Blockchain een hype? Training voor Financials

| 01-08-2019 | by treasuryXL | Kendra Keydeniers

Training: Blockchain voor Financials

Is blockchain een hype of gaat het de wereld echt drastisch veranderen? Wat is de gigantische impact van blockchain op de toekomst van uw financiële functie? Ontdek in twee dagen wat blockchain is, hoe u het toepast en hoe u ermee begint in uw eigen functie, organisatie of bij uw klanten

Uniek: Ontvang waardevol advies op uw eigen Blockchain Case

Breng uw eigen blockchain-use case in en deze wordt al tijdens de training besproken en beoordeeld op haalbaarheid. Ontvang bruikbare tips en adviezen waarmee u direct na de training verder kunt.

In deze training onthullen blockchain-experts Paul Bessems en Jeroen Perquin de nieuwe wereld van blockchain en geven u daarbij vele aanknopingspunten om direct met blockchain aan de slag te gaan binnen uw organisatie of netwerk. Paul en Jeroen illustreren de theorie met vele voorbeelden uit hun eigen praktijk waardoor de potentie van blockchain direct duidelijk wordt. Schrijf direct in.

Inclusief 2 E-learning modules

Bij dit programma ontvangt u 2 E-learning modules die uitstekend aansluiten op uw training. Haal alles uit Blockchain voor Financials en behaal 4 extra PE Uren.

Online modules Blockchain voor Financials:

  • Wat is Blockchain?
  • Blockchain in de praktijk
 Periode 2 dagen
 Investering. 1895 euro ( excl. BTW )
14 PE-uren klassikaal + 4 PE-uren E-learning
 Datum / Locatie
17 en 18 december 2019 
Hotel Mercure Amsterdam Airport

27 en 28 mei 2020 

22 en 23 september 2020 

Uw voordelen
  • Nieuw | Wat is blockchain en waar gebruikt u het voor?
  • Disruptief | Wat zijn de gevolgen voor uw functie/organisatie/netwerk?
  • Begin! | Hoe start en (bege)leidt u een blockchainproject?
  • Design | Ontwerpoefening met de Harvard Case Methode
  • Praktijkgericht | Ga naar huis met uw eigen aangepaste use case
  • Wat is Blockchain?
  • Het verhaal achter Bitcoin
  • Blockchain in de praktijk
  • Data Economics
  • Toekomst van Blockchain
Boeken en materialen

Alle deelnemers ontvangen:

  • Het boek ‘Blockchain Organiseren voor managers: een andere kijk op managementinnovatie’ van Paul Bessems en Walter Bril.
  • De mogelijkheid tegen gereduceerd tarief community member te worden met toegang tot blockchain experts en het Kenniscentrum Blockchain Organiseren met artikelen, scripties, onderzoeken etc.
Voor wie?

Dit programma is specifiek ontwikkeld voor financials zoals controllers, financieel managers, financieel adviseurs en financieel directeuren die betrokken zijn bij (management) innovaties zoals blockchain en digitalisering.




BELLIN Launches SWIFT g4C Product Offering

| 30-07-2019 | BELLIN |

BELLIN, a global leader in providing treasury software and services, has successfully integrated SWIFT gpi for Corporates (g4C) in its tm5 treasury management system and completed the pilot and Early Adopter phase. With the BELLIN SWIFT product offering extended, all BELLIN clients can now benefit from fast cross-border payments as well as tracking directly in the tm5 system.

tm5, BELLIN’s treasury management system, has supported SWIFT g4C technology since as early as April, making BELLIN the first of the TMS provider Early Adopters with a customer live on g4C. SWIFT has now officially launched gpi for Corporates, enabling all users of the BELLIN SWIFT Service to consider benefiting from transparency and traceability for cross-border payments. Corporates need their own SWIFT BIC to make use of the SWIFT g4C technology. They register their BIC with gpi for Corporates and connect financial institutions that offer g4C. Started Monday, June 24, 2019, the entire SWIFT community can register their BICs for the new SWIFT g4C technology.

SWIFT g4C from pilot to live

“All of us, our clients, BELLIN and SWIFT, are bound by the desire to advance corporate payments. This is why we have worked hard in a concerted effort to implement SWIFT g4C technology,” explains Karsten Kiefer, Product Manager SOLUTION MANAGEMENT at BELLIN. “With SWIFT g4C, corporates will benefit enormously from speed, transparency and comprehensive information with cross-border payment processing. The obvious advantages will make for an immediate success story.”

The BELLIN SWIFT Service enables BELLIN clients to receive their own BIC and to gain access to the SWIFT Network as a member of the Standard Corporate Environment (SCORE). BELLIN takes care of the BIC application, connects the company to the SWIFT Network and guides the client through onboarding and configuration. The BELLIN SWIFT Service has been part of BELLIN’s portfolio since 2013, making BELLIN the very first treasury management system provider with a service of this kind. Today, over 160 customers use the BELLIN SWIFT Service.

Interview with Karsten Kiefer on the SWIFT g4C integration in BELLIN’s treasury management system and the benefits for corporates


BELLIN is the global leader in technology for corporate banking and treasury. We provide solutions for the financial sector, catering to a range of clients from large multinationals to SMEs and banks. Founded by a treasurer, BELLIN has been championing innovation and out-of-the-box thinking since 1998. With the treasury software tm5 as the centerpiece, BELLIN makes a fundamental difference by offering solutions that zero in on the relationship between corporates and banks and cover everything from payments to FX, cash and risk management. BELLIN is an international company with offices on four continents, powered by a trailblazing fintech spirit and yet firmly rooted in the heritage of German craftsmanship and engineering. BELLIN delights 500 clients and over 80,000 users around the globe.

Give your career a boost and become a Register Treasurer

| 29-07-2019 | by Kendra Keydeniers |

Over the last weeks we shared blogs with profiles of Register Treasurer (RT) graduates with their motives, experiences and career paths. The blogs give you a better insight in the type of treasurers that are “RT material”.

You can read the following RT stories:

Jarno Timmerman | Treasury Director at Nike

Michel van Baardewijk | Treasurer at Vestia

Richard Blokland | Corporate Treasurer at NewCold

Mathieu Ummelen | Interim Treasury and Corporate Finance Professional

The RT program brought all the above graduates to a higher level in their career as Register Treasurer.

Executive Treasury Management & Corporate Finance programme

The post-graduate Executive Treasury Management & Corporate Finance programme combines two finance disciplines: Treasury Management and Corporate Finance. These disciplines largely overlap and are inextricably connected.

This post-graduate executive programme has now been running for more than 20 years at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. It is a unique programme both in the Netherlands and abroad.
The programme will be delivered entirely in English to appeal to the increasingly large community of non-Dutch-speaking finance professionals in the Netherlands.

Participants successfully completing this post-graduate executive programme will be awarded with the title of Registered Treasurer. This title is well-known and widely recognized within the treasury professionals’ community.

The curriculum consists of 6 modules, each of which covers a clear sub-discipline in Treasury Management and Corporate Finance. Each module comprises approx 8 lecture days on Thursdays (from 15:30 until 20:00). It is an intensive and efficient 18-month programme.

The post-graduate Executive Treasury Management & Corporate Finance programme is a strategic partner of the Dutch Association of Corporate Treasurers (DACT). Partners in the programme are KPMG, Orchard Finance, PwC, and Zanders Treasury & Finance Solutions. Senior affiliates are programme lecturers.

Exemptions apply to alumni of Dutch RC and RA programmes.

More info here

Registratieplicht voor cryptodienstverleners bij DNB

| 26-07-2019 | ENIGMA Consulting |

Aanbieders van diensten voor het wisselen tussen cryptovaluta en fiatgeld, alsmede aanbieders van bewaarportemonnees (crypto wallets), worden vanaf 2020 verplicht zich te laten registreren bij De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). Zonder registratie mogen deze partijen hun diensten vanaf dan niet langer in of vanuit Nederland aanbieden. De registratieplicht vloeit voort uit de laatste versie van de implementatiewet tot wijziging van de vierde anti-witwasrichtlijn, ook wel bekend als AMLD5. De veranderingen uit dit wetsvoorstel worden voor Nederland doorgevoerd in de Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financieren van terrorisme (Wwft).

Via het wetsvoorstel worden cryptodienstverleners verplicht tot het doen van cliëntenonderzoek en het melden van verdachte transacties bij de FIU (Financial Intelligence Unit). Het is voor het eerst dat dergelijke dienstverleners binnen het juridisch kader van de antiwitwas- en terrorismebestrijding vallen.

Uit een vorige versie van het wetsvoorstel bleek dat minister van Financiën Hoekstra cryptodienstverleners eerst wilde verplichten een vergunning bij DNB aan te vragen. Naar aanleiding van een advies van de Raad van State van afgelopen juni is hiervan afgezien.

De Raad van State achtte een vergunningplicht een te ingrijpende en disproportionele maatregel: een vergunningaanvraag en het bijbehorende lopend toezicht zouden voor de cryptodienstverleners onevenredig veel lasten met zich meebrengen. De minister heeft dit advies overgenomen en de geplande vergunningplicht omgezet in een registratieplicht.

De Raad van State sluit in het advies een vergunningstelsel in de toekomst overigens niet uit. De vele onzekerheden rondom de ontwikkeling van cryptovaluta geven hiertoe op korte termijn echter geen aanleiding.

Om in aanmerking te komen voor een registratie dienen cryptodienstverleners bepaalde gegevens aan te leveren bij DNB, zoals het gevoerde beleid met betrekking tot klantacceptatie, transactiemonitoring en het melden van ongebruikelijke transacties. Ook toetst DNB de geschiktheid en betrouwbaarheid van de beleidsbepalers van de cryptodienstverlener. Een registratie kan op een later moment door DNB worden geschrapt indien bijvoorbeeld blijkt dat de geregistreerde partij structureel tekortschiet bij het voldoen aan de vereisten uit de Wwft of de Sanctiewet 1977.

De aanwijzingen uit de vijfde antiwitwasrichtlijn moeten op 10 januari 2020 zijn doorgevoerd in de relevante wetgeving van alle EU-lidstaten. In Nederland is het implementatiewetsvoorstel is op 1 juli ingediend bij de Tweede Kamer en eind augustus wordt de schriftelijke voorbereiding voortgezet. Indien het wetsvoorstel tijdig wordt geïmplementeerd hebben cryptodienstverleners vervolgens tot 10 juli 2020 de tijd om de registratieprocedure bij DNB af te ronden.

Wilt u weten of de cryptodienst die u aanbiedt onder deze nieuwe verplichtingen valt, of heeft u als cryptodienstverlener andere vragen over de gevolgen van de nieuwe richtlijn voor uw onderneming? Neem dan gerust contact op met Enigma Consulting.




Corporate Treasury have a problem and this is why…

| 23-07-2019 | by Pieter de Kiewit |

Cost savings created by good treasurers easily exceed the sum of salaries of their team. They can help open doors that otherwise stay closed for their business colleagues and they can help avoid risks. Then why do they have this modest seat at the table of CFOs and are they often not considered for succession of her/him? Why are SMEs complaining about the lack of funding opportunities, when treasurers have them available? Why are Basel regulations made by bankers and politicians, where are the corporate treasurers? Why does treasury education not have a more prominent place in education? Why do bankers earn the bigger bucks? Corporate treasury has a PROBLEM!

The non-treasurers (CFOs and business owners) often do not know, so they do not consider this a problem. I think they should, given my introduction. The treasurers I meet often experience the problem: they want to be educated, make career progression, be involved in business and have better salaries. Why do controllers or non-financials not encounter this issue, or at least in a lesser degree?

Based upon my many interview notes and the first results of the dataset of the Treasurer Test I have a first hypothesis (there will be more): the personality of people working in treasury. A Big5 personality assessment has been done in a treasury population of 100. What I see is that treasurers, on average, are easily as driven as the general population. That should be a proper foundation. Where they score substantially different is in two aspects:

  1. They do not make contact quickly
  2. They are not focused on convincing other people.

The two obvious solutions are bringing people with a different personality into the treasury field and stimulating the current population to speak up. As recruiters we hope to contribute by bringing (for example) bankers into corporate treasury. Bankers often show a different personality profile. Furthermore I think we should not try to change the personality of the current population, but skills training will most definitely help.

Do you see the problem and want to step up? I hope so.



Pieter de Kiewit
Owner Treasurer Search


Why Michel decided to explore the World of Treasury

| 22-07-2019 | by treasuryXL | Kendra Keydeniers



Our next RT story is the one of Michel van Baardwijk. He graduated as a Register Treasurer (RT) in 2017. Michel is specialized in the Public Sector and faced many challenges working at Vestia as Treasurer.

Vestia, formally ‘Stichting Vestia’ is the largest public housing corporation in the Netherlands, which is headquartered in Rotterdam. The corporation owns (and rents out) about 78,000 houses and 8,000 other “rentable units”.

Vestia received media attention in 2011 and 2012 on the topic of interest derivatives. This attention continues until today. The follow up and the consequences of the transactions made in the past determine most of Michel’s treasury activities.



  1. What for you was the main reason to start a career in treasury?

    Actually my career in treasury was not premeditated. I liked the courses corporate finance during my studies business economics/econometrics in Tilburg, but my first jobs at Philips and the municipality of Rotterdam had nothing to do with treasury. Later when I worked as a financial manager or controller treasury was one of the many elements of the job, until the take-over by Vestia in 2011. In the re-organisation of 2013 I applied for Treasury and I got the job.

  2. Why did you start with the RT program?

    Because the portfolio of Vestia was more than 20 times the portfolio I managed before, refreshing my knowledge and skills was priority number 1. I got some training on the job by an experienced interim treasurer and I oriented on possible courses. The RT program at VU offered the best combination of theory and practice.

  3. What are key words that you would use to describe the program?

    The program is small scaled and interactive. You get to know all your fellow students very fast and there is enough time to exchange experiences.

  4. Which topics covered were most interesting?

    The most interesting courses for me were those courses I had little experience in: international finance and cash management. Piece of cake for seasoned treasurers, but new stuff for me. I also took courses in macro economics and behavioural finance.

  5. Can you describe what your research and thesis was about?

    My thesis researched the effects of new, tougher, legislation on the way treasury for housing associations is organised. I thought many had changed their processes, but most processes were already adequately organised and in control before 2012. With more emphasis on compliance after 2015.

  6. How did the education help you in your career?

    The RT program has helped me to become a professional in treasury in a short time.

  7. What surprising elements did the program hold that you did not expect?

    Behavioural finance was an eye opener for me. I took some psychology courses during university (marketing, organisation) but the impact of psychological elements on decision making was a positive surprise.

  8. Are you still in touch with your peers?

    Of course. I meet fellow students at DACT-events, we still have a Whatsapp-group and we are linked via LinkedIn.

  9. What other treasury education programs did you consider and why did you choose this one?

    I researched several other programs (NIVE QT, Improfin, modular courses), but VU offered a proven concept which was very practical for me (every week courses on Thursday afternoon and evening) and started very soon.

  10. Did following the program influence your relation with your family, friends and/or colleagues?

    Doing classes and assignments takes some planning. And sometimes you have to say No at home or at work, or skip class due to a priority job. Commuting by train gave me much time for reading and writing but not enough. Many weekends were spent writing my thesis, and also two holidays. Fortunately my wife took a course herself and my kids had their own exams.

  11. Can describe a treasury topic you learned about and you could directly apply in your job?

    In the first lecture I learned something about the consequences of a large divestment I had not thought about. Fortunately we could solve this directly. I also got more insight in the way banks were pricing loans, which resulted in better quotes.

More stories please! Read the RT story of Jarno, Mathieu and Richard and/or read more info about the RT program here.

The post-graduate Executive Treasury Management & Corporate Finance programme combines two finance disciplines: Treasury Management and Corporate Finance. These disciplines largely overlap and are inextricably connected.

After a successful completion of all required modules, the title of Registered Treasurer (RT) is conferred by the Registered Treasurer foundation.

As of last year the Register Treasurer (RT) program at the University of Amsterdam is taught in English. This is an important change as the program used to be in Dutch.

The course will start on 1 September 2019. Why wait? Apply today!



A deeper dive into the Treasurer Test Technical Knowledge part

| 19-07-2019 | by Kendra Keydeniers |

Different from the multiple choice questions in the Big5 Personality Profile assessment, a number of treasury technical questions require you to make calculations. Furthermore, there is a time pressure component: there are more questions than you will be able to answer within the limited time. You will have to balance between answering questions right and answering as many as possible. It is not possible to skip questions.

In previous blogs and in the Treasurer Test example report  we mention the four corporate treasury sub disciplines we work with. For each discipline you will have a limited time of 10 minutes to answer the questions.

In below summary you can see what topics you can expect:

  • Risk Management: future contracts, FX, interest, inflation, hedging, ALM, derivatives


  • Corporate Finance: various bond types, valuation, equity, dividend calculations, rating agencies, bank loans


  • Cash Management: zero balancing, liquidity management, bank account management, notional pooling, netting


  • Treasury Miscellaneous: transfer pricing, withholding taxes, capitalization rules, investments, treasury organization, reporting & analysis, accounting & accounting principles, treasury technology and tender processes.

Together with industry and university experts we continuously work on updates of the questions catalogue. A challenge is to balance what is always relevant in corporate treasury, what is new and what will remain relevant.

It is possible to send your input for the further design of the questions catalogue. We are currently discussing topics like tax reforms, trade finance, treasury technology, alternative funding sources.

On behalf of Team Treasurer Test,

Kendra Keydeniers
Community & Partner Manager at treasuryXL

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How to Solve the 4 Main Payments Challenges

| 18-07-2019 | BELLIN |

Sascha Kopp has been a Consulting Director with BELLIN for over 10 years. He has successfully accompanied and implemented well over 100 payments projects in international groups. In this interview, based on our on-demand webinar, he outlines the 4 main payments challenges for corporates and how to best tackle them.

#1 payments challenge: a complex set-up

What is the biggest challenge for international businesses in handling their payments?

When it comes to payments, the biggest challenge for companies is usually their existing set-up. Very often we witness the following: You have banks on one side, ERP systems on the other side, and the individual entities in the middle. They all exchange payment data, generated by various technologies and in different formats, communicated by several channels. Companies find it difficult to manage this complexity.

How can companies make sense of this complex set-up of several e-banking systems, payment platforms and communication channels?

A payments solution, such as BELLIN’s integrated payments platform in the tm5 treasury management system, allows corporates to leave complex set-ups behind: instead, they experience simplicity with one platform that is accessible to all group companies and connected to all ERP systems and banks. tm5 can be used with any payment format.

You can access it on a desktop computer, mobile phone or tablet. All you need is Internet access. One of the many benefits of this solution is that it is scalable and can be adapted to changing company requirements – and we all know companies change all the time.  Every time a new entity is added, no matter where in the world, this company and its banks can easily be connected to the payment platform. There is no need for an additional solution. The tm5 platform handles it all and is easy to use, transparent and secure when communicating data.

#2 payments challenge: fraud and cyber crime

How important is payment fraud?

Fraud, cyber crime and internal manipulation have been increasing dramatically for years. In 2016, the Leoni Group lost 40 million euros to payment fraud. In 2017, ABB reported a fraud case amounting to 100 million dollars. Companies lose more and more money and the number of attacks has been growing. This was confirmed by the AFP Payments Fraud & Control Survey published in April 2019: 82% of companies report having fallen victim to payment fraud.

How can companies best protect themselves against payment fraud?

Organizations currently invest a lot of time and money in fraud prevention. The best way of achieving payment security is to eliminate vulnerabilities, i.e. by using a multi-bank payments platform with integrated user permissions management such as BELLIN’s tm5. Thanks to a single point of entry and an additional security measure by way of 2-factor authentication in the BELLIN Connect app, tm5 protects companies from external threats. The integrated permissions functionality enables companies to define and manage user rights and implement dual approval for payment processing, thus ensuring compliance.

#3 payments challenge: cost

How can companies save money in their payment process?

In addition to bank fees, payments processing eats up resources. For most companies a centralized set-up is the most efficient – as well as the most secure – option to manage group-wide payments with only one team. As a web-based system, tm5 also enables decentralized cooperation using a central platform. We refer to this approach as Load-balanced Treasury.

What is the most affordable payments set-up for companies?

The most cost-efficient combination of formats and connectivity always depends on the countries in which payments are processed as well as on the volume of payments. tm5 offers all types of connectivity, be it local standards such as EBICS, host-to-host connections to main banks or a global solution such as SWIFT. BELLIN consultants offer advice on how to find the most affordable solution.

#4 payments challenge: new banking partners

What is the impact of changes to the banking landscape on corporate payments?

Companies are hit hard by changes to the banking landscape. In recent years, some banks have discontinued their services in some countries over night. But even when the selection of a new banking partner is driven by strategic and cost reasons, this change usually goes hand in hand with a new, additional e-banking system.

But it could be so much simpler: Companies who process their payments on the integrated payments platform in the tm5 treasury management system always work with the same user interface. This user interface is independent of the banks, channels and payment formats a company uses.

All in all:

Make the move to a central, multi-bank payments platform and benefit from:

  • compliance
  • security
  • reduced cost and effort
  • 100% visibility and transparency
  • 100% cash flow visibility
  • 100% independence thanks to self-administration

Sascha Kopp author picture

Sascha Kopp
Consulting Director at BELLIN


Does your payment land in the correct currency account?

| 16-07-2019 | by Pieter de Kiewit |

Recently I received signals from a treasurer working in a mid-sized company about payments in various currencies landing on the wrong account. In a payment of USD 1 million, this could lead to extra cost of about USD 9,000! This results in extra cost and should be avoided…

In most SMEs in Europe a payment from US clients will be transferred in US dollars and lands in EURO’s. Banks facilitate this process and their fees consist of two parts:

  1. a transaction fee that is often a fixed fee or maximized percentage of the amount transferred
  2. a price to make Euro’s out of US dollars, following a conversion rate (the price you pay for buying dollars is different from the sell price, the difference is called “the spread”).

If you receive payments in US dollars regularly, you can consider opening a US dollar bank account. Therefore, you will avoid constant payment of the conversion rate. This is most relevant when you also make payments from this account. All big banks offer bank accounts in various currencies as a paid service.

Let’s take a deeper dive into the signals that I received: A foreign client made a payment in dollars with his dollar account. He transferred the dollars to the Euro account of my contact. This was all documented. Nevertheless, the bank charged transaction and conversion fees. Luckily this was discovered by my contact. After informing the bank about this issue, the bank repaired it all.

There could be various reasons why this happened. We all know that the global IT landscape in traditional banks consists of many different systems of a different age. A network problem could be a possible issue. The likelihood of this happening again is high, so be aware! Also, although we do not like this, it could be that this payment was handled manually. A mistake is easily made, hopefully not too frequent. It would be the worst case scenario when banks manipulate payments in order to claim fees. Let’s assume this is not the case.

The point I want to make: check if payments land on the proper currency account or it will cost you!

Any of you encountered misrouted payments?

PS From my own experience: in your ebanking environment, the default currency is not necessarily the currency the account is in. My GBP account had EURO as default currency…



Pieter de Kiewit
Owner Treasurer Search


RT story: From professional athlete to Treasury Director

| 15-07-2019 | by treasuryXL | Kendra Keydeniers


Best example of a great career in treasury (before and) after graduating from the RT program is the one of Jarno Timmerman. This is his Register Treasurer Story:

Professional athlete in The Premier League of volleyball, Jarno decided to further expand his passion for and knowledge about treasury by participating in the RT program of 2007.

Starting as Treasury Manager at Nike, following by a role as Manager Group Treasury at KLM/Air France and winning the award of being Asia’s Best Treasurer by The Corporate Treasurer Awards working at AkzoNobel – you can say that Jarno is an outstanding treasurer who must be passionate about his work.

Jarno returned to Nike in January 2018 and started as Director Treasury EMEA, surrounded with top athletes from around the world. Being a former professional athlete himself, working for Nike is feeling at home. Nike and Jarno is an obvious match.

Why did you start with the RT program?

I started the program because I felt it would elevate me as a treasury professional. I studied economics also at the VU, already positioning myself for treasury. I did that by taking classes like Corporate Finance for example and the RT felt as a natural next step to improve my treasury knowledge.

How did the education help you in your career?

After the completion of the RT it definitely helped me in my career. Besides being a more rounded treasury professional also to the outside world it allowed me to distinguish myself and definitely help me in my career to get a promoted role in a new company for example.

Therefore, I can for sure recommend every Treasury professional to consider participating the RT program. It will be an investment you need to put in, primarily in time at the expense of your social life for a while, but it will pay off.

Which topics covered were most interesting?

The program is a strong combination of die-hard deep dives in treasury subjects like cash management and derivatives, but it also brings a nice introduction to overlapping subjects like tax and legal which allows to have a better understanding of those topics as well.

The program also brings the right balance between theory and practice. Therefore, the second strong element of the program is the ‘mandatory physical presence’ to the classes and sessions. This gives a nice discipline, rhythm and momentum to keep track of the subjects, challenges and tasks at hand.

Are you still in touch with your peers?

Maybe even more important is that the journey you undergo with a group of similar treasury professionals, providing synergies, keeping you motivated and allows you to build up an important network that will last throughout your career. Although I finished the program more than 10 years ago, I still keep contact with many treasury professionals from my year.

So in short, the RT program is about knowledge & network and will definitely elevate your career as treasury professional!

More stories please! Read the RT story of Mathieu and Richard and/or read more info about the RT program here.

The post-graduate Executive Treasury Management & Corporate Finance programme combines two finance disciplines: Treasury Management and Corporate Finance. These disciplines largely overlap and are inextricably connected.

After a successful completion of all required modules, the title of Registered Treasurer (RT) is conferred by the Registered Treasurer foundation.

The course will start on 1 September 2019. Why wait? Apply today!