Entries by treasuryXL

Wanted! A fluent German speaker SAP treasury consultant

26-02-2021 | Treasurer Search | treasuryXL We expect this is a position for an (semi-) experienced SAP treasury consultant who feels with her current employer she cannot deliver at the proper quality level. Perhaps because treasury does not get the attention it deserves. Perhaps her clients are too small. Perhaps for another reason. Tasks SAP […]

Kyriba Webinar: How Connectivity-as-a-Service Can Help In ERP Migration

25-02-2021 | treasuryXL | Kyriba | 4th March • 2pm GMT • 3pm CET In this webinar Kyriba and Deloitte will discuss some of the challenges and time constraints faced in bank connectivity and outline how Kyriba’s Connectivity-As-A-Service can accelerate global banking connectivity projects by more than 80%. The agenda will follow: The Connectivity-as-a-Service challenges The Kyriba Connectivity Network […]

What’s in store for the US dollar in 2021?

25-02-2021 | treasuryXL | XE | In the opening weeks of 2021, the US dollar has seen a bout of strength. But how will the value of the dollar fare in the coming months? In the XE forecast, they will tell you what they think. At this time, the onset of 2021 has brought a […]

From Practice: Transferable Letters of Credit…. something to try? (Dutch Item)

| 23-02-2021 | Ger van Rosmalen | treasuryXL In een eerder gepubliceerd artikel heb ik hier al eens aandacht aan besteed. Steeds vaker word ik gevraagd om bedrijven te begeleiden bij transacties op basis van een Transferable Letter of Credit, soms met een onverwachte uitkomst. Zo ook een bedrijf  dat op het punt stond een […]

VU ‘Treasury Management & Corporate Finance’ Programme – Online Open Evening

| 22-02-2020 | VU Amsterdam | Deepening treasury knowledge and increasing the treasurer population would benefit many organisations. We are fan of the post-graduate Executive Treasury Management & Corporate Finance Programme. VU Amsterdam is excited to invite you to the Executive Education Online Open Evening on Thursday 20 May 2021. Their Professors, lecturers, scientists and […]

Who sets the rates? Common questions about currency exchange rates

18-02-2021 | treasuryXL | XE | Ever wondered where the rates come from, and how they can impact you? We answer some common questions in this guide to exchange rates. Who’s in charge of setting currency exchange rates? If you’ve ever sent money overseas or checked the rates, this is a question that may have definitely […]

‘International Cash Management’, offered by VU Amsterdam

| 17-02-2021 | VU Amsterdam | The Vrije Universiteit offers mutliple helpful education sources to study more about the field of Treasury. Is the Register Treasurer programme too much for you (now) but you do want to invest in education. Consider doing the Module Cash Management. Managing cash is one of the core responsibilities of […]

3-daagse opleiding Cash- en werkkapitaalbeheer | Start midden maart 2021

| 16-2-2021 | François de Witte | treasuryXL | Een transparant werkkapitaalbeheer met een goed inzicht in cash-, treasury- en creditmanagement Omschrijving Productieprocessen, (internationale) logistieke processen en verkoopprocessen brengen grote geldstromen in beweging. Een bedrijf financieel gezond houden kan niet zonder een gedegen werkkapitaalbeheer. In deze basisopleiding bekijken we alle inkomende en uitgaande geldstromen (debiteuren, crediteuren, voorraden […]

Blockchain and the Corporate Treasurer: towards Smart Treasuries

| 16-02-2021 | Carlo de Meijer | treasuryXL Blockchain is gaining growing attention in the Treasury world. Corporate treasurers are intensively looking at blockchain use cases to improve the effectiveness of their treasury management activities. Notwithstanding the various benefits for corporate treasuries, there is still a great reluctance to adopt blockchain technology in their treasury […]

Nomentia Webinar: Payment Templates

| 15-02-2021 | treasuryXL | OpusCapita | Live Demo: Unleash your payments with payment templates Maybe not quite unleash but the better word might be superpower. Because payment templates are truly what will take your set-up to the next level. We are continuing our popular live demo webinar set-up where our solution managers will provide […]