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Corda Settler, Ripple and SWIFT: mariage à trois?
| 07-05-2019 | Carlo de Meijer | treasuryXL My last blog was about the IBM World Wire, a blockchain based platform for global payments. Another competitor in the blockchain payments world I have written about regularly is Ripple. Both are thereby targeting centralised payments messages network SWIFT. IBM and Ripple however are not the only […]
New Community and Partner Manager for treasuryXL
| 02-05-2019 | by Pieter de Kiewit | treasuryXL recently celebrated its third birthday. As a partner and sponsor I have been involved from the start and so far, it has been an exciting journey. I am proud we have been able to create a constant flow of relevant content for corporate treasurers and all […]
IBM Blockchain: growing competition in payments
| 30-4-2019 | Carlo de Meijer | treasuryXL Last year October I wrote a blog about IBM’s World Wire project. In that month they announced to come to the market with a global blockchain network for cross-border payments and foreign exchange for regulated financial firms using digital assets. But at that time it was not […]
Information Session at VU Finance Amsterdam
| 25-4-2019 | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | We would like to invite you to the Information Session of the Executive Education finance programmes at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam on Tuesday 7 May 2019. It concerns: Investment Management Chartered Financial Analyst Risk Management for Financial Institutions Treasury Management and Corporate Finance This evening gives an insight […]
Masterclass: Ontwikkelingen in het Betalingsverkeer
| 23-04-2019 | ENIGMA Consulting | In samenwerking met Euroforum organiseert Enigma Consulting op 9 mei 2019 in Driebergen een Verdiepende Masterclass: Nieuwe ontwikkelingen in het Betalingsverkeer. De veranderingen en innovaties in het betalingsverkeer zijn evident. Allerlei ontwikkelingen grijpen in op het betaaldomein en nieuwe spelers gaan verrassende diensten bieden. Tijdens deze intensieve masterclass krijgt u op 1 dag alle […]
The evolution of the market for corporate treasury solutions
| 16-4-2019 | by Pieter de Kiewit | A few years ago I wrote a blog about the relay in TMS market leadership and kept following the market as an interested bystander. Last years I saw an increase in parties that steer away from traditional solutions for corporate treasurers like banks, consultants and TMS houses. What I […]
| 15-4-2019 | Vallstein | treasuryXL | About Vallstein Vallstein was built around the philosophy that transparency in bank relations should be equally relevant from the perspective of a corporate client towards its banks as vice versa. The history to date has proven Vallstein´s vision right. Clients applying Vallstein´s BRM solutions gain and maintain pro-active […]
| 11-04-2019 | treasuryXL | Cashforce | Cashforce, the global leader in cash forecasting and working capital optimization, and Fides Treasury Services Ltd., the global leader in multi-bank connectivity and communications, have won the Global Finance 2019 Treasury and Cash Management Award for Best Use of Artificial Intelligence in Treasury Management. The two companies were jointly honored for […]
| 9-4-2019 | Euroforum | treasuryXL | Het jaarcongres Toekomst van het Betalingsverkeer is al 20 jaar dé ontmoetingsplaats voor alle Payment Professionals in Nederland. Om deze mijlpaal te vieren wordt het programma dit jaar nog uitgebreider dan voorheen. Op verschillende podia vertellen (inter) nationale Keynote Speakers de meest interessante verhalen. Daarnaast bestaat het programma uit diverse co-creatie sessies […]
Gartner Blockchain Spectrum: a great tool for CIOs
| 08-4-2019 | Carlo de Meijer | treasuryXL CIOs of companies are increasingly showing their interest in blockchain technology. In PwCs 2018 survey amongst a large number of business executives from 15 different industries in various countries, more than 80% of the respondents said their company was actively involved with blockchain technology. Some more than […]