Approaches to Investing Trapped Cash
By ComplexCountries
All international companies put a lot of effort into avoiding having cash trapped in emerging countries. But, despite our best efforts, there are still situations where cash accumulates in places from which it can’t be repatriated. This quickly becomes a lose/lose situation for the MNC: often the countries involved have high rates of inflation, and usually provide low rates of return on bank deposits – or even no return at all.

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So the cash loses its economic value, while counterparty risk quickly becomes an issue, over and above the sovereign risk concerns. Further, depending on the company’s accounting policies, exchange losses can negatively impact reported profits, as the local currency depreciates.
The purpose of this call was to discuss how to make the best of this bad situation – to look for ways of managing the issue.
Bottom line: everyone wants to increase the return on trapped cash, but no-one is prepared to abandon their risk management principles. If the custody issues can be solved – and it is a big “if” – short dated local government bonds attract interest, while most participants prefer to stick with cash deposits with international banks, even if this means applying pressure to increase yields. Of the alternative investments, real estate is amongst the most acceptable – but it also has many issues. So, it is back to managing the business so trapped cash does not build up in the first place…..
This report was produced by Monie Lindsey based on a Treasury Peer Call chaired by Damian Glendinning.