more than 50 countries.

It seams that corporates are even more likely to expand their operations internationally than banks, with 64% saying they intend to enter new geographic markets. That implies that a wide scope of payments data is critical as corporates plan for the business needs of the future.

Why does payments data accuracy matter more in today’s market landscape?

Sarkis Akmakjian, Senior Director, Product Management at Accuity, explains: 

‘Evolving business strategies combined with the demand to send payments into emerging markets drives the need for accurate payments that go through every time and in any location. Yet, underpinning each successful transaction is critical financial and routing data. It is not surprising, then, that many financial institutions and multi-national organisations have become more concerned with ensuring this critical information is kept up to date.’

For multi-national corporations, accurate payments data is becoming a key factor in achieving strategic objectives. As the survey highlights, a growing number of global corporations (64%) are expanding their supply chain, customer base and workforce into new markets. However, this cannot be fully achieved if payments cannot be processed with certainty into those countries.

Many respondents (61%) acknowledge that their business could take advantage of new opportunities if it was less of a challenge to process payments. Therefore, they are most helped when payments data is delivered through tools that enable efficient processing.

For financial institutions, accurate routing data drives metrics like straight-through-processing (STP) rates and client satisfaction. In fact it takes fewer delayed payments which damage relationships with clients in a  financial market that is growing more competitive.

For both financial institutions and global businesses, the ability to overcome global payments challenges grows more important. Both types of businesses are looking to the accuracy of their bank and routing data to meet the pressure for accurate payments.

Mission critical for corporates

Significant consequences for corporates arose from not having complete and accurate payments data for their suppliers and vendors. 58% said it led to too much time spent on manual research to correct data errors, while 31% said it led to a lack of trust and posed a reputation risk with vendors.

The survey revealed that there are clear challenges for corporates as they onboard and maintain payments data for their suppliers and vendors. The corporates indicate that problems arose when vendors did not keep them up to date when their payments data changed, or when vendors did not supply all the information they needed. Corporates also stated that their onboarding process was too arduous and that they did not catch errors in vendor data.

Despite these challenges, the importance that corporates attach to payments processing should not be underestimated. 82% of respondents said the ability to process payments accurately had a direct effect on their organisation’s current success and future growth, while 62% said their organisation could take advantage of more new business opportunities if processing payments were less challenging.

The survey revealed the biggest challenges corporates face in keeping bank and payments up to date, namely  manual entry of data that led to errors in their master database and ensuring that payments met complex country-by-country requirements and language requirements.

Bank STP concerns

For banks, 57% said their straight-through-processing (STP) rate for payments was less than 95%. Clearly, this is a cause for concern. The most common cause of payment failure or delay at banks was incorrect or missing beneficiary details, missing or incorrect clearing system details or missing or incorrect account numbers.

The survey also revealed bank priorities for payment processing in 2017. . More than half of the respondents said reducing cost, time and effort was a priority. 42 % cited the need to minimise the risk and exposure of failed payments. A larger group mentioned the automating of data and workflow to save time. 33% of the banks in the survey wanted to protect organisational reputation and existing customer relationships.

It became obvious that banks are feeling the pressure as far as payments processing is concerned.

Without doubt payments are a vital instrument to keep the global economy running. Banks and corporates face challenges. Inaccurate data is clearly an obstacle to increase straight-through-processing and to realise the full benefits of payments automation. Overcoming these inaccurate data issues will reduce costs for banks and corporates and also place them in a better position to take advantage of business opportunities as they expand into the global markets.
(Source: FX-MM)

You can read the complete article about the survey results on FX-MM by following this link.

Annette Gillhart – Community manager treasuryXL


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Bitcoins or banks, who is taking care of the business?

| 2-8-2017 | Hans de Vries |

Banks have long been target of wild spread ideas that their role as facilitator in the (inter) national money transaction industry will soon be overtaken by new Fintech initiatives like PayPal, Bitcoin and recently Ethereum. The idea behind these new technologies is that the Trusted Third Party (TTP) role of the conventional banks which is crucial for the operational day to day operations of the economic systems can be overtaken by the new block chain technology. Main advantages are clear: transactions are no longer limited by timing (no dependency on the operational boundaries of clearing houses, cut-off times of banks per currency, immediate processing etc), account opening procedures at the banks, the costs involved in maintaining accounts and transactions themselves etc.

The recent Ransomware attacks, that had an enormous impact on numerous companies and governmental institutions at a global level, showed however a less favorable aspect of this new technology. Due to its lack of control on the specifics of account ownership, Bitcoin proved to be the ideal means to collect the ransom money the victims have to pay to free their systems. This piracy trend will in my view also seriously hamper the future development of these sort of bank independent transaction mechanisms. Even more threatening for the Bitcoin development are the recent crypto robbery cases in which millions of dollars’ worth balances were stolen from the accounts. These incidents show the vital role of the banks as TTP since most banks are obliged to deliver their services according to the rules and regulations of their national and super-national banks. As indicated before, this means that for opening accounts lots of formalities have to be endured (the KYC rules are in some countries stretched to the absolute max). At the same time., due to the international regulations the control on international transactions are very extensive and therefore at the same time very costly for the banks. Every violation of the international code book on transactions to banned countries can have severe financial consequences for the banks involved. An last but not least banks have to maintain an international network of correspondent banks to make sure that the international transactions reach their beneficiaries in a reasonable timeframe and at reasonable costs.

This whole system has of course been developed to gain maximum control on transaction flows locally and worldwide. However it also provides the trust needed to be able to deal with (inter) national trade flows crucial to our economic day to day operations. As long as there are no ways to secure your transactions and balances in a bitcoin like environment as most transaction banks are providing today, Bitcoins remain a very interesting technological experience but will in no way replace the role of banks as TTP shortly.



Hans de Vries

Treasury/Cash Management Consultant



More articles of this author: 

Will the European banks strike back?

The Euro from a treasury perspective

New norms in banking: More than 30 new areas emerging. Pick your fights!

Banken en Financiële Markten in Vogelvlucht – Boek en e-learning voor specialisten zonder financiële achtergrond

| 21-7-2017 | Michiel van den Broek |


Sinds de jaren ’80 heeft er een ongekende schaalvergroting plaatsgevonden in de financiële sector. Door deze schaalvergroting hebben banken zich ontwikkeld tot gigantische financiële supermarkten die een zeer uitgebreid aantal financiële diensten en producten aanbieden. Banken zijn tegenwoordig IT-bedrijven waar een grote groep specialisten werkt met beperkte financiële vakkennis.



Mijn boek ‘Banken en Financiële Markten in Vogelvlucht’ geeft een helder overzicht ter introductie in de complexe wereld van banken en financiële markten. Bij het boek is een toegankelijke e-learning training beschikbaar met multiple choice vragen en een aantal video’s.

De combinatie van boek met e-learning biedt een efficiënte opleiding met basiskennis over de kernactiviteiten van banken, de verschillende bankactiviteiten en soorten banken, de oorzaak van de financiële crisis van 2008 en de ‘Bazelse Akkoorden’ waarop het toezicht van centrale banken is gebaseerd. Tevens bevat het een overzicht van de verschillende activiteiten op financiële markten, zoals de motivatie om bepaalde soorten financiële (derivate) producten te verhandelen, de prijsvorming en organisatie van de handel van deze producten. Ook de actuele onderwerpen risicomanagement en compliance komen aan de orde aan de hand van een aantal praktijkvoorbeelden van calamiteiten, zoals de problemen met MKB-rentswaps en de onbevoegde handelsactiviteiten van zogenaamde ‘rogue traders’, waaronder Barings Bank en woningbouwcorporatie Vestia.

Het boek is verkrijgbaar voor €25, toegang tot de e-learning kost €95.

Voor het boek en de e-learning kunt u mailen naar [email protected]

Een demo van de e-learning kunt u vinden op FTH.

Over de auteur: na mijn bedrijfseconomische studie heb ik vanaf 1990 gewerkt in de financiële sector. Sinds 2005 geef ik trainingen om ‘complexe’ financiële onderwerpen toegankelijk te maken voor professionals zonder economische of financiële opleiding.


Michiel van den Broek

Owner of Hecht Consult

Mobile finally makes treasury easier

| 20-7-2017 | Udo Rademakers |

On the 12th of May 2017, in GTnews an article has been placed regarding “Mobile finally makes treasury easier”. The article describes how Citibank is working to replace tokens with mobile phones and testing a multitude of options for finding a more convenient solution.

I am used to work with multiple tokens with a variety of passwords and different kind of banking applications/websites. For some of the banking sites, authorisation of payments via a smart phone was quite difficult and working from the desktop was required. A way of solving the „multiple token issue”, is using a third party provider which (re)connects all payments via (cloud based) multi-bank platforms, however this is not needed for each and every Treasury department.

If banks are working on an easy authorisation method via modern, smart and above all secure technology (like digital fingerprint ), I am confident that the payment control and executions for most Treasurers (and CFO`s) will improve. Especially for the ones who are frequently travelling. If the improved –token free- payment authorisation process could be integrated with the process of obtaining information, input & approval of transactions, viewing of balances including „smart alerts“, corporate banking via mobile technology will reach the next stage in the area of cash management as well.

However, even with the greatest solutions in place, an outage of mobile network or running out of battery remains a risk – now the holiday season started perhaps anyway good to be offline for a while.


Udo Rademakers
Independent Treasury Consultant & Interim Manager




Why Is Bank Independency Important?

|12-7-2017 | Mark van de Griendt | PowertoPay/Unified Post | Sponsored content |

As financial technologies develop, bank independency is something more and more companies adopt. Bank independency not only means that financial streams are dealt with online and require less manual interventions (straight through processing). Mainly not having to rely on the services provided by the bank where the account is held is also an important one when talking about bank independency. A couple of things mentioned below emphasise the importance of being, or becoming, bank independent.

The changing landscape

Since the economic crisis, the banking landscape has become a more dynamic environment. Besides banks going bankrupt we have also seen banks that have withdrawn themselves in certain geographical or business areas. This gave CFO’s in the corporate sector headaches for having to find another bank and to ‘move’ its business. A good example of a (sudden) change of the financial landscape is the Brexit. Not knowing what the Brexit will bring in this perspective, one thing we do know is that the changing banking landscape is here to stay.

Where using bank-independent tools, products or instruments doesn’t solve the problem of finding another bank, it does take away having to start up a time-consuming project changing the applications used in the various financial processes. Bank independency will become more and more common as the banking landscape continues to change.

Formats & Interfaces

Another good reason to use bank independent solutions is not to find yourself in a so called lock-in situation when looking at file-formats and interfaces. Where local formats or proprietary interfaces may have their benefits, formats and interfaces will be subject to change or even may be replaced by the bank offering the service. Recently a bank had decided to phase out a proprietary reporting format. Although this was done with an alternative reporting format and customers had a reasonable period to migrate, many of them were confronted with major changes in their business applications from which many of them being legacy systems.

Again in this case using a bank independent solution will not prevent you from change but a good bank independent solution or tool will offer the flexibility to deal with this type of change outside the corporate IT domain. Still a project but one with less impact on the organisation. When using fully bank independent instruments (for example MT101) the number of changes are limited to a bare minimum and in case of compliance will always be dealt with by the vendor as part of its service.

Cost Savings

Last but not least a bank independent will save costs. Of course there is an investment consideration with regards to a bank independent solution but when looking at the business case the benefits of not having to manage changes due to compliancy or technological developments will in most cases create a break-even point somewhere in year 2.

Recent customer case-studies even showed a significant decrease in costs in year 1 simply by not having to change its output from their applications creating payment instructions when expanding their business to other regions using new local banks. By itself not a bad investment, even when leaving the non-qualified benefits of bank independency aside.

Mark van de Griendt – Cash Management Expert at PowertoPay

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Please also read: 7 reasons why you should do e-invoicing too.


The EU and blockchain: taking the lead? (II)

|6-7-2017 | Carlo de Meijer | treasuryXL |

In his article ‘The EU and blockchain: taking the lead? ‘, our expert Carlo de Meijer writes that the EU, after having a ‘wait and see’ attitude for a long time, seems to be taking steps (may be) to become one of the leading economic blocks in the blockchain race. He believes that it is worthwhile to take a closer look at the EU initiatives. We have made a summary of this article. In part (I) we dealt with the European Commission. Today we present you the summary of what Carlo de Meijer writes about the European Parliament, the European Central Bank and the European Supervisory Authorities.

European Parliament

European Parliament  votes for smart regulation of blockchain technology

Last year June the European Parliament voted for ‘smart regulation’ of blockchain technology, taking a hands-off approach. The MEPs voted in a proposal set out in a resolution drafted by Jakob von Weizsäcker, suggesting that a new task force established at the EU level which would be overseen by the European Commission, should build expertise in the underlying technology. It would also be tasked with recommending any necessary legislation, but the text warns against taking a ”heavy-handed approach” to this new technology.
The proposal clearly stated that distributed ledger technology should not be stifled by regulation at this early stage.

EPRS blockchain report

In February the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) published a new report “How blockchain technology could change our lives”, providing an introduction for those “curious about blockchain technology” and aimed at stimulating reflection and discussion.

“Spotlight on Blockchain” workshop

In collaboration with the European Commission, the European Parliament has organised various blockchain events including a kick-off conference on “Demystifying Blockchain” and a series of workshops to look at blockchain developments and use case applications.
A session of discussion early May held at the European Parliament (EP) centred on the future of blockchain regulation in the 28-nation economic bloc. The “Spotlight on Blockchain” workshop, was hosted jointly by the European Parliament and the European Commission.
Part of the program initiated by the Blockchain Observatory was to cautiously approach the who, what and why of blockchain legislation.

European Central Bank

Report: Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) – challenges and opportunities for financial market infrastructures

The European central bank (ECB) has led a study to analyse the benefits and risks of blockchain technology and consider its possible integration in its market infrastructure. The final report named Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) – challenges and opportunities for financial market infrastructures was published in March this year.

In the report the ECB acknowledges the various benefits of DLT, such as the ability to lower back office costs and improve reconciliations by enabling automatic updates of records as well as shortening settlement cycles and therefore reducing collateral requirements.
The ECB however concluded that the distributed ledger technology does not (yet) meet the Bank’s requirements in terms of safety and efficiency. The bank is not firmly opposed to blockchain, but it considers that the technology is not mature enough to be integrated into its infrastructure as it is constantly evolving, citing deficiencies in safety and security. The report’s tone is in keeping with the ECB’s cautious approach to DLT and mirrors previous statements made by bank executives.
The European Central Bank has ruled out using distributed ledger technology within the so-called Eurosystem’s market infrastructure for the foreseeable future, until the software meets high safety and reliability standards.

“Yet the technology does not yet meet the ECB’s standards for safety and efficiency, says the report” “The ECB is open to considering new ways to enhance its market infrastructure. However, any technology-based innovation would have to meet high requirements in terms of safety and efficiency.

DLT Project Team

Nonetheless, the ECB is keeping its options open, recognising the benefits that the technology could bring to securities settlement. To this end, the ECB has created a DLT Task Force to “bring together market experts on financial innovation and cyber security. Its objective is to avoid any negative consequences of technological innovation regarding the harmonisation and integration of post-trade markets in Europe and to explore the potential of DLT to help remove some of the remaining barriers to a fully integrated post-trade market in Europe”. For that they hired a senior technology executive, Dirk Bullman, with practical experience in distributed ledger applications and front and back office project management expertise


The ECB will continue to monitor DLT’s developments and could use the technology in the administration of Target2Secrities. The report states that DLT could play an important role in the administration of Target2Secrities, as well as helping to achieve its overall aim of “deeper integration of financial markets”.
Bullmann’s group is now exploring how DLT could be used in its new securities clearance platform T2S. Central securities depositories (CSDs) that participate in T2S today can effectively pool their securities so they can be bought and sold by investors across Europe. Since some technology would need to be selected in standardizing the issuance, Bullmann said DLT was a natural candidate for testing.

ECB – Bank of Japan joint initiative

The ECB has also launched a joint research project with the Bank of Japan in December last year to study the impact of new innovations of the global financial market and explore possible use of blockchain technology for market infrastructure services.
Bullmann’s task now is to coordinate with the Bank of Japan (BOJ) to explore topics such as how financial market participants could send payments using the technology, prioritizing how a certain payment might be cleared, for instance.

European Supervisory Authorities

The joint committee of the European Supervisory Authorities has released a report in April on Risks and Vulnerabilities in the EU Financial System, in which cybersecurity, including the rising use of blockchain technology, is marked as a major concern for the financial sector.

While further study is required before the EU submits new regulation regarding the financial sector and FinTech adoption, also the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has undertaken a study of cyber risk and controls of financial institutions throughout the EU. These results will be analyzed in light of existing regulations and used in making future recommendations. In June the ESMA publicized its response to the commission’s proposal on FinTech regulation following a public consultation.

ESMA and regulation

The ESMA, has stated in a new report that the current regulatory framework in effect does not pose a hurdle for the adoption and development of blockchain or distributed ledger technology in the short term. The report acknowledges the benefits of adopting blockchain before notably adding that blockchain applications are still at a nascent stage and, as such, do not require regulation. Regulatory action for blockchain technology at this ‘early stage’ is ‘premature’, said the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) in its report.

The ESMA states that it does not see blockchain technology, through its fundamental core concept of decentralization, post a threat to central financial market infrastructures. The ESMA deems it “unlikely” that blockchain technology would eliminate financial market infrastructures such as Central Securities Depositories (CSDs) and Central Counterparties (CCPs). Still, the watchdog says it “realizes” that blockchain technology may render some traditional processes redundant, or affect and “change the role of some intermediaries through time”

ESMA adds that the presence of blockchain technology “does not liberate users from complying with the existing regulatory framework, which provides important safeguards for the well-functioning of financial markets.” The ESMA will continue to monitor developments in the Fintech space, to assess if blockchain technology requires a regulatory response.

European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA)

The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) also entered into the blockchain debate with a report launched in December 2016 aimed to provide financial professionals in both business and technology roles with an assessment of the various benefits and challenges that their institutions may encounter when implementing a distributed ledger.
ENISA analysed the technology and identified security benefits, challenges and good practices. There are however new challenges that the technology brings, like consensus hijacking and smart contract management. Additionally, it highlights that public and private ledger implementations will face different sets of challenges.

ENISA has identified good practices to overcome the issues identified as well as introduce the key concepts that decision-makers should be aware of when approaching this technology. Some good practices are: using recovery keys; using multiple signatures for authorizing and processing transactions; and, using library of standardized smart contracts.

In this paper, they also identified that there are challenges that may require further development, such as: anti-money and anti-fraud tools; interoperability of blockchain protocols; and, legal provisions and tools for implementing privacy and the right to be forgotten.

You can read the full article by clicking on this link.


Carlo de Meijer

Economist and researcher



Banking license Klarna & Adyen: The end of their competitive advantage?

| 5-7-2017 | Pieter de Kiewit |

Last weeks the payment service providers (PSPs) Adyen and Klarna received banking licenses. The gap between Fintech and traditional banks is being closed with the new kid on the block entering the traditional market. I can see the parallel to Amazon taking over Wholefoods and entering traditional retail. Markets are reshaped over and over. The question I ask myself is: will these new kids be able to change how traditional retail and banking is done and make a real difference?


As to compliance in the banking sector this might be a challenge. The regulators think that by imposing new legislation on banks they will prevent all that went wrong in the past. I think this is an illusion. The effect is an increasing demand for experts who can take care of compliance. As a treasury recruiter I know bankers, also the ones with the proper expertise are fleeing the bank because compliance is demotivating a lot of them. This results in an increase in recruitment assignments and salary levels. This is not an issue relevant for Amazon.

The upside for the PSPs in comparison to Amazon is that they will be able to work with state of the art technology and challenge traditional banks who have to work with legacy systems. As far as I know, Amazon is not planning to close traditional outlets. And retail always has had a quite modern infrastructure. I cannot see yet how they would be able play the technology trump as hard as the PSPs can.

Both modern challengers do have an obvious competitive advantage. Especially for the PSPs I wonder if the extra burden of compliance will outweigh this advantage. Both client perception and cost levels will have to be monitored closely. The interesting thing of this all is that, by the time we might be able to know, the market situation might have been flipped twice again. It are interesting times, not?

Pieter de Kiewit



Pieter de Kiewit
Owner Treasurer Search



More to read from this author: 

Interesting transfer Joop Wijn from ABN to Adyen



18.000 bankaanbiedingen… and counting…up and down!

| 4-7-2017 | Rob Bekker |


Op 30 juni j.l. publiceerde de Autoriteit Financiële Markten  (AFM) haar voortgangsrapportage inzake het Uniform herstelkader rentederivaten MKB (‘UHK’). De teller voor het aantal MKB-klanten dat valt binnen het toepassingsgebied staat op 18.000. Hiervan is het leeuwendeel klant van Rabobank of ABN AMRO. Dit aantal zal nog oplopen, immers nog niet alle dossiers zijn beoordeeld. Wat dat betreft kan de teller nog oplopen.



Wat de countdown betreft…Het door de banken versturen van bankaanbiedingen ter compensatie gaat opnieuw langer duren dan oorspronkelijk aangegeven. ING, Van Lanschot, de Volksbank en Deutsche Bank geven nu aan alle betreffende MKB klanten vóór jaareinde een bankaanbod te kunnen doen. Voor Rabobank en ABN AMRO zal dit doorlopen tot in 2018. Voor de groep kwetsbare klanten geldt dat deze, conform het UHK, met voorrang wordt behandeld. Naar verwachting kan deze groep in september dit jaar een aanbodbrief tegemoet zien met in elk geval een voorschot op de coulancevergoeding. Dit voorschot zou dan minimaal 80% van de coulancevergoeding betreffen, ofwel van stap 3 in het UHK. Deze stap lijkt ’t meest eenvoudig te berekenen en sowieso gemaximeerd op EUR 100.000,-, maar is ook afhankelijk van stap 1 en 2. Toch in elk geval een stap(je) vooruit.

Dat de herbeoordeling dus geen eenvoudige rekensom betreft moge opnieuw duidelijk zijn. Kennis en inzicht vanuit de treasury discipline zijn hierbij onontbeerlijk, zelfs met een leidraad als het UHK. De AFM geeft aan dat de banken in hun aanbodbrieven de MKB klanten zullen adviseren het bankaanbod zorgvuldig te beoordelen en zo nodig daar een adviseur voor in te schakelen (voor eigen kosten, dat dan weer wel). Het simpele feit dat het de banken zelf kennelijk al veel moeite kost om een en ander te herbeoordelen doet veronderstellen dat dat in elk geval een goed advies lijkt.

Ondertussen gaat de countdown verder !


Rob Bekker

Associate Partner at Treasury-linQ”




Meer artikelen van deze auteur:

Rentederivaten in de ban…of toch niet?!

Herstelkader rentevaste MKB leningen?

7 reasons why you should do e-invoicing too

| 30-6-2017 | Mark van de Griendt | PowertoPay – UnifiedPost – Sponsored content |

E-invoicing is more than just a PDF that you send via e-mail. It’s a fully-automated process that enables receivers to get the invoice directly into their financial system. In this blog our expert Mark van de Griendt van Power toPay/Unified Post has summed up some of the key benefits for senders and receivers of electronic invoices.

Key benefits

1. Shorter payment periods: Since with e-invoicing invoices are being processed faster, they can be paid sooner. E-invoices are directly sent to the financial system, which make the chance that they end up in the wrong hands almost impossible.

2. Lower costs, fewer actions: Saving money on things as paper, ink and post stamps. Sending a paper invoice is 57% more expensive than e-invoicing and receiving a paper invoice is even more than 60% more expensive than receiving an e-invoice (Billentis).

3. E-invoice is delivered directly with confirmation of reception: Since you can track whether the invoice is delivered or not, it’s easier to have a clear insight of the status of your invoices sent. Now that you know for sure that the receiver actually received their invoice, you can confidentially do a follow up (if not automated).



4. Contributing to durability: Of course less paper is good for the environment. An e-invoice solution will remove at least 80% of paper from most accounting departments. Replacing unnecessary waste of paper by electronic invoicing, will save a lot of paper which means more trees.

5. No more need of manual input or scan recognition software
The the e-invoices are automatically loaded into financial system of the receiver. That is why manual input is not necessary anymore since all the data of the invoice are correctly loaded into the position where it needs to end up at. Scan recognition software is basically built in e-invoicing, since data is automatically recognized.

6. Safety – less chance on “ghost invoice”: A ghost invoice means that the invoice is fake. It’s an invoice for services or products which have never been delivered. The e-invoices are automatically checked on authenticity.

7. Clear insight into business processes: The financial department is very important to a business When it’s a mess, it’s stressful for the employees but it’s also bad for the prospects of the company. E-invoicing takes this mess away, since invoices cannot go wandering around ending up at the wrong persons. A clear and solid insight into the status of all invoices is a clear and solid insight into a company’s business processes.

Mark van de Griendt – Cash Management Expert at PowertoPay

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How to combat payment fraud

PSD2 is coming soon: Some information about PSD2 summed up.

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Een parttime CFO – parallellen met de Flex Treasurer

| 29-6-2017 | CFO netwerk | treasuryXL |

CFO netwerk biedt (parttime) CFO diensten aan ondernemingen, waarvan aard en omvang van de activiteiten de fulltime inzet van een CFO niet rechtvaardigen. Wat dat betreft herkennen wij parallellen met onze Flex Treasurer, die wij op treasuryXL aanbieden aan ondernemingen, die wel treasury exposure hebben, maar geen ruimte om een fulltime treasurer of cash manager in dienst te nemen. We waren in gesprek met Jeffrey Janssen van CFO netwerk en hebben de parallellen voor u uitgewerkt.

CFO op maat

Wat is de toegevoegde waarde van een CFO voor een onderneming?

Veel jonge en kleine bedrijven hebben vaak niet de financiële mogelijkheden om een ervaren CFO in dienst te nemen. In deze situatie is wellicht een parttime CFO een goede oplossing. Een ervaren professional met commitment die u voor een beperkt aantal uren inhuurt, maar toch de vinger aan de pols houdt en indien nodig 24/7 voor u beschikbaar is.

Maar waar u als ondernemer ook bent in de levenscyclus van uw bedrijf, het goed functioneren van uw financiële afdeling is van groot belang en zij hoort u tijdig te informeren over strategische, financiële vragen die van belang zijn voor het voortbestaan van uw bedrijf. Daarbij gaat het niet alleen over cijfers, maar ook over een sterke CFO, die u uitdaagt en als business partner optreedt bij de bepaling van de strategie en volgens een strakke CFO-agenda de groei van uw bedrijf ondersteunt.

Uw bedrijf groeit

U werkt hard en investeert. Het bedrijf groeit en alles gaat eigenlijk beter dan verwacht. Of toch niet? Er ontstaan groeistuipen en er worden veel ad-hoc beslissingen genomen om de voortrazende trein op het rechte spoor te houden. In deze fase kunnen grote fouten worden gemaakt die de continuïteit in gevaar brengen. De belangrijkste hiervan is dat het strategische plan niet wordt gevolgd en dat dit plan niet regelmatig wordt geëvalueerd en aangepast.  Aspecten die in deze fase van groot belang zijn:

  • Het hebben van juiste en tijdige stuurinformatie (ook wel KPI’s genoemd)
  • De kwaliteit van de organisatie (juiste mensen, juiste skills) De administratieve systemen en procedures. Zijn deze nog adequaat en kunnen ze de groei aan?
  • Is er voldoende cashflow aanwezig om de continuïteit te waarborgen?

Succesvol en nu verder…

Alle bedrijfsprocessen zijn goed ingericht – het gaat heel goed met uw bedrijf. De resultaten zijn uitstekend, maar blijft dat zo? Indien u niet bezig bent met nieuwe innovaties, oog hebt voor de veranderingen in de markt loopt u het risico dat uw groei gaat stagneren en te laat uw organisatie hierop aanpast. Ook dan moet U keuzes maken die ingrijpend zijn en een weerslag hebben op mensen en systemen. In deze fase is het cruciaal dat u de continuïteit van het bedrijf centraal stelt en het bedrijf robuust maakt voor de toekomst.  Ook hier is het de taak van de CFO om dit spanningsveld te bewaken en u tijdig te helpen in uw besluitvorming.

Ups and downs

Iedere onderneming komt ze vroeger of later tegen. Door te weinig innovatie streven uw concurrenten u voorbij. De resultaten lopen opeens terug. Uw bankiers komen vaker langs en aandeelhouders zijn niet tevreden en eisen veranderingen. U bent het grootste deel van uw tijd kwijt aan het managen van uw liquiditeit en het sussen van aandeelhouders en personeel. Zorg dat u in deze fase de juiste mensen binnenhaalt om het tij te keren, dan wel te zorgen dat keuzes worden gemaakt. Dit kan van levensbelang zijn om een faillissement te voorkomen.

Wat kan een CFO betekenen?

Een krachtige CFO is een sparringpartner die u als ondernemer in iedere bedrijfsfase ontzorgt en uw financiële continuïteit bewaakt. Hij of zij is onder meer verantwoordelijk voor de financiële systemen en processen, de stuurinformatie en de contacten met financiers en accountant. Maar bovenal moet hij als financiële business partner onderdeel zijn van uw team en mede sturing geven aan de strategische agenda van uw onderneming. Een onderneming kan niet functioneren zonder een goede CFO in het hart van uw organisatie.

Een Flex Treasurer als ondersteuning voor de CFO

We merken dagelijks dat treasury iets is waar CFO’s en Controllers er vaak te weinig tijd voor hebben en/of niet altijd de noodzakelijke kennis. HR managers en directeuren bemoeien zich er liever niet mee.

Ook hier hetzelfde beeld: de meeste organisaties zijn niet groot genoeg om een treasury-afdeling te huisvesten maar dat betekent niet dat deze organisaties geen kosten kunnen besparen of dat er geen mogelijkheden zijn voor bijvoorbeeld funding. Om de treasury van uw organisatie onder controle te hebben is het niet altijd nodig om er een complete afdeling van te maken.

Een ervaren hands-on treasurer kan een eerste check doen binnen de organisatie om te bepalen of het de moeite waard is om te investeren in treasury. Door optimalisatie van interne processen, het beter beheren van banken en bankkosten of het opnieuw organiseren van FX processen kan vaak een substantiële besparing worden gerealiseerd.

Cash & liquidity management ondersteuning

Heeft u een goed overzicht van uw liquiditeitspositie? Is er geen versnipperde cash- en kredietbenutting? Bent u onlangs geconfronteerd met liquiditeitsproblemen t.g.v. onverwachte uitgaven? Wordt u regelmatig geconfronteerd met manuele verwerking van betalingen? Bent u recent geconfronteerd met fraudegevallen? Is het aantrekken van de financiering een issue?

Een treasury expert kan u helpen in het vinden van de juiste antwoorden op deze vragen. Een Flex Treasurer kan ondersteuning bieden op tijdelijke basis, onder meer voor de volgende aspecten:

Begeleiding opvolging liquiditeitspositie groep en uittekenen processen in dit verband
Assessment van het cash forecasting proces en voorstellen tot optimalisatie
Optimalisatie betalingsprocessen (incluis fraudepreventie)
Advies selectie bankpartners
Nazicht van de bankvoorwaarden
Bepalen van de optimale financieringsstrategie
Automatisatievoorstellen en begeleiding van de implementatie

Optimalisatie werkkapitaalverkeer

Kampt uw bedrijf met een DSO (gemiddelde betalingstermijn klanten) die veel hoger is dan het sectorgemiddelde? Heeft u een duidelijk afgelijnd acceptatieproces en een politiek voor de betaaltermijnen? Is je facturatieproces optimaal? Heeft u een afgelijnde politiek voor de selectie en de betalingstermijnen aan uw leveranciers? Heeft u regelmatig incassoproblemen? Kampt u met wanbetalingen en afschrijvingen op uw klantenportefeuille? Ondervindt u regelmatig reconciliatieproblemen bij binnenkomende en uitgaande betalingen?

Dan kan een Flex Treasurer, die treasury & working capital management expert is, u  helpen bij het vinden van de juiste antwoorden op deze vragen en het optimaliseren van uw werkkapitaalbeheer.

FX en IR risico analyse

Heeft u een goed zicht op de risico’s die je bedrijf oploopt (o.m. valuta en renterisico) en op de impact hiervan op uw bedrijf? Heeft u een politiek in  verband met de risicoafdekking? Heeft u een zicht op de mogelijkheden om ze in te dekken? Koerswijzigingen in valuta en rente kunnen zeer vluchtig zijn en leiden tot onnodige extra kosten. Als u zich wilt concentreren op uw ‘core business’, zonder u zorgen te hoeven maken over bv. de EUR/USD wisselkoers of de Europese rente dan is het inhuren van een Flex Treasurer de ideale uitkomst. Hij kan de organisatie helpen eenvoudig en effectief de risico’s af te dekken, alsmede te onderhandelen over betere spreidingen en lagere kosten bij uw bank.

Aangeboden diensten

Met  de verschillende CFO diensten van CFO Netwerk krijgt u het beste van beide werelden: de expertise van een ervaren CFO en op maat gemaakte uitbestede CFO diensten — tegen een prijs die u zich kunt veroorloven. De CFO-diensten zijn schaalbaar in de tijd. Dit betekent dat het niveau van ondersteuning geleverd wordt, dat u nodig hebt en wanneer u het nodig hebt.

Op treasuryXL bieden wij een Treasury Quick Scan aan, die beoogt de treasury-pijnpunten in kaart te brengen en de aanbevelingen om deze te verhelpen, inclusief de business case. Op basis daarvan kunt u bekijken of er voor verdere ondersteuning een treasury-expert voor uw organisatie zinvol is.
Daarnaast biedt treasuryXL ook treasury coaches aan. Treasurers werken vaak alleen of in een klein team en hebben ondersteuning nodig van andere (meer senior) treasury professionals. Vaak is deze ondersteuning niet aanwezig binnen het eigen team. In ons netwerk zitten een aantal senior professionals die deze ondersteuning op regelmatige basis kunnen bieden. Zij kunnen op regelmatige basis of incidenteel ingepland worden.

Mogelijke samenwerking

Omdat er duidelijk parallellen zijn tussen de diensten van CFO netwerk en treasuryXL en de diensten elkaar goed aanvullen, onderzoeken wij op dit moment of wij wellicht kunnen samenwerken. Het doel is om organisaties, die een financiële professional – parttime CFO of Flex Treasurer  – nodig hebben, als klant nog beter van dienst te zijn.