How much Liquidity do I need?
By Aviva Investors
The importance of holding liquidity is well understood by large institutions. But how much is enough? In the first part of Aviva Investors new article series on liquidity optimisation, Alastair Sewell investigates the key considerations for different investor types.

Alastair Sewell discusses the critical importance of liquidity management for institutional investors, particularly in light of recent market events and regulatory changes. He emphasizes the need for investors to accurately size their liquidity portfolios to meet both known and unknown liquidity needs.
Key points include:
- Understanding Liquidity Needs: Institutions must consider how often they will face liquidity calls, their worst-case liquidity scenarios, and the duration of potential liquidity stress.
- Regulatory Pressures: Increased regulations require investors to hold more liquidity, especially following events like the UK gilt-market dislocation and the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank.
- Strategic Asset Allocation: The article highlights the balance between holding sufficient liquidity and the opportunity cost of not investing those assets in riskier, potentially higher-yielding investments.
- Scenario Analysis and Stress Testing: Investors are encouraged to conduct thorough scenario analyses and stress tests to determine appropriate liquidity levels, taking into account historical data and future uncertainties.
This article is valuable for institutional investors seeking to enhance their liquidity strategies amid evolving market conditions and regulatory landscapes, providing insights into effective liquidity portfolio management. Read the full article now.
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