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Online Treasury training programs: a new trend and options increase
| 21-11-2016 | Annette Gillhart | If you are working as a treasurer and think about following a training you might as well look on the internet: an increasing number of programs are given online. We thought that it might be useful to check what’s on there and present a few. A small selection of what […]
How Bank Independency improves your Treasury Performance
| 18-11-2016 | PowertoPay | As RBS in april 2016, ABN AMRO announced recently that they will lay off another 1500 employees worldwide and reduce services due to ongoing digitalisation. We came across an article of PowertoPay and in the light of recent developments you might find it interesting to read. As we emerge from the global […]
New Community Manager
| 17-11-2016 | treasuryXL | Since we’ve started at April 21th 2016, treasuryXL made some important steps and we’ve been growing ever since. Our community is continuously expanding with authors, editors, sponsors and readers. Everyday we provide you with fresh, treasury related content: articles, vacancies and events. In the start-up fase it was our main interest […]
Impressions after the DACT Treasury Fair 2016
|16-11-2016 | De Kiewit Treasurer Search, Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH, Cashforce | DACT Treasury Fair 2016, organised by the Dutch association of treasurers, is the most important annual treasury event in the Netherlands, where you can share treasury best practices, learn about the impact of latest trends and exchange experiences in a relaxed and informal […]
Uitgelicht: Pensioenfondsen moeten meer kasgeld aanhouden
| 15-11-2016 | Douwe Dijkstra, Erna Erkens | Geld renderend wegzetten, voor pensioenfondsen lijkt het een ontzettend moeilijke opgave te zijn. René van de Kieft, voorzitter van pensioenuitvoerder MN stelt in het Financieele Dagblad dat het beter zou zijn voor pensioenfondsen om hun geld in kas te houden, anticiperend op een renteomslag. Van De […]
Where does America go from here – what are Trump’s policies and how will they affect the economy?
| 14-11-2016 | Lionel Pavey | Infrastructure – a massive investment programme (a trillion dollar rebuilding programme).Trade – renegotiating NAFTA, opposition to TTP AND TTIP. Increase in tariffs on Chinese goods. Taxes – reduce and simplify taxes for individuals. Reduce corporate tax to 15%. Repatriate corporate cash held overseas with a one off […]
International direct debit, the one true advantage of SEPA
| 11-11-2016 | Jan Meulendijks | At its introduction time SEPA seemed to be just another (more complicated) payment method, more imposed by EU-regulations than a market requirement. For international for exporting companies however, there is a very interesting bonus in the form of SEPA’s possibilities in the field of direct debit. Foreign bank accounts […]
Could blockchain bring the EU Capital Market Union forward?
| 10-11-2016 | Carlo de Meijer | The European Commission recently launched an update report on the state of the Capital Markets Union (CMU) project. A comprehensive program of actions set out a year ago to put in place the building blocks for this CMU by 2019. Aim is to create deeper, and more integrated capital […]
Uitgelicht: Europese alternatieve financieringsmarkt groeit.
| 08-11-2016 | Jan de Kroon | Allan & Overy publiceerde recent een onderzoek waaruit bleek dat de Europese alternatieve financieringsmarkt blijft groeien (bron: Er wordt, volgens het onderzoek, door ondernemingen vaker over de grens gekeken wanneer het gaat om hun financieringsbehoeften. Ze kunnen dan ook kiezen uit meerdere financieringsbronnen. Expert Jan de Kroon […]
Experts talk about a DIY Approach to Corporate Borrowing
| 07-11-2016 | Douwe Dijkstra, Lionel Pavey | Last week we came across an article about DIY Corporate Borrowing ( The author stated that: “A do-it-yourself (DIY) credit application using publicly available information can help corporations better understand how they are seen by lenders and cuts the risk of financing not being available when it’s […]