Carlo R.W. de Meijer is an independent Economist and Senior Researcher.
Till 1 October 2015 he worked at the Market Engagement Department of Services Payments at the Royal Bank of Scotland.
He received a Master’s degree (cum laude) in International Economics at the University of Tilburg in 1977.
During his career at ABN, ABN AMRO and Royal Bank of Scotland, Carlo has held a large number of posts in the banking sector of international finance, both as a senior economist and as a private investment advisor.
He has been a member of various national and European committees and working groups preparing the launch of the euro.
His main areas of focus are nowadays the payments, securities/derivatives, trade finance, supply chain finance, standards and cash management environment and its developments.
Carlo has published many articles on various international and financial topics.
He has been one of the editors, next to Steve Everett and Willem van Alphen, of the International Cash Management Handbook 2013.
Blockchain and the Ripple effect: did it ripple?
|24-4-2017 | Carlo de Meijer | treasuryXL Our expert Carlo de Meijer has published an interesting article about a blockchain initiative that we want to share with you. We have slightly shortened the original article about Ripple. Who is Ripple? Have you ever thrown a stone in still water of a river or a lake. […]
Blockchain: Securities market infrastructure players in the contra-attack
| 7-4-2017 | Carlo de Meijer | Blockchain technology has long been viewed as a threat to CSDs (Central Securities Depositories) and their role as intermediaries for securities transactions. Blockchain and distributed ledger technology may make the role of many intermediaries in the post trade market infrastructure obsolete. In one of my blogs (Blockchain […]
Blockchain regulation in the securities industry: Still many unanswered questions!
| 24-3-2017 | Carlo de Meijer | One of the obstacles for massive adoption of blockchain technology is the lack of clarity from regulators. Regulators world-wide have long time taken a wait-and-see attitude towards blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) (see my Blog “Blockchain and Regulation: do no stiffle …. April 4, 2016). But that […]
Blockchain and derivatives: Re-imagining the industry
| 10-3-2017 | Carlo de Meijer | Since the first meetings organised by the Technology Advisory Committee of the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) on January 26 and February 23, 2016, on “Blockchain and the Potential Application of Distributed Ledger Technology to the Derivatives Market”, we have seen a lot of activity in this area. […]
Blockchain: Accelerated activity in trade finance
| 24-2-2017 | Carlo de Meijer | Last year August I wrote a LinkedIn blog on blockchain and trade finance. There I described the various pilots and plans for using this technology in the trade space. In that month, the bank-backed R3CEV blockchain consortium revealed that 15 of its member banks had participated in a trial involving […]
Blockchain and Central banks: a Tour de Table (Part II)
| 2-2-2017 | Carlo de Meijer | treasuryXL | We found this article of our expert Carlo de Meijer and wanted to share it with you. This is the second part of this article, after Part I, and a slightly shorter version than the original. A year ago central banks were looking at the blockchain […]