Dutch FinTech Awards (21 April): discount via treasuryXL

| 12-4-2017 | treasuryXL |

On 21 April the Dutch FinTech Awards will take place in Utrecht. A day with many international keynote speakers, provoking master classes and pitches by the Dutch FinTech 50. Make sure you register today and join this unique opportunity to meet 300 International FinTech stakeholders. Via treasuryXL you can get a discount on the regular ticket. Read the article for more information about the event and to discover the discount code.

​Dutch FinTech Awards & Conference

You are more than welcome to join the Dutch FinTech Awards and Conference of 2017 where innovative and disruptive FinTech companies are awarded. Meet 400 hand picked entrepreneurs, bankers, investors and advisors, demonstrate thought leadership, extend your network and develop business. Join the festive award ceremony on 21 April 2017.

What is happening?

Tens of thousands of finance jobs are vanishing. Google, Apple, Facebook and countless FinTech startups are disrupting the financial sector. Innovative companies are eager to please millions of frustrated banking customers. Investors are fascinated by the phenomenal profits made by banks struggling with outdated technology.

Get your ticket with discount

We have the opportunity to give you a 150 EUR discount on a regular ticket.

[actionbox color=”primary” title=”Our discount code: treasuryXL” description=”Use the code: treasuryXL to get the discount on your ticket” btn_label=”Get your ticket now” btn_link=”http://tiny.cc/FinTech21April” btn_color=”default” btn_size=”” btn_icon=”” btn_external=”1″]


We hope to meet you at the Dutch Fintech Awards 2017 at the Rabobank HQ in Utrecht on 21 April.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Annette Gillhart – Community Manager treasuryXL

[icon icon=”envelope” color=”” size=”tiny” with_circle=”0″ link=””] info@treasuryxl.com
[icon icon=”phone” color=”” size=”tiny” with_circle=”0″ link=””] 06-21303744

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