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Crypto Transactions & Corporate Treasury
28-02-2022 | treasuryXL | ComplexCountries | LinkedIn | CompleXCountries has yet to meet a corporate treasurer who wants to transact in crypto currency, but we are speaking to many who are responding to commercial or regulatory initiatives and having to establish processes and procedures for doing so. This panel discussion between Damian Glendinnig, John Laurens, […]
WEBINAR ALERT | Connectivity – The Key to the Future and Digital Transformation
24-02-2022 | treasuryXL | TIS | LinkedIn | Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2022 Time: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM CET Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM ET Taking a look at a dictionary, connectivity in computing is described as “the ability of systems, platforms and applications to be connected to each other”. But what does […]
Effective Finance & Treasury in Africa event run by EuroFinance | London
23-02-2022 | Eurofinance | treasuryXL | If your company operates in Africa or is thinking about it, then join us at Effective Finance & Treasury in Africa on March 23rd in London. Now in its 9th year, this intimate event brings together more than 150 senior corporate treasury professionals from leading multinationals – all involved in markets […]
The Evolution of Legal Documents, The Next Step
22-02-2022 | Wim Kok | treasuryXL | LinkedIn | A fantastic end-to-end digital journey has begun to create a paperless supply chain ecosystem for the benefit of all parties concerned in the documentary (paper heavy) Supply Chain settlements of today. EVOLUTION OF LEGAL DOCUMENTS, THE NEXT STEP For this Enigo AB ( started at the […]
Blockchain, crypto mining and the environment: towards sustainable solutions
21-02-2022 | Carlo de Meijer | treasuryXL | LinkedIn | Blockchain has always been presented as providing speed, efficiency and low costs. But there is also a flipside. Since the crypto industry is booming, including DeFi and NFT, and blockchain technology is going more mainstream the discussion of their negative impact on the environment is […]
Instant Payments: the SEPA Instant Payments rulebook is published, what’s next?
| 20-2-2017 | Boudewijn Schenkels | Sponsored content | At the end of last year the SEPA Instant Payments requirements from the European Payments Council have been published. Consequently the Dutch requirements 3.0 from the Dutch Payments Association were published last month. SEPA Instants Payments (also called SCT Inst – SEPA Credit Transfer Instant) will […]
GTreasury Innovation Lab Launches with Goal of Accelerating the Development and Deployment of New Treasury Technologies
17-02-2022 | treasuryXL | Gtreasury | LinkedIn | The new business unit is a streamlined proving ground for the transformative solutions that empower modern treasurers CHICAGO, Ill. – February 17, 2022 – GTreasury, a treasury and risk management platform provider, today announced the launch of the GTreasury Innovation Lab. Expanding and formalizing the culture of technology […]
New bill for crypto-transfers hits crypto platforms (Dutch Item)
17-02-2022 | treasuryXL | Enigma Consulting | LinkedIn | Als onderdeel van haar integrale aanpak tegen witwassen en terrorismefinanciering kondigde de Europese Commissie in december vorig jaar aan dat zij haar meest recente wetgevingsvoorstel – inzake cryptodienstverlening – ter goedkeuring zou gaan voorleggen aan het Europese parlement. Erik van der Leer van Enigma Consulting beschrijft […]
7 Cash Management Trends for 2022
16-02-2022 | treasuryXL | Nomentia | LinkedIn | While the show must go on and treasury and finance teams had a busy life at the start of the year, it’s time to take a look at the ever rapidly changing cash management trends of 2022. While PWC has predicted that the top priorities for CFOs in 2022 […]
The four expectations of Currency Management Automation
14-02-2022 | treasuryXL | Kantox | LinkedIn | With FX volatility intensifying and exposing companies to even greater currency risk, treasurers & CFOs are faced with many challenges as they look to step up their FX risk management strategy. The key to this is currency management automation, but what are the critical problems an automated solution needs […]