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Planning & Operations – a clear vision and purpose
| 15-01-2018 | treasuryXL | Treasury is a function which entails many different roles and responsibilities. The main task is to monitor and manage the cash within a company ensuring there is sufficient liquidity. This means monitoring all the cash flows – both inflow and outflow, together with the sources of the flows – current […]
Financieringsstructuur: solide fundament of kaartenhuis?
| 12-01-2018 | Bianca van Zeventer | Leningen worden vaak gezien als een goede manier om lange termijn investeringen te financieren. Een (gecommitteerde) meerjarige lening levert veelal zekerheid voor de middellange termijn. “Voor meerdere jaren vastgelegd” blijkt in de praktijk vaak niet waar te zijn. Leningen worden afgesloten als een aanvullende vorm van financieren, naast […]
Blockchain: Predictions for 2018
| 11-01-2018 | Carlo de Meijer | 2017 was a year of interesting developments in the blockchain area. Not all happened as was expected. Many, including me, predicted 2017 to be the year that blockchain would move from proof-of-concepts into real world production. Yes, we did see some great successes here, like IBM, R3CEV, … […]
This is why corporate treasury is great – The laymen introduction to corporate treasury
| 09-01-2018 | Pieter de Kiewit | My father was a civil engineer and would have liked one of his kids to follow in his footsteps. Regretfully for him we all went in different directions, me landing an engineering degree of the wrong type. What I did like to learn from my first business management […]
Bitcoin – hype or reality?
| 08-01-2018 | Lionel Pavey | Having spent my working life in international finance, I have patiently listened to all the news about the Bitcoin over the last few years. During 2017 whilst the Bitcoin was on a spectacular price rise, my interest was awakened in this new phenomenon – is this the future? I […]
Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)
| 05-01-2018| Arnoud Doornbos | Money Market outlook At the press conference on 14 December 2017, the ECB announced that expectations for economic growth and inflation have been adjusted upwards. But despite optimistic growth, the ECB is not yet fully convinced of a continued upward trend in domestic price pressures. And thus Draghi: “An ample […]
Cashforce: Treasury year-end meetup
| 04-01-2018 | Nicolas Christiaen | Cashforce | Sponsored content | Onderstaand een kort verslag van ons Treasury year-end meetup-event van eind 2017. Tim (Jonk – Thomson Reuters) en Martijn (Duijnstee – Cashforce) trapten af met een (uiterst!) korte terugblik op 2017 want alle ogen waren eigenlijk al gericht op het progamma waarin de 3. Top-challenges 2018 voor corporate treasurers […]
Commercial Paper – alternative short term funding
| 03-01-2018 | treasuryXL | There are many different products that a company can use to meet its funding requirements. These products mainly fall into (but are not exclusive to) 2 major categories – equity or debt. Within both categories that are many different bespoke products that can be used. Debt can be either […]
Eurozone – what to watch for in 2018
| 02-01-2018 | treasuryXL | As we start a new year, it would be beneficial to look at matters that will possibly affect the Eurozone in 2018. It is 10 years ago that the financial crisis that started in America hit Europe and led to a global recession. This had a negative effect on GDP […]
Update Fintech Belgium Summit 2017
| 29-12-2017 | François de Witte | On 14/12/2017, Fintech Belgium organized the 2nd Fintech Belgium Summit, a one-day conference to discover the deep innovation, technological and societal impact FinTechs have on our world. There were over 500 participants, and this was a good opportunity to meet all the stakeholders in the Belgian Fintech ecosystem. […]