2025 is here, and the FX landscape is more dynamic than ever. With a new US president poised to reshape global trade policies amidst rising geopolitical tensions and increasing currency risks, treasury teams must prepare for an era of heightened volatility.
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Fintech Recruitment Considerations
| 3-3-2017 | Pieter de Kiewit | Last week one of my clients started an unscheduled brainstorm session about recruitment for Fintech companies. We ended up having quite an interesting discussion. Within Treasurer Search we see an increase in assignments in this market, both permanent as well as interim. I would like to share the […]
How about these Fintechs?!
| 9-2-2017 | Pieter de Kiewit | treasuryXL In August 2016 our expert Pieter de Kiewit wrote an article about Fintechs and we thought it might be interesting to publish it on treasuryXL. Since then Fintechs have become a major subject in the financial world. What has changed since the article was written? Are the […]
Interesting transfer Joop Wijn from ABN to Adyen
| 16-1-2017 | Pieter de Kiewit | Last Thursday I attended a very interesting breakfast meeting about PSD2, organized by Alexander Huiskes of EY with support from DNB. I will write about this in a separate blog. Not being up-to-date on my Financieele Dagblad reading, I was surprised by the question what my opinion is […]
Loopbaan in treasury: een doodlopende weg?
| 6-1-2017 | Pieter de Kiewit | Het blijft een terugkerend thema als meerdere treasurers samenkomen of als ik over loopbaanplanning spreek: is blijven in treasury een recept voor vastlopen in je carrière? Bouw je door op hetgeen je hebt bereikt of doe je een stap terug/opzij om er weer twee vooruit te maken? Zonder […]
Intern with Treasury Experience
| 23-12-2016 | Pieter de Kiewit | De Kiewit Treasurer Search | sponsored content | Turning a career into a new direction, this is a topic often discussed in meetings I have with applicants. The obvious reason for many is that they are between jobs and are forced to rethink their professional ways. Others just realize […]
Afscheidsrede van Professor Theo van der Nat
| 5-12-2016 | Pieter de Kiewit | Mijn eerste ontmoeting met Theo zette de toon voor al onze verdere contacten. Het was aan het einde van de DACT Treasury Beurs 2009 in Noordwijk. Velen waren al gestart met hun weekend, ook de standhouders waren al aan het afbreken. Ik was net gestart met mijn onderneming. […]