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Masterclass: Nieuwe ontwikkelingen in het Betalingsverkeer
| 04-04-2019 | ENIGMA Consulting | In samenwerking met Euroforum organiseert Enigma Consulting op 9 mei 2019 in Driebergen een Verdiepende Masterclass: Nieuwe ontwikkelingen in het Betalingsverkeer. De veranderingen en innovaties in het betalingsverkeer zijn evident. Allerlei ontwikkelingen grijpen in op het betaaldomein en nieuwe spelers gaan verrassende diensten bieden. Tijdens deze intensieve masterclass krijgt u op 1 dag alle […]
New update for the community: Treasurer Test
| 02-04-2019 | by Roy Baaten | Dear peer goup members, treasurers, financials and friends of the community. It has been a while since we updated you on the treasurer test. First of all, we would like to thank everyone who helped us in one way or the other. A special thanks for those who […]
Bank Account Management | A treasurer’s guide
| 01-04-2019 | TIS Treasury Intelligence Solutions | treasuryXL Risk and liquidity management are top of mind for treasurers in today’s business climate highlighting the importance of bank accounts. They are necessary to pay, receive and store money and also to protect resources and facilitate treasury management. Companies must have at least one bank account, […]
Spring Summit 2019 Treasury Management & Corporate Finance VU
| 28-3-2019 | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | On Thursday evening, 11 April 2019, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam’s postgraduate Treasury Management & Corporate Finance programme will host the annual Spring Summit. This year’s theme is the programme’s mission: training academic professionals.Vincent Almering of Interfoods and Peter de Vries of Energie Beheer Nederland (EBN) will talk about how the Treasury Management […]
| 26-03-2019 | treasuryXL | Cashforce | Nicolas Christiaen Cash is often labeled as the lifeblood of an organization as it enables a company to function. However, when it comes to forecasting cash, most companies face various challenges. Afterall, it starts with the uncertainty of the future, but more factors are at play. Decisions about […]
Congres toekomst van het betalingsverkeer
| 25-3-2019 | Euroforum | treasuryXL | Het jaarcongres Toekomst van het Betalingsverkeer is al 20 jaar dé ontmoetingsplaats voor alle Payment Professionals in Nederland. Om deze mijlpaal te vieren wordt het programma dit jaar nog uitgebreider dan voorheen. Op verschillende podia vertellen (inter) nationale Keynote Speakers de meest interessante verhalen. Daarnaast bestaat het programma uit diverse co-creatie sessies […]
Webinar: Cash Forecasting Survey Results 2019 – Too Much Processing, Not Enough Forecasting?
| 21-03-2019 | treasuryXL | Cashforce | Even the most experienced treasury departments struggle to create accurate cash forecasts. By conducting the Cash Forecasting Survey 2019 we wanted to find out why companies face challenges that make the future uncertain. In our upcoming webinar on the 27th of March at 16h00 CET (11h00 EDT), Nicolas Christiaen & Mark O’Toole will discuss […]
Blockchain Smart Treasury: game-changer for treasurers?
| 19-3-2019 | Carlo de Meijer | treasuryXL Though blockchain is not yet well understood by many treasury people, and tangible real-world applications for the corporate treasurer’s day-to-day activities are still scarce, this technology is getting increased interest in the treasury world. In August 2016 I wrote a blog in Finextra named “The Corporate Treasurer […]
Four education programs for ambitious treasurers
| 18-3-2019 | by Pieter de Kiewit | One of our regular meeting topics is how to improve the skills of the corporate treasury population. Research for the Treasurer Test ( shows that only 20% of all treasurers completed a dedicated treasury education. I am happy I was invited to join the “Curatorium” of the […]
Congres Next in Finance te Utrecht
| 14-3-2019 | Euroforum | treasuryXL | Tijdens Next in Finance komen jaarlijks ruim 150 professionals uit de financiële sector bij elkaar om kennis uit te wisselen en ideeën op te doen. De komende editie staat in het teken van “Bridging the Gap between Customer, Data & Technology”. Door de integratie en slimme inzet van Data & […]