Entries by treasuryXL

Is this the solution to solving the derivatives mis-selling issue?

12-05-2016 | by Victor Macrae | Recently the Dutch Ministry of Finance appointed three independent experts to solve the long-lasting issue of derivatives mis-selling in the Netherlands. This is important for both firms and banks as the dispute puts severe pressure on their relationship. Moreover, judges are reaching more and more verdicts in favour of SME’s. […]

Basisprincipes van interne beheersing op het gebied van Treasury – deel II

11-05-2016 | by Jan Doosje |   Hoe vaak komt het nog voor dat een externe adviseur of een nieuw aangetreden functionaris moet constateren dat de financiële functie op het deelgebied Treasury qua opzet bij een bepaalde organisatie niet goed ingericht is ? Naar mijn idee te vaak, vooral waar het bedrijven en organisaties uit […]

Option Tales: ATM or OTM?

10-05-2016 | By Rob Soentken |   When uncertainty is substantial and the decision was made to hedge with options, should the strike be put ‘At The Money’ (ATM) or ‘Out of The Money’ (OTM)? Diagram 1 shows the dilemma.     An ATM call option on USD with strike at 1.1400 costs about 2% […]

Basisprincipes van interne beheersing op het gebied van Treasury – deel I

| 06-05-2016 | by Jan Doosje | Hoe vaak komt het nog voor dat een externe adviseur of een nieuw aangetreden functionaris moet constateren dat de financiële functie op het deelgebied Treasury qua opzet bij een bepaalde organisatie niet goed ingericht is ? Naar mijn idee te vaak, vooral waar het bedrijven en organisaties uit het midden- […]

If you are not a Treasurer with the ambition of a Dentist

05-05-2016 | by Pieter de Kiewit | In a previous blog I wrote about a career in treasury possibly being a dead end street. My former boss Cees taught me about the concept of the ambition of a dentist: when you graduate in dentistry, you most likely will do the same at the start of your career […]

Profit versus cash

03-05-2016 | by Ad van der Plas | It all started in the 90 ‘s of the last century when the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requested the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) to provide guidelines for the presented net profit in financial statements. The idea was to help private investors make better comparisons between the […]

Improving your working capital by using L/C’s

26-04-2016 | by Jan Meulendijks | Afraid of Letters of Credit because they are a fuss?? Don’t be!! Next to being a term of payment which gives you a lot of payment certainty, they can also be used as a source of financing your company. Of course you need to be careful in preparing the […]

Options are for wimps

26-04-2016 | by Rob Soentken | Does it make sense to use options for hedging? The following little story is about a senior person who I respect a lot, and who didn’t like using options. One day he asked me to execute some call options for his investment book. He never used options, so I […]

Rousseff impeachment: short-term strength for BRL

22-04-2016 | by Simon Knappstein | Will the ousting of President Rousseff help the Brazilian Real to strengthen or not? From a high of 4,15 at the end of January USD/BRL has fallen steadily to 3,55 level today. This strengthening came on the back of a broadly weaker USD, a rebounding oil price, renewed inflow into […]