Let’s talk with another RT graduate this week: Richard Blokland started the Executive Treasury Management & Corporate Finance program in 2007 to become a certified Treasurer. He graduated in 2009.

Richard’s broad professional treasury experience touches several industries like Oil & Gas, Airlines, Real Estate and the Public Sector. His experience brought him to his latest function as a successful Corporate Treasurer at NewCold.


What was your main reason to start a career in treasury?

I  actually stumbled into Treasury with my first job. But what really hooked me was the chance to combine my interests in business economics and mathematics. Plus, the variety in Treasury keeps things exciting – every day brings new challenges.

Why did you pursue the RT program?

I knew the RT program was the gold standard for Treasury education. It would give me the most comprehensive and respected qualification in the field.

What are keywords that you would use to describe the program?

Three keywords/phrases: diverse, meeting the requirements for being a Treasurer, and fun. The program covered a wide range of topics, but it also ensured I met all the competencies needed to be a successful Treasurer. And let’s not forget – I had a lot of fun learning alongside my peers.

Which subjects were most interesting to you?

I particularly enjoyed diving deep into international cash management, business analysis, derivatives, and the intricacies of tax.

Can you describe what your research and thesis was about?

My research focused on developing a framework for effectively handling US cross-border leases within a company. The goal was to ensure these leases were properly integrated and managed.

How did the RT program benefit your career?

The RT program has been instrumental in my success. It signifies that I’m a highly trained Treasury professional, on par with respected credentials like the RA or RC.

Were there any unexpected aspects of the program?

I was surprised by the program’s focus on areas that may not be core Treasury functions, but are still valuable for any Treasury professional to understand. The international perspective brought in by the instructors was also a real eye-opener.

Do you keep in touch with your classmates?

I’ve definitely stayed connected with some of the great people I met in the program.

Did you consider other treasury education programs?

No, the RT program was the clear choice for me. It provided everything I needed to excel in my Treasury career.

Can you give an example of how you applied your learnings directly to your work?

The knowledge I gained about transfer pricing in the tax section has been particularly valuable in my work.

Can’t get enough? Read the other RT interviews