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Hogeschool Utrecht | Opleiding Treasury Management Post-Bachelor (Dutch)
10-08-2022 | treasuryXL | Hogeschool Utrecht| LinkedIn | Je ambieert een functie als financieel directeur van een grotere (internationale) MKB-onderneming of non-profitorganisatie. Maar hoe word je financieel directeur? Die vraag staat centraal in de training Treasury Management. Tijdens vier masterclasses verdiep je je in de belangrijkste onderdelen van treasury management: corporate finance, cash management, valuta- […]
LIVE | Deep dive session about the Philosophy of the Treasury Management & Corporate Finance programme
01-08-2022 | treasuryXL | VU Amsterdam | LinkedIn | (online) August 17 at 10.00 am CET, you are invited to join this expert session Since 1998, the School of Business and Economics of the VU University offers the Post Graduate programme: Treasury Management & Corporate Finance. The programme focuses on professionals with an academic […]
Ask the treasuryXL expert #2 How can I efficiently and cost-effectively get central bank approval/advice for cross-border flows in cash-strapped countries without delaying my business?
Vasu Reddy often hears within his treasury network about challenges in Emerging Markets for treasury that most corporates experience.
What should treasurers do first to control against increases in interest rates?
25-07-2022 | treasuryXL | LinkedIn | Welcome to the second edition of this newsletter where we discuss the latest treasuryXL poll on current issues in corporate treasury. We will take you through what treasurers think about a current topic by their votes, and a couple of treasury experts will explain their views on the subject. In this edition, […]
Ask the treasuryXL expert #1 How might digital trade transactions reduce the threat of fraud and money laundering?
Today, we discuss a question that treasuryXL expert Vincenzo Masile often gets to hear about digital trade finance.
Invitation Open Evening: Treasury Management & Corporate Finance | July 5 | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
29-06-2022 | treasuryXL | VU Amsterdam | LinkedIn | Boost your professional skills, knowledge and expertise in Treasury Management & Corporate Finance thanks to these high-level modules. Complete the programme and be awarded with the title of Registered Treasurer (RT). The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam invites you to join the Online Open Evening on Tuesday, 5 […]
Treasury Management & Corporate Finance | Become an official Register Treasurer
23-06-2022 | treasuryXL | VU Amsterdam | LinkedIn | Improve your professional practice by taking a broad, conceptual and professional view on Treasury The postgraduate programme in Treasury Management & Corporate Finance at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is running now for 25 years. In close contact with the treasury community, the VU keeps the curriculum […]
What is the expected conclusion of crypto volatility for Corporate Treasury?
08-06-2022 | treasuryXL | LinkedIn | A couple of weeks ago we launched a poll on our LinkedIn page about the impact of crypto volatility on corporate treasury. The poll received 72 votes in total, which is a great number! Thanks to everyone who joined the poll. We thank François de Witte, Pieter de Kiewit […]
Subscribe and receive your 41 pages ‘easy-to-read’ eBook, What is Treasury?
16-05-2022 | treasuryXL | LinkedIn | Treasury, Corporate Finance, Cash Management, Risk Management, Working Capital Management and Blockchain. What are the purposes of these treasury functions? treasuryXL created this eBook based on the most relevant best practices that Treasury experts provided over the last years. We bundled the most important information for you and […]
Opleiding Wegwijs in het Betalingsverkeer (Dutch)
29-04-2022 | treasuryXL | Enigma Consulting | LinkedIn | Op 17 mei begint de 3-daagse Euroforum training Wegwijs in het Betalingsverkeer. Enigma Consulting (docenten Roderick Kroon, Thim Donkervoort) verzorgt deze training samen met gastdocenten Emanuel van Praag, Gaston Aussems, Daan van Klinken, Max Geerling PhD en Frans C. van Beers. Word wegwijs in de betalingswereld! Het betalingsverkeer is continu in beweging. Nieuwe wet- en […]