Hogeschool Utrecht start Post-HBO Cursus Treasury Management

| 14-2-2019 | Hogeschool Utrecht | treasuryXL |

Logo - Hogeschool Utrecht

Bent u een controller, accountant, financieel adviseur, cash manager of bankier met enkele jaren ervaring en ambieert u op termijn een functie als financieel directeur van een grotere (internationale) MKB onderneming of non-profit organisatie. Of wilt u gewoon meer kennis opdoen over Treasury Management (TM) om dit binnen uw eigen werkgebied toe te passen, dan is de Post-HBO Leergang TM iets voor u. Gedurende een viertal masterclasses verdiept u zich in de belangrijkste onderdelen van TM, zoals corporate finance, cash management, valuta en rentemanagement.

De cursus start in het voorjaar en wordt na de zomer 2019 afgesloten met een opdracht uit de eigen praktijk van de deelnemer die gepresenteerd en beoordeeld wordt. Naast de bedrijfsopdrachten van de cursisten zelf maakt ook een treasury simulatie op het gebied van cash management onderdeel uit van het programma.

Tijdens de leergang komen vele praktische vraagstukken aan de orde, zoals:

  • Bankrelatiemanagement: opbouwen en onderhouden van een goede relatie met de bank
  • Alternatieve financieringsmodellen: SME bonds, Crowdfunding, Blockchain, Impact Investing
  • Rentederivaten: niet alleen woningcorporaties hadden een probleem
  • Dé manier om debiteuren (sneller) te innen: international cash management
  • Een transparante rapportage: inzicht bieden voor alle stakeholders
  • Internationaal zakendoen: forex risico en -hedging, investeringen met rendement
  • Behavioral finance: inzicht krijgen in hoe financiële beslissingen worden beïnvloed door biases en wat daaraan te doen.

De masterclasses (met ook Engelstalige literatuur) vinden plaats op donderdagen in april, mei, juni en oktober 2019 van 15.30u tot 20.00u, kort onderbroken voor een lichte maaltijd, in Utrecht.

De opleiding bestaat uit de volgende onderdelen:

  1. Corporate Finance (Frans Boumans)
  • Hoe wordt een onderneming gefinancierd?
  • Nieuwe financieringsvormen (crowdfunding, private equity, peer-to-peer lending, fintech)
  • Overname- en buy out financiering
  • Het belang van Investor Relations
  • Hou houd je de relatie met de bank goed?
  1. Cash management (Michiel van der Ven)
  • Het opzetten en forecasten van cash budgets
  • Ins en outs van credit management
  • (international) betalingsverkeer
  • Netting en cash pooling
  1. FX-, interest rate risk management (Annette Prinsen)
  • Financial risk strategie en policy
  • Vreemde valuta- en rente riskmanagement (hedging instrumenten)
  • Investeringen van overtollige liquiditeiten
  • Pensioenverplichtingen
  1. Consultancy assignment and personal development (Frans Boumans en Janneke Nonkes)
  • Presentatie en feedback op een eigen praktijkonderzoek over een treasury naar eigen keuze
  • personal development gesprek

De docenten zijn allen langdurig in het financieel bedrijfsleven werkzaam (geweest) als financieel directeur, treasurer en bankier en hebben tevens ruime ervaring in het hoger onderwijs.

Data: donderdagen 18 april 2019, 16 mei 2019, 20 juni 2018, 17 oktober 2018, van 15.30u tot 20.00u

Prijs: € 1975 (inclusief persoonlijk assessment)

Locatie: Hogeschool Utrecht, Heidelberglaan 15, Uithof, Utrecht

Toelatingseisen: HBO-diploma, ca. drie jaar relevante werkervaring

Tijdens een adviesgesprek kijken we samen of de opleiding aansluit bij uw ambitie én of u past bij de opleiding. Door de interactieve colleges leer je van elkaar, dus de samenstelling van de groep is van belang. Gestreefd wordt naar een diverse groep deelnemers verschillende sectoren van het bedrijfsleven en de non-profit sector.

Meer informatie over deze cursus kunt u hier vinden.


Blockchain and big Data​: A great mariage

| 12-2-2019 | Carlo de Meijer | treasuryXL

Blockchain and Big Data are among the emerging technologies that are high on many companies’ agendas. Both are expected to radically transform the way businesses and organizations are run in the upcoming years. Long-time developing in a separate way, at first sight one might assume that these technologies are mutually exclusive. But that idea is rapidly changing.

There are growing expectations that distributed ledgers will help enterprises finally get to grips with Big Data, which thus far is struggling with a number of challenges. They are both powerful on their own, however when combined they may bring a large number of opportunities. Some even say that blockchain and Big Data are made for one another.

“Big Data is an incredibly profitable business, with revenues expected to grow to $203 billion by 2020. The data within the blockchain is predicted to be worth trillions of dollars as it continues to make its way into banking, micropayments, remittances, and other financial services. In fact, the blockchain ledger could be worth up to 20% of the total big data market by 2030, producing up to $100 billion in annual revenue.” Chris Neimeth, COO of NYC Data Science Academy.

In this blog I will look at what the interception of these two innovations may bring. Could blockchain be the solution for the existing Big Data issues and challenges?

Big data and data science/analytics: present challenges

Big Data is one of the fastest growing sectors in the world. Every business wants to get insights into usage patterns of their consumers. Massive datasets are thereby analysed using advanced statistical models and data mining. These Big Data sets will become even more prevalent over the coming years.

It’s not the amount of data that’s important. It’s what organizations do with the data that matters. Big data can be analysed for insights that lead to better decisions and strategic business moves.” Data Analytics Company SAS

“Data analytics has become the key to corporate competitive advantage because of its role in identifying emerging market trends. In turn, companies can use this information to make quicker and better decisions that help them drive profitability”.EY

The rise of Big Data has presented a slew of issues for both big businesses and everyday consumers. With the growth in data good analytics is becoming all the more problematic. Some major problems to data management and analytics include so-called dirty data, inaccessible data, and privacy issues. And as Big Data increases in size and the web of connected devices explodes, it exposes more of companies data to potential security breaches..

With the advent of Big Data, data quality management is both more important and more challenging than ever. Companies that are dealing with large datasets should ensure that the data are clean, secure and not been modified and come from an authentic source. They have to make sure that the latest version is synchronized among all of the data centres in real time. It should also be ensured that these data are accessible. For most, however, the data silos are still a major issue and a full company-wide digital transformation is still more concept that reality.

Blockchain and Big Data: two sides of the same coin

Main question is: how do both technologies relate to each other, if any? Notwithstanding blockchain has not been explored extensively in aspects of Big Data management and analytics, both technologies could and should be seen as two sides of the same coin.

While blockchain is focused on recording validating data (data integrity), data science analyses data for actionable insight, making predictions from large amounts of data (prediction). While blockchain is changing data management, the latter is transforming the nature of transactions. Or said in another way: “If Big Data is the quantity, blockchain is the quality”.

Read the full article of our expert Carlo de Meijer on LinkedIn


Carlo de Meijer

Economist and researcher


Management of Large Treasury Teams

| 11-2-2019 | by  Pieter de Kiewit |

Last month I was contacted by one of our clients -we found many staff members for them- about the organisation of the treasury team. The team has over 10 employees and recently has undergone extensive changes. We both know there is not one way to set up a team and after a short brainstorm, we decided it might be a good idea to gather her peers for a round table meeting. What can we learn from each other?

Last Friday a small group of treasury people managers, each of their teams has 10 members or more, gathered for a two hour meeting. The expected topics were team structure, hierarchy, job titles and the profile of the ideal treasury team member. Our hypothesis was that there are certain standards most of us can apply to optimize our treasury teams.
After a brief introduction it became quickly clear there were more than enough topics, two hours was not enough. And the aforementioned standards might exist but this meeting did not result in making them very clear. This in line with a previous blog I wrote about the shape and size of treasury teams. The following observations dominated the meeting:

  • The size and structure of a treasury team depends on questions about the company like: is it a HQ treasury or treasury hub?, what is the geographical footprint of the company?, what is the primary process of the company?, what is the maturity of the company as a whole and the willingness to invest in support functions?
  • Technology has an increasing impact on corporate treasury. Cloud and other solutions enable outsourcing, although the following remarkable statement was made: “if you can outsource it,  you can automate it”. One of the participants told exciting initiatives using robotics;
  • Substantial time was spent on HR aspects like how to deal with Millenials, age versus IT literacy, hiring the ambitious and unstable candidate versus the stable non-ambitious one and how do you screen to hire the proper candidate (see also our blog about the Treasurer Test).

The variety of topics, the different points of view and approaches applied by treasury managers is inspiring. As was the energy and enthusiasm of all participants. Together with them I will decide how we will proceed. Let me know if you want to join this initiative!

Pieter de Kiewit



Pieter de Kiewit
Owner Treasurer Search



Effective Finance & Treasury in Africa: Unlocking Africa’s potential

| 8-2-2019| Eurofinance | treasuryXL |

As Africa strives to modernise and reform, the continent continues to offer enormous business opportunities. Nevertheless, in an environment of permanent market, regulatory and geopolitical change, optimising liquidity and risk management is key to successfully leveraging these opportunities.

While we move towards an economy of prediction in which data is the raw material of business, digitalisation is changing the way companies manage treasury in Africa. Lack of visibility, speed and control will soon be a thing of the past. Initiatives such as Vision 2020 in Nigeria are fast driving digitalisation in areas that include legal and finance. The adoption of real time payments and faster reconciliation in several markets are helping treasuries improve working capital. Mobile solutions have changed the payments landscape in Kenya specially and increasingly across the region. Blockchain technology could help drive efficiency too.

Who should attend?

Corporate treasury and finance professionals who are responsible for their company’s African operations – whether you are already in Africa or thinking about it.

Product, sales and marketing teams from financial institutions and service providers who want to meet with corporate treasurers and better understand the challenges they face in Africa.

Why attend?

Hear how you can tap into the potential of this dynamic region

Connect with other treasurers and finance professionals operating in Africa facing the same challenges as you and finding ways to overcome them.

Meet the key banks and solution providers operating in the region.

Hear corporate case studies from treasurers who have overcome the challenges you are currently facing.

Hone in on your area of interest by joining round table discussions on: Angola, Egypt, Ethiopia, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Somalia, Zimbabwe, West African Economic and Monetary Union and Trade Finance in Africa.

Thursday 7 March 2019
8 AM – 6 PM
Greenwich Mean Time

Hilton Canary Wharf, London, UK

For more information or if you want to register for the event visit the events website.


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BELLIN wins the award for Best Cash and Treasury Management Solution

| 5-2-2019 | BELLINENIGMA Consulting | treasuryXL

Enigma is proud to share that BELLIN has won the 2018 Awards for Innovation & Excellence in Treasury & Risk Management for “Best Cash & Treasury Management Solution”

BELLIN, a global leader in providing web-based treasury software and services for multinational corporations, has again been recognized as an industry leader, winning the 2018 Awards for Innovation & Excellence in Treasury & Risk Management for Best Cash & Treasury Management Solution.

The Awards for Innovation & Excellence are sponsored by Treasury Management International and were introduced more than a decade ago. Over the years, TMI has entrenched themselves as a quality authority and benchmark for the treasury profession by formally recognizing banks, vendors, consultants and practitioners that are exhibiting elevated innovation and expertise within their fields. BELLIN’s treasury management system, tm5, was recognized as the number-one Cash & Treasury Management Solution, further cementing BELLIN as the leader in treasury technology.

“BELLIN is extremely proud to have maintained our identity as a traditional fintech service provider, while simultaneously shifting our gaze to exciting emerging technologies like blockchain and artificial intelligence”, remarked Martin Bellin, CEO and Founder of BELLIN. “We are honored to receive this award from TMI and will strive to continue serving and reshaping the treasury industry as a whole,” Martin added.

Enigma’s Bas Kolenburg is not surprised: “Based on our recent successes as a BELLIN Treasury Management Solution provider we experience an increasing acceptance by the corporate market for the BELLIN technology. In all cases the feedback is very positive both on the technology as well as the implementation process.”

BELLIN’s tm5 is a comprehensive and integrated treasury platform that consolidates typical treasury tasks into one convenient interface. tm5 excels in cash and liquidity management, secure global payments, bank connectivity, FX and interest rate exposure. tm5 steps in as an all-in-one treasury management platform with a heightened focus on security by providing cutting edge in-house modules supplemented with third-party integrations.


BELLIN is the global leader in technology for corporate banking and treasury. We provide solutions for the financial sector, catering to a range of clients from large multinationals to SMEs and banks. Founded by a treasurer, BELLIN has been championing innovation and out-of-the-box thinking since 1998. With the treasury software tm5 as the centerpiece, BELLIN makes a fundamental difference by offering solutions that zero in on the relationship between corporates and banks and cover everything from payments to FX, cash and risk management. BELLIN is an international company with offices on four continents, powered by a trailblazing fintech spirit and yet firmly rooted in the heritage of German craftsmanship and engineering. BELLIN delights 500 clients and over 80,000 users around the globe.

About Enigma

Enigma Consulting (based in The Netherlands) is a trusted advisor in Payments, Bank connectivity  & Treasury with over 20 years of experience. Enigma Consulting supports all Dutch Financial Institutions, many corporates and several charities. The Enigma Consulting’s core competence is mapping trends, rules / regulations and technology on the current situation of the customer, strategy consultancy and if required assistance with the implementation as team leader or team member.

Enigma is exclusive partner for BELLIN and is fully certified for the BELLIN tm5 system implementations. Enigma has a complete treasury consulting team working from its Driebergen office.  The broad knowledge and unequalled extensive implementation capabilities combined with the BELLIN product suite has already resulted in over 30 Dutch BELLIN TMS implementations in recent years.




ENIGMA Consulting







| 31-1-2019 |  treasuryXL |

The 15th edition of the ACT Cash Management Conference takes place on 12 February 2019 in London.

The ACT’s flagship cash management event of the year provides a unique opportunity to share best practice, hear practical case studies from leading corporates and network with fellow cash management and treasury professionals.


The payments landscape: keep up to date with the latest changes in payments innovation and regulation:

  • the latest regulatory changes and payment fraud (panels)
  • cross-border payments, the New Payments Systems Organisation (breakout sessions)
  • setting up a payments factory (best-in-class case study)

Cash management evergreens: lack of control and visibility remain the top cash management challenges for treasurers. Discuss key questions such as:

  • what really makes good cash management? (panel)
  • cash pooling structures and trapped cash (breakout sessions)
  • how to get cash forecasting right from the beginning (best-in-class case study)

The bigger picture:look beyond day-to-day cash management and listen to frank discussions on:

  • the profitability of cash management products from a bank’s perspective (panel)
  • designing an optimised liquidity portfolio (breakout session)
  • the future of cash management innovation (panel)

For more information or if you want to register for the event visit the events website.


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Treasury Intelligence Solutions: Centralizing Corporate Payments System

| 29-1-2019 | TIS Treasury Intelligence SolutionstreasuryXL

Interview with CEO and Co-Founder of TIS Jörg Wiemer by CIOReview

In today’s era where the face of IT is changing drastically, enterprises are facing a multitude of challenges germane to regulation, risk management, and most importantly performing business to business payments. Having served as senior vice president and global treasury veteran at SAP, Jörg Wiemer, the CEO and Co-founder of Treasury Intelligence Solutions (TIS) highlights that corporate transactions often involve multiple parties from both internal and external departments, and the legacy systems often cause recurrent delays in payments. The failure to bring this mission-critical process under control may affect the supplier relationship to the extent that the supplier may discontinue the business relationship. In the thick of grave challenges, modern CIOs are keen to bring in a robust technology that assists them to streamline payment processes. At TIS, the leadership brings to bear its vast experience to aid enterprises to efficiently and effortlessly manage corporate payments and cash flows through a SaaS platform.

The platform works as a central hub that is dedicated for enterprises to manage, organize, and analyze their corporate payments flowing across and within the organization. Through the power of SaaS, TIS’ cloud-based platform helps clients quickly connect their ERP systems with different banks to manage bank accounts. Moreover, the platform allows enterprises to perform analysis of liquidity and cash flow in real time. It also conveniently addresses complexities triggered by different communication protocols and channels, enabling clients to communicate and process transactions in their customers’ preferred language. “The clients can simply leverage the library of bank formats and the bank connector, which we have built over the last year, to allow transactions between ERPs and banks seamlessly,” informs Wiemer.

By challenging the status quo of legacy solutions, the TIS platform empowers multiple leadership executives with the ability to make smarter decisions and assists them to process, view, and analyze transactions in real time using a cash flow analytics feature. Cementing the digitalization objective of enterprises, the TIS cloud platform helps keep processes fully under control through increased efficiency, visibility, and transparency in corporate payments and audit trails.

“The clients can simply leverage the library of bank formats and the bank connector, which we have built over the last year, to allow seamless transactions between ERPs and banks”

Citing an instance, Wiemer brings to fore the case of a luxury goods company, Oettinger Davidoff AG, which faced the challenge in standardizing their payment processes while restructuring their ERP systems to migrate to SAP S/4HANA. Aside from centralizing their international payment transactions, the retail company sought to achieve a better overview of a large part of the liquidity in the company. Partnering with TIS, the client had seamless SAP integration and quick bank format hosting, which helped them successively onboard all the bank accounts to SAP without any hassle. Fast-forward to today, the client has about ten bank accounts of foreign subsidiaries in Switzerland that are connected to the TIS platform to perform all of the international payments of local subsidiaries.

Having researched the potential market for corporate payments solutions, Wiemer states that the total market for “ERP systems” is roughly about $80 billion (ERP) per year and for “payments” $1,000 billion per year, respectively. Tapping this huge market, TIS initially plans to expand its wings to Europe and the U.S. within the next month. The success of TIS reflects in its rich portfolio of clients from diverse industries including finance and insurance, retail and automobile, among others. Emphasizing the fact that TIS continues to help customers switch into a new way to collaborate and execute payments, Wiemer concludes saying, “The fintech industry will fuel the payments industry to become more efficient over time, and it will have customers save cost immensely.”

Original published on CIOReview

Crypto-assets and EU regulation: to a global format

| 28-1-2019 | Carlo de Meijer | treasuryXL

It is increasingly becoming a certainty that crypto-assets are here to stay. Also regulators are now more convinced that these will be here for the long run. Long time taken a wait-and-see attitude, there is growing consensus at European regulators to come up with EU-wide regulation. While on the one hand EU regulation could give the crypto market legitimation and encourage the adoption of crypto-assets. Doing nothing could endanger both investors and financial markets.

Question is however: how should this regulation be shaped taken account the various specifics of crypto-assets and its users. And to what extent may the EU intervene on existing local member state regulation. Early this month, both the ESMA and EBA published their advice to the relevant EU institutions.

So let’s have a deeper dive.

What are crypto-assets (not)?

What makes shaping regulation for crypto-assets so difficult is that these are a unique phenomenon when compared to conventional financial instruments. According to Oliver Wyman they are governed by “a fundamentally different set of constraints, and as a consequence regulators have to take into account these specifics”.

First of all crypto-assets are not tied to national governments and central banks. No government regulation or guidance currently exists around managing crypto-assets. Most crypto-assets are not based within any one specific jurisdiction.

Second, the crypto-asset environment is not bound to one country. There is no single sovereign state that is responsible for regulatory oversight at all times. This will make it difficult to apply traditional regulation to control these crypto-assets.

A third complicating factor for shaping regulation is that cryptocurrencies as they are generally known today in fact do not perform all the functions that are generally understood to define the term currency. They are not acting as a medium of exchange; they are not particularly good as a store of value, given their volatility; and they are not being used as a unit of account. That is why for reasons of regulation it is better to use the term ‘crypto-assets’ instead of the more commonly ‘cryptocurrencies’

Why regulation for crypto-assets?

Regulatory certainty is a critical prerequisite and catalyst for technology adoption in financial services in general, also for crypto assets. It is becoming more evident that regulatory certainty can support safe innovation in the crypto-asset sector.

There are a number of issues that ask for specific attention by regulators.

First (and foremost) from a risk point of view. There are the inherent risks to investments due to volatile crypto-asset markets, when compared to conventional fiat currencies. Related to this is the vulnerability of crypto-assets to market manipulation given that the exchanges currently “sit outside of market abuse regulations”.

There is also increased scope for hacking, leading to the theft of the crypto-assets. Crypto-asset platforms are widely considered to provide opportunities for money laundering and other criminal activities because exchanges allow anonymous access and are not governed by any (AML) regulation.

Each of the above concerns underpin the need of a secure regulatory environment that offers investors and consumers sufficient safeguards. There are however many ways to create a workable, balanced regulatory framework. One that addresses consumer and market risks while supporting innovation, efficiency and competition. But finding this is a real challenge.

Read the full article of our expert Carlo de Meijer on LinkedIn


Carlo de Meijer

Economist and researcher


1TC | Treasury Convention

| 24-1-2019 |  treasuryXL |

1TC Treasury Convention, hosted by BELLIN, will take place for the seventh time on February 13/14, 2019. 1TC is the first conference in Germany dealing exclusively with treasury topics. The two-day event focuses on sharing specialized treasury knowledge and application-related expertise.

BELLIN hosts the BELLIN Community and offers an engaging program focused on customer case studies alongside product workshops. This is complemented by an exhibition showcasing select businesses who – in combination with BELLIN services and solutions – provide added value to customers.

Whether it is top management or the many BELLIN users in entities worldwide – everyone benefits from this treasury highlight. 1TC premiered in 2012, and by 2018 we could boast 420 attendees from 17 different countries.

1TC – Catch up with the BELLIN Community

The 1TC motto is, “meet, talk, learn and enjoy!” BELLIN clients, partners and exhibitors from around the globe get together to enjoy treasury input, an exhibition as well as plenty of networking time!

Meet: fellow tm5 users, the BELLIN treasury specialists and select BELLIN partners.

Talk: about new products and solutions, trends and developments, and tips and tricks.

Learn: from best practice solutions, presentations, workshops and panel discussions.

Enjoy: treasury pure, a great atmosphere and communal spirit, an outstanding evening event.

For more information or if you want to register for the event visit the events website.


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Vacature in the spotlight: TREASURY MANAGER

| 23-1-2019 | treasuryXL |

Eindverantwoordelijk voor de tweemans treasury van een zeer dynamische en internationale onderneming. Amsterdam, circa €85K. Funding, cash management, risk, strategie en operatie. Sterke persoonlijkheid met denkkracht en track record.


De treasurer wacht niet op instructies van de CFO maar neemt zelf zijn verantwoordelijkheid. Hij kent de interne en externe stakeholders, slaat bruggen naar zijn discipline en bepaalt zijn prioriteitenlijst. Hij is niet bang zich te laten gelden indien dit nodig is maar zorgt ook dat treasury als service unit de business verder helpt.
Zonder uitputtend te zijn vallen de volgende deelgebieden in ieder geval onder zijn verantwoordelijkheid: liquidity management, (asset based) funding, trade finance, FX & rentemanagement, reporting en analyse.


De ideale treasury manager combineert denkkracht (academische opleiding), communicatie (overtuigen en faciliteren) en vakkennis. Hij voelt zich thuis in een kleine organisatie met grote exposures. Als persoon neemt hij verantwoordelijkheid en heeft een goed ontwikkeld gevoel voor verstandig zaken doen.


Onze opdrachtgever is een Nederlandse handelsonderneming doorspekt met internationale business relaties en vele honderden miljoenen omzet. De medewerkers zijn energiek, assertief en er heerst een ondernemende spirit. Vrijheid en meer verantwoordelijkheid wordt verdiend door het behalen van resultaten.


Het basisinkomen voor deze positie zal circa €85K zijn. Voor kandidaten die evident meer brengen is men bereid meer budget vrij te maken.

Wij hebben deze search opdracht enkele maanden eerder opgestart. Door ontwikkelingen is deze on hold gezet en nu opnieuw opgestart.



Voor meer informatie ga naar de vacature sectie van onze website treasuryXL