Rasyid Kwee is Proposition Sales Specialist for Enterprise Solutions for the Nordics & Benelux at LSEG.
His primary focus currently resides within the Pricing and Reference Services segment to help clients find best-fit enterprise solutions to meet their end goals. Rasyid has vast experience and knowledge across all business functions (front to back) within the financial and non-financial client ecosystem.
He has worked for Reuters/Thomson Reuters/ LSEG for 15+ years in multiple and roles and locations globally, and currently residing in the Netherlands for the last 7 years. Providing a consultative approach to challenging clients, he has helped clients meet their KPIs through his extensive knowledge and experience of key market themes.
Seizing Opportunities with Real-Time Market Data for Treasury
03-04-2024 | Making savings and increasing efficiency with Real-Time Market Data for Treasury
Information, integration and innovation: Cloud and Data Management Forum – Amsterdam
28-02-2024 | How is the cloud changing our industry, data governance, and the way we access data?
Normalisation of markets, transformation of workflows – LSEG outlook for 2024
24-01-2024 | Dean believes that 2024 could bring a normalisation of market
LSEG Real-Time – Optimized | Cloud-based market data
30-11-2023 | Working with market data in the cloud enables financial firms across the globe to reduce costs, increase agility and shift expenditures from CapEx to OpEx.
Corporate Treasury Data Insights Refinitiv
09-11-2023 | What can speculative dollar positions tell us about currency direction?
Revolutionising FX Price Transparency with Tick History – PCAP
28-09-2023 | Price discovery can be challenging due to the large number of trading venues, private trading and overall lack of transparency in the foreign exchange market