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#3 Sole focus on Exchange Rates (Dutch item)
22-07-2021 | XE | Companies that need a currency service, either for their daily transactions or for a more strategic planning for the future, will logically first go to the exchange rates offered. Why wouldn’t you choose the provider that offers the best possible rates for your money to begin with? Het antwoord op die […]
The Art of Selecting Suitable Treasury Technology
| 21-07-2021 | treasuryXL | Nomentia | Many Corporate Treasury functions are aware of the importance of utilizing technology to deliver improved efficiency and control in their treasury operations. This is being driven by the increasing pace of regulatory change, continuously evolving business models, volatile economic conditions, and fast-growing technological developments. Also, treasurers are recognizing […]
Front Office Financial Resource and Capital Optimisation | September 9-10, 2021
20-07-2021 | treasuryXL | Kendra Keydeniers | Marcus Evens Optimising margin and capital consumption for derivative portfolios under margin rules, FRTB and SA-CCR through effective risk and trading strategy. London, UK or Virtual 9th – 10th September, 2021 | 08:30 BST Financial Resource Optimisation has become of paramount importance for trading businesses after a decade […]
11th Annual Funds Transfer Pricing and Balance Sheet Management | September 2-3, 2021
19-07-2021 | treasuryXL | Kendra Keydeniers | Marcus Evens Manage and steer excess liquidity in the current climate through effective FTP strategy in order to achieve balance sheet optimisation. London, UK or Virtual Attendance 2nd – 3rd September, 2021 | 08:30 BST The COVID-19 crisis has shifted the banking industry’s focus to balance sheet management, […]
International Treasury Management and Corporate Finance
| 15-7-2021 | François de Witte | treasuryXL | We would like to highlight the following event, of which our Expert François de Witte is a part. Register below to learn more about International Treasury Management and Corporate Finance. Registration In order to be accepted to this certified path it will be asked to complete this application form . […]
How to pay your overseas suppliers quickly, easily and securely
15-07-2021 | treasuryXL | XE | Having a reliable, easy-to-use payment method can make a world of difference to your company’s bottom line and to the efficiency of your processes. When you purchase goods from overseas suppliers or pay international invoices—especially if you do so on a regular basis—having a reliable, easy-to-use payment method can […]
E-Book: ERP Migration | How to Simplify and Accelerate Bank Integration
14-07-2021 | treasuryXL | Kyriba | ERP cloud migration is a costly and time-consuming undertaking, particularly where IT is concerned – and for many corporations, the bank integration exercise can be among the most daunting aspects of the project. The good news is that companies can simplify and accelerate the bank integration component of ERP […]
Conference “Future of Payments” 9 September, 2021 | Amsterdam | 20% discount via treasuryXL
13-07-2021 | treasuryXL | Kendra Keydeniers | Euroforum Euroform will host the 21st edition of the Conference “Toekomst Betalingsverkeer” on Thursday September 9, 2021 at the Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam. “Toekomst Betalingsverkeer” is a major event in the Payment Business with round table sessions, keynotes and more. (Event is in Dutch) It’s time […]
Are you leaving Money on the Table with your Checkout and Payment Solution?
12-07-2021 | treasuryXL | EcomStream | Benchmarking your checkout and Payment solution is worth the effort. There are often areas for improvement that are relatively easy to execute or implement. In 2018, EcomStream has assisted a number of online entrepreneurs, large and small, by benchmarking and optimizing their payment solution and checkout. This results in […]
#2 No Policy for Currency Risk Management (Dutch item)
08-07-2021 | XE | Nadat een bedrijf zijn potentiële valutarisico in kaart heeft gebracht, is de volgende stap het opstellen van een plan om dit risico te beheren. Met name grotere bedrijven zouden een risicobeheerbeleid moeten overwegen waarin wordt beschreven hoe het bedrijf valutarisico’s aanpakt. Daardoor krijgt u een doorlopend raamwerk om volatiliteit te beheren, […]