Hello world! Meet treasuryXL

Welcome to treasuryXL, platform built by treasurers to serve treasurers. The roots of treasuryXL lies in the Dutch treasury community.

The shared opinion in this community is that:

  • although treasury has its added value, there is still a lot of low hanging fruit to be harvested
  • unfamiliarity with the function hinders further success
  • the necessary expertise is available but supply and demand are not able to reach each other

We raise the treasury function to a higher level, both for the inner circle: corporate treasurers, bankers & consultants, as well as others that might benefit: CFO’s, business owners, other people from the CFO Team and educators.

treasuryXL offers:

  • professionals the chance to publish their expertise, opinions, success stories, distribute these and stimulate dialogue.
  • a labour market platform by creating an overview of vacancies, events and treasury education.
  • a variety of services in collaboration with flex treasurers.
  • a broad network of highly valued partners and experts.

Contact our Community & Partner Manager, Kendra Keydeniers, for more information:
+31 (0)6 21303744 or [email protected]