Volatility Is Now Business-as-Usual for Corporate Treasury – Here’s How to Thrive
By GTreasury
In a timely piece at Finance Monthly, GTreasury CEO Renaat Ver Eecke highlights the importance of corporate treasury teams adapting to the new normal of increased volatility in the business landscape.

Renaat emphasizes that volatility is not a temporary state but rather the new norm, requiring urgent adaptation to prevent unpreparedness for future adverse events.
He suggests three strategies for treasury teams to thrive in this environment: refocusing on treasury fundamentals to optimize cash positions and forecasting, going beyond basic systems and embracing comprehensive solutions to capture opportunities and mitigate risks, and investing in automation and digitalization to enhance efficiency and provide real-time data.
The article also stresses the need for treasury teams to align with the CFO and the broader C-suite to meet strategic goals in ever-changing conditions. By embracing these strategies, treasury teams can not only survive but also thrive and contribute to the success of their organizations.
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