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Question treasuryXL Panel #1 | Is a BIC registration possible for both financial as non-financial institutions?
28-09-2021| treasuryXL | Enigma |LinkedIn | treasuryXL is the community platform for all your relevant treasury questions. We received the following question from one of our followers…
Invitation Open Evening Treasury Management | August 24 | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
29-07-2021 | VU Amsterdam | Are you up for the next step in your career? Would you like to further develop your knowledge, skills and professional view on this fast-changing world? The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam invites you to join the Online Open Evening on Tuesday, 24 August 2021. Get inspired by their teachers and […]
11th Annual Funds Transfer Pricing and Balance Sheet Management | September 2-3, 2021
19-07-2021 | treasuryXL | Kendra Keydeniers | Marcus Evens Manage and steer excess liquidity in the current climate through effective FTP strategy in order to achieve balance sheet optimisation. London, UK or Virtual Attendance 2nd – 3rd September, 2021 | 08:30 BST The COVID-19 crisis has shifted the banking industry’s focus to balance sheet management, […]
International Treasury Management and Corporate Finance
| 15-7-2021 | François de Witte | treasuryXL | We would like to highlight the following event, of which our Expert François de Witte is a part. Register below to learn more about International Treasury Management and Corporate Finance. Registration In order to be accepted to this certified path it will be asked to complete this application form . […]
Virtual Masterclass | Advanced Treasury & Cash Management
| 06-05-2021 | François de Witte | treasuryXL | How do you deal with constant change and uncertainty? As treasury continues to expand its influence, delving deeper into the business and providing advisory services and tech solutions to increase efficiency, flexibility has become paramount. From building resilience in an environment of shifting risks to providing innovation […]
Liquiditeitsbeheer en Cash Forecasting | Beheer en controle van de liquide middelen, kredietlijnen en -termijnen
| 05-05-2021 | François de Witte | treasuryXL | Hebt u een goed overzicht van de liquiditeitspositie van de onderneming? Is er geen sprake van een versnipperde cash- en kredietbenutting die u een onvolledig beeld geeft? Bent u onlangs geconfronteerd met liquiditeitsproblemen als gevolg van onverwachte uitgaven? Tijd om in actie te komen! De coronacrisis stelt de situatie heel […]
Webinar Series Treasury Management | “Bitcoin. Is this the New Reality in Corporate Treasury or is it a Hoax?”
| 12-04-2021 | VU Amsterdam | This Webinar is offered to you by the postgraduate programme Treasury Management & Corporate Finance at the School of Business and Economics. Webinar Treasury Management in short Date: Wednesday 28 April 2021 Time: 19.00 – 20.30 hrs. Costs: Free-of-charge Bitcoins are in the news. Opinions vary […]
Beheer van wisselrisico’s | Indekken of niet?
| 31-3-2021 | François de Witte | treasuryXL | Internationaal zaken doen is onvermijdelijk verbonden met financiële risico’s. Hoe kunt u wisselkoersrisico’s op een verantwoorde wijze beheren? Omschrijving Weet u hoe verantwoord moet omgaan met wisselkoersrisico’s? Het antwoord geenszins éénduidig … Maar wat zeker is, is dat goede beslissingen beginnen bij een concrete inschatting van dit risico. […]
VU ‘Treasury Management & Corporate Finance’ Programme – Online Open Evening
| 22-02-2020 | VU Amsterdam | Deepening treasury knowledge and increasing the treasurer population would benefit many organisations. We are fan of the post-graduate Executive Treasury Management & Corporate Finance Programme. VU Amsterdam is excited to invite you to the Executive Education Online Open Evening on Thursday 20 May 2021. Their Professors, lecturers, scientists and […]
‘International Cash Management’, offered by VU Amsterdam
| 17-02-2021 | VU Amsterdam | The Vrije Universiteit offers mutliple helpful education sources to study more about the field of Treasury. Is the Register Treasurer programme too much for you (now) but you do want to invest in education. Consider doing the Module Cash Management. Managing cash is one of the core responsibilities of […]