Frans has been the driving force behind the sales team from the very beginning and, with his knowledge and skills, has accompanied many customer projects from start to finish.
With almost twenty-five years of experience in payments and cash management, working at several banks such as ABN Amro and ING.
Frans is a skilled sparring partner for many treasurers/cash managers to look at their organisation constructively.
His drive is to find the best possible solution for the customer that is tailor-made to the customer’s needs and wishes in a realistic and down-to-earth manner.
- Payments and Cash Management
- Reporting
- Financial Logistics
- Trade Finance
- E-commerce
- Electronic invoicing
How companies can improve their multibank cash management
07-02-2022 | Cobase | treasuryXL | LinkedIn | The complexity of corporate structures and the disparate relationships that develop over the lifetime of an organisation mean managing bank interactions has become a complex task. Multiple banking relationships Businesses can grow through mergers and acquisitions. These enlarged organisations often comprise multiple subsidiaries working in several different currencies with a variety of banks […]
A reality check on Open Banking and other new bank connectivity solutions
17-01-2022 | Cobase | treasuryXL | LinkedIn | New developments in bank connectivity will enable major improvements for companies working with multiple banks. There are however conditions to successfully implement new bank connectivity solutions. Reading the Cobase white paper: ‘New developments in bank connectivity – benefits for treasury and cash management’ will prepare you for […]
How Cobase is using Cloud Technology to build and grow its Fintech Solution
22-11-2021| Cobase | treasuryXL | LinkedIn Dutch fintech Cobase is a multibank platform that allows companies to manage accounts from many different banks via a single platform that includes a central Payment Hub, Cash Management and Treasury modules. Born in Azure, the company has made cloud technology the very foundation of its solution and the […]
Question treasuryXL Panel #2 | How is PSD2 being applied in a business context?
12-10-2021| treasuryXL | Cobase |LinkedIn | treasuryXL is the community platform for all your relevant treasury questions. We received the following question from one of our followers… QUESTION “As a treasurer, efficient and risk-free handling of payments and reporting are top of mind. In the daily news I read a lot about PSD2, but […]
17 Main Features of the Multibanking Platform for Corporates
25-08-2021 | Cobase | treasuryXL | Corporates use Cobase to manage their bank accounts at many different banks. The platform can connect with almost every bank in the world. What are the main features of this platform?
Cobase Webinar | FX Module
07-07-2021 | Cobase | treasuryXL | Our Partner Cobase operates independently under its own brand and under its own management, at arm’s length from its main shareholders ING, Nordea and Crédit Agricole. Tuesday July 13th at 13:00 CETe, Cobase is showcasing their FX Module. If you want to experience how to simplify the corporate FX […]