5 steps for optimizing payment transactions

| 13-09-2018 | TIStreasuryXL |

They are one of the most important economic transactions and since all times have provided us with order and structure, but at the same time they have been a nuisance, because they are equally complex and essential. They come in the form of cash payments, semi-cash payments and non-cash payments, with the latter definitely at the forefront. But in order to organize payment transactions optimally, there are a few things that need attention.

In this article you will find out everything on how to renew your payment transactions, making them more transparent, simpler and more secure. At the same time, you can keep up with digital transformation.

Step 1: Getting an Overview

Regarding innovations in payment transactions, there are many items that require attention. For this reason, it is important to get an initial overview of the current payment transactions situation and a breakdown of the complexity of the factors contained in this term. You should be able to answer questions regarding current payment formats, including abroad, bank communication and possible bank connections before you start making any changes. You should also take into consideration your own payment transactions, in order to recognize weaknesses and potential improvements. Only then will you know if there is still potential for optimization and where the innovation process needs to start.

Step 2: Setting Goals

As is the case with successfully mastering any task, it is important to first set goals in advance and to monitor the results to be achieved. In this way, you prevent inaccurate or unwanted results and a lengthy change process. In order to define your goals, you should compare and consider the potential connections to the bank, systems and formats which are to be used in the future. Moreover, an initial conceptional model of the potential new banking landscape should be developed.

Once the first two steps have been carefully considered, it is down to the nitty gritty: making better decisions.

You can read the full article on the website of Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH.


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Cyber Security and Business Intelligence

| 5-6-2018 | TIS |

Fintech Hotseat – AFP 2017: Alongside smaller companies, there are still many medium and large sized companies that have not yet implemented real-time monitoring of their payment processes. The result? These organizations then fail to discover missing cash until the end of the month. In this interview during the AFP Conference 2017 Giancarlo Laudini, SVP Global Sales and Marketing Operations, gives you insights how business intelligence can help you to prevent cyber crime and fraud in your organisation.

To see full interview click here

Content originally posted on TIS on 15/1/2018

TIS – the single source of truth

| 29-03-2018 | treasuryXL | TIS Treasury Intelligence Solutions |

On Tuesday 27th March 2018, treasuryXL attended a seminar in Amsterdam organised by TIS. TIS stands for Treasury Intelligence Solutions and, during this seminar, Christian Werling from TIS  gave a very informative presentation about their services which focus on cloud solutions for managing the administration of bank accounts. These solutions offer real-time reporting on all bank accounts – worldwide – and the ability to use just one system to validate and release all payments. In a world where a treasury department might hold more than 100 bank accounts, dispersed over more than 10 banks spread out across different time zones  and having to maintain the possession and custody of numerous bank tokens and log in protocols, a one stop solution is very enticing.


In today’s world, companies can find themselves with a physical presence in a multitude of countries and locations. In the current environment, a corporate treasury would need to log on to the website of every unique bank where they hold accounts and extract the bank statements for the previous day. Using separate bank tokens and log in protocols, this process can quite easily take up to 1 hour. Furthermore, all the separate data needs to be collated and then uploaded into 1 system, Various subsets of the information need to be given to different internal departments so that they can perform their daily tasks – reconciliation, data input and verification.

The reality

In the modern age, you could find yourself as a Treasurer, within a large complex organisation, consisting of a head office, subsidiaries, legal entities and shared service centres. The underlying platforms can consist of book keeping systems, ERP, HR and different databases. Additional data flows come from e-banking systems, TMS and stand alone projects. The output from all these systems are then used to connect to the banks. Furthermore, all these layers of connectivity can be subject to fraud or attack from outside sources.

TIS provides a single point of contact via a SaaS (Software as a Service) platform that connects to all these systems, thereby offering a simple and effective control over the data flows in real time.


  • Real time information
  • Control from a single point
  • Centralised bank account management
  • Centralised bank account mandates
  • Transparency
  • Cost efficiencies

After this we were informed about how the system works in the real world. Bas Coolen is the global head of treasury at Archroma – a colour and speciality chemicals company based in Switzerland. They have a physical presence in over 35 countries and 3,000 employees. Formed 5 years ago, they wanted a minimal  IT solution to their legacy banking operations. These operations stretch from Asia, via Europe to the Americas and involved many different banks.  They concluded that no single bank could provide the service they required within every country and that they needed a solution. By adopting the platform offered by TIS, they have been able to implement a global system that encompasses all their bank accounts – this provides them with a single source of truth. Importantly, the security aspects can now be maintained from one source – all the relevant authorisation matrices are now contained in one platform, along with the capability to perform all global e-banking operations from one location.

TIS were joined at this seminar by Cashforce, who presented their Smart Cash Forecasting and Treasury system – that will be the topic of our next blog.

treasuryXL would like to thank TIS for allowing us to participate in this seminar. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


How To Optimize Your Cash Management – upcoming event

| 19-03-2018 | treasuryXL | TIS Treasury Intelligence Solutions |

Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH (TIS)- a partner of treasuryXL, are organising a very engaging event that is being held in Amsterdam on Tuesday 27th March 2018, for corporate treasury. We have been kindly invited to attend and shall report back to you later, with our thoughts and experiences on what promises to be an interest evening. Read on for more information about this event and sign up if you find this event relevant to you and your company.

TIS will be joined by Cashforce, at the TIS Experts Evening in Amsterdam. The main focus will be on TIS client Archroma and their presentation on the global implementation of TIS.

TIS is the leading cloud platform for the management of company-wide payments and cash flows. TIS enables companies to make more efficient, more secure and more cost-effective payment transactions while also enabling customers to make better decisions when analysing financial and operational performance in real time.

Bas Coolen, Head of Treasury at Archroma, will present challenges in his department and his key objectives for a consolidation of bank account management and an optimization of payments.

Archroma is a global colour and specialty chemicals company headquartered in Reinach near Basel, Switzerland. It operates with 3,000 employees over 35 countries and with 24 production sites.

Cashforce will inform you about the art of automating your cash forecast with minimal effort.

TIS and Cashforce are very much looking forward to stimulating discussions and ideas with their comprehensive agenda and lectures. Reports on trends, achievements and real-world examples from the industry will round up the program for this evening.
During the networking section you will have the opportunity to further exchange with Bas Coolen and the experts from Cashforce and TIS. You can take this opportunity to ask your questions about how to operate an elaborate cash management system, that offers the functionality you require.

The event is being held in the Dylan Hotel, built on the site of a famous theatre – so we can expect a good performance.

Register now for one of the last remaining seats via the following link: Expert evening Amsterdam

treasuryXL wishes everyone – both participants and attendees – a productive evening and will report back later with our findings.

TIS (Treasury Intelligence Solutions) at the DACT Treasury Fair

| 22-11-2017 | treasuryXL | TIS Treasury Intelligence Solutions |

The DACT (Dutch association of Corporate Treasurers) will be holding their annual Treasury Fair in Noordwijk at the Hotel van Orange on 23rd and 24th November 2017 – the most important annual treasury event in the Netherlands. Discover treasury best practices, learn about the latest trends and exchange experiences. It will contain 9 practical workshops spread out throughout the day on topics including, among others, trade finance, supply chain finance, liquidity forecasting, cyber security and the Blockchain. There are more than 50 exhibitors present at the Trade Fair including Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH- a partner of treasuryXL.

Company Profile

TIS is the leading cloud platform for managing corporate payments, liquidity and banking relationships worldwide. The company delivers SMART PAYMENTS to help customers make BETTER DECISIONS. TIS enable companies to make more efficient, more secure and more cost-effective payment transactions. In addition, TIS enables customers to make better decisions when analysing financial and operational performance based on real-time payment flows. All mission-critical processes related to payment transactions are integrated into a multibank-capable, audit-proof cloud platform. This is a single point of contact for enterprise customers when managing and analysing their payment flows across the organisation. TIS take care of managing various payment formats, communication channels with banks, and ERP-agnostic integration. Offered as Software as a Service (SaaS), the ISO certified TIS solutions are quickly up and running without the complexity and cost of a long IT project.

If you are at the Treasury Fair, please take your time to visit their stand and mention treasuryXL.

Last week TIS raised $12 million in additional financing from international VC firm 83North. Read more on their website

This is TIS’s own announcement on their website announcing their participation.

We wish TIS success at the DACT Treasury Fair!!

If you want to find out more about TIS and their services and products please refer to their company profile on treasuryXL.

TIS & FX Treasury Webinar: Corporate Payments Optimization

| 06-10-2017 | TIS | 2FX Treasury | Sponsored content |

TIS and 2FX Treasury organize a webinar that we would like to bring to your attention. On October 19th between 04:00 and 04:45 PM TIS and 2FX Treasury will host: Corporate Payments Optimization: How to reduce complexity in your business. An interesting session for treasury professionals. 

Complexity is not your friend. Whether in your finance, treasury, shared services or IT departments, improved processes help to reduce risk.
How do the most efficient and effective businesses in today’s world manage a multi-region, multi-bank, and multi-ERP environment? How have leading finance, treasury, and IT professionals gained visibility across their corporate payments landscape?

Join the optimization discussion in this webinar where we discuss business cases based on:
  • Current challenges
  • Standardization and automation of corporate payments through pre-built bank connectors and formats
  • Reduced operational and financial risk due to increased transparency and straight through processing (STP)
  • Enhanced security and compliance

First 100 days of a treasurer

| 11-9-2017 | TIS (Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH) – Sponsored content |

When a government official enters into office, the 100 days in the new role are closely observed by all. Similarly, the first impressions left by a new treasurer are often long lasting and critical to success further down the road. In most cases, after the first three months, all stakeholders have formed their opinion.

Sounds familiar? We know that the first 100 days in a new job are known to be crucial in setting the right course. The challenge facing treasurers is to acquire a quick overview, identify company-critical risks, introduce necessary measures at short notice and, at the same time, convince the new boss that they are also able to set the right strategic course.
In our Executive Briefing, our treasury experts share their experiences and provide tips and insights to support you in the first 100 days of your latest position.

TIS (Treasury Intelligence Solutions) GmbH


Business intelligence for cash flows & cash positions

| 10-8-2017 | Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH (TIS)  | Sponsored content |

How do strategic professionals decide on the best path to success for their company? The key for strategic finance professionals and the best path to success lies in transparency and real-time reporting across company-wide cash flow and liquidity levels, bank transactions, customer and supplier relations and working capital.

When cash flow visibility is the lifeblood of your company, you want full control and knowledge. Direct access to insights on profitability and potential business risks allow you to make better decisions based on solid business intelligence that is accessible anytime and anywhere. Companies now can experience the power of the Business Discovery Manager – a business intelligence module within the TIS cloud platform. Supplier, salary and treasury payments can be easily analysed along with cash flows, liquidity and working capital via easy-to-use dashboards and reports. The tool, enhanced through state-of-the-art BI technology, enables users to access all strategic insights in a single, flexible, web-based and multi-bank, multi-ERP capable platform, available 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world.

Do you want to find out more about this interesting topic?
Do you want to discover the benefits and functions of the Business Discovery Manager in detail?


Treasury Intelligence Solutions (TIS)

You can request the TIS Factsheet via the red button.


Bank Account Management – A Treasurer’s Guide

| 22-6-2017 | Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH (TIS) | Sponsored content |

Bank Account Managment knows many issues and the Guide of TIS reviews them,  lists best practices and various suggestions to improve the process at your organization.

Risk and liquidity management are top of mind for treasurers in today’s business climate highlighting the importance of bank accounts. They are necessary to pay, receive and store money and also to protect resources and facilitate treasury management. Companies must have at least one bank account, some have hundreds and a few require thousands of bank accounts to conduct their business. Bank accounts are also the means by which companies are connected to other businesses, people and the banks where the accounts are held. This makes the business of bank account management not only an important task but in the current hyper-connected environment of cybercrime, terrorism, fraud and tax evasion a mission critical function. Failure to properly manage bank accounts has the potential to cause material disruption or business failure for the account holders.

If you want to read more about this subject please click on in this whitepaper.

Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH (TIS)

Since 2010, Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH (TIS) has been combining their treasury management experience and know-how with their cloud computing and virtualisation expertise. The TIS solution is the result of these efforts: comprehensive, highly scalable and extremely secure SaaS solution to process, analyse and document all treasury management processes.


Better Decisions through real-time Reporting: Business Intelligence about Cash Flows & Cash Positions

|17-5-2017 | Joerg Wiemer | TIS | Sponsored content |

How do strategic professionals decide on the best path to success for their company? The key is in transparency and real-time reporting. If it comes to the responsibility of the treasurer or financial professional this means deciding about company-wide cash flow and liquidity levels, bank, customer and supplier relations and working capital.

When cash flow visibility is the lifeblood of your company, you want full control and knowledge. Direct access to insights on profitability and potential business risks allow users to drive better decisions based on solid business intelligence, accessible anytime and anywhere.


Better decisions: Companies now have the power of the Business Discovery Manager – a business intelligence module within the TIS cloud platform. Supplier, salary and treasury payments can be easily analyzed along with cash flows, liquidity and working capital via easy-to-use dashboards and reports. The tool, enhanced through state-of-the-art BI technology, enables users to access all strategic insights in a single, flexible, web-based and multi-bank, multi-ERP capable platform available 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world.


Source: TIS Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH


You can’t manage what you don’t measure

  • A lack of visibility over liquidity, working capital and cash flows at the C-level, in treasury, controlling, accounting, Sales and
    purchasing departments.
  • No transparency regarding bank relationships, liquidity positions and account turnover
  • No transparency regarding customer and supplier relationships, as well as incoming and outgoing cash flow

TIS Business Discovery Manager

Company-wide unified automated analysis of cash flow, liquidity and working capital in various departments of Corporate headquarters and in local subsidiaries

  • Multi-bank capable
  • SAP ERP integration via certified plug-in; connection to any ERP, HR and treasury system
  • State-of-the-art BI technology and functionality in a single SaaS solution
  • Support of customer-specific BI tools; support of self-service BI functionality
  • Business Intelligence as a Service: Ready for use throughout the company within seconds without any complex IT projects
  • No changes to bank or system landscape required; the solution is flexible and easily adaptable
  • ISO 27001 certified for data security

 Customer value

  • Better decisions based on complete visibility of liquidity, working capital and cash flows
  • Ability to quickly answer essential questions without the need for any extensive IT projects

Your benefits

C-Level executives:

  • Instant reports about cash flow performances (total of all inflows and payments) of the various local subsidiaries compared to one another over a specific time period
  • Identification of corporate risks and value-adding activities to drive future growth
  • Tangible insights to support internal and external audits
  • Power and data to provide strategic advice to sales and procurement departments

Treasury and controlling teams:

  • Answers to key questions, such as: How much liquidity is available at which bank? What is the net cash flow for a specific currency over a specific time period for a group of companies (natural hedge)? How much working capital does a local subsidiary require in a specific time period?
  • Increased compliance, transparency, and more efficient processes paired with reduced costs

Accounting teams:

  • Visibility of when a supplier was paid, or when a customer paid a local subsidiary over a certain time period
  • Insight into the value of inflows made by customers via various bank accounts and ERP systems over a specific time period

Sales teams:

  • Insight into the value of inflows made by customers and the overall payment behavior of the customer base

Purchasing teams:

  • Transparency across values of overall payments to a supplier via various bank accounts and ERP systems over a specific time period

Source: TIS Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH

Business Discovery Manager: never struggle to answer any of these business-critical questions again


joerg wiemer

Joerg Wiemer

CSO and Co-Founder of TIS