What was your main reason to start a career in treasury?

I stumbled across the treasury discipline by accident while studying and found it to be an interesting area of finance to start my career after graduation.

Why did you pursue the RT program?

I wanted to advance my career in treasury and move to a more strategic level. With a few years of experience in cash and risk management, I aimed to take the next step. The RT program in the Netherlands is unmatched in providing the education needed to engage with senior management and collaborate with peers from disciplines like tax and controlling.

What are keywords that you would use to describe the program?

  • Solid and diverse
  • Experienced teachers with varied backgrounds
  • Weekly in-person class meetings
  • In-depth treasury education
  • Broad treasury perspective

Which subjects were most interesting to you?

I really enjoyed the corporate finance topics and especially enjoyed subjects that were new to me and outside my usual work experience.

Can you describe what your research and thesis was about?

My thesis delved into the forward premium pricing in non-deliverable forwards (NDFs), focusing on USD/IDR. I explored how factors beyond interest rate differentials influence pricing, which was a real-world challenge I faced at my job. I demonstrated the impact on pricing and the implications for corporate treasurers managing such exposures.

How did the RT program benefit your career?

The RT program equipped me to work strategically and provided the broad knowledge needed for a group treasurer role. It expanded my network, connecting me with peers in similar roles, which has been invaluable.

Were there any unexpected aspects of the program?

Not really. The information sessions gave a thorough insight into the program, and knowing several graduates beforehand helped set my expectations.

Do you keep in touch with your classmates?

Yes definitely. With over 20 participants in our class, there was always someone with deep experience in any given topic. These connections continue to be incredibly helpful.

Did you consider other treasury education programs?

I briefly considered the ACT program but chose the RT program for its weekly personal interactions and engaging format.

Can you give an example of how you applied your learnings directly to your work?

One thing that helped me is to be more aware and anticipate the multidimensional impact that a case or situation can have if viewed from different perspectives. As an example, a certain transaction or structure can have an impact on reporting, taxes, treasury and the balance sheet. Being able to consider and anticipate the total impact of such a transaction or structure as a treasurer is really key in creating and maintaining the support and cooperation of the rest of the organization that you are operating in.

Overall, I believe that the RT program has been part of preparing me for my current role and I think what I liked most of all is that the RT program broadens your perspective and at least for me has sparked a new interest to further develop as a finance professional!

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