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Generational diversity is transforming treasury teams, blending fresh perspectives with time-tested strategies. But with this diversity come gaps in communication, expectations, and work styles that can be both a challenge and an opportunity.
How do different generations tackle the treasury business? What drives these differences, and how can we bridge them to create stronger, more cohesive teams? Join us for an exciting live session on Generational Diversity in Treasury!
Blockchain and Trade Finance: how it could work
| 07-06-2018 | by Vincenzo Masile | treasuryXL| How can trade finance operate leveraging a Blockchain based infrastructure to drive efficiencies, reduce cost base and open up new revenue opportunities? It is vital that the international trade flow is smooth and transparent but this is not always the case for the below reasons: Current […]
New style post executive education in Treasury management & Corporate Finance at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
| 06-06-2018 | by Herbert Rijken | For more than 20 years the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam is running a postgraduate executive program in Treasury Management. The educational design of this program is unique in treasury management education. It aims to stimulate development as an academic professional. It mixes useful academic knowledge for practitioners with hands on […]
Cyber Security and Business Intelligence
| 5-6-2018 | TIS | Fintech Hotseat – AFP 2017: Alongside smaller companies, there are still many medium and large sized companies that have not yet implemented real-time monitoring of their payment processes. The result? These organizations then fail to discover missing cash until the end of the month. In this interview during the AFP […]
Cash flow forecasting – more than just safeguarding liquidity
| 4-6-2018 | Gerald Dorrer | TIPCO Treasury & Technology GmbH | “We don’t need cash flow forecasting” – statements like this are frequently heard at companies with significant cash reserves. They often highlight concerns about major internal expenses as capturing the relevant data can tie up significant resources. Modern cash flow forecasting, however, is […]
Does technology actually help you improve your cash management?
| 31-5-2018 | Nicolas Christiaen | Cashforce | It is a question that many companies have been asking themselves for the past few years. Innovative, dedicated technologies may be very exciting, but the question remains: Are they worth the investment? We believe the answer is yes, but understanding the technology & its shortcomings are key to exploiting […]
Kredietbeoordeling banken: trends en ontwikkelingen
| 29-5-2018 | By Peter Schuitmaker | Kredietbeoordeling door banken? Duidelijk is dat de kredietverstrekking door banken stagneert. Vandaar allerlei nieuwe initiatieven als kredietunies en crowdfunding. Ontwikkeling in de wereld van private equity, participatiemaatschappijen, investeringsfondsen zoals NPEX en de diverse mogelijkheden voor staatsgarantie Garantie Ondernemingsfinanciering, Groeifaciliteit en Borgstellingskredieten MKB. De banken doen nog wel mee. Maar dan met […]
Segregation of Duties and Responsibilities
| 28-5-2018 | By Paul Stheeman | Compliance is one of the most important factors when establishing and running a Treasury function nowadays. Increased regulatory requirements paired with concerns about fraud and cybercrime mean that CFOs want to ensure that functions and processes are aligned with the Board’s expectations and run according to recognised best […]
Masterclass Blockchain 26 juni 2018
| 25-05-2018 | The Perfect Fit | The Perfect Fit organiseert op dinsdag 26 juni samen met hun businesspartner IJsselvliet Strategie & Realisatie een Masterclass over het thema blockchain. Blockchain wordt gezien als de grootste IT-revolutie sinds de opkomst van het internet. Traditionele transacties worden door deze technologische ontwikkeling sneller, veiliger en transparanter: blockchain kan voor […]
| 23-05-2018 | Pieter de Kiewit | treasuryXL| Weet jij welk deel, van wat je betaalt aan de buitenlandse winkelier, naar financiële dienstverleners gaat? Het vakantie seizoen is weer gestart en de economie draait goed. Toeristen en zakenmensen vullen de vliegtuigen en Schiphol draait vast. Mede op basis van dit artikel: wil ik jullie met mijn […]
Stageplek gezocht | Wetenschappelijke onderzoeksvraag op het gebied van treasury
| 18-05-2018 | Roland Koster | treasuryXL Voor de masteropleiding management MSc, ga ik begin juni een keuze maken welke richting ik op wil gaan in het kader van het afstuderen (eindscriptie). Ik wil dit doen in de richting ‘Financial Decision Making’ op het gebied van financiering en ben daarvoor op zoek naar bedrijf waar ik mijn […]