Introduction core team Treasurer Development

| 19-10-2017 | treasuryXL  | Treasurer Development |

Earlier we informed you about the Treasurer Development initiative. The members of the core team of Treasurer Development aim to contribute to raising the professional level of corporate treasury and increase acceptance and recognition of corporate treasury. Starting point for them is the treasurer as a person.


In the kick off meeting a core team was created; these are the members:

  • Janneke Nonkes, former group treasurer and coach
  • Robert Dekker, manager of the post graduate Register Treasurer program at the Free University in Amsterdam and treasury consultant at KPMG
  • Frans Boumans, responsible for the minor treasury management program at the University of Applied Sciences in Utrecht and former banker
  • Pieter de Kiewit, recruitment consultant and owner of Treasurer Search

All core team members work independently in this initiative. They do not represent each other or treasuryXL as a core team member. They aim to inspire, inform and deliver positive criticism. The opinions expressed by a member of the core team are attributed to that person and these opinions are independent and not necessarily shared and/or endorsed by all the other members. treasuryXL  is the communication platform for Treasurer Development. Blogs, discussions, round table meetings, curriculum build-up and adviser are all results that can and will be the result of Treasurer Development.

First initiative coming from Treasurer Development is a cooperation between Frans Boumans and treasuryXL. All of us will start blogging on related topics. Janneke and Pieter will develop a free of charge telephone quick scan in which treasurers can brainstorm about their career development. Robert will inform you shortly about curriculum developments in the Register Treasurer program. Both the Hogeschool Utrecht and the Vrije Universiteit will want to brainstorm with you about guest lecturing, internships and graduation projects.

So far, the first responses on this initiative are very positive. We are open for suggestions and look forward to informing you further.


[icon icon=”envelope” color=”” size=”tiny” with_circle=”0″ link=””] [email protected]
[icon icon=”phone” color=”” size=”tiny” with_circle=”0″ link=””] 06-21303744