Entries by treasuryXL

Blockchain and the Hyperledger project: beyond the hype

| 27-09-2016 | Carlo de Meijer | Who is not yet convinced of the potential of blockchain? Here is another example that shows blockchain is beyond the hype. Early September, the Hyperledger Project, a collaborative cross-industry effort to advance blockchain technology, announced that 17 new companies and organisations have joined, bringing the total number of […]

Commodity price risks deserve a spot within Treasury Management

| 26-09-2016 | Sjoerd Schneider | Market price risks traditionally managed by a central Treasury department cover company-wide interest rates and currency risks. Commodity price risks have many of the same characteristics, however only few companies manage these risks within Treasury. Shouldn’t commodity price risks also be addressed by a central Treasury department? Commodities are typically handled and […]

Cash is king. Profit is an opinion.

| 23-09-2016 | Lionel Pavey | Afgelopen week stuitten we op het bericht dat ruim 20 miljard aan liquide middelen vast zit in het werkkapitaal van toonaangevende organisaties in Nederland en België. PwC deed een werkkapitaal onderzoek en ontdekte dat er nog genoeg mogelijkheden zijn om de werkkapitaal situatie van deze organisaties te verbeteren.(Bron: creditexpo.nl) […]

Treasurer en controller; een paar apart ?

| 22-09-2016 | Jan de Kroon | De treasurer en de controller zouden twee handen op dezelfde buik moeten zijn, maar de vraag is of dat in alle, of zelfs de meeste, gevallen wel zo is. Enkele uitzonderingen daargelaten, zijn de verschillen groter dan de overeenkomsten. Kort door de bocht zou je kunnen stellen dat de treasurer […]

Budget, een jaarlijks terugkerend fenomeen

| 21-09-2016 | Maarten Verheul | Na de vakantie is het tijd om de eerste stappen te zetten voor het budget voor het volgend jaar. Toevallig kwam budget ook aan de orde in de discussie over CF Planning. Kosten overschrijdingen in het budget verstoren de CASH. De CF Planning is grotendeels op het budget gebaseerd. […]

Blockchain, financial regulatory reporting and challenges

| 20-09-2016 | Carlo de Meijer | It is always challenging to look for new topics worth mentioning related to blockchain or distributed ledger technology. One issue that needs special attention is financial regulation reporting under blockchain. In June, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) published a consultation (or discussion) paper “The Distributed Ledger […]

Remarkable influx non-Dutch in the treasury labour market

| 19-09-2016 | Pieter de Kiewit | This week it will be the second time I will give a guest lecture at the Hogeschool Utrecht. They offer a minor treasury management to students with a finance and economy focus. It is my role to describe the labour market they might enter. In preparation I made […]

Netting, simplifying your intercompany cash management

| 16-09-2016 | Jan Meulendijks | Netting is mainly used by global operating companies with a large number of subsidiaries; the reach of netting can however also include smaller company structures and save a lot of handling and costs. A company with a number of (foreign) subsidiaries will inevitably face a lot of internal deliveries, invoices, payables, receivables […]

How to improve your Cash Conversion Cycle part II

| 14-09-2016 | Olivier Werlingshoff | In my earlier article I wrote about how cash management can improve your cash conversion cycle and more specific the DSO. In this article I will focus on the DIO (Days Inventory Outstanding). This week I heard on the radio that successful retailers have a better DIO than other retailers. The trend […]

Blockchain: Playing in the sandbox

| 13-09-2016 | Carlo de Meijer | A new – but important – chapter can be added to the blockchain story. The World Federation of Exchanges , the WFE, recently urgently called for the creation of regulatory sandboxes for distributed ledger technology. This should help industry efforts “to explore and understand the impact of blockchain-based […]