The dangers of key person risk in currency management

10-03-2023 | treasuryXL | Kantox | LinkedIn | Free yourself from the stress of handling monster spreadsheets with sensitive information that could break at any time

Hedging Intercompany Loans: A New Way to Mitigate FX Risk

03-03-2023 | treasuryXL | Kantox | LinkedIn | “By using conditional stop-loss and take-profit orders, you can achieve significant savings in terms of the cost of carry.”

Mitigating Behavioural Biases in Currency Management

28-02-2023 | treasuryXL | Kantox | LinkedIn |

This episode of CurrencyCast dives into the impact of behavioural biases in currency management and how they impact financial decisions. You’ll learn about the most common biases that can affect decision-making, including conservatism, forward rate, overconfidence, and loss aversion biases. But fear not! The episode also provides solutions to mitigate these biases and optimise your currency management strategies. 

Disclaimer: This information is being shared for informational purposes only and was originally published by Kantox (Source)


Discover how implementing automation solutions can help remove systematic errors and allow you to embrace foreign currencies, increasing profitability and fostering growth. 

Don’t let inherent biases affect your work – watch the latest episode of CurrencyCast and take control of your currency risk management today!

Recording | Your Currency Management Toolkit for 2023

22-02-2023 | treasuryXL | LinkedIn | On January 24th, 2023 we hosted a joint webinar with our partner Kantox about the Currency Management Priorities for 2023. In this 45 minute session we take you through the key trends and opportunities in currency management.

Treasury fundamentals in 2023

17-02-2023 | treasuryXL | Kantox | LinkedIn |

Get ready for 2023 with our deep dive into the treasury fundamentals that will take over the currency management scene. All you need to know, from trends to technology, in one article.

Disclaimer: This information is being shared for informational purposes only and was originally published by Kantox (Source)

CFOs and treasurers are getting ready to face the many challenges of 2023. Finding the right approach to currency management will help them protect their company’s margins and adapt to the new reality.

In this episode of CurrencyCast, we sat down with our special guest, François Masquelier, for a complete session on the treasury fundamentals for 2023.

In this article, we will take you through:

  • Trends in currency management to watch out for in 2023
  • How to drive better currency management
  • Technology and tools to optimize FX risk management

Setting the scene for 2023

Let’s analyse what upcoming currency management trends are going to be the main focus for treasurers this year.

Challenges and opportunities in currency management

When we take a look at recent European Treasury surveys, the PwC global annual survey and the last OECD survey or surveys, there is a common theme regarding the main focus for treasurers this year.

FX risk management is a top priority for corporate treasurers from 2023 onwards, right behind cash flow forecasting and digital transformation. This means that FX risk remains highly ranked by treasurers, and there are several reasons for this.

  1. First, the FX rate is highly volatile. And we saw this volatility in the last couple of months or years with COVID, the war in Ukraine, etc. It does not seem like this is going to shift towards decreasing market volatility for FX currencies. Interest rates are important due to swap points, differential interest and commodities.
    CFOs need to protect operating margins as currency movements can affect them, thus, solid and efficient hedging strategies and tools are necessary. Despite this, corporate treasurers focus on manual processes, as automation is lacking.
  2. Another key factor for the importance of FX risk is digital transformation. CFO and treasurers are shifting their traditional mindset to consider the implementation of new financial tools and technology.
    And this is mainly because they have started to realise that automation and digitization could be a way to reduce that risk or, at the very least, to improve the management of said FX risk.
  3. Finally, last but not least is cash flow forecasting. It has been a top priority for a couple of years now; for 2023, it should remain a top priority. And again, for the same reason, because we live in a world of uncertainty.
    So finance professionals need to make sure that they have accurate data and accurate forecasts. Otherwise, it would be difficult to manage your FX risk properly.

Large interest rate differentials

Sometimes CFOs do not always understand all the possibilities in terms of what we call optimizing forward points, that is to say, interest rate differentials.

The forward points may be a concern when there is a significant differential of interest, especially with exotic currencies. So it could be expensive to hedge certain currency pairs, depending on which side you are in. Sometimes those forward points could be in your favour, and sometimes could not be in your favour.

Treasurers with a favourable interest rate differential can decide not to hedge at all and just monitor the exposure. This is feasible, but as it is a highly manual task, the monitoring process of the open exposure can become quite tedious and inefficient.

However, the good news is that there exist certain solutions that allow them to dynamically manage your FX exposure. This way, finance professionals can reduce or mitigate the impact of the swap points and, ultimately, reduce the impact on costs.

The multicurrency world

The dollar and the euro remain important currencies, but there is a number of currencies from smaller but well-managed economies gaining ground.

As corporate treasurers are taking advantage of the benefits of buying and selling in more currencies, there is a microeconomic and bottom-up phenomenon leading to that multi-currency world.

Using the more exotic or smaller currencies, if managed properly, can protect your company against risks. The best approach to currency management this year is to use the most profitable currencies all the time.

Better currency management is possible

You can prepare for these trends if you have a strong currency management system that covers the entire FX workflow and allows you to have clear visibility over your exposure. Take a look at the two main areas that could be affecting your currency management strategy.

Accurate cashflow forecasting, or not?

Sometimes the importance of having accurate cashflow forecasts is somewhat overstated when it comes to currency management.

Let’s take the example of a micro-hedging program for firm sales or purchase orders. The exposure to hedge is already a contractually binding item, not a forecast at all. So we don’t have really much of an issue.

On the other hand, if you take the case of a layering program or layered hedging program, the FX rate would be built in advance, so the forecasted exposure to hedges is also known well in advance.

And finally, thanks to conditional orders that protect a budget rate, the Treasury team can have time to update and finetune their cashflows.

Fewer silos, better treasury

At Kantox, we believe that currency management is more than just currency risk management, and that currency risk management, in turn, is more than just the instant execution of a hedge.

But that requires a holistic approach to currency management, to cover the entire FX workflow.  This means doing away with a siloed approach that allows the company to grow beyond imagination.

In treasury and finance, there are many silos that impact the optimal management of the department. Having clear communication and flow of information with other departments is vital. It provides better visibility of the exposure and gives the CFOs the ability to react to the volatility in the market faster.

Something key in the challenging context we are facing that impacts the very thin operating margins, and a great way to generate added value to the treasury function.

One clear example of this is the companies with subsidiaries that operate in foreign currencies. By offering the subsidiaries to invoice or be invoiced in the local currencies, you are centralising the FX risk, generating value for them and improving risk management.

Another example of tearing down the silos in treasury management is the relationship between the commercial and finance teams. They don’t always see eye to eye, but providing commercial teams with the FX rate they need in real-time is a good way of eliminating that silo mentality.

As consultants from McKinsey said, the early adopters who drive cross-functional teamwork are going to reap the benefits and see a great increase in annual revenue growth.

Technology to optimize your currency management

Now that you know where to focus on improving your currency management, consider what tools could streamline this. But don’t forget to analyse if the current process is hurting you more before implementing new technology. Consider what areas of your FX workflow need revamping.

TMS lack visibility

One of the main pain points for CFOs is not having access to real-time data and dashboards that reflect the current state of the company’s financials. This makes it more difficult for them to make the right decisions on time.

There are tools, like the TMS, that are used in the treasury function with the objective of getting summarized information and reports but they are not properly fit for decision making at the C-level.

They lack dashboards fed with real-time data that would make it easier or facilitate the communication between Treasury and the C-suite. TMS have a few other shortcomings when it comes to currency management.

“Often a CFO is a car driver who does not see his/her dashboard immediately but with delay” – François Masquelier

When pricing with an FX rate, using the forward rate instead of the spot rate can help companies in certain situations improve their competitive position without hurting their budgeted profit margins.

But most TMS lack a strong FX rate feeder, meaning the possibility of providing commercial teams with the appropriate rate -a spot, or the two-month or the six-month forward rate, the pricing markups for a client segment-

Another problem with TMS is that the functionalities in the report are standard and not really customer variables. They are more of like pret-a-porter solution.

When we talk about the reporting and development of specific functionality, treasurers must find a way to fulfil these gaps and find the missing pieces.

This means that in the pre-trade phase of the FX workflow, TMS is not covering the needs of treasurers and CFOs.

AI, the future of treasury?

ChatGPT is all the rage right now, AI or artificial intelligence is making a comeback. But is it going to be the future in terms of treasury management and cashflow forecasting?

AI could play a role in the future of treasury management. However, we are still in the early days and there are many other ways CFOs and treasurers can start the digitization of the treasury function before resorting to AI.

There are some things that need to change in the way treasury is done and the approach of many finance professionals to the treasury tech stack. Those in charge of managing currencies need to be comfortable with their IT skills to make good use of new technology.

Another hurdle to the implementation of AI in treasury is the lack of access to comprehensive and immediate data. And finally, the inefficiency of highly manual processes when relying on spreadsheets for currency management. All of this takes away from producing accurate cashflow forecasts on foreign currencies.

Moving forward

As we have seen, there are many challenges to currency management that CFOs and treasurers will need to be well prepared for this year.

As interest rate differentials rise and the volatility in FX markets continues, there needs to be a good currency management system to handle the FX risk.

With the help of automation tools, finance professionals will be able to eliminate the silos that hinder the company’s growth and increase visibility over open exposure.

Download now our Currency Management Priorities for 2023 report to learn more about upcoming focus for treasurers and get your currency management strategy ready.

What is a successful Currency Management Strategy?

09-02-2023 | The year’s second edition features a discussion on the newest treasuryXL poll results, including a review of treasurer voting patterns and expert perspectives on effective currency management.

How to mitigate credit risk

09-02-2023 | treasuryXL | Kantox | LinkedIn |

When managing foreign currencies there is an underlying FX risk that Treasurers may not see, the credit risk. In this week’s episode of CurrencyCast, Agustin Mackinlay explains how to mitigate this risk.

Disclaimer: This information is being shared for informational purposes only and was originally published by Kantox (Source)

Embrace currencies to protect your capital, maintain your cash flow, secure your earnings and access better financing! Let’s find out how to mitigate the consequences of the underlying FX risk, the credit risk.

When working with foreign currencies, CFOs and treasurers have the mission to try to reduce the FX risk as much as they can. But there is an underlying currency risk that they could be missing, credit risk.

In this week’s episode of CurrencyCast, we shared the secrets to mitigating credit risk by embracing currencies. Now, we will explain in detail what are the key actions that involve eliminating this risk.

Understanding credit risk in currency management

There is an underlying currency risk that you are probably not seeing and could eliminate easily just by following a simple rule in your currency management strategy, embracing currencies.

This is the credit risk or, more precisely, the risk in account receivables when customers need to settle their bills in a different currency than their own.

Why embracing currencies is the secret to tackle credit risk

What do we mean by embracing currencies? There are many benefits that treasurers and CFOs can gain from implementing a multi currency approach to their FX strategy.

Some of them include the ability to price more competitively or boost your company’s profit margins just by operating with multiple currencies. But there is one which is helping companies drastically reduce currency risk, by uncovering the underlying credit risk.

We’ll reveal the advantages of taking ownership of the underlying FX risk so that you can expand your business with full confidence.

Uncovering the underlying credit risk 

If you are selling in Emerging Markets like Brazil or Turkey but using only one currency like EUR or USD, you might be tempted to think that you have solved the currency risk problem.

But that’s an illusion: the underlying currency risk is still very much there. By urging customers to use a currency that is foreign to them, you are in effect transferring that risk onto their shoulders.

In the event of a sharp devaluation of the local currency, they might feel inclined to wait for a better exchange before settling their bills. In other words, your customers would speculate in FX markets with your firm’s money.

We’ve seen that phenomenon at play after the pandemic, both in Latin America and Eastern Europe. As a treasurer or CFO, you don’t want to be in that position.

Taking ownership of the underlying FX risk

In order to avoid your client’s FX risk from turning into your own credit risk, the solution is to sell in the currency of your customers while taking care of the underlying FX risk. Needless to say, this presupposes a strong, automated currency cash flow hedging program.

Such programs include: hedging firm sales/purchase orders as they materialise, hedging forecasted exposures for one or more campaign/budget periods, or a combination of these, with tools that provide visibility over the exposure throughout.

Advantages of owning the currency risk

Now you know the importance of seeing there is another added layer to your currency risk that you could be missing. It is time to consider the advantages that would flow from taking full ownership of the underlying currency risk:

  • Capitalprotection. You are protecting your firm’s capital against catastrophic loss while managing reputational risk at the same time
  • Cost of capital. You are reducing the cost of trade credit insurance if you use it, slashing lousy debt reserves and freeing up capital
  • Performance. You are securing company earnings while maintaining cash flow
  • Commercialexpansion. You are in a position to expand sales with confidence, gaining market share and/or targeting new customers

Finding a solution to mitigate the risk efficiently

After uncovering the underlying FX risk, you need a solution to mitigate the credit risk.

A currency management automation solution could be the answer for companies that want to embrace currencies. This type of tool can streamline your currency management strategy and automate your entire FX workflow to reduce FX risk, including the ‘hidden’ credit risk.


As we mentioned before in this episode of CurrencyCast, we live in a multi-currency world where businesses can take advantage of the profit margin-enhancing benefits of selling in many currencies, like monetising existing FX markups or driving high-margin sales to company websites.

Thanks to automation, these advantages far outweigh the perceived inconveniences and costs of managing the underlying FX risk. And, in the current scenario of uncertainty, you get an additional and very attractive bonus: less credit risk in your commercial operations. That’s quite a lot!

Uncovering the benefits of a multicurrency world

03-02-2023 | treasuryXL | Kantox | LinkedIn |

We’re living in a multicurrency world and we’re multicurrency treasurers. You can get a head start on your competitors by simply understanding the benefits of operating with multiple currencies. Start leveraging the multicurrency world we’re in.

Disclaimer: This information is being shared for informational purposes only and was originally published by Kantox (Source)

With so many benefits to operating with the different foreign currencies out there, it is crazy to think that some companies are not taking advantage of this.

In this week’s episode of CurrencyCast we discussed why businesses should consider implementing a multicurrency approach to their FX risk strategy. This article will take a deeper dive into the benefits and give you some insight into how to be a more strategic treasurer.

Why we are in a multi-currency world

In this episode, we analyse a development that many find surprising, but that stands at the core of our thinking at Kantox: the multi-currency world. The prevailing view of a world dominated by a handful of currencies like the dollar and the euro is being challenged as we speak.

We’ll reveal how you can take advantage of the benefits that lie ahead in this multi-currency world and contribute to enhancing your profit margins.

How is technology pushing forward a multi-currency world

The currencies of a number of small, but well-managed economies (together with the natural rise of CNY) are gaining in importance: SEK, NOK, CAD, AUD, NZD, SGD and KRW among others.

The change is not driven in a top-down manner by macroeconomic forces. Instead, it reflects a bottom-up and microeconomic phenomenon, made possible by technology.

Today’s multi-currency world is mostly driven by corporate treasurers taking advantage of Multi Dealer Platforms such as 360T. These platforms have led to a dramatic compression of spreads, increasing liquidity beyond the major currency pairs and reducing the network effects of the USD.

For example, whereas a CAD-MXN transaction used to require two trades involving USD and CAD on the one hand, and USD and MXN on the other, now CAD-MXN can be directly and competitively traded on Multi-Dealer Platforms.


currency composition graph of FX reserves from IMF


Advantages of the multi-currency world

Back to the issue of the multi-currency world. Let me mention some of the benefits of selling in more currencies (we discussed the advantages on the contracting side earlier on):

  • FX markups. With multi-currency pricing, businesses can monetise existing FX markups.
  • High-margin sales. Companies can drive direct, high-margin sales on company websites with many different payment methods.
  • Reduced cart abandonment. Online businesses can deploy multi-currency pricing as their secret weapon to reduce cart abandonment.

Let’s take this example if you are a company operating with imports from a foreign country there could be some hesitation regarding whether to work with the local currency or not. In certain cases, using the local currency translates into better deals from a commercial perspective, as FX markups from suppliers are avoided. Also, firms get access to a wider range of suppliers.

From a liquidity management perspective, you may benefit from extended paying terms as well giving you more runway to finalise your sales. Finally, from a strictly financial perspective, there could be a wider forward discount of currency pairs which is a way to generate more positive forward points when hedging.

A strategic issue in the age of innovation

By taking FX risk out of the picture, you put your business in a position to confidently use more currencies in day-to-day operations. Additionally, if you then implement the best automation solution that will help you remove time-consuming and error-prone tasks, you could have a strong currency management strategy that becomes a great strategic asset.

On top of that, there are other bonuses to implementing technology:

  • Optimisation of interest rate differentials between currencies
  • More time to devote to value-adding tasks
  • Openness to further automation

Wrap up

Now you know all the benefits of a multicurrency world for currency managers. By empowering commercial teams to always buy and sell in the most profitable currency, the finance team acts as a strategic business enabler within the enterprise. That is the promise of the multi-currency world that is taking shape as we speak.

You are now prepared to face the future of currency management and reap all the benefits of the multiple currencies available. But to keep the ball rolling and make the most of foreign currencies, you need a tool that allows you to have full control of your FX exposure.

That’s why Kantox offers a unique currency management automation solution that enables treasurers and CFOs like you to optimise your FX workflow. Talk with our currency management experts and find out how today.

5 Treasury Trends for 2023: Managing Currencies in an Age of Uncertainty

26-01-2023 | treasuryXL | Kantox | LinkedIn |

Scared about 2023 looking even worse than the crazy last three years? Keep calm and take a holistic approach to currency management. 

Source: Kantox

If we look back at the economic landscape of last year, treasurers and CFOs have been dealing with risky scenarios for a while. But is the future as dark as some say? Our latest episode of CurrencyCast featured the treasury trends for 2023. In this article, we will take a deep dive into those trends and give you some tips on how to tackle the challenges in this volatile landscape.

Treasury trends for 2023

Consultants and pundits are busy laying out scary scenarios for 2023. However, the future is uncertain so let’s not waste time in futurology trying to predict what’s coming.

Instead, we can focus on understanding the treasury trends of 2023. In this article, we’ll analyse those trends with a focus on currency management and give you actionable tips on how to handle any hurdles ahead.

CFOs and corporate treasurers need to be well prepared for the upcoming challenges and opportunities as they manage currencies. The top five priorities in the corporate treasury space for 2023 are:

  1. FX volatility
  2. Shifting interest rate differentials
  3. Liquidity management
  4. Cash flow visibility
  5. Automation

FX volatility

In the past year, the financial markets have seen high levels of FX volatility and an unstable economy that seems to point towards a recession. Trends of high inflation, banks’ rising interest rates, political instability, and more will remain in the new year.

Hence why, it is fair to say that currency managers need to be well-prepared to face interrelated risks affecting FX rates. Companies dealing with foreign currencies will have difficulties accurately forecasting cash flows.

However, there is no reason to panic yet. There are a few strategies that corporate finance professionals can implement to tackle FX volatility; we will explain them later.

Shifting interest rate differentials

Shifting interest rate differentials are a likely scenario in 2023 as central banks act to tame inflation, each at its own pace. The good news is that companies can optimise such interest rate differentials across the entire FX workflow. Here are a couple of examples:

– With favourable forward points, pricing with the forward rate improves the firm’s competitive position without hurting budgeted profit margins.

– With unfavourable forward points, pricing with the forward rate helps managers avoid losses on carry and the temptation of excessive pricing markups.

– Finally, the cost of hedging can be lowered by delaying hedging execution with the help of automated conditional FX orders.


Liquidity management

In addition, the current emphasis on strong liquidity management will persist well into 2023. Liquidity management allows the treasury team to have a wider view of the company’s resources and be financially agile.

This will give any treasury professional the required accurate insights on the cash projections. And ultimately, help the business be prepared for potential liquidity risks that may arise.

Cash flow visibility

Avoiding less-than-stellar cash flow visibility will be top of mind for treasurers in 2023. As economic cycles could be disrupted again, companies need to be able to get ahead of the curve and reduce deviations in their cash flow projections.

However, we believe that the importance of having accurate cash flow forecasts is somewhat overstated, at least when it comes to currency risk management.

To understand why this is so, the treasury team should consider how the different cash flow hedging programs deal with this concern:

– In firms with dynamic prices, forecasting accuracy is not much of a concern because firm sales/purchase orders have a very high occurrence probability.

– In firms with steady prices across several campaign/budget periods, layered hedging programs build the hedge rate in advance instead of protecting an FX rate.

– In firms with steady prices for a single campaign/budget period, conditional orders to protect the budget rate provide managers with time to update their forecasts.

For better cash flow visibility in the new year, companies will need to consider their ability to implement hedging programs that best suit their needs.


In 2023, the role of the corporate treasurer will require professionals to improve their technological skills. The traditional treasury function is shifting towards an automated digital infrastructure that enables increased efficiency and faster processes.

To manage currency risk in the new year, treasurers will need to move away from siloed systems and wasting time on manual tasks. Instead, they need to look for a solution that is able to automate the entire FX workflow.

Tools that are able to connect, via APIs, to their treasury management system and other data sources, for updated reports that give accurate insights into their FX exposure.

Facing the challenges

Now you know the treasury trends that will be dominating 2023 for corporate treasurers. But we also want to give you some tips on how currency managers should act in the face of such challenges.

As we like to emphasise at Kantox, currency management is much more than currency risk management. And currency risk management, in turn, is more than just the act of executing a hedge. Let us see this in more detail.

Consider the case of automated conditional orders to protect a budget rate. To the extent that the underlying levels are not hit, no trades are executed. Yet, you are still actively managing your firm’s exposure to currency risk.

Delaying hedges may lead to netting opportunities that ultimately result in less, not more, hedging transactions. The results are:

  • Less trading costs
  • Savings on the carry in the event of unfavourable forward points
  • Less cash immediately set aside for collateral requirements

The right approach for 2023

Pundits predicting a catastrophic 2023 may turn out to be right. Then again, they might not. In any case, the priority for currency managers is to take a holistic view of currency management that allows them to:

  • Embrace the entire FX workflow
  • Avoid silos and have commercial and finance teams work hand in hand
  • Take advantage of the profit margin-enhancing opportunities offered by currencies

As you have seen, corporate treasurers will need to be well-prepared for all the interrelated risks of the turbulent economic landscape. With the help of the right automation tools, the treasury function can have a strong currency management strategy that helps them storm the weather outside.

Kantox is the currency management automation solution that covers the entire FX workflow so you can improve your profit margins and leverage foreign currencies.

Book a free strategy session with our currency management specialists to learn more.

Live Expert-Led Session | Your Currency Management Toolkit for 2023

17-01-2023 | treasuryXL | LinkedIn | Join Kantox and treasuryXL in this expert-led conversation on the future of currency management as we uncover the key treasury priorities and opportunities for the new year.