TIS Webinar: SEPA in Sweden – The key to a smooth transition

| 27-10-2016 | TIS | Sponsored content |

TIS (Treasury Intelligence Solutions GMBH)Dear community members, we would like to bring this TIS webinar under your attention. On November 3th between 04:00 and 04:30 PM TIS will host : SEPA in Sweden – The key to a smooth transition. We think it will be an interesting session and hope to hear your reactions afterwards!

Are you set for SEPA? On October 31st, Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) aims to make the payment of goods and services in Europe easier while allowing you centralized payments and liquidity management.

However, what steps do you need to take to ensure your organization is prepared for this shift? Which elements can you already prepare for, and where should you reach out for assistance? And, have you ensured that your ERP systems are compatible for ISO 20022?

Stop wondering, start smooth sailing towards SEPA.
Join TIS for a live webinar to check off your list of to-do’s and also answer any questions you might have.

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