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Treasurer Test: The advantages of using the Big 5 model
| 20-06-2019 | by Kendra Keydeniers | Treasurer Test | In the upcoming weeks we will take a deeper dive into the Big 5 model. What are the advantages? Why did we select this model for the Treasurer Test? The subjects are shown in below summary, starting the first blog with an introduction: Introduction Why […]
De Cobase Quick Scan voor Treasurers
| 18-06-2019 | Cobase | treasuryXL Bedrijven met bankrekeningen bij verschillende banken hebben vaak met veel inefficiëntie te maken. Ze moeten verschillende bankportalen gebruiken om met hun banken of andere financiële dienstverleners te werken en vaak ook meerdere ERP connecties onderhouden. Hoe meer banken en rekeningen, hoe complexer het wordt. De oplossing Cobase biedt hiervoor […]
The challenges of liquidity planning and forecasting
| 17-06-2019 | treasuryXL | Cashforce | For more than a decade, liquidity and cash flow forecasting have remained in the top three challenges for CFOs and treasurers globally. This begs the question: why has this been a perennial challenge for so long? The reason: treasury operations today are, for the most part, a series of unintegrated […]
Treasurer Test: The first results analysis and observations
| 14-06-2019 | by Kendra Keydeniers | Do people with many years of treasury experience have more relevant knowledge than those with less experience? Are treasurers introvert people? Are detail-oriented treasurers more knowledgeable? Recently 100 test candidates completed the Treasurer Test, 75 of them working as corporate treasurers, 25 are working in positions related to […]
Webinar: Optimize your payment processing security
| 13-6-2019 | BELLIN | How to optimize your payment processing security via administrative control This webinar installment takes a deep dive into the need for a centralized payments platform that maintains a hyper-focus on security. Join in as we discuss, how the essential synergy between technical security specifications and administrative controls creates optimally safe […]
New generation treasurer studies at the Vrije Universiteit
| 13-06-2019 | by Pieter de Kiewit | Research in our candidate files, filled with treasury experts and managers, shows that only a small fraction of the population completed a job specific education. Over time I see the level of impact and complexity of corporate treasury rising and an increase in treasury students. As […]
The (Im)possibility of Liquidity Planning
| 07-06-2019 | BELLIN | Defining and establishing liquidity planning workflows Liquidity planning is extremely essential. Companies can survive a certain amount of time without making a profit. However, they will go down within just a few days if they lack the necessary liquidity. Therefore, liquidity planning is high on any treasury’s agenda. Suddenly, cash was […]
For what audience is the Treasurer Test developed?
| 06-06-2019 | by treasuryXL | The Treasurer Test has been developed with three different audiences in mind: Actual Treasurers; those who are already active treasurers Pre Treasurers; those who have the ambition to become one and Non Treasurers; those who will not but deal with the function. Their goals might overlap but there are […]
Blockchain-as-a-Service: accelerator for adoption
| 04-06-2019 | Carlo de Meijer | treasuryXL Blockchain technology has attracted growing interest from various businesses from large corporates to SMEs. But a large scale adoption by corporates and others has long time been hindered by the lack of options. But that is changing. When interacting with the blockchain they have now two options. […]
Training: Ontdek de kracht van BI voor Financials
| 3-6-2019 | Alex van Groningen | Wilt u een actievere rol gaan spelen in Business Intelligence (BI) en Analytics-projecten? Wordt u betrokken bij informatievoorziening ter ondersteuning van strategische en tactische besluitvormingsprocessen? Wilt u beter voorbereid in gesprek gaan met BI-specialisten? Dan is de introductietraining BI voor Financials voor u onmisbaar. Ontdek de kracht van […]