2025 is here, and the FX landscape is more dynamic than ever. With a new US president poised to reshape global trade policies amidst rising geopolitical tensions and increasing currency risks, treasury teams must prepare for an era of heightened volatility.
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| 23-05-2018 | Pieter de Kiewit | treasuryXL| Weet jij welk deel, van wat je betaalt aan de buitenlandse winkelier, naar financiële dienstverleners gaat? Het vakantie seizoen is weer gestart en de economie draait goed. Toeristen en zakenmensen vullen de vliegtuigen en Schiphol draait vast. Mede op basis van dit artikel: https://www.forbes.com/sites/geoffreymorrison/2014/07/30/pay-in-local-or-home-currency/#778b32b73307 wil ik jullie met mijn […]
Make room for the treasury controller!
| 01-05-2018 | Pieter de Kiewit | Lately we have received an increasing number of calls from companies asking about treasury controllers. For various reasons this is understandable, but they are not the easiest to find and there is appears to be quite a wide variety. Let’s elaborate. Over the last few years, many corporates […]
Basisbeginselen Beursgang – Treasury for Non-Treasurers
| 21-03-2018 | Pieter de Kiewit | Met het huidige nieuws rond beursgangen (IPOs = initial public offering) heb ik gezocht op het steekwoord beursgang op treasuryXL en vond geen resultaten. Wellicht omdat de treasury beroepsgroep communiceert in het Engels. Voor Non-Treasurers ga ik bij deze kort in op de basisbeginselen van een beursgang en […]
High Road or High Horse?
| 21-02-2018 | Pieter de Kiewit | I want to include you in my search for what is right. Newspapers don’t publish what is right but what sells (for the Dutch, why did the Volkskrant publish the story of Jillert Anema this week?). Politicians don’t work from their convictions but what gets them votes. Large […]
This is why corporate treasury is great – The laymen introduction to corporate treasury
| 09-01-2018 | Pieter de Kiewit | My father was a civil engineer and would have liked one of his kids to follow in his footsteps. Regretfully for him we all went in different directions, me landing an engineering degree of the wrong type. What I did like to learn from my first business management […]
The size and shape of your treasury team
| 09-11-2017 | Pieter de Kiewit | Last week I received a call from one of my clients. Over the last years, I found several members for their team. Given the transition they are in, they were looking for benchmark information to shape their treasury team and make it future proof. This has kept me […]