Niki is a long time treasury professional filled with fresh ideas and a allround developed tool set. In the past 20 years he built experience in all pillars of Treasury (cash management, corporate finance, (FX) risk management) maintaining focus on what matters most to individual stakeholders.
Niki is strong on financial engineering from SME to large corporates at manager and director level. He always kept focus on currency matters from markets, cash flow, accounting all the way to an integral business perspective. He is not afraid to get his hands dirty and always maintaining a long term focus, in other words ‘eye for detail’ while looking at the big picture.
Niki doesn’t tell you what you want to hear but what you need to hear.
- (Long term) FX Risk management
- Bank Relation Management
- FX scans, quick identification and solving issues
- Hedging Strategy and Policy
- Automation of Exposure Identification
- Structuring of (complex) international flows
- Crisis Management (just to name a few, ARS, RUB, CHF, VEF)
- Holistic Treasury Management ie Cash Management, Capital Markets and Risk in one view
- Hedge Accounting (IFRS 9/IAS39)
- Derivatives, vanilla to structured
- Bank guarantees
- Treasury Governance, modelling and reporting
Only one week left! Live Panel Discussion: Treasury Trends for 2023
10-11-2022 | treasuryXL | Nomentia | LinkedIn | A friendly reminder that next week at 11 AM CET (November 17th), we’ll be collaborating with Nomentia. Participate in our live panel discussion regarding 2023’s predicted treasury trends. We invited industry experts to join us and have an open debate about the issues that treasurers would need to think about in 2023. […]
Live Panel Discussion: Treasury Trends for 2023
25-10-2022 | treasuryXL | Nomentia | LinkedIn | Join us on our live panel discussion about treasury trends for 2023. Together with Nomentia we invited industry experts who will have an open discussion on the things you need to consider as a treasurer in the year 2023. There’s the possibility to ask questions as well. Some of […]
What should treasurers do first to control against increases in interest rates?
25-07-2022 | treasuryXL | LinkedIn | Welcome to the second edition of this newsletter where we discuss the latest treasuryXL poll on current issues in corporate treasury. We will take you through what treasurers think about a current topic by their votes, and a couple of treasury experts will explain their views on the subject. In this edition, […]
The global FX market, do you want to be a part of it?
02-09-2020 | Niki van Zanten The straightforward answer is ‘No’. Unfortunately, saying ‘No’ does not imply that you don’t play a part in the global casino named: The FX market. It could be a sane procurement, sales or investment decision that brings you a seat at the table. Unless you are a in this market […]
Financing and FX; The fundamental concepts
10-08-2020| Niki van Zanten Each field of expertise has some fundamental concepts that the decision makers tie to as general rules of thumb. For example, a purist chef might stick to a maximum of 5 ingredients on each plate, a winemaker might say only grapes and nothing else, and another winemaker might say any trick […]
Accounting for FX; the Do’s and Don’ts
08-07-2020 | Niki van Zanten Let’s start by mentioning a phrase that I hear regularly and, to be honest, also use myself: ‘I am not an accountant, but…..’. The urge to mention this phrase (usually targeted to an accountant while having an ‘I know it better’ attitude), can perhaps be traced back to the following […]