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Generational diversity is transforming treasury teams, blending fresh perspectives with time-tested strategies. But with this diversity come gaps in communication, expectations, and work styles that can be both a challenge and an opportunity.
How do different generations tackle the treasury business? What drives these differences, and how can we bridge them to create stronger, more cohesive teams? Join us for an exciting live session on Generational Diversity in Treasury!
The size and shape of your treasury team
| 09-11-2017 | Pieter de Kiewit | Last week I received a call from one of my clients. Over the last years, I found several members for their team. Given the transition they are in, they were looking for benchmark information to shape their treasury team and make it future proof. This has kept me […]
Is uw organisatie klaar voor MiFID II? – E-learning uitgelicht
| 08-11-2017 | Financial Training Hub | Na de vorming van de euro is het toezicht op financiële instellingen en markten geïnternationaliseerd. Hierbij is het logisch om een ‘level playing field’ binnen de eurozone te realiseren om reguleringsarbitrage te voorkomen. De vorming van een level playing field voor het prudentieel toezicht op financiële instellingen vindt plaats […]
PSD2 – new opportunities but an issue of trust
| 07-11-2017 | Lionel Pavey | PSD2 (Payment Services Directive) is an extension on the existing PSD within the EU. The objective is to increase competition in the payments industry, whilst increasing access from non-bank firms. This should lead to standard payment formats, infrastructure and technical standards – at first glance an improvement for consumers. […]
What happens after Brexit – the morning after 29th March 2019
| 06-11-2017 | treasuryXL | On the 23rd June 2016, Britain voted via a referendum to leave the EU. On the 29th March 2017 they invoked Article 50 starting the process to leave the EU, meaning they should leave on the 29th March 2019. Between now and then, negotiations are taking place between Whitehall and […]
IT treasury management systems
| 03-11-2017 | Treasurer Development | Minor Treasury @ Hogeschool Utrecht | Frans Boumans | Today’s blog has been written by Florian de Bruin & Jake Verspeek , who are 2 students studying for the minor Treasury Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht. We welcome their contribution – it is good to see […]
Banken en Financiële Markten in Vogelvlucht – E-learning uitgelicht
| 02-11-2017 | Financial Training Hub | Zonder banken en financiële markten zou onze huidige economie en welvaart niet mogelijk zijn. En of u het nu leuk vindt of niet, banken waren en zijn onmisbaar voor onze moderne maatschappij. Iedereen doet, al dan niet bewust, dagelijks zaken met of via banken. Sinds de jaren ’80 heeft […]
Trading places – is big tech the real threat to banks?
| 01-11-2017 | Lionel Pavey | Reading yesterday’s article about Fintech banks reminded me that, in the last few weeks, I had seen articles in the news about the growing interest in providing banking services by so-called Bigtech companies. Bigtech is defined as established “platform” players such as Amazon, Google, Alibaba and Paypal. These […]
Uitgelicht: ECB strenger voor fintechbanken
| 31-10-2017 | Peter Schuitmaker | Recentelijk lazen we een artikel over de verhoogde toezicht dat de ECB wil toepassen op Fintech-partijen die bancaire diensten aanbieden. (bron: FD ) De ECB schrijft in zijn eerder uitgebrachte gids Guide to assessments of fintech credit institution licence applications dat fintechs zorgen voor unieke risico’s in het financiële systeem. De […]
What do you want to know about Treasury?
| 30-10-2017 | treasuryXL | It has always been our mission to promote Treasury as a profession and to increase the awareness of Treasury within business. Currently there are more education choices for students to study and appreciate Treasury, but we still felt there was a gap – knowledge for anyone who was genuinely interested […]
FX-Risks Versus Technology
| 27-10-2017 | Treasurer Development | Minor Treasury @ Hogeschool Utrecht | Frans Boumans | Today’s blog has been written by Daphne Piereij and Martijn Mullié, who are 2 students studying for the minor Treasury Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht. We welcome their contribution – it is good to see the […]