Tag Archive for: Pieter de Kiewit

New generation treasurer studies at the Vrije Universiteit

| 13-06-2019 | by Pieter de Kiewit |


Research in our candidate files, filled with treasury experts and managers, shows that only a small fraction of the population completed a job specific education. Over time I see the level of impact and complexity of corporate treasury rising and an increase in treasury students. As a member of the so-called Curatorium (management board) of the post graduate program “Treasury Management & Corporate Finance”, I consider it my task to let you know about this education. A task I am of course happy to pick up.



You can get a first overview on the partner page of the Vrije Universiteit on our site and their own Treasury Management and Corporate Finance program page. In the next months we will post blogs with profiles of Register Treasurer (RT) graduates with their motives, experiences and career paths. This will give you better insight in the type of treasurers that are “RT material”. Furthermore we will invite graduates to share thesis and other research summaries that will give you a sample of the level of what you can expect.

Originally the program was in Dutch and aimed at a relatively narrow candidates working in a corporate environment. An important change is that the program now is in English. The student population is a mixture of consultants, bankers, interim managers and experts working in corporate and non-profit environments. As the value of the student peer group has huge impact on the program, this diversity brings a lot extra.

Our continued information flow will hopefully help aspiring students and their managers making a sound decision. The program is not for everybody, we hope to see you soon and find out if you have what it takes.

PS The next information session is at June 26, 2019.

Read stories from graduates who participated the Register Treasurer (RT) program. How does their treasury career look like now?




Pieter de Kiewit
Owner Treasurer Search


For what audience is the Treasurer Test developed?

| 06-06-2019 | by treasuryXL |

The Treasurer Test has been developed with three different audiences in mind:

  1. Actual Treasurers; those who are already active treasurers
  2. Pre Treasurers; those who have the ambition to become one and
  3. Non Treasurers; those who will not but deal with the function.

Their goals might overlap but there are differences. In this blog we will elaborate.

Actual Treasurer
Taking the test, already being a treasurer, can be useful in many situations. First, wanting to show your hiring manager you are fully capable and have the right personality for the position you want to step into. This is an obvious one. Second, planning your career. The result report will show the candidates treasury knowledge gaps and personality, helping in education and coaching plans. Third and last, as a treasury team you want to be ready for the future of your organisation and prepare. In order to achieve this, you want to know your current status in order to build a development plan with a focus both on skills as well as on personalities.

Pre Treasurer
Aspiring treasurers might have the aforementioned goals and some extra. They might not have done the job, but know a lot and want to prove this. Automatically, the Test will show where development might be started best and if the potential is enough to pick up the position. Taking the Test will also lead to insight what the job is about. It is not intended, but might lead to a candidate treasurer steering his career in another direction. Finally, we are talking with educators to deploy the test at the start and at the end of a program in order to objectively measure progress of students.

Non Treasurer
In finding staff or helping them in development, HR, recruiters and educators will play an important role. It is not to be expected that these specialist benefit from taking the Test. They should know about the Big5 typology and understand how the Test measurers skills.
On the other hand, CFOs, CFO team members, auditors, bankers and other financial specialist and their organisations will benefit from them taking the Test. Many of them consider themselves (unjust) knowledgeable in corporate treasury. Insight in their actual knowledge level is a good starting point. If the non-treasurer knows a lot and can prove this with the Test results, treasury specialists will better accept input. If not, the non-treasurer will better appreciate the expertise of the specialist and put treasury higher on the priority list.

Are you interested how the Treasurer Test can help you? Contact Kendra Keydeniers, Community & Partner Manager.

You can find more relevant information here.

What does the hiring manager know about treasury?

| 23-05-2019 | by Pieter de Kiewit |

Among corporate treasurers IPOs are always the icing on the cake and I have followed Adyen going public. Very interesting is that besides the obvious reasons like increased investments, money for the founders and employees dealing with their stock options, the strategic partners and clients play a role. Clients like eBay and Uber apparently work better together with a listed Adyen. Food for thought….

What does the hiring manager know about treasury?

At least half of our recruitment assignments starts with a message from our client like this: “we have this treasurer, I do not understand what he does but he is leaving. Can you help?”. Of course music to our ears, happy to help. In recruitment for permanent positions HR is involved, very often they also contribute in interim assignments. HR not knowing in detail about treasury is understandable. Especially when the candidate we search does not report into a senior treasurer but, for instance, a CFO, we also encounter a lack of knowledge in treasury with the hiring manager. Is this a problem and if so, how can this be solved?

You might have seen we contribute in the build-up of the Treasurer Test. One of the groups of people we asked to do the test are “financials, not being treasurers”. Their measurered lack of knowledge and interest in the field is obvious. This is of course not a surprise. Treasurers are, amongst others, responsible for funding, payments, management of currency and interest risk. Important enough for the continuation of the existence of an organisation. How can we prevent this important job lands with the wrong person? Some ideas:

  • A track record as shown in a cv is of course a first obvious. A candidate might be too positive about accomplishments, this can be screened by checking references. Screening CVs without knowledge about treasury might be daunting. Simply key word comparison will not work;
  • Worldwide there are only a few universities that pay attention to corporate treasury. Measuring knowledge through academic qualifications is smart (Register Treasurer, CTP, ACT are the most obvious). Currently less then 20% of the corporate treasury population holds such a degree;
  • The aforementioned Treasurer Test will be launched shortly presents skill level and personality and compares with peers;
  • Including knowledgeable experts in the recruitment process will help. We of course are available. Alternatively involving a specialized treasury consultant in the screening process might also work.

I hope you will be able to find the right next treasury team member, secure business continuity and feel confident with your recruitment decision with the above list. We are available to brainstorm and support.

Pieter de Kiewit



Pieter de Kiewit
Owner Treasurer Search


New Community and Partner Manager for treasuryXL

| 02-05-2019 | by Pieter de Kiewit |

treasuryXL recently celebrated its third birthday. As a partner and sponsor I have been involved from the start and so far, it has been an exciting journey. I am proud we have been able to create a constant flow of relevant content for corporate treasurers and all others interested in treasury. We continue the build-up of a platform where you can find expertise, opinions, events, job openings, product and service offerings. Different treasury topics for a variety of organisations.

Roy has been able to build a foundation in our content flow, our infrastructure and network. His experience as a banker has been valuable and partners appreciated his initiatives. He enjoys his time with treasuryXL but misses the content driven tasks he had as a banker. He will return to financial services. We thank him for his effort and wish him all the best.

We are ambitious and want to make the next step! In order to fulfill our pivot role we have been looking for more relevant skills and entrepreneurial power. I am happy we can present Kendra as the new Community & Partner Manager.

Currently Roy is working together with Kendra. Kendra brings valuable expertise in modern community management, she worked with a very successful tech company. Her focus will be on two major tasks. First, she will help improve the quality of the content and will increase of the relevant audience. Most likely this will be combined with the organisation of relevant events. Second, she will closely cooperate with partners and experts, helping them to achieve their professional and commercial goals. And of course the treasuryXL goals. Her efforts up till now are very promising. We look forward to working with her and wish her lots of success!

Currently you can contact both Roy and Kendra through [email protected] and 06-21303744

Pieter de Kiewit
On behalf of partners and experts of treasuryXL
Pieter de Kiewit

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Geld ontvangen uit het buitenland: wat zijn de kosten voor een webwinkel?

| 13-06-2018 | by  Pieter de Kiewit |

Cash Pooling

Dat leek me een relevante vraag in de opbouw van een nieuwe e-commerce activiteit. Wat betaal ik, wat betaalt mijn klant? Een tamelijk frustrerende exercitie waarover onderstaand meer.

Als leek heb ik geleerd dat in de wereld van webwinkels er vele softwares worden gebruikt. Gelukkig is er al veel gestandaardiseerd en zijn interfaces in grote hoeveelheden aanwezig. Websites, voorraden, bestellingen, klantbestanden en ook boekhouden en betaalsystemen worden modulair aan elkaar gekoppeld voor verrassend lage prijzen.

Partijen als Adyen en Mollie, ook wel PSPs (payment service provider) genoemd, leveren plug & play oplossingen die het mogelijk maken dat je klanten kunnen betalen via kanalen die jij kiest. Hierbij kan je denken aan credit card, ideal, paypal en vele anderen. Internationaal is er een lappendeken aan kanalen ontstaan die voor een individuele ondernemer niet te managen is. Dus je geeft je eigen rekeningnummer aan de PSP, zij leveren software die je in je website integreert en het geld van je klanten stroomt naar jouw rekening.

De verdienmodellen van PSPs bestaan uit variaties in maandelijkse abonnementen en betaling per transactie. Redelijk transparant. Nu weten de meesten van ons dat je credit card gebruiken geld kost. Minder van ons weten dat ook degene die geld int via de credit card, bijvoorbeeld een winkelier, ook substantieel afdraagt aan de credit card company. Als privé persoon zijn we in Nederland niet gewend dat we moeten betalen voor geld overmaken, zakelijke bankklanten doen dat wel. Verder is het zo dat valuta omzetten geld kost. Vaak wordt een service fee in rekening gebracht, daarnaast is de aankoopkoers anders dan de verkoopkoers: als je naar de bank gaat en €100 omzet naar $ en het op dezelfde dag terug wisselt, hou je veel minder dan €100 over. Zelfs als er geen service fee is.

Met deze kennis klopte ik als MKB-er aan bij diverse PSPs en legde hen de volgende vraag voor: “als mijn product €500 kost en een klant koopt het in de US met $ via credit card, wie verdient er dan hoeveel aan?” en “zal ik in dit scenario minder dan €500 krijgen of zal de desbetreffende klant omgerekend een opslag moeten betalen?”. Geen van de aangeschreven PSPs kon of wilde me beantwoorden.

Ik heb besloten in de opstartfase niet door te vragen, ook omdat de uitwisselbaarheid van PSPs gemakkelijk is en mijn verkoopvolume in deze fase laag zal zijn. Voor hen die, net als ik, e-commerce ambities of al succes hebben, lijken me dit relevante vragen. Hou er rekening mee en ik benieuwd naar ervaringen en expertise. Bij voortschrijdend inzicht meld ik me weer.


Pieter de Kiewit



Pieter de Kiewit
Owner Treasurer Search