After having worked for more than 30 years in banking, François launched his own consultancy activity, FDW Consult, Services BV, specialized in banking, finance and treasury consulting. From 2014 to 2016, he was also Solution Partner Treasury & Finance at USG Professionals. Since then, he took up several assignments, including one in the automotive sector with Ginion Group, with Ibanity, part of Isabel Group in the area of PSD2 and open banking, and with Gaming1 (In House Bank and Transfer Pricing Project). He has been independent Director at CKV, a small niche player mortgage and savings bank from 2019 until 2022, and worked from February 2023 to October 2023 as Group Treasurer ad interim with Bosal International.
François is lecturer of the course “Advanced Treasury” and “Cash and Working Capital Management” in the Master program “Finance and Treasury” at the IAE Management School (part of the University of Lille), and at Febelfin Academy. He also teaches and has a leading role in the Certificate in International Treasury and Corporate Finance Management organized by ATEL and the House of Training in Luxembourg. François is also mentor of Fintechs member of Fintech Belgium.
François has a master’s degree both in Law and Economics from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Owner at FDW Consult
International Cash management
Treasury organization
Working Capital Management
Structured Finance
Banking Relationship
Strategy and Negotiations
PSD2 and Open Banking
Beheer van wisselrisico’s | Indekken of niet?
| 31-3-2021 | François de Witte | treasuryXL | Internationaal zaken doen is onvermijdelijk verbonden met financiële risico’s. Hoe kunt u wisselkoersrisico’s op een verantwoorde wijze beheren? Omschrijving Weet u hoe verantwoord moet omgaan met wisselkoersrisico’s? Het antwoord geenszins éénduidig … Maar wat zeker is, is dat goede beslissingen beginnen bij een concrete inschatting van dit risico. […]
3-daagse opleiding Cash- en werkkapitaalbeheer | Start midden maart 2021
| 16-2-2021 | François de Witte | treasuryXL | Een transparant werkkapitaalbeheer met een goed inzicht in cash-, treasury- en creditmanagement Omschrijving Productieprocessen, (internationale) logistieke processen en verkoopprocessen brengen grote geldstromen in beweging. Een bedrijf financieel gezond houden kan niet zonder een gedegen werkkapitaalbeheer. In deze basisopleiding bekijken we alle inkomende en uitgaande geldstromen (debiteuren, crediteuren, voorraden […]
Treasury Management during the COVID 19-crisis: Opportunities & Risks – Live Webinar
| 1-2-2021 | François de Witte | treasuryXL | As a result of the COVID19, many companies are faced with cash & liquidity problems. How do you deal with this? What tools do you have available to manage this? How do you approach the stakeholders, including the banks for additional loans. Find out in upcoming event with […]
Top 5 most read articles at and LinkedIn of 2020
31-12-2020 | treasuryXL | Kendra Keydeniers The last day of 2020 is here. The whole world experienced a ‘year not to forget’. I can imagine that when you popped the champagne last year you had other thoughts and plans in mind for 2020. To make sure you don’t miss out on the pieces that made […]
Update Digital Finance Summit 2020
| 02-12-2020 | François de Witte | treasuryXL | After having worked for more than 30 years in banking, François launched his own consultancy activity, FDW Consult, specialized in finance and treasury consulting. From 2014 to 2016, he was also Solution Partner Treasury & Finance at USG Professionals. Since then he took up several assignments, including one […]
TRAINING: PSD2 & Open banking: impact on the financial ecosystem and new challenges
| 23-11-2020 | Francois De Witte On December 16th, our Expert Francois de Witte will present a Webinar in collaboration with Febelfin-Academy, regarding PSD2 & Open banking: impact on the financial ecosystem and new challenges. This training program prepares participants for 2 major challenges of the upcoming years in banking: PSD2 & Open Banking. This […]