Tag Archive for: career

The size and shape of your treasury team

| 09-11-2017 | Pieter de Kiewit |

Treasury TeamLast week I received a call from one of my clients. Over the last years, I found several members for their team. Given the transition they are in, they were looking for benchmark information to shape their treasury team and make it future proof. This has kept me thinking and I started gathering information in order to give a proper answer. As to be expected, there is no standard template resulting in an easy answer. Even for more evolved job types like sales or accounting this is a hard question, corporate treasury is too young and small for sound statistics.

To make my analysis workable, I decided to measure the size of the team in a straightforward headcount. When talking about shape, I would like to work with the main functional areas: cash management, risk management, corporate finance and support. Of course this is an oversimplification. I think the following variables are the most relevant.

To start with the obvious: size matters. Size in revenue, number of employees, number of countries active in, number of currencies used, number of payments are all related to size of the treasury team. Not 100%. Senior management requesting detailed and up-to-date information requires a bigger team. We see this especially with organizations in turbulent situations, internally or in dynamic markets. Treasury teams that recently started, do not yet have a focus on efficiency and tend to be bigger. The willingness to invest in modern IT solutions on one hand creates a bigger team: key users and treasury IT managers, on the other hand it replaces staff doing manual work.  Finally improving aspects like segregation of duties and back-up typically create a bigger team.

Moving forward to the shape of the treasury team or perhaps the size of the various functional areas, I observe that the industry and company status have their impact. Typically, companies with a dynamic balance sheet, due to distress or growth (autonomous or take overs) need a bigger corporate finance function. A longer balance sheet in a capital intense industry requires a bigger team. In this area I also see an increase in project and customer finance teams contributing in the structuring of business deals.

Companies with diverse and dynamic payment flows need bigger cash management teams. Especially corporates with an ambition towards strong centralization require extra central staff. They need stronger software support, communicate a lot with subsidiaries and have to understand the business. If achieved, central cash management can be managed by few.

I observe a decrease of number of staff working in FX and interest risk management. Corporates are more risk averse, markets are transparent and ICT enables STP processes. In parallel other types of risk increase the workload: counter party, commodities, insurance, etcetera. Big data and business modeling is having its impact.

This blog does not have the ambition to be comprehensive, the above could be more thorough. Furthermore I could elaborate on aspects like control, IT and especially back office and settlements. Should they even be in your treasury team? I think the topic deserves further attention and could be researched by more than one graduate student.

What are your thoughts? What obvious aspect should be included? I look forward to your reactions,

Pieter de Kiewit


Pieter de Kiewit



Pieter de Kiewit
Owner Treasurer Search



First 100 days of a treasurer

| 11-9-2017 | TIS (Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH) – Sponsored content |

When a government official enters into office, the 100 days in the new role are closely observed by all. Similarly, the first impressions left by a new treasurer are often long lasting and critical to success further down the road. In most cases, after the first three months, all stakeholders have formed their opinion.

Sounds familiar? We know that the first 100 days in a new job are known to be crucial in setting the right course. The challenge facing treasurers is to acquire a quick overview, identify company-critical risks, introduce necessary measures at short notice and, at the same time, convince the new boss that they are also able to set the right strategic course.
In our Executive Briefing, our treasury experts share their experiences and provide tips and insights to support you in the first 100 days of your latest position.

TIS (Treasury Intelligence Solutions) GmbH


Interesting apples and oranges a.k.a. the Dutch Fintech Awards

|18-4-2017 | Pieter de Kiewit

One of my friends who works in human capital development and is a psychologist, explained me once how we can increase our creative output. One of the elements he mentioned was mixing up the way information comes to you and how you digest it. For example, if you are used to create business plans  sitting behind your desk and writing, a multi-person brainstorm session might tap into your undiscovered creative potential. And the other way around: if you are talker/listener, try writing for a change.

Bearing this in mind, I always try to combine personal meetings, with calls, with reading, events and so on. For the people who know me: I am always behind on my reading. So much to read, so little time! Events and personal meetings get my creative juices flowing. Today I trained MBA students of RSM in their labour market approach, very inspiring. And I look forward to the Dutch Fintech Awards that are organized shortly.

Dutch FinTech Awards

Being a recruiter with a focus on corporate treasury, I have tried to find the Fintech Awards contenders with a relevance for the corporate treasury community. This is not as obvious as it seems, only a few are. I do not envy the jury of this event. Categorizing the contenders is almost impossible, let alone judging them. Comparing blokchain insurance with video financial services sales and a crowdfunding platform with easy on-line payments, is comparing apples with oranges. One thing is clear: some of the potential award winners are very good at attracting social media attention.

Despite their diversity, each of the companies tells a different inspiring story. Some of them are about cutting edge technology, some of them are about understanding potential clients, others are about smart entrepreneurship. One thing I am sure of is that the level of creativity of the entrepreneurs will be extremely high. I am ready to be inspired and will inform you in my review blog afterwards.

On 21 April the Dutch FinTech Awards will take place in Utrecht. A day with many international keynote speakers, provoking master classes and pitches by the Dutch FinTech 50. Make sure you register today and join this unique opportunity to meet 300 International FinTech stakeholders. Via treasuryXL you can get a discount on the regular ticket. More information

Pieter de Kiewit



Pieter de Kiewit
Owner Treasurer Search


Banker to corporate treasury transfer – A topic as relevant as ever

| 27-3-2017 | Pieter de Kiewit | treasuryXL

In July 2016 our expert Pieter de Kiewit wrote an article about bankers who want to make a transfer into corporate treasury. With all the news about major banks laying off huge numbers of staff and the recent news that ABN AMRO asks 30 top managers to leave the bank or accept demotion, we believe that this topic is still very relevant and worthwhile to be published. Pieter de Kiewit wrote his blog based upon his observations working as a treasury recruitment consultant having meetings with many of them.

The transfer has been made many times successfully, even more it appeared to be impossible.

You have to ask yourself: “why do I want this?”. If this is your lifelong dream your application strategy will be different from the situation where your employer asked you to leave. Be honest with yourself, you know the answer. I will describe the consequence of both scenarios.

If your dream is working in a corporate treasury, you have acted upon this. Your studies included the right topics, you visited the relevant events and in your communication with clients you showed a sincere interest what their tasks involve. You projected yourself in these tasks and are able to tell why you would be good at it, why you prefer them over your banking tasks. You already knew there will be a pay cut and that is no problem. Your story is sound and the hiring manager will notice. It will be authentic and most likely you will not apply from unemployment.

If you were made redundant and will try to convince the hiring manager you always wanted to be a corporate treasurer, you will fail. Why didn’t you try before? What did you do to prepare for this step? Can one notice you understand their job?

Just tell it like it is: you studied to be a banker, you loved the job and were great at it. Times have changed and regretfully you have to recalibrate. But there is a silver lining: you have a valuable skill set your potential employer might benefit from. But here is where it gets a bit harder: it is your job to find out what the (potential) problem of you future boss is and why you can solve it. He/she will not take the effort to find out. So ask questions, match them to your skill set and do not use banking lingo. Ask your friends if they think you have an old school banking attitude (“you might receive our funding”). If so, ditch it. You do not have to beg for the job but you might mention you look forward to working together and being successful.

Good luck out there!

Pieter de Kiewit



Pieter de Kiewit
Owner Treasurer Search


Flex Treasurer: The life of an interim treasurer

| 16-2-2017 | Patrick Kunz |


An interim treasurer is just like a normal treasurer. The difference is that he has a flexible contract and changes “jobs” more often. Assignments can be to replace the existing treasurer due to leave or sickness. This means that he gets to take an operational role and be part of the normal organization, often until a “permanent” solution is found. I did several of these roles, which often last between 3-6 months and 1 year.


Treasury Support

Another option is to provide support to an existing team/treasurer/CFO on a treasury related project. These can be short term or longer projects. Often the projects cannot be filled with the existing capacity of the team and hiring a permanent FTE for this is not an option. Another reason can be to finish the project quicker due to nearing deadlines. These projects are often several weeks to a couple of months. For example I helped a big semi-profit organization from Rotterdam to investigate into embedded derivatives in the firm to comply with new regulation. The project was finished in several weeks and the accountant accepted my conclusions in the annual report. Also I build a RAROC model for one client to periodically rank their banks based on return versus risk adjusted capital. A powerful tool to compare banks and their profitability compared to their lending.

Treasury Expert

An interim/flex treasurer does not have to be a fulltime position. At big corporates and multinationals this is often the case but smaller firms often don’t have fulltime treasurers. Sometimes the controller or the CFO fulfills the treasury position “parttime”. A part time (external) treasurer could potentially add value here. The controller/CFO has extra time for his “normal” activities and an expert is hired for the treasury task. This can be from a couple of hours a day to several days. For example I helped a real estate company with the valuation and (weekly) margin calls on their interest rate derivative portfolio, their cash management optimalisation, treasury reporting and ad hoc work. 8 hours a week.

Treasury Scan

Are you not sure if treasury is optimal at your company? A treasury scan might be a solution. A ‘quick and dirty’ scan is possible in 1 day if treasury data is collected beforehand. The costs of a treasury scan are therefore limited and often earned back from treasury savings which were identified by the scan and later realized by either the flex treasurer or the company itself; often in combination.

Do you recognize one the above situations? Do you want to know more about an (interim) Flex Treasurer?
Please click on this link or visit my expert page on treasuryXL.


Patrick Kunz

Treasury, Finance & Risk Consultant/ Owner Pecunia Treasury & Finance BV & Flex Treasurer



To be or not to be a treasurer

|10-2-2017 | Jan de Kroon |


Recent berichtten de (social) media over een Treasury initiatief van enkele hogescholen onder regie van de Hogeschool Utrecht. Het initiatief behelst een praktische minor Treasury Management waarin de masterstudenten aan de hand van praktische casuïstiek en tooling worden voorbereid op een mogelijk treasury carrière. Het interview met de initiatiefnemers maakte melding van de moeite die sommige studenten hadden met het inleven in de problematiek.

Gastlezing over treasury management

Het doet me denken aan een gastlezing over treasury management die ik zomer vorig jaar gaf aan trainees van een detacheerder die vooral actief is in de zorg. Ter voorbereiding had men zijn best gedaan om zoveel mogelijk kennis en inzicht te vergaren. Tot praktijkcases uit de klantenkring aan toe. Groot was de verbazing toen men ontdekte dat het daar die middag eigenlijk nauwelijks over ging. Althans, niet in eerste instantie.

Een initiatief om in het hoger onderwijs een goede basis te leggen voor het treasury management dat men later in de carrière tegen gaat komen juich ik zonder meer toe.
Wat daarbij echter van groot belang is, en niet altijd voldoende aandacht krijgt, is beleidsmatige en organisatorische ordening die vooraf gaat aan ieder vorm van treasury en überhaupt ieder onderdeel van de financiële functie. Daar vinden we immers de kaders waarbinnen informatie en financiële techniek tot resultaten moeten leiden.

De treasury functie

De treasury functie zorgt voor toekomstige financierbaarheid, voor bescherming van vermogen en resultaat tegen financiële risico’s en regelt de financiële logistiek. Maar dat kan alleen in functie van wat het kernbedrijf van de organisatie in kwestie van plan is. Op de korte maar ook op de langere termijn levert de treasuryfunctie, net als de controlfunctie, randvoorwaarden die aantoonbare toegevoegde waarde bieden. Mits goed ingevuld heeft de financiële functie een positieve invloed op de concurrentiekracht. Net zoals een goed geëquipeerde HR functie dat overigens heeft.

Net als de controller zal ook de toekomstige treasurer zich met het kernbedrijf moeten kunnen verbinden om zich te profileren als de leveranciers van toegevoegde waarde. Inleven in wat de business doet, financiële risico’s zien nog voor ze zich voordoen en net als de moderne controller in zekere zin navigator zijn. Dat vraagt van betrokkenen het vermogen om schijnbaar complexe financiële vraagstukken terug te brengen tot de essentie.

Het vraagt ook om ‘buy in’ en een zeker financieel-economisch bewustzijn van lijnmanagement. Ook van de treasurer-to-be vraagt dat om een meer generalistische kijk op de bedrijfsvoering en wat daarbinnen gebeurt alvorens hij als specialist de kanonnen in stelling kan brengen. Je kunt immers briljant zijn in je visie op financiële markten en meester in financiële techniek; als je geen grip hebt op de onderliggende posities ben je toch gedoemd te falen. En laat daar nou juist de grootste uitdaging zitten!

Jan de Kroon


Jan de Kroon

Owner & Managing partner of Improfin Groep

Interesting transfer Joop Wijn from ABN to Adyen

| 16-1-2017 | Pieter de Kiewit |

Joop WijnLast Thursday I attended a very interesting breakfast meeting about PSD2, organized by Alexander Huiskes of EY with support from DNB. I will write about this in a separate blog. Not being up-to-date on my Financieele Dagblad reading, I was surprised by the question what my opinion is about the transfer of Joop Wijn from ABN Amro to Adyen. I replied to my best knowledge, digested the question and decided upon this blog.

Not being involved at all, I think there are two aspects in this transfer: industry developments and his strategic career management. Fact is that Joop Wijn surprised us before with career changes from banking into politics and back.

We all know banks have to rethink their place in the value chain and their proposition. New services appear and replace traditional banking services. Also traditional services are executed better or cheaper by new suppliers. Adyen , as a payment services provider, offers a perfect example of these developments. Risk management within Fintech gets, just so, increasing attention. Topics like anti money laundering, authentication, fraud and hacking should be addressed. Not only because regulators want this but of course clients see this as essential. My first thought was that Joop Wijn is too senior, as board member of ABN, to be responsible just for risk. As risk management is essential, I can understand Adyen aims this high and Joop accepted.

From a strategic career perspective I have two assumptions. The first is that one of the motivators of Joop might be the impact he can have. Not being considered as chairman of a Dutch bank stops his career advancement, thus the possibility to increase his impact. Being responsible for a strategic topic within a global market leader in a growing market, might be more appealing. The second assumption is that he made a reshuffle of what is important. I often see this with candidates with a longer track record. This move might enable him to change his priorities.

Perhaps he will inform us about the above, perhaps he will keep this to himself. Fact is, it is an interesting career move.

Pieter de Kiewit



Pieter de Kiewit
Owner Treasurer Search


Loopbaan in treasury: een doodlopende weg?

 | 6-1-2017 | Pieter de Kiewit |

man-op-weg Het blijft een terugkerend thema als meerdere treasurers samenkomen of als ik over loopbaanplanning spreek: is blijven in treasury een recept voor vastlopen in je carrière? Bouw je door op hetgeen je hebt bereikt of doe je een stap terug/opzij om er weer twee vooruit te maken? Zonder uitputtend te willen zijn zal ik veel genoemde reacties beschrijven.

Zeker een doodlopende weg!

Gemiddeld genomen maken academisch opgeleide treasurers sneller carrière dan collegae die niet naar de universiteit gingen. Zij zien hun studiegenoten parallel starten in accounting, control of audit en hiërarchisch gelijk met hen opgaan. Tot de treasurer het plafond bereikt en de anderen stappen blijven maken. De treasurer ontdekt dat hij niet wordt betrokken in zoekprocessen voor andere financiële beroepen waarvoor hij wel in aanmerking wil komen. Op een DACT bijeenkomst van enkele jaren geleden gaf 80% van de treasurers aan, volgens eigen inschatting, te kwalificeren voor de positie van CFO. Persoonlijk vind ik dat dit wel getuigt van enige zelfoverschatting. Feit is wel dat treasures gemiddeld genomen smallere skills in de financiële discipline hebben maar ook bijvoorbeeld in peoplemanagement. Veel van hen komen in een situatie waar ze geen gevoel voor de business kunnen opbouwen. Feit is dat veel eindverantwoordelijk treasurers momenteel al lang in hun functie zitten. De weg lijkt dood te lopen!

Doodlopende weg is onzin!

Voor elke treasurer die lang op dezelfde stoel zit, is er wel één die een doorgaat met loopbaanopbouw. De belangrijkste assen waarlangs dit lukt zijn de functionele en de branche as. Functioneel verbreedt treasury zich nog steeds. Traditioneel zijn balansfinancieringen en geldlogistiek dominant, momenteel zijn werkkapitaal, project, trade finance en treasury technologie sterk groeiend in onze portfolio. Bij het verder volwassen worden van de discipline hoort ook de meer branchespecifieke treasury. Albert Heijn, de Gemeente Amsterdam en de BAM kunnen tegenwoordig specifiekere eisen stellen aan de treasurers die zij aannemen. Verder is er een grote groep die, al of niet in het kader van een management traineeship, een tour door treasury maken. Deze laterale stappen of stappen vooruit kunnen overigens over het algemeen alleen binnen dezelfde onderneming worden gemaakt. Maar komen zeker wel voor! Het afdwingen hiervan vergt vaak wel bewuste planning, bijvoorbeeld in opleiding of in relatiemanagement.

Mijn mening?

Mijn mening is dat het gedeeltelijk een semantische discussie is. In de top van een organisatie zijn minder stoeltjes te verdelen dus ook voor andere disciplines geldt de doodlopende weg. Ik zie dat er voor elke 9 controllers 1 treasurer is en dat deze treasurer minder loopbaankansen heeft dan elk van de controllers. Treasurers zouden, als ze willen, harder kunnen klagen. Anderszins zie ik dat een aantal, vooral jonge, mensen meer hiërarchiegedreven zijn en pas later ontdekken hoe belangrijk de inhoud van het werk voor hen is. En de aantrekkelijkheid van treasury wordt door een meerderheid van mijn gesprekspartners gezien. Het is een mooi vakgebied! Mijn mening is dat, ondanks de realiteit van de huidige arbeidsmarkt, ieder die een goede volgende stap in zijn treasury loopbaan zoekt, deze kan vinden.

Ik sta open voor brainstormsessies!

Pieter de Kiewit



Pieter de Kiewit
Owner Treasurer Search


Remarkable influx non-Dutch in the treasury labour market

| 19-09-2016 | Pieter de Kiewit |

This week it will be the second time I will give a guest lecture at the Hogeschool Utrecht. They offer a minor treasury management to students with a finance and economy focus. It is my role to describe the labour market they might enter. In preparation I made a quick scan of the treasury labour market and noticed that treasury in The Netherlands, especially in the junior role, is staffed by relatively many internationals. I dug in and have some hypothesises about the why and consequences.
The first and obvious is that treasury organisations are by nature international organisations. Possibly treasury hiring managers are not bothered as strong by the bias managers do in other job types. Treasury does not have a prominent place in the Dutch financially focused educational system. This is not different from other countries, the job type is a too strong niche. Graduates are educated in a system where controlling, accounting and audit dominate. Dutch graduates shape their career to what they want and know about, so these three job types (and “onbekend maakt onbemind”). Non-Dutch graduates in the Dutch labour market are bothered by the earlier mentioned bias and shape their career based upon what they can get: a treasury job. Hence both demand and supply strengthen the influx.

Separately from this I want to mention the difference in mentality between Dutch graduates and many non-Dutch ones. I notice that work-life balance, having a rewarding job and an employer with social responsibility are important aspects for Dutch graduates. Many senior and/or non-Dutch managers have a hard time dealing with this mentality. Graduates who came from China or India are often best-of-class, energetic and very dedicated. Work is for them their first priority. This often outweighs their different communication style, especially in more junior positions.

I don’t think there are any dramatic effects of this development. The likelihood of non-Dutch moving abroad is relatively high so a brain drain might occur. Furthermore Dutch post-graduate education like the Register Treasurer program will suffer in popularity in favour of the ACT, CTP or CFA programs. Personally I enjoy the international treasury business environment and contribute in getting the right man or woman in the job. Let’s see what will happen

Pieter de Kiewit



Pieter de Kiewit
Owner Treasurer Search


treasuryXL : Education & Training

| 18-07-2016 | treasuryXL |

holidayThe holiday season is finally here! While relaxing on the beach in Ibiza or making new memories in Bali, take some time to think about your career. Wait, what? Yes, do some thinking about your career between cocktails and sunbathing. Maybe it’s time to take your career to the next level by freshen up your knowledge or learning something new. treasuryXL has collected some of the education programs that take place in September.

1 September 2016 : Opleiding Treasury Management @ Nive Opleidingen

Praktijkgerichte beroepsopleiding tot Qualified Treasurer (QT)

Date: 1 september 2016
Costs: € 7.650; ex BTW
Location: Buitenplaats De Heiligenberg, Leusden

Read more

14 September 2016 : Introduction Hedge Accounting @ Wieltec Treasury Services

Training: Introduction Hedge Accounting – 14 september 2016.

Date: 14 September 2016, From 13:00-17:00
Costs: EUR 399,- (excl. VAT) per participant
Location: Van der Valk Hotel, Haagse Schouw 141, Leiden

Read more

15 September 2016 : Cash forecasting fundamentals @ ACT

Is it for you? Yes, if you’re:

  • New to treasury or financial planning
  • Experienced in treasury or financial planning, but want to review and update your forecasting skills and knowledge
  • A member of treasury or financial planning tasked with reviewing or redesigning your cash forecast framework and processes

Date: 15 September 2016
Costs: ACT members, students and CPD accredited employers £750 + VAT, Other treasury/accountancy body members £800 + VAT, Non members £850 + VAT
Location: London

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22-23 September 2016 : Treasury Accounting, Performance and Control @ Zanders

This course focuses on creating a secure and effective treasury controlling framework. It addresses the elements of a sound treasury governance structure, including the significance of an effective treasury strategy and policy, and the role of the treasury controller. We use the controlling framework to show how to measure the performance and effectiveness of the treasury function.

Date: 22-23 September 2016
Costs: € 1.500,00 ex VAT
Location: Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Read more

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See our event calendar for more education and treasury related events. Would you like to bring your event / course under the attention of our treasury community? Please contact our community manager Stephanie to discuss the possibilities.

treasuryXL wishes you a great summer!

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Stephanie DerkseStephanie Derkse – Community Manager treasuryXL
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