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Do you want to make better decisions through real-time reporting?
| 05-09-2019 | TIS | BETTER DECISIONS THROUGH REAL-TIME REPORTING: BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE ABOUT CASH FLOWS & CASH POSITIONS How do strategic professionals decide on the best path to success for their company? The key is in transparency and real-time reporting across company-wide cashflow and liquidity levels, bank, customer and supplier relations and working capital. When cashflow […]
Why Steven decided to explore the World of Treasury
| 02-09-2019 | by treasuryXL | Kendra Keydeniers Steven de Klein decided to take a deeper dive into the world of treasury and started the RT program in 2014. He graduated as Register Treasurer (RT) in 2017. Before moving into treasury, he studied Business Economics in Nijmegen. His first experience in treasury was a good one, […]
Wordt de invoering van sterke klantauthenticatie een drama?
| 30-08-2019 | ENIGMA Consulting | Sinds enige tijd waart er een spook door de wereld van het Europese online betalingsverkeer: sterke klantauthenticatie (strong customer authentication). Webwinkeliers vrezen conversieverlies door afhakende klanten in het afrekenproces. Betaaldienstverleners worstelen om op tijd klaar te zijn met de implementatie. En consumenten vragen zich af of het allemaal wel nodig […]
The Core Benefits of Netting For Corporates
| 29-8-2019 | treasuryXL | BELLIN Simplify intercompany commerce, minimize fees and elevate visibility Understanding the core benefits of netting Multinational corporations are familiar with the downsides when involved with intercompany commerce. Growing transaction fees, currency exchange risk, and lack of transparency are common facets that make it difficult for such organizations. Corporations can […]
How the Treasury QuickScan add value to your business
| 27-8-2019 | François de Witte | treasuryXL | Do you want to know if you can save a substantial amount of money and/or protect your company against major financial risks? Are you willing to invest time and money in treasury within your organization? The Treasury QuickScan can help organizations with just one scan to assess if […]
Key findings from the 2019 Treasury Compliance Survey
| 26-08-2019 | TIS | Spending too much time and energy on compliance issues? You’re not alone. 41% of large companies identified this as their number one concern about the regulatory environment. Join Strategic Treasurer and TIS on August 29th as they reveal the exclusive results to the comprehensive 2019 Compliance Survey. The 2019 Compliance Survey […]
Understand Banking Asset & Liability Management
| 23-8-2019 | treasuryXL | Financial Training Hub The management of Assets & Liabilities, known as ALM, is key to potential success of banks. The ALM strategy is set by the Board of Directors that has to decide about different financial activities in connection with two risks: interest rate and liquidity risk. This interactive course […]
Can you still see your banker as a trusted advisor?
22-08-2019 | by Pieter de Kiewit | treasuryXL | Is your banker a trusted advisor or just another sales representative? The times that you, entrepreneur or CFO, could just accept the advice of your banker is over. Understand that your banker expects you to have more knowledge than before. Do know there are alternatives. And […]
Enigma begeleidt MoneyMonk in verkrijgen PSD2 vergunning
| 20-8-2019 | treasuryXL | Enigma Consulting Boekhoudsoftware MoneyMonk kreeg op 26 juli een PSD2 vergunning van toezichthouder De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). Na Cobase (ING) en Peaks (Rabobank) is MoneyMonk de eerste Nederlandse organisatie die een vergunning als rekeninginformatiedienstverlener verkrijgt, die niet gelieerd is aan een grootbank. Enigma Consulting heeft MoneyMonk begeleid in het traject van […]
Transform Intercompany Trade with Multilateral Netting
| 19-8-2019 | treasuryXL | BELLIN Legacy tools yield legacy results Too many international companies are manually reconciling and netting intercompany invoices. These companies may lack a clear and structured workflow for this process, leading to a host of potential risks and issues along the way including: High volume of intercompany transactions Too many invoice […]