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Generational diversity is transforming treasury teams, blending fresh perspectives with time-tested strategies. But with this diversity come gaps in communication, expectations, and work styles that can be both a challenge and an opportunity.
How do different generations tackle the treasury business? What drives these differences, and how can we bridge them to create stronger, more cohesive teams? Join us for an exciting live session on Generational Diversity in Treasury!
Ripple is making blockchain waves
| 23-03-2018 | Carlo de Meijer | Almost a year ago I wrote my blog “Blockchain and the Ripple effect: did it Ripple?”. Now twelve months later we may conclude it did. And even more than that. Ripple is making many waves. A lot happened both in broadening their offerings and in enlarging their network. […]
Unilever’s decision – the Ides of March?
| 22-03-2018 | treasuryXL | On 15th March 2018, Unilever announced its decision to domicile its headquarters exclusively in the Netherlands. This will lead to Unilever having a single legal base for the first time. Traditionally, Unilever had 2 holding companies – Unilever NV, registered and domiciled in Rotterdam the Netherlands, and Unilever PLC, registered […]
Basisbeginselen Beursgang – Treasury for Non-Treasurers
| 21-03-2018 | Pieter de Kiewit | Met het huidige nieuws rond beursgangen (IPOs = initial public offering) heb ik gezocht op het steekwoord beursgang op treasuryXL en vond geen resultaten. Wellicht omdat de treasury beroepsgroep communiceert in het Engels. Voor Non-Treasurers ga ik bij deze kort in op de basisbeginselen van een beursgang en […]
Grensoverschrijdend betalingsverkeer is (eindelijk!) aan het verbeteren
| 20-03-2018 | Bas Kolenburg | In mijn vroegere rol als Corporate Treasurer waren grensoverschrijdende betalingen, zowel binnenkomend van een klant of uitgaand naar een leverancier, een regelmatige bron van ergernis: Het is een langzaam en weinig voorspelbaar proces dat meerdere dagen in beslag kan nemen en over vele schijven verloopt met correspondentbanken etc. ; […]
How To Optimize Your Cash Management – upcoming event
| 19-03-2018 | treasuryXL | TIS Treasury Intelligence Solutions | Treasury Intelligence Solutions GmbH (TIS)- a partner of treasuryXL, are organising a very engaging event that is being held in Amsterdam on Tuesday 27th March 2018, for corporate treasury. We have been kindly invited to attend and shall report back to you later, with our thoughts […]
Smart contracts – oxymoron or the future for business?
| 16-03-2018 | treasuryXL | On Tuesday 13th March 2018, RTL Z – a television channel – broadcast a “Cryptoshow” to explain how the Blockchain works and what it could mean for the future. They attempted to make the technology and information as simple as possible to show what uses the Blockchain could have in […]
Term sheets – glossary of terms
| 15-03-2018 | treasuryXL | Whenever entering into transactions with banks, both parties need to know and understand what they are trading. A relatively simple transaction like a FX spot has few terms – you buy one currency against selling another currency at an agreed rate and an agreed settlement date. The only other major […]
Hoe banken hun ondernemersrisico uitbesteden.
| 14-03-2018 | Frank Wijn | Als oud-bankier ben ik vanaf 2008 bezig om mooie ondernemingen bij te staan in hun contacten met de bank, hen uit te leggen wat bankafspraken daadwerkelijk inhouden, bezig om ondernemers te behoeden voor “foute afspraken” en hun bankafspraken (waaronder financieringen) te optimaliseren. Mijn werkwijze is simpel […]
IPOs – how to bring your company to the market
| 13-03-2018 | Lionel Pavey | In the last week, 3 Dutch companies have announced that they will be floating on the stock exchange via Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). Alfen – an energy storage company; B & S – a cosmetics wholesaler; and NIBC – fifth largest Dutch bank in terms of assets. In America, […]
MiFID II regulering van de georganiseerde handel
| 12-03-2018 | Michiel van den Broek | De Europese MiFID regels hebben als hoofddoelstellingen om de Europese financiële markten efficiënter en transparanter te maken en om de bescherming van beleggers te vergroten. De MiFID II regels trachten zoveel mogelijk handelsvormen te reguleren. Deze regulering heeft betrekking op de dienstverlening en beleggingsactiviteiten van beleggingsondernemingen […]