2023 Treasury Priorities & Opportunities Survey Results

17-01-2023 | treasuryXL | TIS | LinkedIn |

Now in its 2nd consecutive year, TIS is excited to release the findings from our 2023 Treasury Priorities & Opportunities Survey. Having run throughout the course of Q3-Q4 2022, our research again captured responses from hundreds of U.S. finance and treasury practitioners operating at companies of all sizes and industries. The goal was to capture their perspectives on a range of items including the ongoing adoption and use of finance and treasury technology, as well as upcoming staffing plans, strategic and operational expectations, and overall trends occurring in the space.


This blog serves as a summary overview of the key results and findings from TIS’ 2023 Treasury Priorities & Opportunities Survey. To access the full results and analysis, you can download the extended whitepaper here.

  • Overall Composition of Treasury Operations
  • Treasury Staffing & Professional Development Plans
  • Treasury Technology Investment & Focus
  • Cash Forecasting Preferences & Workflows

This image provides the demographics related to TIS' recent 2023 treasury industry survey.

In total, over 250 practitioners responded to this year’s survey, which consisted of roughly 30 questions. All respondents held roles in either treasury or finance. In addition, all respondents were operating at companies with headquarters in the U.S., but most maintained an active international presence.

In terms of company size, 34% of represented companies had annual revenues of $100M – $1B, and another 34% had $1B – $10B annual revenue. 14% had revenues of over $10 billion, while 18% were under $100mm.

Regarding industry representation, construction and manufacturing firms accounted for over 27% of all respondents. Companies from the software, education, insurance, retail, and automotive sectors collectively accounted for another 40%.

In aggregate, our 2023 research initiatives are representative of an appropriately diverse spread of treasury and finance practitioners from a variety of company sizes and industries.


Treasury Responsibilities Increase as Staffing & Technology Investments Remain High 

The findings from our 2023 research highlighted that despite strong economic headwinds and market uncertainty, a significant number of treasury teams are still expecting to add more staff and adopt new technologies in the year ahead. In fact, while 48% of teams expected to add more staff, only 3% planned to reduce their headcount. Similarly, over 50% of respondents plan to invest in new cash management and payments-related technologies.

This should be taken as generally reassuring news for practitioners, especially given the wide-ranging budget and staffing cuts that have occurred within many U.S. companies and institutions in the past few months. However, these new technology and staffing additions are also being coupled with a new set of responsibilities and expectations from business leaders that may place greater strain on practitioners. These heightened expectations were clearly evident in our research, with 77% of practitioners indicating their list of responsibilities would increase in 2023, while just 2% believed their workload would be reduced.

Regarding the nature of these new responsibilities, it appears that many treasury teams are being relied upon to execute and contribute towards more “strategic” internal functions. Based on the data, 57% of practitioners indicated that the strategic role of their treasury group would expand in 2023, while just 4% indicated a decrease. Going a step further, when asked whether treasury was viewed as more “operational” or “strategic” by management, practitioners were evenly split in their perspectives at 48% strategic and 52% operational, respectively.

Treasury's strategic impact is projected to grow in 2023 based on recent industry survey data.

Looking deeper into the growing influence and responsibility of treasury, another interesting finding was that most treasury teams seemed to exert heavy control over their company’s AP and AR operations, either directly or indirectly. On average, 69% and 67% of treasury groups maintained some level of control over these operations, with little deviation between companies of different sizes and industries.


Cash Forecasting is a Top Priority for Treasury in 2023 

Although cash management and forecasting operations have long-been standard treasury responsibilities, data shows that practitioners have been placing an even greater focus on these operations over the past year.

Since early 2022, several major U.S. corporate treasury studies including AFP’s 2022 Strategic Role of Treasury Survey and Strategic Treasurer’s 2021 Treasury Perspectives Survey saw cash management, forecasting, and working capital projects ranked as top priorities for treasury teams. Our 2023 research corroborated these results with data showing cash management technology being the top priority for new software investments over the next year. In addition, cash management skillsets were listed as the most emphasized area of professional development focus for treasury teams in 2023.

Turning to cash forecasting, one primary focus of our research was learning more about the various forecasting workflows and strategies leveraged by treasury groups and companies of different sizes and industries. At a high level, we found that nearly half of survey respondents used a TMS to produce cash forecasts, with 20% leveraging an ERP and nearly 30% relying on Excel Spreadsheets. While Excel is still used predominantly by smaller teams, the use of TMS and ERP products was much more popular for companies with $500mm+ in annual revenue.

Cash forecasting trends for treasury in 2023 based on company size.

Regarding the preferred forecast horizon, 27% of teams focused on monthly forecasts, while 38% were prioritizing weekly analysis and 25% daily. Generally, smaller companies were only half as likely to conduct daily forecasts compared to larger firms, but 2x more likely to conduct quarterly forecasts. On the other hand, larger firms were more likely to conduct forecasts across numerous time periods including daily, weekly, and monthly. In aggregate, weekly forecasts were the most popular analysis period across all sizes and industries.

As a final point on forecasting and in-line with the broader digitalization shift that has been occurring in treasury for years, the top priority for practitioners when improving their forecast process revolved around either migrating away from legacy Excel-based processes or upgrading their existing software to achieve greater accuracy and automation.

To learn more about this research and for extended results and analysis, download the full whitepaper here. You can also watch our recent results webinar that features commentary on the key survey themes by a panel of industry experts.

3 Ways Treasury Can Save Money & Boost Revenue in 2023

29-12-2022 | treasuryXL | TIS | LinkedIn |

As 2023 approaches, many treasury teams are actively evaluating their operations to identify areas in need of improvement during the year ahead. As these analyses are performed, TIS has compiled a short list of projects that treasury should consider undertaking in order to save costs, boost revenue, and drive further efficiency for their companies.


This blog serves as a precursor to TIS’ recent whitepaper, 5 Ways Treasury Can Save Money & Boost Revenue in 2023. You can download the full whitepaper using this link to review the full list of strategies and tips.


Given their position at the helm of global cash, payments, and working capital activity, modern treasury teams play a vital role in controlling the various operational, financial, and technological costs that impact their companies. From monitoring and reducing banking and transaction fees to preventing payments fraud, managing daily liquidity, optimizing working capital, and developing short-term debt or investment strategies, today’s treasury groups are often in the ideal position to analyze their company’s cash flows and make improvements to boost revenue or save costs.

However, because most treasury teams have a relatively small headcount and are tasked with an ever-growing list of responsibilities, it is critical that practitioners maximize their available resources and focus on projects that will have largest impact on their company. This is especially true in today’s volatile economic environment, where cutting costs and maximizing revenue is more important than ever.

Given this context, it is likely that treasury groups will be seeking to undertake a variety of cost-savings or revenue-boosting projects in the months and years ahead. In-line with these expectations, this blog will highlight three strategic ways in which treasury teams can have a positive impact on their company’s bottom line in 2023. For extended analysis, you can also download our full whitepaper for additional strategies and tips.

  1. Rationalize Your Bank Partner & Account Landscape
  2. Simplify & Streamline Your Back-Office Technology Stack
  3. Deploy Payment Smart-Routing Tools for Cross-Border & Domestic Transactions
  4. Strengthen Your Treasury Security to Limit Losses from Fraud (See Whitepaper)
  5. Optimize Cash & Working Capital to Improve Short-Term Debt & Investments (See Whitepaper)

1. Rationalize Your Bank Partner & Account Landscape 

Today, it is common for global companies to work with numerous banks across different regions and entities. In fact, a 2022 TIS survey of over 250 treasury practitioners found that 40%+ of companies were actively using more than 10 banks globally. But while organizations obviously need a certain number of bank relationships to accommodate their geographical and operational scale, a larger than necessary group can result in higher costs, fragmented visibility, siloed workflows, and obscure points of communication.

For some treasuries, rationalizing bank relationships can be an effective way of reducing costs. By concentrating on a smaller number of relationships with a select group of core institutions, companies may be in a better position to negotiate more favorable pricing for their banking services. A more streamlined relationship structure can also improve operational efficiency by limiting the number of banking systems and connections required, reducing annual maintenance or service costs, and increasing transparency over all the related operations.

Data showing the complexity of treasury's global bank account structures.

In addition to analyzing each bank relationship, it’s also important to consider the number of bank accounts in use. Because the number of accounts can easily become inflated over time through organic growth and M&A activity, many multinational corporations end up with more accounts than they want or technically need. In 2021, a Strategic Treasurer survey showcased that nearly 40% of companies used more than 100 bank accounts. Furthermore, 38% of companies indicated the number of bank accounts they used were increasing, and 20% of practitioners had identified previously unknown bank accounts attached to their company within the past 2 years (2019-21).

In the long run, companies with excess numbers of accounts that have not been closely monitored will be confronted with excess manual labor, inefficient cash management structures, and higher-than-necessary costs. It will also be much more difficult for treasurers to maintain visibility and control over the company’s cash and to detect fraud or compliance exposures.

Given these challenges, a streamlined bank account structure can not only reduce bank account fees, but also help to minimize idle cash balances and support more efficient cash management. As such, treasurers may be able to save money by rationalizing both the number of banks and accounts that they maintain.


2. Simplify & Streamline Your Back-Office Technology Stack

Similar to how a company’s banking structure grows more complex over time, so too does the back-office technology structure that treasury groups rely on to manage operations.

While modern-day treasury software is undeniably critical for today’s practitioners to automate and streamline their processes, such solutions are not always implemented or integrated in an efficient manner. Sometimes the configuration is never completed, or various features are inactive and not functioning as intended. In the long run, a common result of company growth is to wind up with a large assortment of spreadsheets, banking portals, ERPs, and TMS solutions that are collectively causing redundant and fragmented workflows, overly manual processes, a lack of integration or interoperability, and unnecessary subscription and maintenance costs.

In recent years, industry data has demonstrated the effect that unnecessary technology complexity can have on companies. In fact, data from Strategic Treasurer found that 3 out of 5 companies that purchased a TMS were using less than 80% of the functionality they implemented. In addition, one of TIS’ recent research initiatives found that 38% of treasury and finance respondents were using more than 15 different treasury, vendor or payment systems – with two thirds using more than five systems. With this amount of diverse technology in place, it’s easy to see how processes can become inefficient and inconsistent, and how data can become siloed and difficult to consolidate.

Data showcasing the complexity of treasury technology.

In order to promote greater automation and transparency and to reduce overall technology costs, treasury teams with an excess number of systems should strongly consider a consolidation project. A simpler and more unified technology structure can result in more efficient processes, greater transparency, and improved decision-making as a result of more accurate information. Simplifying treasury’s technology stack can also result in other benefits such as improved reporting, reduced IT reliance, more secure fraud controls, and more standardized compliance management.


3. Deploy Payment Smart-Routing Tools for Cross-Border & Domestic Transactions

Considering that many companies today operate across multiple countries and regions, it makes sense that treasury teams are managing payments using a broad variety of currencies, channels, and methods. For example, a true multinational company will likely leverage ACH, check, wire, cards, and a variety of other options to send and receive payments. They will also probably use a diverse range of banking channels and financial messaging formats to transmit payments data, along with an equally diverse number of integration and service-level partners to assist with the process.

So how can treasury simplify these payment workflows?

When it comes to cross-border payments, one helpful consideration would be to execute transactions at the local level (i.e. in local currency), rather than relying on traditional correspondent banking or FX conversion services. Because many cross-border payment networks charge exorbitant fees for swapping currencies and delivering funds, companies that regularly transfer money between different countries and regions could save substantially by leveraging a more specialized service.

On the other end of the spectrum, there are also plentiful opportunities to optimize the use of domestic payment methods. In the U.S. for example, switching from physical checks (still a common instrument) to ACH can save time and effort, while other options like virtual cards may offer rebate or cash-back rewards. For companies that have a large network of suppliers and partners in the U.S., joining a rebate program or converting paper-based payments to ACH and virtual cards can provide substantial efficiencies and cost-savings, especially when such projects are executed at scale.

How TIS helps companies streamline domestic ACH, check, and card payments.

Final Thoughts: How Can TIS Help Treasury Unlock New Cost-Savings Opportunities? 

In today’s uncertain and volatile economy, it’s essential that companies take every opportunity to minimize costs and maximize revenue. As we’ve seen with treasury, there are numerous areas where cost-savings and revenue-generation projects can be pursued. Whether it’s through bank and technology rationalizations or improved payments execution and liquidity management strategies, treasury teams have numerous options at their disposal to impact the bottom line. Moreover, the benefits associated with many of these projects often create efficiencies outside of pure costs savings and include enhanced workflow automation, streamlined data management, and the elimination of error-prone, non-compliant, and fraud-exposed processes.

For organizations interested in pursuing any of these strategies or projects further, we strongly encourage you to consider how the TIS solution can help foster the desired outcomes.

At a high level, TIS helps organizations simplify and streamline their global payments and liquidity management operations. Our cloud-based platform empowers businesses to optimize critical functions surrounding cross-border and domestic payments, bank connectivity, cash forecasting, fraud prevention, payment compliance, and more.

Today, corporations, non-profits, and institutions all leverage TIS to transform how they connect with global banks and financial systems, collaborate on payment processes, execute outbound payments, analyze cash flow & compliance data, and promote working capital efficiency. Ultimately, the TIS technology platform enables businesses to improve operational efficiency, lower risk, manage liquidity, gain strategic advantage – and achieve enterprise payment optimization.

For more insight on ways treasury can save money and boost revenue in 2023, download our full whitepaper.

Understanding the Importance of Working Capital for Treasury

27-10-2022 | treasuryXL | TIS | LinkedIn |

Working capital is a critical consideration for any business – particularly in an uncertain economic environment. If a company’s working capital is not managed effectively, the company may struggle to meet its obligations, secure the right level of funding, or invest in growth. But for many companies, gaining full visibility over working capital is often a difficult task – especially given how it is an activity that spans many different parts of the business.

Going a step further, recent economic and geopolitical events from the past couple of years have presented even more challenges to working capital management. In fact, PwC’s Working Capital Study 21/22 found that net working capital days reached a five-year high in 2020, “driven by the shock and uncertainty of the COVID 19 pandemic.” More recently, the 2022 AFP Strategic Role of Treasury Survey identified working capital improvements as one of the two most challenging tasks faced by treasury professionals today.

In order to manage working capital effectively, companies first need to understand it – you can’t manage what you can’t measure, as the saying goes. With this in mind, let’s dive a bit deeper into the core dynamics of working capital and the subsequent implications for treasury and finance.

What is Working Capital Anyway?

Simply put, working capital is the cash that businesses can use to meet their day-to-day financial obligations, such as for paying rent, employee salaries, and supplier invoices. Calculated as the difference between a firm’s current assets and its current liabilities, a strong working capital position is essential to the smooth running of any company. For this reason, working capital is often described as the lifeblood of a business.

Working capital can be measured using a variety of metrics. The following concepts are key when it comes to understanding the component parts of the working capital cycle:



  1. Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) measures how long it takes a company to collect cash from customers and clients (i.e. accounts receivable).
  2. Days Payables Outstanding (DPO) measures how long the company takes to pay its suppliers (i.e. accounts payable).
  3. Days Inventory Outstanding (DIO) measures how quickly the company sells its inventory.
  4. Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) measures how long the company takes to convert the cash spent on raw materials into sales. This is calculated as follows: CCC = DSO + DIO – DPO.

As a rule of thumb, the shorter a company’s cash conversion cycle, the more efficiently it is using its working capital – although typical cash conversion cycle times can vary considerably between different industries, world regions, and company sizes. Any company’s cash conversion cycle can also be adjusted by optimizing one or more of the above components: companies can speed up customer collections, delay/expedite payments to suppliers, and/or alter the timeframe that cash is tied up in inventory.

You might also like: What is Working Capital Management, examples of typical acitivties and frequently asked questions; Explained by treasuryXL experts

How Does Working Capital Impact Treasury & Finance?

Treasury and finance teams have an important role to play in optimizing their company’s working capital.  Working capital is critical to a company’s financial health: if the business doesn’t have enough cash readily available, it may struggle to pay its obligations on time. It may also seek more external financing than is really needed or may lack the funds needed to invest in innovation or business growth.

In order to effectively manage these cash inflows and outflows, treasury must not only have an accurate and timely view of their “current” working capital status, but they must also have a grip on future cash flows as well. This means that treasury must be proactive in developing cash forecasts that reflect anticipated changes in working capital, including deviations in supplier invoicing or payment behavior, as well as changes to the level of planned spend by procurement and other internal departments.

By working with other departments such as procurement, AP, and AR, the treasury team is well placed to drive improvements to the cash conversion cycle and unlock the company’s working capital. Because treasury typically seeks to maintain global visibility and control over cash positions, payments activity, and general financial workflows, they are in the perfect position to evaluate and influence high-level working capital decisions. For this reason, treasury is sometimes referred to as the “steward” of working capital internally.

However, there are a variety of hurdles that can negatively impact treasury’s view of, and control over, working capital.


Challenges in Managing Working Capital

While the importance of effective working capital management is clear, there are a number of reasons why this can be a challenge:



Disparate Data Sources: By its nature, managing working capital means optimizing activities that span different departments within the organization, including accounts payable (AP), accounts receivable (AR) and procurement, as well as treasury and finance. Working capital needs to be managed holistically, with access to data from these different parts of the business – but this can be constrained by siloes and disparate systems and data sources.

Lack of Alignment & Communication: Effective working capital management can be held back by a lack of awareness or competing priorities across different parts of the business. Because there are a range of departments that need to be on the same page in order to drive working capital optimization, it can be difficult to align the KPIs and drivers of each department to achieve a cohesive strategy. For this reason, a strong focus on working capital is needed from senior management in order to ensure a consistent approach across the organization.

Global Operational Complexity: Payment practices, vendor or customer behavior, and internal business models can vary considerably across different countries and regions, which can make it difficult to manage working capital consistently at a global level.

Supply Chain Relationships: The relationship a company maintains with its vendors and suppliers within the supply chain can have a massive impact on working capital. For example, companies frequently adjust their working capital position by either reducing or extending the time they take to pay invoices to suppliers. However, these strategies can have an adverse impact on vendor relationships, especially if companies choose to delay payment as long as possible. As such, working capital strategies that focus on altering vendor invoicing or payment terms should always be treated carefully.


How Does TIS Help Treasury Manage Working Capital?

In order to drive improvements to working capital, treasury teams first need full visibility over their company’s global cash, payments, and invoicing activity. As noted above, obtaining this data in an accurate and timely manner presents a major challenge for most companies, as does the task of effectively analyzing and leveraging it.

In order to simplify these tasks for treasury, TIS recently launched a new solution, TIS Working Capital Insights, which provides companies with 360-degree visibility over their core working capital metrics and KPIs.



With this suite of capabilities, organizations can seamlessly integrate their ERPs and corresponding AP and AR data with our solution in order to review payment terms and behavior for vendors and customers, analyze invoice and billing activity, and measure all elements related to their net working capital status and cash conversion cycle.

As TIS enables clients to aggregate and classify their data, users can evaluate their metrics globally or granularly according to specific entities, regions, or customers and suppliers. Users can also leverage TIS’ visual dashboards for intuitive reporting and refine their analyses by any timeframe to view activity and cash flows through customizable and flexible parameters.

By leveraging these tools in conjunction with TIS’ other liquidity and payment management solutions, organizations can access all data and information related to their global cash balances, payment statuses, and broader working capital operations for the entire company. The result is total visibility and control over working capital, and a much easier workflow for identifying the best strategies to optimize it.

For more information about TIS Working Capital solutions, download the full factsheet or request to speak with one of our experts!

Don’t miss the latest episode of TIS’ Payments Hub Podcast!

06-10-2022 | treasuryXL | TIS | LinkedIn |

Don’t miss the latest episode of TIS’ Payments Hub Podcast! treasuryXL expert Patrick Kunz is featured in this edition. The topic of discussion is: Treasury in Finance; What are the newest trends and how can treasurers prepare?

In this episode, treasury and banking expert Kate Pohl speaks with industry consultant and thought-leader Patrick Kunz about the state of contemporary treasury best practices, technology utilization, and more.

Click here to listen to the complete episode

Factsheet: The TIS Solution Suite

21-09-2022 | treasuryXL | TIS | LinkedIn |

Introducing CashOptix, PayOptix, and RiskOptix features from TIS (Treasury Intelligence Solutions), which offer enterprises of all sizes and industries improved capability to handle crucial cash management, payments, banking, security, and compliance demands. Find out more about the benefits of each suite right away in this unique factsheet.

Get to Know the TIS Solution Suite

TIS classifies the unique capabilities they offer clients into three distinct categories; CashOptix, PayOptix, and RiskOptix. When combined, this cloud-based suite provides organizations of all industries and sizes with superior functionality to address critical cash management, payments, banking, security, and compliance needs.

You can find the factsheet here

Get to Know TIS

05-09-2022 | treasuryXL | TIS | LinkedIn |

To give their clients the best treasury, payments, and liquidity management software and support possible, TIS is continually expanding and developing. Download the “Get to Know TIS” Factsheet to view the most recent details about their business and solution portfolio.


Get to Know TIS

Read the factsheet to learn more about TIS. The purpose is to summarize each area of our business in order to educate readers on all the core capabilities, value-added services, and general operational expertise that TIS offers to clients.

This resource also highlights relevant stats, figures, and metrics that demonstrate TIS’ position as a global leader in enterprise payments and liquidity management. For more information about the capabilities that TIS offers or to better understand any aspect of our solution suite, request a private demo with one of our experts by emailing [email protected].


You can find the factsheet here

The State of Treasury in 2022: Research Summary

28-07-2022 | treasuryXL | TIS | LinkedIn |

This blog gives you insights into the state of the treasury function in 2022 and a short list of recommended action items for better management of modern-day treasury operations


About TIS’ Global Research

The insights highlighted in this article are based on a comprehensive set of studies conducted by TIS and our affiliates between Q1 2017 – Q2 2022. During this period, TIS held one-on-one interviews with hundreds of treasury experts and also released a suite of digital surveys that gathered feedback from thousands of financial practitioners regarding technology, staffing, and general operations.

Over the course of our research, TIS partnered closely with a niche team of industry experts, thought leaders, and consultants to interpret the findings. Historical treasury data was also obtained from the Association of Financial Professionals (AFP) and the consulting firm Strategic Treasurer to provide context regarding the evolution of treasury technologies and practices over time. Together, the expertise of our consortium and the extensive feedback collected from industry practitioners has provided us with unparalleled insights into the state of the treasury function in 2022.

While this article serves to highlight the summary findings and recommended action items from our studies, readers that would like more data and information are encouraged to download our full whitepaper for extended coverage.



Research We Relied Upon

The below surveys, polls, and interviews represent the full suite of research that TIS relied upon to complete our study. Links to the associated research conducted by our affiliates are provided as applicable.

  1. 2017 Strategic Treasurer Technology Use Survey. View Full Results Here
  2. 2020 AFP Strategic Role of Treasury Survey. View Full Results Here
  3. 2020 TIS Rapid Research: Remote Work Capabilities Poll
  4. 2022 TIS Rapid Research: Treasury & Payment Systems Usage Poll
  5. 2022 TIS & Treasury Priorities & Opportunities Survey. View Full Results Here
  6. 100+ One-on-One Interviews with Active Treasury Practitioners Between 2017-2022


Key Findings & Highlights

This section provides a brief overview of the key points obtained through our research. For more information on any point of interest, please refer to the full whitepaper.

1. Treasury’s Responsibility List is Constantly Growing: The treasury function has never been more critical to the success of an organization, and this is being recognized internally by key stakeholders. However, treasury practitioners are now being handed additional responsibilities as executives and other departments realize the value they can provide, and nearly 80% of U.S. treasury teams saw their “net” list of responsibilities increase in 2022 vs 2021.



2. Stakeholders View Treasury as Equally Strategic & Operational: Over 50% of financial practitioners believe the treasury function holds key strategic value, which represents a significant shift from the traditional viewpoint of treasury being mostly an operational function. This shifting perspective is shared widely amongst internal stakeholders like accounting and AP. Today, treasury’s strategic influence is impacting areas like technology adoption, working capital management, bank connectivity, payment processing, and financial reporting.

3. A Saturated Technology Market is Confusing for Treasury: The growing importance of the treasury function and widespread digitalization of global financial operations has resulted in an abundance of Fintech and bank-led software products entering the market. While this has helped foster innovation, data also shows that many treasurers have become confused by the breadth of categories and service offerings in the market, which has led to greater indecision and headache during RFPs and implementations.



4. The Line Between “Treasury Expert” and “Tech Expert” is Blurring: As the treasury function continues shifting away from paper-based and manual workflows to digitally automated processes and software tools, treasury personnel are finding that their technological proficiency has a significant impact on their ability to perform their core financial responsibilities. This is leading many practitioners to seek out technology-based learning courses in tandem with their more traditional financial education.

5. Fraud & Security Concerns Remain a Critical Issue: In today’s remote and digitally-operated business landscape, tech-savvy criminals are presented with even more opportunities for infiltrating a company’s systems and processes. This is leading to a noted increase in fraudulent attempts across a variety of areas, and treasury teams are continuing to invest heavily in both technology and training to protect themselves.

6. Successful Treasury Teams Collaborate with Other Stakeholders: Research found that many of the most successful treasury teams are proactively working cross-collaboratively with other internal stakeholders and departments like accounting, AP, and IT to accomplish their objectives. These teams are also frequently partnering with external consultants, solution vendors, and bank personnel to ensure alignment and cohesion across all their various systems and operational workflows.


Recommended Action Items for Treasury

Based on the findings from our research and interviews, TIS experts have compiled a short list of recommended action items that treasury teams should consider as they seek to better manage their operations in 2022 and beyond. They are as follows:

1. Embrace the Opportunity to Provide Greater Strategic Input: As CFOs and other departments increasingly rely on treasury for reliable data and insights, practitioners should embrace the opportunity to expand their strategic influence internally. In the long run, this ability to provide value in new ways across the organization will benefit treasury when it comes to securing new budget and staffing approvals. However, in order to provide the most visibility and control over their operations without overloading their small teams, treasury must become highly adept at leveraging technology to eliminate manual workflows and repetitive tasks.

2. Becoming Proficient with Technology Should be Non-Negotiable: As technology continues to play a massive role in treasury, it’s crucial for practitioners to familiarize themselves with the core tenets of the modern technology landscape. This does not mean simply researching new buzzwords, but instead seeking to understand the unique differentiators that separate various bank and fintech product offerings in the market. Treasury should also not hesitate to seek out the help of specialized consultants or technology experts for help. Ultimately, treasury’s ability to effectively identify the solutions and capabilities that best fit their company’s needs will save significant time, money, and headache during implementations and migrations.

3. Managing Security for Remote Workforces Requires Extra Care: Given the continued prominence of fraud attacks within the treasury and finance environment, there is no room for error when it comes to protecting a company’s systems, workflows, and personnel. To secure their funds and assets, treasurers must implement multifaceted security controls and protocols that extend beyond the “frontlines” and include executives, administrators, and other “back-office” staff. Combining education and awareness with multiple layers of technology is the only way to gain the upper hand against a new era of tech-savvy criminal.

4. Building Strong Relationships with Other Stakeholders is Crucial: Today, most of the financial systems and workflows that exist within a business are closely intertwined. This means that treasury operations have a significant impact on other departments, and vice versa. Given the extent to which treasury workflows are integrated with those of other stakeholders, it’s vital for treasury to communicate and collaborate effectively with these groups. To ensure total alignment and cohesion, treasurers must be proactive in establishing solid relationships with internal IT, accounting, and AP departments as well as external banking and solution vendors.

5. Ongoing Education is Vital for Staying Ahead of the Curve: Treasury and finance teams have made it clear they are intent on furthering their education and professional skillsets. This professional development is not limited to any one area but encompasses a broad array of topics across both technology and finance. In a digital world, many practitioners are relying on remote seminars and webinars, but in-person events and training are still on the list for many teams as well. Moving forward, it’s highly recommended that practitioners who are serious about their careers undergo regular education and training so that they can stay abreast of new industry developments and innovations.

How Can TIS Help?

The TIS team hopes that the findings highlighted in our research are helpful for teams currently evaluating their own treasury structure, technologies, and workflows. For businesses that view these insights and find themselves in need for enhanced payments, cash management, and banking functionality, we would strongly urge you to consider the solution and services provided by TIS.

Today, TIS is streamlining treasury automation through a cloud-based platform that is uniquely designed to help global organizations optimize global payments and liquidity. In essence, the TIS solution is a multi-channel and multi-bank connectivity ecosystem that streamlines the processing of a company’s payments across all their global entities and systems.

Sitting above an enterprise’s technology stack and connecting with all its back-office, banking, and 3rd party solutions, TIS effectively breaks down department and geographic silos to allow 360-degree payments visibility and control. To date, the more than 200 organizations that have integrated TIS with their global ERPs, TMSs, and banking landscape have achieved near-real-time transparency into their payments and liquidity. This has benefited a broad variety of internal stakeholders and has also enabled them to access information through their platform of choice. Data is available either through dashboards or direct downloads but can also be delivered back to the originating systems.

As part of our client-centric service model, we fully commit our own resources to your implementation and manage the configuration of all required system functionalities, back-office integrations, and bank connections on your behalf. Beginning with project kick-off and lasting through testing and go-live, TIS’ all-inclusive approach to customer support means you never have to rely on internal resources to maintain our solution or integrate it with your existing technology stack.

This systematically controlled payments workflow is managed by TIS for both inbound balance information and outbound payments, and data can be delivered from any back-office system via APIs, direct plug-ins, or agents for transmission to banks and 3rd parties. No matter where you operate from, TIS provides global connectivity and provides the real-time data, control, and workflows needed for treasury to automate and control their end-to-end payments and liquidity processes.

For more information, visit our website or request a demo with one of our experts.


TIS Coffee Talk

11-07-2022 | treasuryXL | TIS | LinkedIn |

Attend TIS’ coffee talk tomorrow with Joerg Wiemer and Nicolas Christiaen to learn more about how their innovative and cloud-based solution is addressing treasury’s contemporary concerns in the areas of forecasting and liquidity management.

Tuesday, July 12th, 4-5PM CEST

Cash Forecasting & Liquidity Management with TIS


Speakers: Jörg WiemerCSO & Co-Founder of TIS.  Nicolas ChristiaenFounder of Cashforce

Date: Tuesday, July 12th, 10-11am EDT / 4-5pm CEST

Session Outline: Today, cash reporting and forecasting functions are still being performed manually by a significant portion of treasury groups, which represents a major pain point for CFOs and business leaders when attempting to make strategic financial decisions. These manual workflows also limit treasury’s bandwidth to focus on other tasks and impact their ability to effectively manage liquidity and working capital. However, the new suite of capabilities developed by TIS and Cashforce (acquired by TIS in Q2 2022) eliminate many of these inefficiencies and ultimately enable companies to gain quick and accurate insights to their financial position based on reliable payments and liquidity data.

Key Discussion Points: In this session, Jörg and Nicolas will:

  1. Explore the treasury industry’s outstanding need for improved cash forecasting solutions and workflows.
  2. Examine the modern challenges of collecting and aggregating the right data together to conduct forecasts.
  3. Showcase how the accuracy and completeness of this data is paramount to the success of treasury’s overall forecasting strategies.
  4. Highlight how a “data-first” approach to forecasting generally results in more accurate and actionable insights.

To better understand how global liquidity management and cash forecasting workflows are being transformed through TIS’ revolutionary data aggregation, analytics, and advanced AI / ML capabilities, use the below link to register.

We can’t wait for you to join us! 


Nicolas Christiaen on TIS’ acquisition of Cashforce

06-07-2022 | treasuryXL | TIS | CashForce | LinkedIn |

Would you like more insights into TIS’s acquisition of CashForce? Hear from Nicolas Christiaen, CEO and founder of Cashforce, as he describes the inherent synergies between the two companies and what may subsequently be accomplished as a result of the acquisition.

Watch the video below to hear from Nicolas



“Our best-of-breed solutions are very complementary to each other: Being that natural synergy”




Nicolas Christiaen, CEO and founder of Cashforce


TIS acquires Cashforce, an AI-powered provider of cash management and forecasting solutions.

17-06-2022 | treasuryXL | Cashforce | TIS


Revolutionizing Global Liquidity Management for Treasury and Finance


Treasury Intelligence Solutions (TIS), a global leader in enterprise payment optimization, today announced their acquisition of Cashforce, an AI-powered provider of cash management and forecasting solutions.

This acquisition will see Cashforce’s leading cloud solution – currently deployed at many of the largest and most sophisticated corporate treasuries in the world – become integrated with TIS’ SaaS payments platform. This unified solution will provide enterprises with an unmatched suite of capabilities for cash management, global payments, and fraud mitigation along with superior connectivity, workflows, and reporting functions.

Over the past few years, TIS and Cashforce have collaborated closely to provide a complementary offering for treasury and finance teams. These efforts were met with immediate success in the market as demand for improved cash management and forecasting tools has risen sharply. Now, TIS’ acquisition of Cashforce presents the perfect opportunity to integrate both products together as part of a more complete offering.

For the thousands of enterprise treasury and finance practitioners who currently use TIS, this acquisition provides access to faster and more accurate cash reporting, forecasting, and working capital management. To date, cash positioning and forecasting are still being performed manually by many treasury groups, which represents a major pain point for CFOs and business leaders when attempting to make strategic financial decisions. However, the robust capabilities provided by Cashforce eliminate many of these inefficiencies and ultimately enable companies to gain quick and accurate insights into their financial position based on reliable payments and liquidity data.

According to Erik Masing, Group CEO of TIS, “Cashforce has been a premier partner of TIS for several years and has contributed significantly to the cash forecasting and management capabilities we offer clients. The acquisition is a natural extension of our business and will allow TIS to further integrate Cashforce’s solution with our platform in order to offer advanced forecasting and data management capabilities to all our clients. This means enterprises can significantly reduce complexity in their global payments and cash management tech stacks by leveraging standardization and transparency afforded by a single, elegant solution.”



For Cashforce, the acquisition means that existing clients can now supplement their robust forecasting capabilities with TIS’ industry-leading payments and bank connectivity features. As explained by Nicolas Christiaen, Founder and CEO of Cashforce, “Giving businesses complete visibility over their cash and liquidity data has always been the core objective of Cashforce. While we have spent years perfecting our capabilities in this regard, TIS has been strengthening their suite of payments, bank connectivity, and cash management tools. When combined, these two sets of capabilities form the ideal solution for global treasury and finance teams to achieve full control and visibility over their entire payments and liquidity architecture – including all entities, back-office systems, and banks.”

With the added capabilities of Cashforce’s solution, TIS now offers a single, scalable cloud platform for clients to address needs in the following areas:

  • End-to-end payment processing and bank statement management
  • Global bank connectivity and financial messaging
  • Real-time cash positioning and liquidity management
  • Multifaceted cash forecasting, cashflow analytics, and working capital management
  • Bank account management and bank documentation management
  • Payment compliance and sanctions screening control
  • Treasury security, regulatory compliance, and fraud mitigation tools

For more information on TIS’ acquisition of Cashforce and the advantages our combined solution will provide to enterprise treasury, finance, and executive teams, contact us at [email protected] or by using the information found on our website.


About TIS

TIS is reimagining the world of enterprise payments through a cloud-based platform uniquely designed to help global organizations optimize payments, manage cash visibility, and mitigate risk. Corporations, banks, and business vendors leverage TIS to transform how they connect global accounts, collaborate on payment processes, execute outbound payments, analyze cash flow and compliance data, and improve critical outbound payment functions. With $2 trillion in payments processed annually, the TIS corporate payments platform helps businesses improve operational efficiency, lower risk, manage liquidity, gain a strategic advantage – and ultimately achieve enterprise payment optimization.

Visit us for more information at https://www.tispayments.com.