The Working Capital Forum

The Working Capital Forum is a networking group for those in corporate treasury, payments and procurement with a shared interest in optimising working capital through supply chain finance and other tools.

Our regular meetings, both online and in our legendary round-table lunches, are expertly moderated and held under the Chatham House Rule to encourage open discussion. Invited guests share their experiences of optimising working capital in their own organisations and learn from others around the table.

Since 2013 we have met in cities as far apart as London, Singapore, New York and Stockholm and discussed issues as diverse as inventory finance, cash flow forecasting, notional pooling, dynamic discounting and supply chain disruption.

Working Capital Forum publishes regular reports, features and news stories on its website for a global subscriber base of more than 8,000.

It also holds an annual conference, Working Capital Forum Europe (The 2023 edition takes place in Amsterdam on 28th November), and runs the Working Capital & SCF Awards, which recognise those corporations who have been most successful in implementing working capital and supply chain finance programmes.

​To get an idea of how our events work, watch a short video summary below of a Working Capital Forum round table.

For enquiries about membership, sponsorship or attending events, contact us at [email protected]

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Tickets for the Working Capital Awards dinner on the 27th of November evening are now available. To book tables, please contact Diana Henderson. For more information visit:

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