The world’s largest treasury event is returning to Vienna in September | 10% discount via treasuryXL

09-05-2022 | Eurofinance | treasuryXL |


EuroFinance International Treasury Management, the world’s largest and most influential treasury event, will take place in Vienna from September 21st-23rd 2022. Returning in-person after 3 years with more than 2000 attendees including 150 world-class speakers, the event offers unparalleled networking and insights from the world’s most senior corporate treasurers. treasuryXL is proud media partner of the 31st edition of the EuroFinance event.

Why attend?

  • Be inspired by headline speakers as they interrogate a changed world including Guy Verhofstadt, member of the European Parliament and Göran Carstedt, former corporate executive of Volvo and IKEA
  • Get practical solutions to treasury challenges with new case studies and immersive discovery labs
  • Hear from the disruptors at the new The Future of Money Stage
  • Delve into the latest innovations and new technology driving change, and how to apply them to your treasury
  • Meet with more than 100 banking and tech partners and join forces to innovate and shape the future


For the full agenda and to register, please click here

TreasuryXL contacts can claim a 10% discount with code: MKTG/TXL10


Opleiding Wegwijs in het Betalingsverkeer (Dutch)

29-04-2022 | treasuryXL | Enigma Consulting | LinkedIn |


Op 17 mei begint de 3-daagse Euroforum training Wegwijs in het Betalingsverkeer. Enigma Consulting (docenten Roderick KroonThim Donkervoort) verzorgt deze training samen met gastdocenten Emanuel van PraagGaston AussemsDaan van KlinkenMax Geerling PhD en Frans C. van Beers.

Word wegwijs in de betalingswereld!

Het betalingsverkeer is continu in beweging. Nieuwe wet- en regelgeving, nieuwe technologieën en nieuwe spelers hebben impact op het betalingsverkeer en je rol als gesprekspartner over betalingsverkeer. Door deze constante veranderingen is het cruciaal om de ontwikkelingen te volgen en in het juiste perspectief te zetten. Deze opleiding bied je praktische handvatten zodat je begrijpt wat er gebeurt en beter in staat bent in te spelen op nieuwe ontwikkelingen

Download de brochure

De opleiding geeft je volledig inzicht in:

  • Het huidige betaallandschap met de verschillende betaalinstrumenten en achterliggende modellen
  • De nieuwe en huidige spelers, zoals Fintech en Bigtech organisaties, en de impact die zij hebben op de betaalketen
  • Wet- en regelgeving, waaronder: Betaalvergunningen, Payment Service Directive 2 (PSD2), E-Money Directive en General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Technologische innovaties, zoals tokenisatie, de impact van data en artificial Intelligence
  • Instant Payments als het nieuwe normaal en de aanzienlijke impact op alle spelers in de waardeketen van betalingen

Bekijk het programma

Nieuwe begrippen worden op praktische wijze behandeld zodat je deze direct in de praktijk kunt toepassen. Na deze opleiding ben je volledig op de hoogte van alle ins en outs die komen kijken bij betalingsvraagstukken. Zowel het bancaire- als het merchant perspectief wordt behandeld waardoor je de gehele betaalketen beter zult gaan begrijpen.

Tijdens de opleiding Wegwijs in het betalingsverkeer leer je:

Deze opleiding is ideaal voor personen die starten in het betalingsverkeer of voor personen die in één keer kennis willen maken met alle facetten van het betalingsverkeer.

Te denken valt aan:

  • (Assistant) Product Manager, Product owner
  • Business Development Managers
  • Account manager, Sales, Relatie manager, Ecommerce specialist
  • Corporate Financial professionals: treasurers, accountants, cash managers
  • Fintech professionals – building startups
  • (Assistant) Product Developers

Reacties van oud-deelnemers

  • Een goede opleiding om een algemeen beeld te krijgen van wat er allemaal in het betalingsverkeer komt kijken.
  • Mooie samenvatting van de wereld van betalen
  • Goed overzicht van de ontwikkelingen en de uitdagingen in het betalingsverkeer
  • Boeiend, verhelderend en inspirerend!
  • Verrassend en verfrissend waarbij alle aspecten in het actuele Betalingsverkeer aan bod komen.

Myths and basics of RFPs

25-04-2022 | treasuryXL | Treasury Delta | LinkedIn | RFPs are one of the less attractive parts of projects, although a necessary evil. Treasurers hate them because to set up this huge document and organise the necessary stakeholders it takes time and effort, while remaining highly manual. Let’s break down the myths around tenders and see […]

Effective API Strategies Go Beyond Banks & Payments

21-04-2022 | treasuryXL | Kyriba | LinkedIn |


By Brian Blihovde, Senior Director, Product Marketing


Bank Connectivity is Only the Beginning of the Transformation Journey

CFOs looking to optimize their processes and systems view APIs as a gateway to enterprise-wide liquidity and the organization’s financial capabilities and health. Finance transformation starts with bank connectivity, leading to real-time decision-making, but the opportunities do not stop there. Bank connectivity and payments help finance deliver more complete, real-time information to all parts of the business. This is the benefit from composable financial systems and design. CFOs, treasurers, and their IT counterparts must all collaborate, consider and plan how transformations continue to drive impacts beyond bank connectivity for all of finance and business units as well.

Finance and the business units to include manufacturing, warehousing, inventory, sales, and distribution all comprise enterprise-level functions contributing important strategic decision-making information. APIs should be used to drive transformation, resilience of data, efficiency, and real-time reporting. Strategic liquidity decision-making will improve once IT and finance can collaborate.

Legacy Systems Don’t Exist with New Data Unification Strategies

CEOs and CFOs are finding it harder to justify an entire re-do of their systems landscapes. CFOs should not look at their systems as “legacy” as API integration can take data and transform it into information and expanded decision-making capabilities. This API-driven unification of data from systems available and stored within various databases and systems across the organization. Legacy is an outdated concept when leading-edge, comprehensive APIs are introduced as technology enablers.

Information, today, is compiled, rationalized, and optimized with APIs regardless of the source system or application; definitions of “legacy” are not relevant any longer. CFOs and finance leaders make decisions with aggregated data transformed into business intelligence repositories from the information they have today and at reduced timelines with leading APIs.

Doing More with Less: APIs Beyond the Bank

Treasury and finance can do more when they use a vendor with integrative API capabilities beyond payments and banking alone. Integrating procurement, ERPs, GLs, and other third-party systems delivers the data unification needed for a comprehensive decision-making platform. Today, APIs go beyond banking and payments for integration across:

  • Investment Portals
  • FX Trading Platforms & Hedge Management
  • Market Data Providers
  • Supplier Services (for Working Capital Programs)
  • Security Profile and Governance Management

Taking Next Steps

To obtain better, and more accurate access to finance information, APIs link the systems used to compile and compose this data into an automated and real-time systemic process. When synchronous ERP, ancillary and core treasury systems collectively feed into the strategic cash flow forecasting process and BI dashboards, the result is a comprehensive view of mid and longer-term flows equaling less effort, more insight and better decision-making.

Enterprise views of cash and liquidity begin with bank connectivity as it provides the needed access to payments, cash and liquidity availability and should always be real-time. However, it is not the end of the story; today’s organizations require more prescriptive, forward-looking capabilities only delivered with information flows like procure to pay and order to cash cycles from the entire unified financial landscape. These holistic, API-integrative systems can generate the business information and intelligence needed to quickly make better decisions and speed the success of today’s organization.

To learn more on how new leading APIs are becoming the standard for how finance and treasury become more than information stewards, but rather catalysts and centers of excellence for better strategic decision-making for their greater organizations –

Attend the 33rd Finance Symposium | 18-20 May 2022 | Mannheim

20-04-2022 | treasuryXL | LinkedIn |


The treasury and finance community finally meets in person again. treasuryXL is proud media partner of the 33rd Finance Symposium.



For more than 30 years, the Finance Symposium has developed into the most important industry gathering for treasurers and finance managers in the German-speaking world. Every year, around 2,300 finance experts meet to discuss together, make contacts and receive new impetus. The outstanding congress program offers visitors a broad spectrum of professionally challenging topics from finance and treasury management in three days. In over 170 forums, workshops and expert panels, participants will learn about the latest developments in finance and treasury.



The speakers are high-ranking finance managers from major companies and prominent guests from politics and business. For example, in 2022 Martin Schulz, former President of the European Parliament , and Verena Pausder, entrepreneur and expert in digital education, could be won for exciting presentations and discussions. The most important banks, system providers and financial service providers in the industry will present themselves on 1,000 m2 of exhibition space.

For more information and tickets, visit:




Director, Community & Partners at treasuryXL





New challenge for payment service providers: PAY taxonomy! (Dutch Item)

18-04-2022 | treasuryXL | Enigma Consulting | LinkedIn |

Most payment service providers in the Netherlands have already received the letter from the Dutch Central Bank: a tightened reporting for the collection of payment statistics, the so-called PAY taxonomy. The introduction of this taxonomy by DNB is a consequence of the updated regulation on payment statistics of the European Central Bank. But why is this regulation updated and what does this mean for payment institutions in the Netherlands?


De ECB verzamelt betalingsverkeerstatistieken met drie hoofddoelen. Ten eerste om een overzicht te krijgen van de wereld van betaalinstrumenten en -diensten in het eurogebied in termen van aantallen, waarden en gebruikte instrumenten. Ten tweede om trends en ontwikkelingen op de Europese markt voor retail betalingen te identificeren ter ondersteuning van beleidsbeslissingen. En als derde om een ​​overzicht van frauduleuze betalingstransacties te krijgen en het gebruik en de effectiviteit van sterke klantauthenticatie te beoordelen met als doel om gebruikers te beschermen tegen fraude.

De vernieuwde taxonomie geeft de ECB handvatten bij het realiseren van het eerste en het derde doel. Ook creëert de taxonomie één Europese standaard voor alle betaalinstellingen. De nadruk ligt daarbij op het vergroten van de groep rapportageplichtige betaalinstellingen en het inzichtelijker maken van fraude-informatie.

Impactvolle veranderingen onder de nieuwe verordening

Vijf impactvolle veranderingen

  1. Onder de nieuwe verordening vervalt de volledige vrijstelling van de rapportageverplichting. Dit betekent dat een significante groep van betaalinstellingen (PSP’s) nu ook rapportageplichtig is, zoals blijkt uit het bovenstaand overzicht. In artikel 4 van de voorgaande verordening staat dat betaalinstellingen volledig kunnen worden vrijgesteld van alle rapportageverplichtingen. Met ingang van het herziene artikel 4 kan een vrijstelling alleen worden gegeven voor een gedeelte van de rapportageverplichtingen. Op basis van criteria in artikel 4 toetst DNB of een gedeeltelijke vrijstelling kan worden verleend.
  2. Met de nieuwe verordening vervalt de vrijheid van nationale banken om zelf te bepalen hoe vaak, hoe veel en wanneer betaalinstellingen moeten rapporteren. DNB kan dit dus niet meer zelf bepalen.
  3. De meeste betaaldiensten hebben dezelfde definitie in de PAY-taxonomie als in de PSD2 frauderapportage. Het verschil ligt echter in het detailniveau. Zo vereist de nieuwe rapportage enerzijds een uitsplitsing van de EEA landen (per land), en anderzijds een opgave van zowel de counterparty country/group als de terminal location bij kaartbetalingen, ongeacht of de betaling op afstand is of niet.
  4. Ook als een betaalinstelling geen activiteiten heeft, maar wel over een vergunning van DNB beschikt, is deze nu rapportageplichtig. Deze dient een zogeheten nil report te uploaden.
  5. Compliance officers van AISP’s moeten het aantal klanten per land rapporteren.

Wat betekent dit voor jou als compliance officer

Als compliance officer is het vooral van belang in kaart te brengen wat de delta is tussen de huidige en de nieuwe rapportageverplichting voor jouw bedrijf; Als je bedrijf voorheen genoot van een rapportage vrijstelling, dan betekent dit dat er vanaf nu een nieuwe rapportage bijkomt; Voor bepaalde betaalinstellingen die een gedeeltelijke vrijstelling hadden wordt nu de volledige rapportage verplicht; Voor betaalinstellingen waarvoor de rapportageplicht niet wijzigt, verandert de frequentie en het detailniveau van de rapportage.

Het is als instelling van belang om tijdig op de veranderingen voorbereid te zijn. Het is de taak van de compliance officer om bewustzijn te creëren van de verplichting bij het bestuur en binnen het bedrijf. De compliance officer moet zorgen dat alle benodigde data in het bedrijf beschikbaar is om de rapportage volledig in te kunnen vullen. En natuurlijk heeft de compliance officer de verantwoordelijkheid om te zorgen dat de rapportage op tijd bij de DNB wordt ingediend.  De taxonomie is daarmee de volgende uitdaging voor alle compliance officers van betaalinstellingen in Nederland.

Wettelijke verplichtingen en mogelijke nieuwe producten

Welke rapportage is voor jouw bedrijf van toepassing?

In de brief van de DNB staat aangegeven welke rapportage modules voor een bepaald bedrijf verplicht zijn. De modules kunnen worden gevonden op de website van de DNB. In het geval van een vrijstelling bij de nieuwe verordening hoeft een betaalinstelling alleen module PAY-D te rapporteren. Deze module vraagt minder informatie op en hoeft slechts jaarlijks te worden gerapporteerd. De deadline voor de eerste PAY-D rapportage is K4 2022.  Wanneer een betaalinstelling geen vrijstelling heeft moet de betaalinstelling zowel module PAY-CH (elk half jaar) als PAY-CQ (elk kwartaal) rapporteren. De deadlines voor deze modules zijn respectievelijk Q1 en Q2 van 2022.

De nieuwe verordening heeft als gevolg dat de huidige rapportage modules, PMTS-M, PMTS-O en PMTS-G, worden uitgefaseerd. Sinds 2022 vormen de volgende nieuwe modules de bron voor wettelijke verplichtingen en mogelijke nieuwe producten.

Dit is een artikel van Kaj van der Peet, consultant bij Enigma Consulting.

Your free eBook, What is Treasury?

13-04-2022 | treasuryXL | LinkedIn |


Receive your eBook What is Treasury? after subscribing to the free treasuryXL weekly newsletter.

The world of Treasury is a complex topic. Many people will think about pirates and big see ships that sank deep into the bottom of the ocean including their ‘treasure’. A mystery treasure map will lead the finder to a treasure worth a lot of money. In some way Treasury and Treasure have similarities, it is about money and other valuables.

Are you having a hard time how to explain what treasury is to family, friends and colleagues? Or are you interested to learn more about the World of Treasury?


treasuryXL created a 41 pages eBook for the corporate treasurers and the world of finance addict.

This eBook is designed to answer layman questions about the function of Treasury. treasuryXL bundled the most important information for you and created an easy to read and understand articles about the main subjects within the World of Treasury:

This ebook will answer your questions about Treasury topics.

treasuryXL explains the purpose of each Treasury function; what specialists do, examples of activities, FAQs, and a summary.

This ebook is based on the most relevant best practices that Treasury experts provided over the last years. On the website of treasuryXL you can explore additional information on the latest in Corporate Treasury.





Director, Community & Partners at treasuryXL





EuroFinance International Treasury Management returns to Vienna | 21-23 September 2022

08-04-2022 | Eurofinance | treasuryXL |


Featuring keynote speakers, Guy Verhofstadt and Göran Carstedt…

The 31st annual EuroFinance International Treasury Management 2022 will return this September with more than 2,000 attendees, 150 speakers, 100 sponsors and exhibitors.



For the first in-person event in three years, EuroFinance International Treasury Management keynote speakers will include Guy Verhofstadt, member of the European Parliament and Göran Carstedt, former corporate executive of Volvo and IKEA.

The full line-up brings more than 150 global corporate treasury leaders, financial institutions, technology providers and thought-leaders together to discuss the theme “Treasury in transition”, across 12 stages at Vienna’s Messe Wien Exhibition Congress Center from September 21st-23rd 2022.

Guy Verhofstadt is a Member of the European Parliament and co-chair of the Conference on the Future of Europe. He served as prime minister of Belgium from 1999 until 2008 and also made a name for himself as Brexit coordinator and as a passionate champion of more European integration. He will give the opening keynote on day 1.

Dr Göran Carstedt is the former head of IKEA North America and IKEA Retail Europe and former head of VOLVO France and Volvo Sweden. Having run some of the world’s leading companies, Dr Carstedt is also the former senior director of President Clinton’s Climate Change Initiative. He will give the opening keynote presentation on day 2 on how climate change is changing business.

Corporate treasury leaders from some of the world’s top multinationals – including TechnipFMC, Citrix Systems, Kongsberg Automotive, Autoneum, Equinor, Heinz, Medtronic, John Lewis – have also been confirmed.


“We look forward to seeing people connecting and collaborating face-to-face once again in Vienna. It’s great to see live events bouncing back across the world and from the response we have had so far,  it’s clear that our community of speakers, banks and technology providers are eager to meet in-person after 2 years of virtual meetings.” says Asif Chaudhury, Managing Director of EuroFinance.


Irreversibly changed after the events of the past few years, this year’s theme will explore the “new” treasury; a highly digital and automated function tasked with meeting strategic goals and changing remits against a backdrop of multiple issues from climate change to high inflation. Treasurers will share their experience in practical case studies and technical discovery labs and celebrate the innovations that will drive change.

EuroFinance’s growing list of sponsors and exhibitors for the event includes  J.P. Morgan Chase, Standard Chartered, Citi, Bank of America, BNP Paribas,, Fitch Group, HSBC, Santander Corporate & Investment Banking, Visa, Société Générale, ION, TIS, Remote Technology, B2C2, American Express, Bayerische Landesbank, UniCredit, PrimeRevenue, Northern Trust Asset Management, Credit Agricole, Zanders, ICD, Pictet Asset Management, Raiffeisen Bank, BlackRock, Legal and General, Tietoevry, Amundi, CMSpi, Nomentia, Aviva Investors Global Services, CashAnalytics, Treasury Systems, CoCoNet, Exalog, Traxpay, SisID, Finastra.

For more information and to register, visit:

About EuroFinance

EuroFinance, part of The Economist Group, is a leading global provider of treasury, cash management and risk events, research and training. With over 30 years of experience, our mission is to bring together the brightest minds and most influential voices in treasury. Through in-depth research with 1,000 corporate treasury professionals every year, we have a unique insight into the trends and developments within the profession and an unrivalled global viewpoint.


Marianne Ford
Senior Marketing Manager

Economist Impact
[email protected]



Treasury RFP’s digitization

06-04-2022 | treasuryXL | Treasury Delta | LinkedIn | The optimal, objective, and transparent selection of treasury supplier solutions and/or banking services, observing procurement principles and guidelines, remains a complicated challenge for all treasurers. It is extremely time-consuming and cost-ineffective. This article highlights a niche fintech solution developed by Treasury Delta to successfully digitize the […]

The top challenges that will affect your FX risk strategy in 2022

04-04-2022 | treasuryXL | Kantox | LinkedIn |

“The year of predictable unpredictability”, as The Economist calls it. But what challenges lay in store for risk managers in 2022 when it comes to their FX risk strategy?

Credits: Kantox


1. Shifting interest rate differentials across currencies

Let’s start with the first of our challenges that will affect your FX risk strategy in 2022, namely shifting interest rate differentials across currencies. This is the result of central banks reacting to inflation and inflation expectations. This will, in all likelihood, lead to increasing differences between FX rates with different value dates—also known as forward points. Central banks from a wide range of countries have adjusted their short-term interest rates in 2021, and more are set to act in 2022: Chile, Brazil, Czech Republic, UK, Hungary, Poland, NZ, South Africa, and South Korea among others.

Is your company well-prepared to manage those shifts? Is it well-prepared to take advantage of favourable forward points? In the event of ‘favourable’ forward points, for example, when a company sells and hedges in a currency that trades at a forward premium, pricing with the forward rate would allow that company to price more competitively—without endangering its profit margins.

As Toni Rami, Kantox’s Co-founder and Chief Growth Officer says, “most companies fail to take advantage of this opportunity, either because they lack the technology to do it, or because they are not aware of it, or because of both”.

Is it well prepared to protect itself from unfavourable forward points? This is shaping up to be a key concern in 2022. It would be the case, for example, of a company that sells (and hedges) in a currency or in currencies that trade at a forward discount, like a Europe- or a US-based firm that sells, for example, in Brazil.

This company could protect itself by setting boundaries around its FX pricing rate by means of automated and dynamically updated profit-taking and stop-loss orders in order to delay as much as possible the execution of the hedges. Failure to have this mechanism in place will mean:

(a) unnecessary financial losses due to the cost of carry (a key point in 2022 given recent developments in central bank policies)

(b) too much capital tied up in terms of collateral/margin requirements

(c) not enough time at your disposal in order to fine-tune and improve your forecasts (FX surveys consistently show that CFOs and treasurers would like to have more time at their disposal to fine-tune and improve their forecasts)

2. Ongoing pressure on profit margins

Turning to the second challenge, is the ongoing pressure on profit margins. There is a clear need for better, more dynamic pricing systems, as McKinsey surveys consistently show. Does your company have a proper system to price with FX rates? On the face of it, this looks like a simple proposition. It’s not. It requires a system to fetch the appropriate FX rate with criteria in terms of:

(a) sourcing the FX rate;

(b) communicating that FX rate to commercial teams

(c) updating that rate according to time-based or data-driven criteria.

And it also requires a system to create the FX-pricing rules that your business needs. Failure to have these systems in place will likely result in not being able to properly set the pricing markups —per client segment and per currency pair— that your commercial strategy requires and not being able to adequately use the forward rate for pricing purposes.

Take, again, the case of unfavourable forward points, namely a firm that sells and hedges in a currency that trades at a forward discount, or that buys and hedges in a currency that trades at a forward premium. With the proper pricing rules in place, the firm needs to price with the forward rate. That would allow it to avoid unnecessary financial losses on the carry. In 2022, with several EM central banks preparing to further raise short-term interest rates, this is likely to be a critically important element in any FXRM strategy.

3. The uncertain FX markets outlook

Finally, the uncertain FX markets outlook is a reminder of the importance of having a solid FX risk management strategy in place in 2022. According to Citi’s latest Treasury Diagnostics survey, 79% of risk managers have exposure to non-G10 currencies, in many cases unhedged because of costs, liquidity and regulations; 60% of treasurers expect a new client base in emerging markets to be the largest driver of FX-denominated sales growth. Yet 57% of CFOs say they suffered lower earnings in the past two years due to significant unhedged FX risk (worldwide), rising to 77% in EMEA. America: 61%, Asia: 43% (HSBC survey).

This requires automated hedging programs and/or combinations of automated hedging programs. Failure to have these programs in place in 2022 is likely to mean: (a) a high variability in performance, whether it is measured in cash-flow terms or in terms of accounting results; (b) failure to adequately protect and enhance operating profit margins; (c) the possibility that your customer’s FX could turn into your own credit risk if excessive currency volatility forces them to wait for a better exchange rate to settle their bills.

Worried about your FX risk health? Take our free assessment and get a personalised insights report in minutes.