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Are you a treasurer? Here are 5 tips for a successful career
| 06-12-2018 | TIS | treasuryXL | Treasurers – the guardians of money – play an important role in all companies. They work to regulate the flow of money by taking a more modern and contemporary approach than ever before. Here we say: Goodbye cash in the closet and hello digital possibilities of the 21st century! At […]
| 04-12-2018 | Cobase | treasuryXL Companies that hold accounts with different banks face many inefficiencies. They have to use different bank portals to interact with their banks and other financial service providers and often multiple ERP connections have to be maintained. The more banks and accounts a company has, the more complex it gets. […]
| 03-12-2018 | ENIGMA Consulting | Much has been written over the years about the role of treasury. The modern treasurer is strategic, collaborates with the businesses it serves, and is using automation, offshoring and treasury centers of excellence to consolidate and standardize tactical areas. And more and more, seems that the success of the […]
Cash flow prognoses zijn van vitaal belang in corporate treasury
| 29-11-2018 | Cashforce | treasuryXL | De lancering, eerder deze week, van het nieuwe liquiditeitsbeheerportaal van HSBC, moet begin volgend jaar worden gevolgd door een nieuw Cash Flow Forecasting-platform, dat laat zien hoe liquiditeitsbeheer en kasstroomvoorspellingen met elkaar verweven zijn. Er is een groeiend aanbod van leveranciers die zich op dit gebied concentreren, waaronder onze […]
Reminder: Masterclass Cash Management
| 27-11-2018 | treasuryXL Op 6 december 2018 organiseert Alex van Groningen een masterclass Cash Management. Hoe spoort u verborgen cash op en hoe speelt u het vrij? Richt een effectief cash management systeem in en optimaliseer het bedrijfsresultaat, het werkkapitaal en de liquiditeitspositie. Hoe spoort u verborgen cash op en hoe speelt u het vrij? Cash management […]
Corporate Trade Finance Products: What is Factoring and Forfaiting
| 26 -11-2018 | by Nijay Gupta | treasuryXL | In view of Credit & Geo-political Risk worldwide, the Corporates & Financers (mainly Bankers & Financial Institutions) are offering plenty of products to Sellers & buyers to enable them to do Trade. The most sought after product now a days is Factoring & Forfaiting for […]
Treasurer Test, you can be one of the last peer group members!
| 22-11-2018 | by Pieter de Kiewit | “Under 20% of the treasury population completed a formal treasury education. And over 50% of decision makers in the recruitment of treasurers does not know about the discipline.” We are one of the launching partners of the Treasurer Test that can bring an objective measurement that can tackle […]
Why education is (not) a great investment in your Treasury Career
| 20-11-2018 | by Kim Vercoulen | Postgraduate education is a topic that returns in many of our conversations with candidates. They wonder if it would be beneficial for them to invest in postgraduate education and if so, which ones are most likely to help them further in their career. In our perception the Register Treasurer program […]
Ontbijtsessie Liquiditeitsplanning op 27 november 2018
| 19-11-2018 | The Perfect Fit | treasuryXL | Veel organisaties worstelen met het opstellen van een liquiditeitsplanning. Vaak wordt deze gezien als een verplichte exercitie waarbij de uitkomst op de stapel verdwijnt. Waarom investeren veel bedrijven zoveel tijd in omzetverwachtingen en kostenbudgetten en niet in het plannen of die inkomsten daadwerkelijk binnenkomen en of […]
Ripple Report says Blockchain is reaching critical mass in global payments
| 15-11-2018 | Carlo de Meijer | treasuryXL Recently Ripple launched its “Blockchain in Payments Report 2018”. Main finding of this Report was that global payments based on this technology is reaching critical mass this year. And on top of that organisations are already ‘looking to incorporate digital assets into payments flows’. I was wondering where […]