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Embracing technology to deliver value from treasury
| 16-08-2019 | TIS | Join Giancarlo Laudini, SVP Global Sales & Marketing Operations, TIS and Ernie Humphrey, CEO, 360 Thought Leadership Consulting to discover what fuels career success in treasury in today’s world. We will discuss the evolving role of technology in treasury success, how to leverage technology it your advantage, and how to embrace business […]
Why Bouke decided to explore the World of Treasury
| 15-08-2019 | by treasuryXL | Kendra Keydeniers Bouke Weijmans graduated as Register Treasurer (RT) in 2014. Bouke has a strong interest in process optimization and building treasury departments from the start. He currently works at Aalberts Industries as a Cash and Treasury Manager. Aalberts Industries is a Dutch manufacturer that engineers mission-critical technologies […]
The Role of Netting in Cash Management
|13-8-2019 | treasuryXL | BELLIN Increased cash flow efficiency, faster cash allocation and optimized FX management Cash management is every company’s bread and butter. Considerably fewer companies make use of netting, despite its many advantages for cash management. Netting supports companies in making their cash management more efficient and less costly by: Boosting cash […]
CSDs have a role to play in a blockchain environment
| 12-08-2019 | Carlo de Meijer | treasuryXL There is a broad consensus amongst the post-trade industry that blockchain technology will revolutionise the securities post-trade world and could radically change how assets are maintained and stored by custodians and central securities depositories (CSDs). Blockchain technology may enable real-time settlement finality in the securities world. This […]
How to explain what treasury is to family and friends?
| 09-08-2019 | by Pieter de Kiewit | Your mortgage, credit card, holiday money and current account have business equivalents. They are managed by corporate treasurers. The title question, or variations, is one I have to answer quite often. Even more around the holidays, when I always meet my relatives. I am tweaking the answer […]
Towards a central bank digital currency?
| 06-08-2019 | Carlo de Meijer | treasuryXL Since Facebook announced its plans to come up with their own digital currency named Libra, a heated debate has risen about whether central banks should issue their own digital currency. Central banks worldwide have expressed their worries about Facebook’s plan. According to them the prospect of a tech […]
Challengerbanken dwingen traditionele banken tot verbeterslag
| 05-08-2019 | ENIGMA Consulting | Het openen van een rekening via mobiele telefoon wordt steeds eenvoudiger. Een vooruitstrevende mobielbankierenapp is van groot belang om consumenten aan de bank te binden. Particulieren doen steeds meer bankzaken via de mobiele telefoon, maar ook het klant worden van een bank verloopt steeds vaker via de app. Een eenvoudig, […]
Dit zeggen Nederlandse bedrijven over hun renterisico
| 02-08-2019 | ICC Consultants | treasuryXL | Recent heeft ICC een rente-enquête uitgevoerd onder haar relaties. In deze enquête werd één prangende vraag gesteld: Waarom dekt u uw renterisico (nog) niet in? Hieronder ziet u hoe deze vraag beantwoord is: Circa de helft geeft aan op dit moment geen renterisico te hebben. Deze groep bestaat […]
Blockchain een hype? Training voor Financials
| 01-08-2019 | by treasuryXL | Kendra Keydeniers Training: Blockchain voor Financials Is blockchain een hype of gaat het de wereld echt drastisch veranderen? Wat is de gigantische impact van blockchain op de toekomst van uw financiële functie? Ontdek in twee dagen wat blockchain is, hoe u het toepast en hoe u ermee begint in […]
BELLIN Launches SWIFT g4C Product Offering
| 30-07-2019 | BELLIN | BELLIN, a global leader in providing treasury software and services, has successfully integrated SWIFT gpi for Corporates (g4C) in its tm5 treasury management system and completed the pilot and Early Adopter phase. With the BELLIN SWIFT product offering extended, all BELLIN clients can now benefit from fast cross-border payments as […]